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Found 19 results

  1. I Phoned up to change the seats on the flight on Friday night, only to find out the hotel we'd booked into 16 months ago (and requested special assistance a few days later because they were not open when the holiday was booked) is not suitable for those with walking difficulties (nor is anywhere in cap salou apparently) I was open about my disability from the first call and that of my children but wasn't told about the resort or hotel (I'd asked for 14 nights all inclusive but left the resort open to Thomas Cook while explaning I have sever walking issues) I received a phone call back offering Furturaventura a week earlier but my wife has never flow before and is really panicked so a 4.5hr flight isn't an option, also our kids zone out with theme parks and that's how they escape, hence Salou being a good fit. I'm awaiting a call back as I then asked for a hire car to be provided to us for our stay, if Thomas Cook refuse this, there is nowhere else for us to go and we're really stuck, I can't walk more than 10 meters I use crutches and wheelchair etc, so where would I stand about getting a full refund without being deducted anything? We're under 60 days out now, not that a full refund would help with such a short amount of time left. Sorry I appreciate its long one but my head is in a spin we could only afford this holiday as a one off because of my health etc and now stand to lose everything.
  2. I booked disability assistance in Stansted Airport. The driver and his colleague of the disability vehicle taking disabled passengers from the plane to the airport building acted unprofessional and reckless. When the car started driving (and speeding!), the driver left the door opened right next to where an elderly passenger sat, she was petrified. After some commotion the car stopped and they closed the door. Then the car started speeding again and then suddenly braked throwing me to the floor, I was wearing a spinal brace at the time. They were saying they drove into a chain that was supposed to have a sign on it and it didn’t, trying to justify that it wasn’t the driver’s fault (although, had they not been speeding, I believe they would've seen the chain and even if they had to break I would not have fallen). Despite the incident, I was not allowed a doctor, any medical help, not even a first aid box for a plaster, etc. When I asked to speak to a manager, I was told the manager wasn’t there. I wanted to log a complaint, but they wouldn’t allow me in any way to record the incident, for various reasons they made up. Absolutely everything was refused, apart from a glass of water. I was travelling alone, and I remember severely shaking at one point. All of this should be on CCTVs. I had refused to leave the airport until a complaint/incident was logged and a first aid box was given. The guy said there were no first aid boxes around, or to that effect, and there was nowhere to log the incident or complaint. As I refused to leave, he then paraded me around the airport in the wheelchair while he (non-enthusiastically) kept asking random employees for a plaster and how to log this incident, this took a long time and it was obvious he was trying to get me tired of this so I would drop everything and leave. It was a humiliation of the first order and I can’t begin to express how stressful this was. In the end, I wasn’t’ going to leave the airport, so he had no choice but to get me a plaster, which he found on a colleague, and apparently logged a report on their computer in the disability office. Still, I wasn’t allowed a copy of the report or a reference number. I was assured that someone would contact me about this. No one ever contacted me. As the result of this incident and how I was dragged around the airport my prebooked transport was already gone. This was not a difficult hour of the night and the airport would not help me with getting home. I had money for a bus that went to Victoria station in London, so I got that, but I have a huge memory blank of how I got home that night, I think I was so stressed or in shock I have a memory loss. For many months I was so stressed about this incident that I couldn’t even fly to my cousin’s wedding in Europe. I couldn’t face contacting Stansted airport to chase up this incident either as when I would think about it I would go breathless and my heart would go into palpitations and out of rhythm (I have a medical heart condition). Some months later, when I could get myself to do it, I wrote to Stansted airport to find out about that complaint someone was supposed to get back to me about. I learnt I was mislead in the airport and there was no complaint on the system. Then I sent them a fresh complaint by email, they accepted everything that happened, but blamed me for it as apparently it was my fault I didn’t put a seat belt on in the disability vehicle. (Note: as a result of my heart condition I often feel dizzy and faint so I can easily overlook things like seatbelts. I book special assistance in the airport to help me physically with basic things like mobility and seatbelts. I don’t understand why this is my fault). The complaint was also not accepted properly because I emailed them just over 6 months after the incident (-apparently what I logged in Stansted airport was an incident not a complaint – a technicality I didn't know about, and apparently I had 6 months to log a complaint – another technicality no one told me about). I felt like I was a victim of some sort of Stansted airport mafia. I found it impossible to complaint to Stansted airport. What can I do about this please? Is there anywhere else I can take my complaint to? Or is this all at the discretion of the airport? I feel the incidents that happened in Stansted airport, how they were handled, and how passengers like me are presented with barriers to complain about such events makes Stansted airport a very dangerous place for disabled passengers. Any advise or feedback is most welcome.
