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  1. Morning all, What is the best broadband provider for the Harrow area? Thanks.
  2. Hey guys on 19/10/2018 I have parked my motorbike next to the car bay in Olympic Park, the ground was not marked by yellow crossing lines there, while I am pretty sure it was in other places, so I assumed it is not a problem to park there. Received a PCN on that day and waited for NTK which arrived on 21/11/2018. The Parking Charge is 100£ at the moment. If not paid in 29 days, I am informed (threatened) that charge will go up by another 60£ I will try to scan and redact the NTK once I am in the office and will send it here as well Questionnaire: Date of infringement: 19/10/2018 at 13:15 Not appealed to PCN Received NTK: 21/11/2918 The NTK mentions Schedule 4 of Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 Parking Company is Gemini Parking Solutions Location is Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park London
  3. Hi All, I have been issued a FPN for spitting on a bush inside the land from where the Street is around 10 feet away in Hounslow. The foremost thing is , I am not aware of this offence at all. i DONT SEE ANY NO SPITING SIGN BOARD ANYWAY INSIDE OR OUTSIDE the land. There is an office in that land . When I came out of the premises I felt some saliva struck inside throat and before enter into street ,I spitted on the bush grown in front of premises. Oh suddenly I saw an officer came running towards me and started to say I committed an offence as spitting on bush which has been recorded so that a FNC will be issued. I really shocked . The penalty is £80. I clearly explained to the officer came from the council that I ddnt know anything about this law and also promised him I will never do it again. He was very adamant and never accepted my cry. He issued a FPC and told me to pay at the council. Its really a miserable situation for me. After that I just googled for spitting and penalty . I get only the penalty for spitting on the streets. Even though without keeping a sign board NO SPITTING , how can I avoid doing this ? I dont understand this type of enforcement at all. Please advise me how to appeal and make the council to waive off this unfair and irrational penalty .. I will be very much thankful for all those who advise.
  4. Hi I'm a little frustrated to say the least.. ..I've just made a drop off in a street in Newcastle upon Tyne (1.00am) - I noticed when I entered the side road that it was 2 way traffic but had calming area at the entrance/exit for one vehicle only to pass. It had 2 huge black and white "Sharp Deviation" or "Chevron" road signs on two black poles around 15 feet from the junction. I am pretty sure as this road is a normal road with no tight deviations that the wrong sign has been installed. I would assume when a chevron sign has been used it is informing motorists of dangers to tight bends (?) I was unfortunately distracted and forgot the road tethered into a calming area with exit for one vehicle. I parked the vehicle on the right hand side of the road. From that position, I then reversed - checked mirrors etc and haven't noticed the black pole (which is a foot into the road) as the street has extremely poor lighting (it was 1am and the road is nearly in darkness). I've caused major damage to the side of my car with damage done to the side bumper and rear quarter panel before it gets to the wheel arch. I am annoyed with myself but I'm equally annoyed that I can't understand the mentality of why the council has placed a Sharp Deviation sign on 2 black poles with each pole causing an obstruction on the path (for wheelchairs) and the road. It's baffling and I've genuinely can't remember seeing another road with this type of signage. I would like to assume the correct sign which should have been placed is the road would be the mounted yellow plastic signage (yellow and white plastic bollards with a blue arrows). There is also no coloured road surface to inform drivers its a calming area. I would like to know if I have a case to take legal action against the council for damage done to my vehicle. I've obviously made the error by not checking everywhere before moving but feel I have not been helped by the poor decisions of the Council. I have attached the files but will try to also add the photos to this thread too. Hopefully I'm reading this correctly.... I've just searched to see if there is a minimum width which councils are required to abide to for clearance for wheelchairs (as the pole is also cemented into the path). I've found this: The British Government have set a recommended minimum width, to be enforced by local Authorities. What is the minimum width? Answer: "1800mm on access routes to buildings, from bus stops or car parks with a deregation down to 1200mm around existing obstructions -'Manual for Streets 2' CIHT 2010". I do not believe the clearance is 1200mm and will check this tomorrow. If the width is less than 1200mm is the signage illegal? Thank you in advance for any help C
  5. Hi, I was recently on a flight from Vienna to Gatwick. The distance is 1250km (775 miles). The delay was exactly 3 hours, 4 minutes (184 minutes). Under Flight Regulation EC 261/2004 I am entitled to compensation of 250€ per passenger (2 of us) for flight delays longer than 3 hours. The delay was due to a technical fault. I contacted BA via email for compensation. They responded stating that 175 minutes was due to technical fault, and the remaining 9 minutes was due to ATC as they had to wait for a slot to take off, therefore since less than 180 minutes was their fault, they reject the claim for compensation. My friend, on a different BA flight had exactly the same issue - his flight delayed by 200 minutes, and BA claimed 175 due to technical fault, and 25 due to waiting for ATC to let them go. Suspicious. From my point of view, if there was no technical fault, the flight would have taken off in the allocated time and the delay would have been 0 minutes. The technical fault caused the ATC delay, and therefore the delay is entirely BA fault, all 184 minutes of it. So they should pay me compensation. Also, does "ATC waiting for a takeoff slot" count as "extraordinary circumstances" ? I know an ATC strike, or ATC staff shortages may do, but there is nothing improper or out of the ordinary about the operation of ATC at this time - it is entirely correct operation, they are just waiting for the next free slot because obviously they cant just let a plane go immediately when its ready, so there will always be some kind of delay here, so how can it be classed extraordinary? It seems there is a grey area on the Air Traffic Control and airlines can use it to get out of paying compensation. Please can someone give me advice on this? Thanks, Ryan.
