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  1. Hey guys on 19/10/2018 I have parked my motorbike next to the car bay in Olympic Park, the ground was not marked by yellow crossing lines there, while I am pretty sure it was in other places, so I assumed it is not a problem to park there. Received a PCN on that day and waited for NTK which arrived on 21/11/2018. The Parking Charge is 100£ at the moment. If not paid in 29 days, I am informed (threatened) that charge will go up by another 60£ I will try to scan and redact the NTK once I am in the office and will send it here as well Questionnaire: Date of infringement: 19/10/2018 at 13:15 Not appealed to PCN Received NTK: 21/11/2918 The NTK mentions Schedule 4 of Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 Parking Company is Gemini Parking Solutions Location is Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park London
  2. Hi, I would like some advice please and wanted to find out what my options are as I feel this parking charge is unfair and from other threads I feel these enforcers are petty criminals preying on the venerable! I’ve been parking at the leisure centre for a couple of years I buy a book of parking tickets that my partner and me use when visiting. On this occasion I was in a rush and filled in the correct registration, correct date, but rubbed out the 10pm, not the 10am as I had meant to. Obviously, the car park is closed at 10pm, its an obvious mistake, but they have issued a ticket for invalid permit. After reading your advice I waited until the NTK arrived, which it did on time. There is no code associated with the offence. They also said that they recently contacted me, which is untrue. The only thing I have had is a fine on the windscreen. I am hoping that someone can advise on the best cause of action from here? For a windscreen ticket (Notice To Driver) please answer the following questions.... 1 The date of infringement? 14th October 2018 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? No have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] what date is on it. 16th November 2018 Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? No 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) Yes. 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, I have not appealed yet. 5 Who is the parking company?Gemini Parking Solutions 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Feel Good Leisure Centre, 170 Chingford Rd, Walthamstow, London E17 5AA.
  3. Hi there! I know this thread is old https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?468641-Gemini-Parking-Solutions-PCN-Queen-Elizabeth-Olympic-Park-On-a-motorbike&p=5153731#post5153731 but yesterday I got a parking ticket by Gemini on my motorbike for parking exactly at the same spot than you did. I am curious to know what happened and what I should do. Thanks!
  4. Hi everyone, Recently I was parking close by Westfield Stratford (London) - The East Village Development. I teach an outdoor class there sometimes. On this day I was in such a rush, by the time I got there I realized I'd forgotten my debit card. The parking uses the online Ringo app, usually I'd pay, but I was unable to. I ran taught my 1 hour class. Came back 'phew' no ticket and went home. ==== This was on the 29/04/2018 A week later I received a letter in the post issued on 04/05/2018. (Nothing was placed on my car) My class was at 11:00, I got there 5 minutes early, the ticket was issued at 10:57. The guy must have seen me get out car, hid (I scanned around) and then taken photo's only minutes after. === The letter is a PARKING CHARGE NOTICE TO KEEPER I am asked to pay £60 within 14 days else it goes up to £100. "Your vehicle was parking in a breach of the terms at East Village Development on (date). As a result we have issued Parking Charge Noticed (PCN) We issued a PCN to the vehicle because it broke the following condition. Not Ticket. By parking on this private land, you agree to the terms and conditions clearly displayed on the signs on-site. You are liable to pay a charge if you breach these conditions. A discounted charge if paid earlier.. (shortened)" On other side of page it mentioned ways to contact and the 1998 Data Protection Act. I'm new to this site so apologies I understand questions like this probably get asked over and over. I've tried to read some of the threads, it's my understanding I should send the cost of 1hour parking to them and challenge them?