  3. http://www.itv.com/news/border/2017-04-12/thousands-lose-cars-due-to-change-in-disability-benefits/ However, many of these people will have received Lifetime awards on the old DLA system !! It makes no sense at all.
  4. “The tax take for this group of people has fallen by £1 billion since HMRC set up its dedicated unit. At the same time, income tax paid by everyone else has risen by £23 billion. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/fatcats-pay-1billion-less-tax-9700294 http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2017/01/27/public-accounts-committee-says-hmrcs-lack-of-transparency-has-eroded-public-trust-in-a-fair-tax-system/ http://www.rossmartin.co.uk/sme-tax-news/809-mps-initiate-key-changes-in-hmrc https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/public-accounts-committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/high-net-worth-individuals-hmrc-16-17/
  5. Hi I am just looking for some definitive answers regarding eligibility for SSG as I am being given conflicting info I am not one of the 2016 cohort so the old rules apply - I started my course in 2014 In march i was told that provided that i could demonstrate Housing benefit 3 weeks into my course this would qualify me for the SSG however SFE are now saying that this is not sufficient and I need to fulfil another criteria. They are claiming that the documents I provided are out of date although I supplied the link below dated Sept 2016. However a page on my SFE page says HB is a reason for getting it as does the following link http://www.practitioners.slc.co.uk/media/6934/sfe_1617_assessing_financial_entitlement.pdf I am trying to get together some stuff for an appeal I would very much value some opinion, if I am wasting my time so be it , just ant to know if I am on the right side Needless to say, if my PIP Tribunal is a win in Dec, this will all be academic Thanks
  6. Not having watched the special where Ms Merritt was evicted along with her 11 year old daughter, it seems Havering Borough Council were not happy bunnies. In this bulletin from 26/10/2015 OFCOM dismissed a complaint from HBC. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/enforcement/broadcast-bulletins/obb291/ (click the link at the bottom) The report is at page 17
  7. I have been given a ticket for parking in a special enforcement area adjacent to a dropped footway, I appealed on the grounds that the area leads to a woodland area with no foot path or entry, there is a drive next to the dropped footway which leads to nowhere, I cannot see for the life of me why anyone would walk there, push a pram there or make a delivery, the appeal was rejected. I didn't receive the notice of rejection, and phoned and e-mailed three times to confirm this, I have now received the notice of rejection but would like to appeal to the independent authority with photos which show the dropped footway is redundant and serves no purpose, how do I go about that as there is no details on who to appeal to, it just states on my choices about an appeal to the adjudicator against rejection by the authority of representations but no response to the appeal was received. I would like any advice
  8. On Tuesday this week on C5 is a new special that the title states looks to be worthwhile watching. This will be worth watching as it appears the crew from Cant pay we'll take it away will feature in this as well. This is a small series so stick on in your diary to watch... Tuesday @ 21:00
  9. I recently sold a phone RM special insured delivery through amazon which arrived damaged (the phones sim tray was crushed in transit), the person who bought it off me sent it back without the original packaging as they chucked it away. RM are refusing to compensate me either for the value of the phone, (150) or the repair of the phone (50) as I can not provide the original packing. Is there anything I can do?
