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Found 4 results

  1. UK aid to protect 7,000 Commonwealth veterans of the British Armed Forces from extreme poverty READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-aid-to-protect-7000-commonwealth-veterans-of-the-british-armed-forces-from-extreme-poverty
  2. So what are your thoughts on this. I think it is in very bad tastes and what does it have to do with the ethos of the Commonwealth Games. Not forgetting all those people that had compulsory purchase orders on there properties to make way for buildings need for these games. http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2014/apr/03/glasgow-2014-red-road-flats-demolished-opening-ceremony-commonwealth-games
  3. I have over $30,000 in credit debt-and have been paying $1000 a month of which only $200 goes to principle. The finance charge is low on credit portion, but they are charging me another interest payment for the cash advance portion of debt so a total of over $800 in interest. I am no longer a resident and hve been denied my recent renewal as I have no property and work overseas. I am a dual EU and SA citizen and am married to a US citizen who owns a home in US, though I only am out of the US much of the year due to work. I have no savings and this is half my current total debt and have been advised to stop paying this account until I can take care of my US debt and offshore debt in EU and set up an emergency fund as my job is very unstable. I do plan to visit Australia again, and do not wish to hurt my families US credit. I need to know if this would hurt me more than help me in the long run?
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