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  1. Compulsory microchipping to improve horse welfare READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/compulsory-microchipping-to-improve-horse-welfare
  2. Hi there I wonder if you can help with this. It seems fishy to me. My fiancee is a support worker (supporting disabled people who have their own tenancies) for an agency on a zero hours employment contract. All of her shifts involve supporting people in their own homes for the local city council (in Scotland, if that's relevant). On average, she works around 37 hours per week (sometimes a lot more), and does additional "sleeping" shifts (paid at a set rate) when they are available (on average one or two of these per week) My fiancee has been with the agency full time for around 18 months. The agency routinely emails all employees every week to say "You have been booked for shifts this week, so please check the online system" or "All shifts have now been allocated" but recently the weekly email included the line "All shifts over 6 hours moving forward will include a 30 minute unpaid break in line with the Councils working time directive." No other information was provided, and we have emailed the agency twice for further information but no reply. There are several problems with this: Firstly, my fiancee supports people with various physical and learning disabilities who explicitly, as per their care plans, cannot be left alone in their homes (or indeed alone in the community) for safety reasons. She works one to one with the person she is supporting, and no other staff members are available to relieve her. Some of them may inadvertently hurt themselves, or are vulnerable to abuse, or suffer from potentially fatal epileptic seizures. It is impossible for my fiancee to take a "break" from her work in the legal sense, and if she left anyone on their own it would be a clear case of a breach of duty of care and serious negligence. It should be noted that none of the Council's own support worker employees are also unable to take a break, as there is nobody available to cover their duties while they leave the site. As for the issue of compliance with the Council's policy/Working Time Regulations, the majority of her shift patterns never complies with the legal guidelines. For example, she is often booked for a PM shift finishing at 22:00, then a sleep shift, rolling over onto an AM shift starting at 07:00 and sometimes working well into the early afternoon. This pattern can repeat several times in a 7 day period. In addition, it seems like her pay conditions have been changed without her being asked to sign an updated contract. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated at this early stage. It sounds very wrong to me, given the circumstances of her work. Thanks a lot!
  3. Hi folks, A quick question - can an employer insist that staff attend a christmas carol service?
  4. Hi there everyone on CAG. I've read lots of threats on here, which have been full of very useful and invaluable advice, but I couldn't find anything very specific to my query. I'm hoping my thread will help people in the future with the same question. I'll quickly describe my situation. It goes like this: Basically, it's exactly what I've been charged with. I was on the London Underground, I didn't have a valid ticket, I got caught by a ticket inspector as I tried to exit the station who then asked for my details. I am not going to cry and whinge about my financial circumstances and any personal drama that led me to not having a proper ticket because; I deserved the outcome. It's all my fault and I deserved it. I didn't have a ticket, I used the trains unlawfully, I got caught by an inspector, I got sent a Court Summons, I returned it with a Guilty Plea, I got a hefty fine, I paid it all off in one go and the case is now officially closed and I've learnt a lesson to remember. What I would like to know is about is the charge I have been convicted of. I was only charged by TFL/the courts with this charge: 1: Byelaw 17(1) - No person shall enter a compulsory ticket area unless he has with him a valid ticket. On my 'Notice of fine and collection order' it is worded slightly differently, like so: 1/ Enter a compulsory ticket area on the Transport for London regional network without a valid ticket I am quite confused on the implications of this. My general understanding from what I have read is that, on the grand list of fines and charges that Rail Networks can hit you with, this one is quite 'minor'. There is generally no defence against it in court because it's a black and white issue. Either you had the correct ticket for the train stop you were getting off at, or you didn't. I have been told it is a 'Strict Liability Offence'. I have also read that Byelaw 17(1) is a 'non-recordable' offence and Byelaw's don't show up on Criminal records, except on enhanced Criminal Record Background (CRB) check's. My questions, which, again, I hope can also help other people, are as follows: 1: What is a 'non-recordable' offence? Does it show up on Criminal Record Background check's? 2: Again, from what I have read numerous times on different forums/articles I have seen that Byelaw offences 'may' show up on an Enhanced Criminal Record Background check. What decides whether or not it 'may' show up? Does it depend on what type of Byelaw offence it is? 3: Are TFL Byelaws any different to Railway Byelaw's offences? 4: What makes Byelaw offences different from, say, the Regulation of Railway offences? Is there a difference in the level of seriousness of the charges and conviction implications between the two? Finally, 5: Certain countries I want to travel to in the future require a visa and also a Criminal Record Background check (Australia, Canada, USA etc...). For this, I will need to provide a 'Subject Access Report' from the Police which shows all the information held about me on the Police National Computer (PNC). Will my Byelaw17(1) offence be held on the PNC? Thanks for any help and advice!
