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  1. Hey guys on 19/10/2018 I have parked my motorbike next to the car bay in Olympic Park, the ground was not marked by yellow crossing lines there, while I am pretty sure it was in other places, so I assumed it is not a problem to park there. Received a PCN on that day and waited for NTK which arrived on 21/11/2018. The Parking Charge is 100£ at the moment. If not paid in 29 days, I am informed (threatened) that charge will go up by another 60£ I will try to scan and redact the NTK once I am in the office and will send it here as well Questionnaire: Date of infringement: 19/10/2018 at 13:15 Not appealed to PCN Received NTK: 21/11/2918 The NTK mentions Schedule 4 of Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 Parking Company is Gemini Parking Solutions Location is Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park London
  2. Hi there! I know this thread is old https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?468641-Gemini-Parking-Solutions-PCN-Queen-Elizabeth-Olympic-Park-On-a-motorbike&p=5153731#post5153731 but yesterday I got a parking ticket by Gemini on my motorbike for parking exactly at the same spot than you did. I am curious to know what happened and what I should do. Thanks!
  3. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/illustrious-leaves-portsmouth-to-make-way-for-queen-elizabeth
  4. Hi folks. Much the same as many people here I suspect, my first post is about a Parking Charge Notice I received. I'm aware this isn't a penalty charge notice. I have read many different stories about Gemini but I believe mine is a little unique. I and my motorbike (yes, my motorbike) received a Parking Charge Notice, stuck onto my petrol tank at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Date/Time - 11/08/16 16:50 The Issue reason is "Parking in a No Parking area". I have not appealed yet. All excuses aside - those being that I was attending a job interview and could find NO parking facilities at all. Eventually I locked my motorbike up to a bicycle railing completely missing the road signs as you can see in the photo attachment. I got back to my bike to find the parking charge notice on it. I have till Thursday (the 14th day) to appeal to keep within the £60 reduced fee (from £100). So much advice says ignore the Parking Charge Notice, but I feel my situation is quite unique. What advice do any of you sages have? Cheers in advance.
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