  6. A van has crashed into a crowd of people in central Barcelona, causing an unknown number of injuries, with local media reporting at least one armed man had subsequently entered a restaurant in the area. Spanish police, who said they were treating the incident as a terrorist attack, said several people were injured in the “massive crash” on Las Ramblas, a wide boulevard in an area of the city popular with tourists. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/17/van-crashes-into-crowd-of-people-barcelona-las-ramblas
  7. Hello. We recently received a PCN for parking in a suspended bay or space and have had our initial appeal rejected (not yet received a "Notice to Owner") and were wondering our best course of action is from here. We live in a street that has residents parking as well as pay-and-display (we have a residents parking permit which we pay a yearly fee for). There are no actual "bays", you can park in the first space large enough for your car in the local area. The only road markings related to parking is a dashed white line parallel to the pavement within which you have to park. A week previously, one or more signs appeared on the lamp post outside stating that the parking was suspended on the day in concern "Outside number 20". We live next door and as I was leaving for work that morning I looked at our car and felt it was legally parked outside our house (number 18). When my wife went to get in the car later that day she saw the PCN attached with contravention 21s "Parked wholly or partly in a suspended bay or space - shared use bay". When we looked at the pictures provided by the council we could see that approximately 1/3 of the car (at most) could be said to be outside No.20 the rest outside No.18 - so in our view the car was parked outside No.18. When I had left in the morning, and when the pictures were taken by the traffic officer, the car was also blocked front and back my rubbish bags and bins as the waste collection was that day and they pre-empt the cart by pulling the bags and bins out into the parking area for collection later. We made the initial appeal on the grounds that the suspended bay/area was undefined and required you to imagine a line drawn from where the 2 houses join to work out where "outside no 20" actually meant and that I was unable to move the car due to the rubbish bags and bins in front and behind it. This was rejected. Interestingly the rejection letter refers to "parking bays" and also seems to reject our appeal because we had a previous appeal upheld. Is there any precedent that we can use here as to what would qualify as being "outside number 20" when there are no marked bays? Is an imaginary line drawn from where the houses join a valid qualification? Also if our car was blocked by rubbish bags and rubbish bins so that it was not possible to move is it reasonable to expect us to move them so we can move the car? Any help or suggestions in this would be appreciated. Even if it is to just pay the reduced (paid within 2 weeks) penalty. Thanks
  8. After scoring zero points on my 3rd WCA assessment (so no change there ) I find my self in a dilemma! Do I or do I not claim Universal Credit [uC] Well.................... http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/10218/ http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/9951/ That's in Full Service areas I'm still in a single claimant area so..... I'm going for it.... ; a. LHA change of circumstances in today NIL income declaration well except for DLA,. b. going to have to argue for an annotated fit note from a GP I've seen before from here http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/8408/ c. sent off the SAR and Mandatory Reconsideration with proof of posting this morning. Now the basics of the argument are; a, as you have not claimed UC there is no new claim nor conversion to UC regs. b, as there is no new claim nor migration it's all just a new phase in the same ESA claim which REG 30 applies too Antone knows there shizzle on this procedural stuff so maybe can advise? So ESA at assessment rate with DLA/.PIP premiums is still....
