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Found 6 results

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31464897 I like most always knew that the man was a fool but this as well as showing everyone just how much of an idiot he is, this is asking for trouble, as forcing anyone to have treatment would surely infringe their human rights, as would be denying them benefits on those grounds, not to mention he has clearly forgotten that our broken NHS cannot cope as things are now without adding more pressure, He and his cronies really have no clue, They have obviously lost some of the grey matter they where born with ,(assuming that they had sufficient to begin life with)
  2. Do you RENT your home, If so, then you will know that good landlords are very very hard to find, Getting a repair done can be very difficult, or have you rented from a landlord who would suit the name slumlord more. There is currently no compulsory registration scheme for landlords or letting agents, I am petitioning the government to sort this out, Compulsory registration will help improve the industry, keep tenants safe from rogue landlords, and improve the quality of properties for rent. Please click the LINK below and sign this petition, You never know, it may help to improve your housing situation Tenants have to go through extensive vetting systems!! but what do landlords have to do, nothing, how do you know that your deposit is safe. This system i propose will ensure all landlords are solvent, mortgages are up to date, deposits are securely held, AND that Letting agents and landlords alike act in a responsible manor, This is something that has been over looked for too long, So help weed the crooks out of the system Please sign the petition below, all you have to do is follow the link. Please note, simply LIKING this post will have no input, you MUST click the link below please share this post http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/69580
  3. Tesco has today announced the introduction of a current account. It will cost £5 per month unless you deposit £750 per month. Although it will pay interest on credit balances, this is one not to get involved with unless you can guarantee funds deposits exceeding £750 per month every month or have funds left over at the end of each month. There will also be an 18.9% charge on arranged overdrafts plus fees on top of that for unarranged. So if you went over by £50 and could only afford to repay at £15 per month, you overdraft will continue to increase plus the fees on top.
  4. Follows what they say is evidence that customers prefer to have allocated seating,although they dont say if those surveyed said they would be happy to pay extra charges. Starting in November there will be an 3 charge bands for extra legroom,a seat at the front of the plane,or any other seat.Those not taking up the allocation option at booking,will be told their seat numbers before boarding. As many know,even paying for a seat at the front does not guarantee you will actually get into the airport terminal at your destination quicker.In fact many airports now have transfer bendy buses outside of aprons,and it can see those boarding FIRST getting off LAST ! http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/seat-easyjet-100605430.html
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/holidays/article-2157178/Summer-airline-rip-How-checking-suitcase-end-costing-260-bag.html
  6. The government has today said they are to introduce anti-trolling laws. The proposed plans will make it easier for the victims of internet trolls to bring actions against either the ISP or the site owner where the comments were posted, or if the ISP or site owner discloses details of the troll the liability shifts from the site owner to the troll themselves. The source of this is all over Sky News this morning :- http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16245551 To be honest its about time after being the victim of a troll myself, and if the law was changed I would almost certainly pursue a troll through the courts.
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