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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, I was recently on a flight from Vienna to Gatwick. The distance is 1250km (775 miles). The delay was exactly 3 hours, 4 minutes (184 minutes). Under Flight Regulation EC 261/2004 I am entitled to compensation of 250€ per passenger (2 of us) for flight delays longer than 3 hours. The delay was due to a technical fault. I contacted BA via email for compensation. They responded stating that 175 minutes was due to technical fault, and the remaining 9 minutes was due to ATC as they had to wait for a slot to take off, therefore since less than 180 minutes was their fault, they reject the claim for compensation. My friend, on a different BA flight had exactly the same issue - his flight delayed by 200 minutes, and BA claimed 175 due to technical fault, and 25 due to waiting for ATC to let them go. Suspicious. From my point of view, if there was no technical fault, the flight would have taken off in the allocated time and the delay would have been 0 minutes. The technical fault caused the ATC delay, and therefore the delay is entirely BA fault, all 184 minutes of it. So they should pay me compensation. Also, does "ATC waiting for a takeoff slot" count as "extraordinary circumstances" ? I know an ATC strike, or ATC staff shortages may do, but there is nothing improper or out of the ordinary about the operation of ATC at this time - it is entirely correct operation, they are just waiting for the next free slot because obviously they cant just let a plane go immediately when its ready, so there will always be some kind of delay here, so how can it be classed extraordinary? It seems there is a grey area on the Air Traffic Control and airlines can use it to get out of paying compensation. Please can someone give me advice on this? Thanks, Ryan.
  2. This relates to a previous thread. When you are on a meter????????? http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?354115-Get-a-Rain-Barrel-%28Water-Butt%29 You can also save your grey water for use on your garden. Use a similar water butt system to collect water from your sink and washing machine (bath water would need a pump, and not enough shower water to justify a pump unless flooded with teenagers. Collecting sink water is fine but avoid edible food waste (attracts vermin). Mine goes straight down the loo, small piece only, or else collected in a bag for our dog poo bin. Can't put such waste in a refuse bag cos of our fox problem. I use a simple submersible pond pump ca £30 to pump out into a hose pipe for distribution to the flower beds. Does it smell, slight sniff of washing machine water but it goes after half an hour. My meter consumption is down from 100L/day to I could go completely off drain http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2009/may/12/humanure-composting-toilets but lets not go down there just yet:-D
  3. For anybody that has read the GREY books here's a poem that will make you smile. Me missus bought a paperback Down town on Saturday, I had a peep into her bag; 'Twas “Fifty Shades of Grey." Well I just left her to it, And at ten I went to bed. An hour later she appeared; The sight filled me with dread. Her left hand held a length of rope; And in her right a whip! She threw them down onto the floor, And then began to strip. Well fifty years or so ago I might have had a peek; But Doris hasn’t weathered well; She’s eighty four next week. Watching Doris bump and grind Could not have been much grimmer. Things then went from bad to worse; She toppled off her Zimmer! She struggled up upon her feet A cuppla minutes later; She put her teeth back in and said That I must dominate her!! Now if you knew our Doris, You would see just why I spluttered, I’d spent two months in traction For the last complaint I’d uttered. She stood there nude, just naked like, Bent forward just a bit …. I took a pace to brace meself And stood on her left t*t! Old Doris screamed, her teeth shot out; My god what had I done? She moaned and groaned then shouted out: “Step on the other one!” Well readers, I won't tell no more What happened on that day. Suffice to say my jet black hair Turned “fifty shades of grey”
  4. I recently made a claim under my ppi with bright grey and they sent for my medical records. On my application form at the time i stated that I had no known mental illness(which i believe is true) They state on my medical records I suffered from depression and had suicial ideation as my boyfriend died in a car crash and what I suffered was a loss not flipin depression as they are stating, even my doctor confirmed this to me that I went through a loss and was not treated as a mental illness. They are saying I should of told them on my application form about this, but I did not attend counselling, took no medication it was merely to get a sick line to stay of work as my son was only 2 years of age at the time and I needed to sort him also. What can I do they have took my medical record and twisted it beyond belief. Tey want to cancel my policy due to me not telling them I mourned over the loss! It is absolutely outrageous how they can get away with this.
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