  9. Hello! Wondering if anyone can help. We have just moved out of a flat. The flat is in a converted house with two other flats. There is a communal hallway which serves each of these. The landlord has not made any deductions relating to our flat. However, there is what looks like an oil stain on the stairs of the communal hallway. She claims that we are responsible because my partner owns a bike. The carpet is extremely old - probably 20-25 years old and in very bad condition. It is extensively stained and damaged. The landlord is requesting that we pay for the recarpteing of the communal hall due to the stain. Can anyone advise what our position is here? The deposit is held by TDS so we can proceed to arbitration, but it would be helpful to know what our rights are. Thanks in advance.
  10. I have been given a ticket for parking in a special enforcement area adjacent to a dropped footway, I appealed on the grounds that the area leads to a woodland area with no foot path or entry, there is a drive next to the dropped footway which leads to nowhere, I cannot see for the life of me why anyone would walk there, push a pram there or make a delivery, the appeal was rejected. I didn't receive the notice of rejection, and phoned and e-mailed three times to confirm this, I have now received the notice of rejection but would like to appeal to the independent authority with photos which show the dropped footway is redundant and serves no purpose, how do I go about that as there is no details on who to appeal to, it just states on my choices about an appeal to the adjudicator against rejection by the authority of representations but no response to the appeal was received. I would like any advice
  11. Something came to my attention yesterday.Better just start this off.Shocked me. There are currently 3.7 million children living in poverty in the UK. That’s over a quarter of all children. 1.7 million of these children are living in severe poverty. . In the UK 63% of children living in poverty are in a family where someone works. The Government has a statutory requirement, enshrined in the Child Poverty Act 2010, to end child poverty by 2020. However, it is predicated that by 2020/21 another 1 million children will be pushed into poverty as a result of the Coalition Government’s policies. Check your area out and see how many children are in poverty. POVERTY IN YOUR AREA http://www.endchildpoverty.org.uk/poverty-in-your-area/ Changes will push children into poverty Figures published by the End Child Poverty coalition, of which The Children’s Society is a member, show that nearly three in ten children in Greater Manchester lived in poverty at the end of 2013. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/changes-push-children-poverty-10949893 Peers defeat government over child poverty reports http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35405479 These child poverty statistics and facts will help to give you an idea of the scale of child poverty in the UK and the affect it can have on: a child's education a child's health the day to day lives of families. https://www.barnardos.org.uk/what_we_do/our_work/child_poverty/child_poverty_what_is_poverty/child_poverty_statistics_facts.htm I have read 43% of Children in Manchester do not have a hot meal,repeated across many areas very worrying. Well i have started this thread about child poverty not knowing much about this problem. What is it like in your area.And have your say.I had not realised there was such a big problem out there. If you have links to back up your point all the better. In Manchester i have noticed a lady trying to raise a few pounds from local businesses to provide a few hot meals in Salford for children. Seems a good idea.Could make a big difference repeated across the country. http://www.poundsforchildpoverty.org.uk/ Bye for now. Tawnyowl.
  12. Hi there everyone on CAG. I've read lots of threats on here, which have been full of very useful and invaluable advice, but I couldn't find anything very specific to my query. I'm hoping my thread will help people in the future with the same question. I'll quickly describe my situation. It goes like this: Basically, it's exactly what I've been charged with. I was on the London Underground, I didn't have a valid ticket, I got caught by a ticket inspector as I tried to exit the station who then asked for my details. I am not going to cry and whinge about my financial circumstances and any personal drama that led me to not having a proper ticket because; I deserved the outcome. It's all my fault and I deserved it. I didn't have a ticket, I used the trains unlawfully, I got caught by an inspector, I got sent a Court Summons, I returned it with a Guilty Plea, I got a hefty fine, I paid it all off in one go and the case is now officially closed and I've learnt a lesson to remember. What I would like to know is about is the charge I have been convicted of. I was only charged by TFL/the courts with this charge: 1: Byelaw 17(1) - No person shall enter a compulsory ticket area unless he has with him a valid ticket. On my 'Notice of fine and collection order' it is worded slightly differently, like so: 1/ Enter a compulsory ticket area on the Transport for London regional network without a valid ticket I am quite confused on the implications of this. My general understanding from what I have read is that, on the grand list of fines and charges that Rail Networks can hit you with, this one is quite 'minor'. There is generally no defence against it in court because it's a black and white issue. Either you had the correct ticket for the train stop you were getting off at, or you didn't. I have been told it is a 'Strict Liability Offence'. I have also read that Byelaw 17(1) is a 'non-recordable' offence and Byelaw's don't show up on Criminal records, except on enhanced Criminal Record Background (CRB) check's. My questions, which, again, I hope can also help other people, are as follows: 1: What is a 'non-recordable' offence? Does it show up on Criminal Record Background check's? 2: Again, from what I have read numerous times on different forums/articles I have seen that Byelaw offences 'may' show up on an Enhanced Criminal Record Background check. What decides whether or not it 'may' show up? Does it depend on what type of Byelaw offence it is? 3: Are TFL Byelaws any different to Railway Byelaw's offences? 4: What makes Byelaw offences different from, say, the Regulation of Railway offences? Is there a difference in the level of seriousness of the charges and conviction implications between the two? Finally, 5: Certain countries I want to travel to in the future require a visa and also a Criminal Record Background check (Australia, Canada, USA etc...). For this, I will need to provide a 'Subject Access Report' from the Police which shows all the information held about me on the Police National Computer (PNC). Will my Byelaw17(1) offence be held on the PNC? Thanks for any help and advice!