  5. Hi all, am I right in thinking that all letting agents are required by law to be signed up to an approved redress scheme (the property ombudsman, ombudsman services property or property redress scheme)? If this is the case, then who is responsible for enforcing this? Thanks, ben.
  6. Hi Is it legal for an employer to force you to go to mediation? And is it legal for them to threaten you with discipline or termination of your job if you don't? Thanks.
  7. Hello I'm appearing in magistrates court imminently because the now defunct First Capital Connect (FCC) are pursuing prosecution for a failure to produce a valid ticket at Finsbury Park station. I'm pragmatic about this and have attempted to settle with FCC without success, various parts of what happened leading up to the court date make little or no sense.. So here in brief. I travel once or twice monthly from and to Finsbury Park overground station. Travelled to Finsbury Park with valid ticket, exited train on newly built platform which had no ticket barriers unlike the other 4 platforms at the station. Discarded ticket because no barriers to put it in to, walked down two seperate flights of stairs to exit station, one FCC staff member at street entrance to station asks for ticket. I explain I discarded it and offer to go back and get it, staff refuses offer and says I cannot go back to get it. Staff asks for name and address which I give, he verifies it writes out missing ticket pad slip, I ask for copy of missing ticket pad slip, he declines to give me, I ask how can I pay, staff says they will post bill to me (no offer to allow me to pay there and then). FCC send court summons asking for any mitigating circumstances - I reply with above and ask them to check records of purchase for 1.5 hour period on day when I bought ticket, apologise profusely, make clear offer to meet their costs and pay for ticket to bring matter to a close. They write back asking me to contact them in light of my response to resolve matter. I email, telephone and write to the contact info given, after no response I start requesting they call email or write to me. I continue to try to make contact receiving no response for 6 weeks.. Get court summons 9 days before hearing asking court to award for £100 approx and cost of ticket £15 approx, I plead guilty by post outlining the above, apologising and pointing out I just don't want to waste anyones time. Court date passes, I receive letter from court stating they have adjourns matter to allow "prosecution to review", I've heard nothing from the prosecution (FCC ceased trading on 14th September this year) I contacted court to ask if hearing going ahead, they advised me yes and court staff said always best to attend, I will go because I want this matter to end, although I've already pleaded guilty by post and submitted mitigation with the guilty plea. I would laugh if it weren't for the fact this is serious and I respect the law, its stressed me for months and I'm going to court for the first time in my life - I'm no spring chicken. The date of birth on my summons is incorrect, I think this is irrelevant but am no solicitor. What I am keen to know is where the "compulsory ticket area" is at Finsbury Park station and most importantly could anyone give me any pointers on what I should do or say at court. As I've said I was happy enough to pay whatever to make FCC happy and still am, yet I have no means of contacting them since they don't respond to any normal channel and have now ceased to exist. I've been putting off looking at this but it's happening in a couple of days.. Any advice very welcome.
  8. Do you RENT your home, If so, then you will know that good landlords are very very hard to find, Getting a repair done can be very difficult, or have you rented from a landlord who would suit the name slumlord more. There is currently no compulsory registration scheme for landlords or letting agents, I am petitioning the government to sort this out, Compulsory registration will help improve the industry, keep tenants safe from rogue landlords, and improve the quality of properties for rent. Please click the LINK below and sign this petition, You never know, it may help to improve your housing situation Tenants have to go through extensive vetting systems!! but what do landlords have to do, nothing, how do you know that your deposit is safe. This system i propose will ensure all landlords are solvent, mortgages are up to date, deposits are securely held, AND that Letting agents and landlords alike act in a responsible manor, This is something that has been over looked for too long, So help weed the crooks out of the system Please sign the petition below, all you have to do is follow the link. Please note, simply LIKING this post will have no input, you MUST click the link below please share this post http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/69580
  9. Our contract of employment states that we are expected to do a reasonable amount of overtime. Our day starts at 7:45am our days runs are supposed to be for 10 1/2 hours officially finishing at 6:15pm, 1 hour for lunch. Our days are scheduled in the morning with time estimated from average time per job, this is just doing the job and does not account for additional time for trouble finding the site and problems that can be encountered doing the job (we can do between 6 to 30 drops per day). On paper our times are longer than the 10 1/2 hours and the return time to the depot can be anything from 7:15pm onwards, this is not accounting for any problems along the way. Most of the time we get back later than the scheduled time for the run often working a 13 hour day. Also because the runs are longer than the amount of hours in the day they macro the times down so they can fit in to the time available. If we have had a bad day and loads of problems the guys ring in and say it is too late they are bringing some items back, the amount of agro they get from the managers is terrible, I am quite happy to take the agro and I have an answer for every one of their reasons for forcing us to stay out late but many of the drivers are not as strong willed (or stubborn) as me and will stay out later. In my eyes 3 hours is unreasonable overtime, I even think 1 hour a day is unreasonable but I am happy to give that amount to give many more customers their items. There are so many other ways they make life difficult for the drivers but I could spend all day writing an essay about it. If overtime is scheduled in every day is that over time or just the working day? How long is reasonable overtime? I am working on a letter for the drivers to make them aware of the law that the company are breaking, including Holidays, working time directive, health and safety. Any information or links to laws, acts, regulations, acops that can give the drivers confidence to approach the management would be appreciated. Feel free to ask any questions for clarification or to expand on anything.