  10. Hi I wonder if you can help, I think this forum is amazing and I would appreciate some advice please. Can a Respondent use the Henderson and Henderson argument of abuse of process (ie: you can't get a second bite of the cherry) if the claim was referred to before but only at a preliminary hearing and not in the ET1 but as a head of loss on the Schedule of Loss and was dismissed during the case management orders? (That claim went to a full hearing and I won the right to receive occupational sick pay instead of SSP.) At that first preliminary hearing the Judge told me to "put a claim in" when he heard that holiday pay was previously underpaid and this was a continuing occurence. However, the Respondent is relying on the word "dismissed" in their argument for getting the claim thrown out, even though the claim had not been advanced as it was during a preliminary hearing. (Something in my daze prevented me from telling that to the different Judge at the new preliminary hearing for holiday pay, as their barrister certainly didn't!) Also, the old schedule of loss only referred to statutory holiday pay, but I found that I was entitled to contractual holiday pay out of time to amend the ET1 (this entitlement was in my contract which I had not seen since 2002 but they disclosed it 2 days before the hearing) so I put in my new calculations in the new claim. So it is a new claim with different particulars and a different starting date and I only knew about the contractual benefits when I saw my whole contract 2 days before the first hearing during a late disclosure from the Respondent - which outlined the benefit that they had withheld since 2002. (I only got the occupational sick pay during the first hearing since it was on the ET1 as "unpaid sick pay" but at the time of filing I had only ever received SSP for some of the time I was off sick). Also, to explain why I had not seen my contract since 2002, I didn't have the need to as I liked my job, but they cut my hours recently - calling me a casual worker, which I disputed since I had regular hours for years. I hope this makes sense! Any advice (or reassurance would be great as I am representing myself). Many thanks in advance! PS: Extra information: At the first preliminary hearing the respondent pleaded” ”The Claimant's ET1 does not disclose any claim for holiday pay, whether by way of a wages claim or under the Working Times Regulations 1998. According such a claim is not before the Tribunal for determination". In response the Judge made the following Case Management order: "The claim for holiday pay appears only in the Schedule of Loss and is also unquantified. It was not included or referred to in her ET1 and is accordingly dismissed".
  11. Hi, Can anyone give me some advice. I sent a SAR to MBNA it came back with the no PPI box ticked. There are lots of Late fees £25 and Over Limit Fees £25 amounting in total to around £600. There is also Special Cash Interest (I have been told this is an interest charged when gambling) is that the case and are any or all of these charges reclaimable and is there a calculator to work out the interest. Thanks
  12. I have a joint mortgage with Kensington (we went with non high street as my wife had an old default from a mobile phone company when someone stole her phone to call Nigeria and she negotiated a reduced amount to pay with the company and ended up with a default without being told she would by negotiating the reduced amount. .. but that's another story). we have been in the house for 6 months, no problems with payments or anything like that. One of our original mortgage conditions when we purchased the house was: "The Borrower(s) undertake to carry out the following works: upgrade the electrical system (and to promptly lodge any relevant guarantees with us) within 6 months of Completion of the loan. Written confirmation of this undertaking signed by all Borrower(s) must be forwarded to Kensington prior to formal completion. Failure to carry out the relevant works may adversely affect your insurance cover and any future claims you may make under your policy." We had to get an survey done before moving into the house which we got done, and a quote from the company doing the survey for the work. Both of these were forwarded to the mortgage company along with an undertaking that we signed at the solicitors. (I don't know what the wording of the undertaking was as the solicitor is closed today and they didn't give us a copy of that, but I could find out on Monday). The survey found several problems and the quote to have it all sorted was £1500. We saved the money to pay for the work and got it booked with the company who did the survey. The company was booked to do the work about 2 weeks before the 6 months post completion. 6 months post completion passes today. The company booked to do the work rang us up 2 days before they were due to come and do the work to cancel, saying they had got a big contract that they couldn't turn down and they wouldn't have any time to come do our work and couldn't recommend anyone else. I had a look around, found a few electricians with good reviews and got a couple of them to come have a look. They have told me that the original company who we got the survey done with were completely ripping us off. There are a couple of points on the survey that would need sorting but they were all minor points that would take no more than 1/2 a day and £100 or so. All of the technical test results in the survey show the system is fine and completely safe. Even the minor things that were listed on the survey should not have been listed on the survey as dangerous as they were by the original company. Some of the items listed are completely made up, or the work recommended is actually done already when inspected! So that leaves us now in the position of having to talk to the mortgage company and work out what to do. Unfortunately they are closed today so I will have to speak to them on Monday. However, from our dealings with them up until completion they proved a VERY awkward company to deal with, and I have no confidence that this is going to be as easy to fix as it should be. One option I was thinking of was to get another survey report from one of the electricians I have had come look at the work, get those little bits of work done that do need doing and see if Kensington will be happy with a new report stating no further work is required and the installation is all safe. That would cost me about £200 as opposed to the £1500 originally quoted. I'm not entirely sure where I stand on these special conditions. What rights do the mortgage company have if we don't meet a condition such as that one or they want to be awkward about it and make out we haven't met it? We don't have insurance with Kensington, we have separate buildings and contents insurance so I can't see how that caveat about insurance works. Are there any other solutions anyone can think of? I do actually have the money to spend £1500 if it comes to it, but it seems outrageous that I will have to do it to please the mortgage company when it is completely unnecessary work and all based on a company's report that decided to rip us off!