  5. Hi, I inadvertently parked in a residents bay last Sunday at the Olympic park, unsurprisingly I returned to the car to find a £100/£60 PCN from Gemini Parking Solutions London. What's the collective advice with these people when I don't actually have legitimate grounds to appeal it for other than their notice being just that and not a fine? thanks JM
  6. Hi all, Just received a Notice to Keeper from Gemini stating that the vehicle broke the following condition, parking in a disabled bay. The registered keeper is disabled and was receiving treatment as the time within the hospital, to the best of knowledge the blue badge was displayed. is it worth appealing given these circumstances? The notice also says that they contacted the keeper recently, they didn't this is the first we have heard of this. Any advice would be appreciated. Date of infringement 18th October 2018 Date of the NTK 21st November 2018 Date Received 23rd November 2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? No 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up Not yet 7 Who is the parking company? Gemini Parking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Broomfield Hospital Chelmsford Essex For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. BPA Many thanks, Jo
  7. Good Evening, Completely new here, but after searching and reading some of the previous threads on the forum, there seem to be several knowledgeable members so was hoping you guys can offer some advice here... I thought best to start a new thread, as i imagine circumstances change case to case, so i thought i would give you the upshot of my experience and you guys can decide if i have a leg to stand on and what my best course of action is. To give you an overview - I play badminton at a local recreation centre. The centre has a private car pack, marked bays etc etc. There is a pay and display sign, and there are meters to put money into, to get ticket, to display in the car. First few times I paid without ever really reading the sign, the terms and conditions etc. However after a few visits i went into the centre to ask for change, as i only had a note for the meter. I was advised that i need not pay after 6pm by one of the leisure centre staff, as they said the site wasn't monitored after this time. i have since received a PCN Parking Charge Notice from Gemini Parking Solutions - asking for £60 if i pay by feb13th (issued 31st Jan) or £100 after 31 days. From reading previous threads, this seems like the absolute standard first form of contact by the company. this is where i have a few questions - firstly do i have a case to appeal? The sign after re-inspection does say 24/7 charges apply so i am not sure how much word of mouth that an employee of the centre said charges didn't apply will actually stand up in any form of appeal proceeding? my next question is what i have received is titled "Parking Charge Notice to Keeper" - from other threads i have looked at on here i have seen both a "PCN" Referred to and a "NTK" - with most saying wait till you receive a NTK before acting - have i received both in one hit or will the NTK appear later? Also do i have anything to lose by appealing it seems i either pay £60 now or worst case lose and if it goes to POPLA and lose i pay the £100 a couple of months down the line? I should add the invoice has been issued by ANPR. any advice is most welcome thanks
  8. Hi all, I wonder if you can help me. My partner and I had to rush our son into queens hospital on 02.02.17 on doctors advice as he had quite a severe reaction to antibiotics and needed to see a Paeds speciality doctor. we arrived at the hospital and found there were no disabled spaces outside - infact there were no spaces outside available at all initally. We drove around past A&E towards the Maternity car park where someone was leaving a space - which are marked as normal bays. We have parked in these spaces before and asked site security (actual queens security) if we could park there with a Blue badge and was told we could. We come out of A&E to find a notice stuck to the windowscreen of the car for not displaying a pay and display ticket. We did not see any signs where the pay and display are, there are signs on the other side of the car park on posts that say "Blue badge holders must Pay and Display if parked in non disabled bays" these are above the usual tariff boards so are high and not very noticeable. BUT are NOT along the pay and display bays... . they are on the other side where the actual disabled bays are, so can not be seen. do you see what I mean above, they have the signs above disabled bays but the bays on the left of the picture below are pay and display (as im now aware) do not have any signage at all.
  9. Hi , I also got a parking charge , I entered the car park at 8.07 in the morning, while waiting for the building to open as I was on a training course, other colleagues arrived at about 9am we went in and registered to be told we needed a ticket , the first 3 hours where free , off I went , put my reg in the machine , it gave me a ticket for 3 hours , i did not think nor did it occur to me that I should of added the time I sat there in the car before I realised I needed a ticket , as far as I was concerned I left in enough time , a letter through the post from Gemini parking solutions, the parking happened on the 21st of Feb 2017 the date of issue was the 1st of march given me 14 days to pay at a reduced rate ( for being 40 mins over ) , the notice did not get to me until the 3rd of march given me now 10 days to pay , my question. Also is , what do I do , furious at my self for not realising but more so they asking for 60.00 for 40 minutes ? Any info greatly received, iv got until the Tuesday 14th to pay them .