  13. Could someone help me understand what "Moved within area" means. I recently applied for housing benefit and got a letter from them saying that claim has been cancelled and "Moved within area - Please reply."? Any help please?
  14. Hi, hope this is the most relevant forum, if not please move. Try as might, attempted to find out answer to my query but my LA does not give any details on this subject. Nor does there appear to be any legal website giving law surrounding! However,as the title says, due to parking problems some years ago, our road/close/avenue, is a residential parking permit area. In addition, each resident is allowed to apply for upto 2 visitor passes. Parking, even with permits, now seems to becoming a problem again. My question is quite simply, is it possible to apply for residential disabled parking bay within a residential permit parking area? Different LA seem to have different approaches to this, but as previously mentioned nothing on my LA website, merely blue badge information. I am in possession of blue badge, as are a couple of other residents, but the added difficulty is our next door neighbour who, if the opportunity arises, parks his vehicle over 2 spaces (there are no marked parking spaces), causing us to seek at times a parking space 2 or 3 times distance from where we are normally able to park as close to our flat, although still within residential parking area. Wondering if any readers had/have similiar problems ways or resolving. Grateful for any responses and advice.
  15. Hi all. First time poster on here. I received the attached the attached parking charge notice a couple of days ago. It is from a company called park watch and states I entered a no access area on private land and provides photographic evidence showing this. I cannot dispute that I did this. The location was One Stop Shopping Centre in Perry Barr, Birmingham. My question is would I have any grounds of appeal? Any information/advice much appreciated. Many thanks Mark
  16. I live in a self contained basement flat in a building of three flats. My flat has its own seperate front and rear doors, completely seperate and unconnected with the two upper flats and both opening onto the street. My flat is completely unconnected to the top two. The two upper flats share a common front door, hallway and stairs to their respective flats. These upper two flats are let out by the owners as holiday apartments. I have no access to the common areas of these flats and do not share any services with them, however this year the owners of these flats decided to put new carpet on their stairs and have complete new decoration and a new lighting system within their common area. Is it right that they can use the portion of my service charge to refurbish this area, common to them only, and with no related benefit to me, and in an area non accessible to me. I would be very pleased for some guidance in this matter
  17. Virgin Media Internet access is down for the whole area I live in, spoke to them a few hours on the phone, they said they are 'aware of the problem' and it should be fixed soon, this was over 5 hours ago! I'm at my sisters using her internet to post this on here, what can be done for Virgin Media to get off their backsides and fix it?
