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Found 4 results

  1. UK aid to protect 7,000 Commonwealth veterans of the British Armed Forces from extreme poverty READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-aid-to-protect-7000-commonwealth-veterans-of-the-british-armed-forces-from-extreme-poverty
  2. Something came to my attention yesterday.Better just start this off.Shocked me. There are currently 3.7 million children living in poverty in the UK. That’s over a quarter of all children. 1.7 million of these children are living in severe poverty. . In the UK 63% of children living in poverty are in a family where someone works. The Government has a statutory requirement, enshrined in the Child Poverty Act 2010, to end child poverty by 2020. However, it is predicated that by 2020/21 another 1 million children will be pushed into poverty as a result of the Coalition Government’s policies. Check your area out and see how many children are in poverty. POVERTY IN YOUR AREA http://www.endchildpoverty.org.uk/poverty-in-your-area/ Changes will push children into poverty Figures published by the End Child Poverty coalition, of which The Children’s Society is a member, show that nearly three in ten children in Greater Manchester lived in poverty at the end of 2013. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/changes-push-children-poverty-10949893 Peers defeat government over child poverty reports http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35405479 These child poverty statistics and facts will help to give you an idea of the scale of child poverty in the UK and the affect it can have on: a child's education a child's health the day to day lives of families. https://www.barnardos.org.uk/what_we_do/our_work/child_poverty/child_poverty_what_is_poverty/child_poverty_statistics_facts.htm I have read 43% of Children in Manchester do not have a hot meal,repeated across many areas very worrying. Well i have started this thread about child poverty not knowing much about this problem. What is it like in your area.And have your say.I had not realised there was such a big problem out there. If you have links to back up your point all the better. In Manchester i have noticed a lady trying to raise a few pounds from local businesses to provide a few hot meals in Salford for children. Seems a good idea.Could make a big difference repeated across the country. http://www.poundsforchildpoverty.org.uk/ Bye for now. Tawnyowl.
  3. Hi all I am still muddling through various debts ect... But in November 2013 contacted CAP ( christians against poverty ) who took over all my affairs ! They did income/expenditure and gave me details of how much I could have for shopping and all the payments that they would be making on my behalf... which was initially good..They advised me that I should get a DRO....Have to save up for that !!! CAP advised me in Nov to stop my direct debits that I had set up with British Gas for paying gas an electric bills...ect. They set up a standing order in November to take money out of my benefits..And they would pay my various bills ect... but up till today have not paid out to anybody!!! Not for gas/electric or rent arrears ..And now British Gas have wrote to me to tell me they are applying for a warrant to fit prepayment meters for both gas/electric !!!!! Naturally I am beside my self with worry !!! I have rang cap and told them this, they are saying dont worry they will contact BG and tell them they are going to start making payments,but so far this whole week when I have rang CAP they say they have not been able to spaek to BG.. So as I dont want prepayment meters I said I would borrow money and pay my gas/elec arrears,and that they can then start paying them the amounts they have decided I can afford.. But I have been told I cannot do that as they are going to do a DRO ! And they have also told me that as I rent my home they cannot stop my landlord taking me to court to evict me ,even with a DRO.. I am so confused ,I was hoping they would help me,but I am in more of a mess than before !!!! I want to know can I stop my DRO I have not paid the £90 fee..
  4. Just change the definition of course! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18436795
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