  10. Hi Everybody. I'm new here so please go easy on me if I've missed anything. I live in the Olympic Village and pay £75 a month for a number allocated parking space in the underground car park which is managed by Gemini Parking Solutions. Last Monday (Bank holiday Monday 17th) I found a Parking Charge Notice on my windscreen and a ticket attached for £100 or £65 if paid within 14 days. I also found that my parking permit had fallen off of the dashboard onto the footwell. I emailed my managing agent who asked for a photograph of my permit + a photograph of my ticket and they would ask Gemini to cancel the ticket. I received an email back today stating that because the permit wasn't on display they can't cancel the ticket. I've filled in as much of the information below as possible and would really appreciate any advice on how to proceed. 1 The date of infringement? 17/03/2017 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] N if you have then please post up whatever you sent and how you sent it and the date you sent it, suitably redacted. [as a PDF- follow the upload has there been a response? please post it up as well, suitably redacted. [as a PDF- follow the upload guide] If you haven't appealed yet - ,......... have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] what date is on it Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? No NTK 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances] 5 Who is the parking company? Gemini Parking Solutions 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Venetian House, Olympic Park, Gemini Parking Solutions
  11. Hi I hope you can help. I received a Parking Charge Notice from Gemini Parking Solutions on Sunday, 30th October 2016, whilst parked near the Olympic Stadium. I have been parking here on Sunday mornings for the past two months as there are no road markings, etc and normally leave within an hour two at the most. I have also seen a number of other people parking their vehicles in the same location without incident. I do not believe that I parked illegally as there are no ‘road markings’ and there is no indication as to define which area parking is/is not permitted in. The area is a ‘ghost town’ on most days, unless West Ham are playing at home, which is when I avoid the Stratford area altogether. Whenever I have received a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) from the local Council, I always appeal it via email within 14 days to preserve the PCNs discounted rate, whereas I have noticed on this forum that people are being advised not to appeal the Parking Charge Notice and instead wait for the Notice To Owner (NTK) to be sent before appealing. Your advice in this matter would be greatly appreciated as I am sure a lot of other Drivers have been caught out by Gemini. Many thanks in advance.
  12. I have just received a debt recovery demand of £160 on behalf of Gemini car parks. Apparently, on 17 October 2016 (two and a half months ago), I parked in a disabled bay in the hospital car park in Romford. This is the first I have heard of it. I had no ticket on the car, and I have had no notice to keeper by post. I have to park here regularly because I work as a doctor in the hospital. It is possible I parked there when I was in a rush to get to my shift and there was no other parking space. I am fed up with this company and their tricks, as are many of my colleagues who have similar experiences. Does anyone have any advice?
  13. got a ticket of £60 earlier, car park was split into two halfs one for cromwell the other for eurocarparts there was signage. just went to ask if they stocked certain items step in the door 2 mins later bam ticket the parking attendant must of been lurking somewhere for him to ticket and disappear that quick:???: should i pay it ? i am on PCP solutions finance plan if that matters
  14. Hi PCN challenge Yoda's! I have posted this over on MoneySavingExpert, will update both with responses if useful... Help! A friend who shall remain nameless recently received a PCN on his motorbike at the Aquatic centre from Gemini Parking Solutions. Here's the info: - he parked his motorbike next to the cycling parking outside the front of the centre, to get there he had to access this area, via a gravelled area which could in theory be deemed to be pedestrian walk area but he did not pass through the Gemini Parking Managed and ANPR fitted carpark entry nor did he enter their carpark area at any time -there are no signs saying do not park here - the ticket was issued in this area and the reasons given on the PCN are 'the vehicle was parked in a no parking zone' and in the other section 'parked on a public footpath' - he had on a previous occasion on asking the Gemini parking warden (who was not wearing any identification vest or name badge other than holding a parking ticketing device) be told to park in an area with similar coloured gravel and it would not be a problem. - this carpark is motorcycle (MC) park for free but no where is there a designated parking bay, so MC users have to take up a car bay, which on another occasion he was told not to do as he would incur a fine again from another unmarked warden. He wonders if the jurisdiction of Gemini is enforceable beyond the car park area and into the pedestrian area, which must be owned by the London Legacy Development Corporation who would have control of the area outside the designated Gemini parking controlled area? Should he wait follow advice as per your newbies thread and appeal before the 28 days expires, or should he respond within the 14 days to try and retain the discounted amount if unsuccessful at a later appeal date. It would seem on this thread that Gemini dont offer the reduced amount beyond the 14 day window [as per another website] that contained an uploaded letter from 2012 sorry couldn't attach link as new person. Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi all Happy Christmas first post but have used the site to successfully avoid a unenforceable debt so love it. I received 3 PCN's from Gemini who manage the multistory at the hospital where i work, they use cameras! Now 2 of these are for the same date (02/12/15), time and duration but with different reference numbers, so they have already demonstrated there idiocy; additionally i have clear proof that I have paid to park as I used their advertised paytopark.co.uk site. the second one is a different date (07/12/15) and unfortunately i don't have any proof that I paid including any charges on bank statement. I have attached the 2 different letters to check with you guys if they are just invoices or NTK's? and therefore if I ignore or appeal. the reason I haven't appealed the 2nd December one already is because i have no proof for the 7th December one and because I and I have no proof for 3 other days that week , which although they haven't sent PCN's for I'm worried they will. I'm pretty sure I can win any appeal using this argument: "This notice was paid for via the ticketing machine. As this date did not at the time, appear on the paytopark.co.uk list of outstanding charges and nor does it now, I assume that they have been paid." and this : 1. on several occasions there have been issues with the paying machines which is what prompted me to use the online service initially. 2. Given that you have sent me a notice charge for a date and time which I have clearly paid for suggests that there are communication issues between your online parking payments system and your penalties system. 3. Given that you sent me 2 notices for the exact same parking duration suggests that there are issues with your penalties system I would argue that its not my responsibility to prove I have paid and to keep checking the system registers my payment, when they have demonstrated clearly that they cant even do it themselves. And i can always fall back on the old you parking fines are extortionate and are 10 x the fee of 24 parking in the exact same space. so as well as letting me know if I need to appeal straight away or should wait, any other guidance would be great especially regarding the potential of them fining me for the other days. thanks Alex
  16. Please advise! My 7 year old daughter is severely impaired and she has a blue badge. We use a wheelchair adapted car. We usually park in disabled bays. On 20th of Apr 2016 we received Parking Charge Notice from Gemini, parking operator ar Rivermead Centre Reading. The PCN states that the car exceeded the 30 minutes free of charge parking with 3 minutes. They've asked a payment of 100£, 60 payable in 14 days. My opinion : 1. I thought disabled parking (public or private) are free of charge. 2. The PCN was issued on 20th of Apr for a civil offence committed on 20 th of march - is thus corect? 3. The signs displayed in the parking are ambiguous without any mentions regarding terms & conditions. 4. I've sent an email to the Rivermead Centre asking for the terms and conditions that apply in their car park with NO answer back. When my daughter is not in the car we don't use the disabled bays nor her blue badge. I didn't find any other post with the same situation and I open this one. Please find attached the PCN I would appreciate a lot your opinions! Best regards, Marius
  17. Wife parked on double yellow lines at our local hospital received a Pcn on 18/5/16. We have now received a reminder requesting the charge of £75 be paid and also the name of driver at the time of offence the letter was dated 21/06/16. I haven't made contact with Gemini whatsoever, can i ask for advise on what to do next? Thanks in advance.
  18. Hi folks. Much the same as many people here I suspect, my first post is about a Parking Charge Notice I received. I'm aware this isn't a penalty charge notice. I have read many different stories about Gemini but I believe mine is a little unique. I and my motorbike (yes, my motorbike) received a Parking Charge Notice, stuck onto my petrol tank at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Date/Time - 11/08/16 16:50 The Issue reason is "Parking in a No Parking area". I have not appealed yet. All excuses aside - those being that I was attending a job interview and could find NO parking facilities at all. Eventually I locked my motorbike up to a bicycle railing completely missing the road signs as you can see in the photo attachment. I got back to my bike to find the parking charge notice on it. I have till Thursday (the 14th day) to appeal to keep within the £60 reduced fee (from £100). So much advice says ignore the Parking Charge Notice, but I feel my situation is quite unique. What advice do any of you sages have? Cheers in advance.