  18. The company are forcing me/work colleagues to use a 'makeshift' rest area consisting of a couple of tables pushed together and 4 chairs on the factory floor where we work as they say it takes to long to go to the proper canteen upstairs. The environment is noisy with machines running/radio on etc. I've challenged this stating the fact I can't remove my PPE in this 'rest area' as it's still on the factory floor as per HSE ,'facilities for rest and eat meals' as I'm on my feet most of the day and I like to take my boots off when I get the chance as my feet ache etc. http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg244.pdf As a side note,The tables and chairs partially block the route to the fire exit. It also states I'm not allowed to bring food onto the factory floor but they're willing to 'over look' this as they say we can bring snacks in! Am I right in challenging this or should I consider myself lucky to get a break? Thanks for reading,any advice much appreciated
  19. I parked in a council car park a couple of weeks ago and got a ticket, at first I couldnt understand why as I thought I had parked in a disabled bay which I am allowed to do. Someone was already in that space and they left and I reversed straight into the bay. However it turned out to be a restricted area, but looked like a disabled bay as it was situated on the end of the row of disabled bay parking spaces. I parked over where it said 'keep clear' so had no knowledge until I got the PCN that it was restricted. There were no other signs. I understand I was in the wrong, however if I didnt see the 'keep clear' signs under my car as I had no idea that it was restricted, surely they should have signs on the wall to make it clearer. I certainly would not have parked there otherwise. I have appealed it, but the onus is on me to check. Was their response. I happened to be in a rush and didnt think about looking under my car to see if I was parked correctly. who does in a car park. As i said a car was already parked there so didnt see the 'keep clear' sign. I just want to know, please, do the council have to have other signs, say on the wall to state that the area is restricted, it was marked out in yellow just like the other disabled bays. Im quite happy to pay it but if its a technicality that I dont have to pay Im all for that, I cant really afford to pay it if you get what I mean. Cheers guys
  20. Hello I'm appearing in magistrates court imminently because the now defunct First Capital Connect (FCC) are pursuing prosecution for a failure to produce a valid ticket at Finsbury Park station. I'm pragmatic about this and have attempted to settle with FCC without success, various parts of what happened leading up to the court date make little or no sense.. So here in brief. I travel once or twice monthly from and to Finsbury Park overground station. Travelled to Finsbury Park with valid ticket, exited train on newly built platform which had no ticket barriers unlike the other 4 platforms at the station. Discarded ticket because no barriers to put it in to, walked down two seperate flights of stairs to exit station, one FCC staff member at street entrance to station asks for ticket. I explain I discarded it and offer to go back and get it, staff refuses offer and says I cannot go back to get it. Staff asks for name and address which I give, he verifies it writes out missing ticket pad slip, I ask for copy of missing ticket pad slip, he declines to give me, I ask how can I pay, staff says they will post bill to me (no offer to allow me to pay there and then). FCC send court summons asking for any mitigating circumstances - I reply with above and ask them to check records of purchase for 1.5 hour period on day when I bought ticket, apologise profusely, make clear offer to meet their costs and pay for ticket to bring matter to a close. They write back asking me to contact them in light of my response to resolve matter. I email, telephone and write to the contact info given, after no response I start requesting they call email or write to me. I continue to try to make contact receiving no response for 6 weeks.. Get court summons 9 days before hearing asking court to award for £100 approx and cost of ticket £15 approx, I plead guilty by post outlining the above, apologising and pointing out I just don't want to waste anyones time. Court date passes, I receive letter from court stating they have adjourns matter to allow "prosecution to review", I've heard nothing from the prosecution (FCC ceased trading on 14th September this year) I contacted court to ask if hearing going ahead, they advised me yes and court staff said always best to attend, I will go because I want this matter to end, although I've already pleaded guilty by post and submitted mitigation with the guilty plea. I would laugh if it weren't for the fact this is serious and I respect the law, its stressed me for months and I'm going to court for the first time in my life - I'm no spring chicken. The date of birth on my summons is incorrect, I think this is irrelevant but am no solicitor. What I am keen to know is where the "compulsory ticket area" is at Finsbury Park station and most importantly could anyone give me any pointers on what I should do or say at court. As I've said I was happy enough to pay whatever to make FCC happy and still am, yet I have no means of contacting them since they don't respond to any normal channel and have now ceased to exist. I've been putting off looking at this but it's happening in a couple of days.. Any advice very welcome.
  21. A few queries on this but for now: The claimant was in receipt of a 2012/13 Indefinite award and they have a carer Letter dated 25th June from DPW inviting the claimant of DLA to now apply for PiP and giving them 4 Weeks to make the claim. The letter states if they start the claim by 23rd July the DLA will continue until such time as the decision on the Pip Claim is made.? So/ Q1: Is this the actual claim inclusive of all the form filling or is for the initial 'calling them to apply for the form to make the claim? --- The claimant is physically disabled and had a mental disorder, they're under a consultant psychiatrist, have been for some time. On the PIP Assessment Guide Updated 27th May 2014 It is recognised in PIP that claimants who have a mental health or behavioural condition, learning difficulty, developmental disorder or memory problems may not comply fully with the claims process due to a lack of mental capacity or insight – for example, not understanding or caring about the consequences of not returning a claim form. In PIP, these claimants are stated as having “additional support needs”. Elements of the PIP claims process have been adapted to provide further support for this group. It is already apparent that the claimant when they were advised that a form has come through for them to fill out...they're not going to do it, they for one reason or another feel they're being persecuted/singled out and being spied on by the state...in other words they most certainly do have a behavioural condtion and now it's coming to the fore since the application dropped on their mate....Apart from the worry that is causing those associated with the claimant (immediate family) there is the added pressure on the carer to try and fill in the form on their behalf. So Normally if a claimant for the PiP does not fill the form in within the prescribed limit (see Q1 as to how long that may be) the payments they're already receiving (DLA ) will ordinarily cease pending pending a claim being made and being successful?....however, there is a provision for a person with a mental disorder to forego the original claim filling and instead the dwp will either request a face to face or carry on with a paper filled claim.. Q2/ The question is, if the claimant doesn't send in or reply to the original invite for them to make a claim....will they lose their money whilst the claim is being assessed ? Is the claimants carer expected to fill in and send? or will the claim continue to be paid whilst the dwp do their own checks/requests for additonal information Many claimants with mental, intellectual or cognitive impairments will have no problems returning the questionnaire. Others will have support from a family member, carer, Community Psychiatric Nurse or other person who will usually ensure that the questionnaire is returned. However, this will not always be the case and this process ensures that such claimants are not unfairly penalised because of the impact of their impairment. q3/ How does one find out if the claimant is seen by the DWP as requiring additional support needs?
