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  1. Hi I'm a little frustrated to say the least.. ..I've just made a drop off in a street in Newcastle upon Tyne (1.00am) - I noticed when I entered the side road that it was 2 way traffic but had calming area at the entrance/exit for one vehicle only to pass. It had 2 huge black and white "Sharp Deviation" or "Chevron" road signs on two black poles around 15 feet from the junction. I am pretty sure as this road is a normal road with no tight deviations that the wrong sign has been installed. I would assume when a chevron sign has been used it is informing motorists of dangers to tight bends (?) I was unfortunately distracted and forgot the road tethered into a calming area with exit for one vehicle. I parked the vehicle on the right hand side of the road. From that position, I then reversed - checked mirrors etc and haven't noticed the black pole (which is a foot into the road) as the street has extremely poor lighting (it was 1am and the road is nearly in darkness). I've caused major damage to the side of my car with damage done to the side bumper and rear quarter panel before it gets to the wheel arch. I am annoyed with myself but I'm equally annoyed that I can't understand the mentality of why the council has placed a Sharp Deviation sign on 2 black poles with each pole causing an obstruction on the path (for wheelchairs) and the road. It's baffling and I've genuinely can't remember seeing another road with this type of signage. I would like to assume the correct sign which should have been placed is the road would be the mounted yellow plastic signage (yellow and white plastic bollards with a blue arrows). There is also no coloured road surface to inform drivers its a calming area. I would like to know if I have a case to take legal action against the council for damage done to my vehicle. I've obviously made the error by not checking everywhere before moving but feel I have not been helped by the poor decisions of the Council. I have attached the files but will try to also add the photos to this thread too. Hopefully I'm reading this correctly.... I've just searched to see if there is a minimum width which councils are required to abide to for clearance for wheelchairs (as the pole is also cemented into the path). I've found this: The British Government have set a recommended minimum width, to be enforced by local Authorities. What is the minimum width? Answer: "1800mm on access routes to buildings, from bus stops or car parks with a deregation down to 1200mm around existing obstructions -'Manual for Streets 2' CIHT 2010". I do not believe the clearance is 1200mm and will check this tomorrow. If the width is less than 1200mm is the signage illegal? Thank you in advance for any help C
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