  19. Dear Group, I received a paring ticket at the hospital I work at. On a day where no parking was available I needed to park to attend an emergency. I parked in the 'overflow' car park but apparently strayed into the residents parking and received the PCN below. The next day I took the ticket to work and gave it to security and they said there was nothing they can do and advised me to appeal it. I wrote to the appeals (i now know this was a mistake!) and appealed my emergency circumstance. I received the rejection from them below. I'm furious that a car park I pay £70 a month for has issued this to me. Is there anything I can do? I have no intention of paying and would sooner quit and move job to be honest. Any advice would be most appreciated
  20. Hi I apparently recieved a PCN from Gemini Parking Solutions for parking in an unmarked bay at the London Aqautics Center at the Olympic Park on 27 Feb 2015. There were no prominent signs for parking or penalties in the car park. I was unaware of the PCN till I received a Reminder Notice letter on 28 April 2015 posted to my home address as the registered keeper of the vehicle for a charge of £100 now from £60 if paid within 14 days of the PCN. Stupidly before coming onto this site I appealed to Gemini Parking Solutions supplying my details stating that I was the driver. The PCN was not on my windscreen when I returned to the car it must have blown away as it's quite windy at the center with no buildings nearby. I appealed that I never received a PCN, obviously they rejected my appeal and sent me a image of the PCN on my windscreen (to my surprise!!!) and they claimed that their parking operative noted that the driver ripped up the PCN in front of him!!! - that never happened. They have now sent me a POPLA Appeal form, what should I do now. How should I appeal ? Thank you.
  21. Hi All, Hoping you can assist... I have received a letter from Gemini Parking Solutions about a parking ticket that was issued on March 30th. I believe it is a notice to keeper because it references the POFA 2012 and mentions that they have requested my details from DVLA as the registered keeper. However, I have read that they are not allowed to do this earlier than 28 days after the PCN is issued. Which brings the first date that they can do this to April 29th. I sold my car (to We Buy Any Car, not sure if this is relevant) on the 3rd April. How did Gemini get my details, when from 3rd April WBAC would have been the registered keeper??? Thanks in advance all. C
  22. Hi Guys, I have recently applied for the mortgage and has been told there is default in my credit report. I checked my credit and found there is £54 default from Vodafone Gemini, which really shocked me. As i have been use vodafone for almost 15 years until now, as loyalty customer I paid my bills by direct debt, totally no idea how this default came from. Then i have contacted with Vodafone live chat couple of times since 10/03/2015. Every time I contacted them they said they had made request for me to investigate it and told me it will be removed soon. However, until now nothing changed and no one help to solve it! live chat customer service just waste my time, they let me wait for 14 working days and when i contacted them again they asked me wait another 14 working days:mad2: And I really wanna to make complaint about this, the default seems mistake made by Vodafone. How come I continue use the Vodafone until now and never been informed i have default in my account, and when i contact them no one actually come out to help to investigate. Even i post my problem on the Vodafone eforum as well, no one reply me!!! Really need someone give advice to remove this wrong default from my credit report. Thanks.
  23. Hi there, I received a pcn from Gemini parking solutions on 20.10.14. I take my boys swimming every Monday at the Olympic park in Stratford London, and always park in a by. On this day, I didn’t park in the bay, if I’m honest there were signs, but I didn’t get a chance to read them as we were late. When swimming was finished and we were about to go home, I noticed that had received a ticket from Gemini parking solutions for £100, however if paid within 14 days will be reduced to £60. Baring in mind that I’ve been going there for the last 18 months and only receive 1hrs free parking and after that, I will have to pay £1.50 per hour if I go over that time frame. Today is the last day to pay and I’ve been pondering whether to pay or not as I’ve seen a lot of threads about these people.
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