  22. Hi everyone, I believe this episode is inserted in mitigating circumstances because when I arrived to the site I was finishing a delivery to a customer and I had parked in the bay with the display ticket clearly visible in the van. (it wasn't necessary) When I was ready to leave the site I realize the approach of a CEO that however informed me that my van could not be there as it was an area not designated for class of vehicle. (I have a Luton van) and allegedly he thought I was parked there and pointed my registration What are my chances of making challenge and run well? I received the PCN and I'm sure the CEO did not collect information from my road tax disc as also does not contain any pictures as proof in the PCN letter. I parked on that bay to not obstruct the traffic flow on that street where only one car can transit in both directions and also for safety reasons I stopped at that bay (with display ticket). I feel frustrated because I see that these people do everything possible to achieve their targets and I got £130 fine to pay Can I prove something with my customer? what can I do? Gratefull for your attention Tiago
  23. I am buying a leasehold first floor flat in a building consisting of a ground floor restaurant (leased from the freeholder) a first and second floor flat. In both the first and second floor flats title deeds there are internal communal areas defined such as the stairs to our personal front doors from the outside front door. One of these areas is defined as a shared bin storage area located in a small room at the bottom of the stairwell, enclosed by its own door from within the flats shared area. After buying the property I noticed that this door was nailed shut and after forcing open noticed a stud-work wall behind. I approached the lease holders of the restaurant and was informed the free holder of the building have given them permission to integrate this area into their restaurant. Was this legal, as this was clearly defined as a shared area for the two flats and has now left us, the flat owners, with no sealed storage for rubbish. This means either all rubbish has to stay within our own flats till collection day, or in the shared stairwell, which causes the whole of the shared stair area to smell especially during hotter months. Can we legally get the freeholder to reinstate this area as defined in the deeds to our flats?
  24. Hello guys, I was wondering if you can help me. We live in parking permit zone and i have just bought a car, went to the post office and got it taxed(disabled) and the post office sent the logbook under my name as the car is now taxed as disabled. My wife and son are both disabled. My wife has got a blue badge where as my son is autistic. He is 8 years old and dont wanna sit in the back seat and the problem is that as soon as the car is parked he wants to open the driver door and run out so i have to be really quick to stop him running so as soon as i park the car i run out of driver side to get hold of my son. Now last week we came home from shopping and i parked the car outside my house. My son as usual was trying to run out and as i was worried i ran out to get hold of him and in all that i forgot to to display the blue badge on my car. As we are waiting for the logbook to come from dvla i cannot apply for the parking permit. The next day i had to go out and found that there was a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice) on the car. Contravention Code : 12 Contravention : PARKED IN A RESIDENTS' OR SHARED USE PARKING PLACE OR ZONE WITHOUT EITHER CLEARLY DISPLAYING A VALID PERMIT OR VOUCHER OR PAY AND DISPLAY TICKET ISSUED FOR THAT PLACE. OR WITHOUT PAYMENT OF THE PARKING CHARGE. As the car is taxed as disabled, i was wondering if we can appeal the pcn. I know that the blue badge should be displayed but as i got autistic child i was wondering if i can appeal. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  25. I saw a road incident earlier today in the Hyde Park Gyratory (at the end of Grovenor Park) and have been asked as a witness, though I was not involved. Does anyone know if there are cameras nearby that would have possibly have caught what went on ? Thanks
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