  10. Getting a mortgage and have been advised by the bank that Life Insurance is compulsory. Was quoted £45 a month and when I said that I would shop around was told that it wasn't worth it as I would have to get Lawyers involved to sign over the policy to the bank. A quote through Aviva is £11 a month. Are the bank right in this? How much will it cost for a Lawyer to sign over a policy saying that I will save over £300 a year.
  11. Hi, I hope someone can advise me. I've been off sick for over 6 months and I'm still very unwell. My employer has taken compulsory sickness benefit from my pay from when I started employment (many years ago). I know I was paid for the 1st 3 months in full sick pay from when I went sick but was unaware (until recently) I also got sick pay at 50% thereafter for up to 5 years from when my sickness commenced. I was advised I was entitled to nothing after my initial 12 weeks sick pay finished (which left me confused) although why my employer were taking mandatory (50% 5 year sick/disability) was never clarified. I feel my employer is forcing me to fill the forms unum have sent me (including confirmation from my GP to unum) since apparently they keep getting prompts from HR, unum etc. The impression given that this compulsory. If I recall correctly, this was optional as per the documents/ including phone call from unum personal - briefly skimmed through these many months ago so don't recollect if they need to be completed (mandatory). I was never advised my details were going to be passed on to unum until I received paper work out of the blue, which left me confused since up to that point I had never heard of them. Naturally, I don't want my employers to know my full condition other than what has been described by my GP on my sick notes. Is it mandatory for me to fill these forms in to continue to receive sick pay &/or fill them in? As far as I'm aware they are there to possibly help me back to work etc but I did not think I was compelled to fill them in and give them. Please advise.
  12. I work in a small office. I'm the only part time employee. Due to my chronic fatigue syndrome and other illnesses I work one day a week. That was the deal with the employee before me due to her family comitments. Additionally I cover holiday and sometimes sickness. I was of the opinion that this was by mutual agreement, when it suited me and them and that I could say "no" Apparently not. A few months ago, I was ill and received a call asking me to go in, I said no as I was ill. My boss was very abrupt and I heard later that she'd been angry that I hadn't. My job was to cover sick leave. I get sick too, that's why I'm doing this job that pays the bills if I'm very lucky. This week, I've covered for her being away longer than her agreed holiday. There are family reasons why she had to be away, I understand them, but I've been working through a chest infection and she has never asked me if it was OK for me to come in, just left a message with a colleague that she was off until further notice. She hasn't informed anyone of her plans. I've understood that she's been away longer, these things happen, but she assumes I'll cover for her. There's a reason that I work part time. I have to pace myself and I can't work beyond the point where I've agreed to stop. Anyway, I think next week she's going to demandthat I cover when ordered. I can't and won't live like this. Basically if this is the case my time is theirs even if not paid. If my phone rings, I have to go in. That cannot be right? I know it's hearsay so far but I want to prepare myself so I can stand up for my rights. I have rarely refused to cover, been really flexible. My contract says "Stand by cover will be necessary from time to time" Surely I must have some say in when and can't be made to suffer for not going in when ordered. I hope this makes some kind of sense. I understand a lot of this is what I've heard from others, but if she does make demands directly, I'd like tobe prepared.
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