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  1. Hey guys on 19/10/2018 I have parked my motorbike next to the car bay in Olympic Park, the ground was not marked by yellow crossing lines there, while I am pretty sure it was in other places, so I assumed it is not a problem to park there. Received a PCN on that day and waited for NTK which arrived on 21/11/2018. The Parking Charge is 100£ at the moment. If not paid in 29 days, I am informed (threatened) that charge will go up by another 60£ I will try to scan and redact the NTK once I am in the office and will send it here as well Questionnaire: Date of infringement: 19/10/2018 at 13:15 Not appealed to PCN Received NTK: 21/11/2918 The NTK mentions Schedule 4 of Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 Parking Company is Gemini Parking Solutions Location is Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park London
  2. Hi there! I know this thread is old https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?468641-Gemini-Parking-Solutions-PCN-Queen-Elizabeth-Olympic-Park-On-a-motorbike&p=5153731#post5153731 but yesterday I got a parking ticket by Gemini on my motorbike for parking exactly at the same spot than you did. I am curious to know what happened and what I should do. Thanks!
  3. Hi all, New here and after some advice. I booked a package holiday through Olympic Holidays in April with flights operated by TUI. Our (2 of us) return flight (Corfu-Gatwick) was delayed due to a faulty aircraft having been sent back to Gatwick on it's way out to Corfu. This resulted in a 13 hour delay. Due to work commitments, we needed to be back home much earlier than this so unfortunately had to pay for new flights that were operated by Thomas Cook, plus €110 in baggage charges. The total came to around £400 after conversion (flights were £155 each). Before I start the long compensation process and so that I go about this in the correct way, I was looking for advice on: 1) Do I claim through Olympic or TUI? 2)Am I entitled to the standardised compensation package, or 3)Because I didn't take the scheduled flight, do TUI/Olympic have to pay me for the flights that I bought due to their delay, or: 4) Are they liable to pay for the flight that we didn't take due to the delay? I have a feeling Olympic/TUI will try passing me on like a hot potato so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jacob
  4. Hi, I inadvertently parked in a residents bay last Sunday at the Olympic park, unsurprisingly I returned to the car to find a £100/£60 PCN from Gemini Parking Solutions London. What's the collective advice with these people when I don't actually have legitimate grounds to appeal it for other than their notice being just that and not a fine? thanks JM
  5. Hi Everybody. I'm new here so please go easy on me if I've missed anything. I live in the Olympic Village and pay £75 a month for a number allocated parking space in the underground car park which is managed by Gemini Parking Solutions. Last Monday (Bank holiday Monday 17th) I found a Parking Charge Notice on my windscreen and a ticket attached for £100 or £65 if paid within 14 days. I also found that my parking permit had fallen off of the dashboard onto the footwell. I emailed my managing agent who asked for a photograph of my permit + a photograph of my ticket and they would ask Gemini to cancel the ticket. I received an email back today stating that because the permit wasn't on display they can't cancel the ticket. I've filled in as much of the information below as possible and would really appreciate any advice on how to proceed. 1 The date of infringement? 17/03/2017 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] N if you have then please post up whatever you sent and how you sent it and the date you sent it, suitably redacted. [as a PDF- follow the upload has there been a response? please post it up as well, suitably redacted. [as a PDF- follow the upload guide] If you haven't appealed yet - ,......... have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] what date is on it Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? No NTK 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances] 5 Who is the parking company? Gemini Parking Solutions 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Venetian House, Olympic Park, Gemini Parking Solutions
  6. Hi folks. Much the same as many people here I suspect, my first post is about a Parking Charge Notice I received. I'm aware this isn't a penalty charge notice. I have read many different stories about Gemini but I believe mine is a little unique. I and my motorbike (yes, my motorbike) received a Parking Charge Notice, stuck onto my petrol tank at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Date/Time - 11/08/16 16:50 The Issue reason is "Parking in a No Parking area". I have not appealed yet. All excuses aside - those being that I was attending a job interview and could find NO parking facilities at all. Eventually I locked my motorbike up to a bicycle railing completely missing the road signs as you can see in the photo attachment. I got back to my bike to find the parking charge notice on it. I have till Thursday (the 14th day) to appeal to keep within the £60 reduced fee (from £100). So much advice says ignore the Parking Charge Notice, but I feel my situation is quite unique. What advice do any of you sages have? Cheers in advance.
  7. ...purportedly 22m. It said it on twitter so it must be true!!! :D:D Some G4S security staff speak no English. Glasgow City Council claims they actually do! http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4428975/Some-G4S-Olympic-guards-speak-no-English-and-theres-no-training-uniforms-or-rotas.html
  8. It was very clever, but did anyone else find it a bit bizarre?
  9. Just a bit of fun:-D Click on link. You will be guided to input your height and weight and be matched to a competitor. I did mine and I was matched to two male football players and a lady archer:madgrin: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19050139
  10. one the main sponsers for this years paralympics..is none other that ATOS....i wonder if the press are going to run a campaign to rail against these elite athletes from the uk being allowed to benefits..as they are obviously entitled to....better watch themselves that they dont run over 200m on level ground
  11. People have been complaining about the secondary market for years but only suddenly when the Olympics are on is an 'additionally funded' police team set up to 'protect' us from over-priced tickets & sca-ms. Why? It's because unlike for concerts and festivals, where organisers have little interest in the secondary market, or worse they back-door their concert tickets on there themselves. For the olympics, the rights to sell tickets at huge, unfairly inflated prices have been sold to Thomas Cook, Jetset & CoSport (We saw on 'Dispatches' how they have access to additional tickets, Olympic lanes & how we the public only get 30-40% of the tickets for the main events (not the 75% we should) so we can only speculate as to what they did to secure those contracts in the first place - the owner of Jetset & CoSport has a particularly colourful history.) & bearing in mind that the majority of the original tickets were already over-priced thanks to the 'ballot' system (Forcing most to apply for more tickets than they wanted.) The only way these 'legal resellers' can possibly hope to make a profit is by preventing the public from creating a secondary market where you would be able to sell your tickets for a market dictated profit which would be cheaper to a genuine sports fan than their monopolised market enforced by police. But wait aren't genuine sports fans able to get their tickets at face value through the website? No, rarely for any popular events. If you're like me you work for a living, you might be able to check the website in the morning, lunch-time & evening and perhaps intermittantly throughout the day so it would be like winning a small lottery to log in at the time some high demand tickets came on-line. So who gets them? Well only people who can refresh the site every few seconds, every hour of the day. Who has the time to do that? Obviously only professional ticket touts. Aren't they at least protecting us from sca-m/fake websites? No -we have fan to fan ticket exchanges that guarantee the tickets. But by taking these away & as we aren't fast enough to pick up the good face value tickets before the touts do on the site or rich enough to pay the corporate prices of the 'legal resellers', ardent sports fans (especially poor ones who couldn't afford to cast a wide net in the ballot,) are forced more than ever into the dodgy world of sca-m websites and professional touts. More people also actually have tickets for events they no longer want that they probably won't even be able to sell at face value through the site, so they will lose money, unless they are willing to re-imburse these people isn't it 'legally/morally' unfair that they should be prevented from selling their popular tickets at a profit to offset these losses? Does anyone feel as annoyed as I do about this whole process!! Do we actually have to put up with it!!?
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