  13. Hi. Me and my husband have been caring for my nephew for over 5 years. We claim housing benefit & when my nephew first came to live with us we obviously declared the family & friends allowance we were recieving to the housing benefit department which has always shown as 'charitable payments' on our decision notices. In oct 2011 we were granted a special guardianship order for him & the allowance changed from family & friends to sgo allowance. Information I came across last week has led me to believe that the council shouldn't be using the sgo allowance as income when working out our benefit, yet they are & always have. I called the department & I was told that that wasn't right & if it is on our benefit decision notice then I'm wrong as they have departments that check for these things. I asked if they had the allowance down as family & friends or sgo & the woman said that she couldn't tell & that it didn't matter either way. I told her that the government webite says otherwise (from 2011 onwards) & so does the fostering & adoption team website for our area. She said that the government are always changing it & it must have changed again recently. I've had to give up work to meet my nephews needs (& we also have two other children). My husband works full time but every month is a struggle. I don't know where we stand now. Who's right? Does it differ from council to council? Can anyone here offer any advice? Thanks
  14. I thought this was amusing.. If you are a senior you will understand this one. If you deal with seniors, this should help you understand them a little better, And if you are not a senior yet........ God willing, someday you will be. The 2.99 Special We went to breakfast at a restaurant where the 'Seniors Special' was two eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for £2.99. 'Sounds good,' my wife said, 'But I don't want the eggs.' 'Then, I'll have to charge you £3.49 because you're ordering a la carte,' the waitress warned her. 'You mean I'd have to pay for not taking the eggs?' my wife asked incredulously. 'Yes!' stated the waitress. 'I'll take the special then,' my wife said. 'How do you want your eggs?' the waitress asked. 'Raw and in the shell,' my wife replied. She took the two eggs home and baked a cake. DON'T MESS WITH SENIORS!!! We've been around the block more than once!
  15. Over two and a half years ago I contacted the CSA to request that my sons father be assessed and asked to pay Child support. To cut this long and frustrating story very short, the CSA made an administrative error, which they have admitted to, which meant that I lost out on payments from Jan 2011 until Dec 2012. In Dec the admitted to this and also paid me £50 compensation for the delay in dealing with my complaint. After my ex had paid six months of CS payments I asked to be referred to the Special Payments Department (on the advice of the Complaints Resolution deparment) to resolve the financial loss I suffered through their mistakes. After much "faffing about" and delay tactics this case has now been refferred to the mysterious Special payment Dept, (they arent allowed to speak to me or the CSA main office....just emails apparantly), and have been waiting for 30 days so far. i have no written acknowledgment of this refferal, although it has been confirmed several times on the telephone, and I appear to be sat in limbo waiting for them to make a decision. Does anyone have any experience of how long this particular stage of the process should take? i have read their guidelines to the payment officers, but cannot find any reference to time limits. i have already spent hundreds (literally) of punds on phone calls during this battle, and cannot seem to find any other agency or body to help. i do not wish to involve an MP as, reading others accounts, this only seems to complicate matters, and I believe that ICE only get involved once a decision has been made. So sick and tired of being penalised for the mistakes of an incompetent and poorly administrated Govt body. I am clearly one of very very many who are suffering because of this. Any advice is appreciated.
  16. This is brilliant!! Just thought id share even though this is well past statute barred. Our Ref: ******** Current Balance: **** Original Lender: Uncle Buck Payday Loans - Debt Assigned to Motormile Finance UK Ltd EASTER HOLIDAY - SPECIAL OFFER! Take advantage of this Easter Holiday Special Offer from MMF. Save up to 40% on your account with one of the 3 offers below:- It's really simple. Just follow these steps to benefit from a massive saving: 1. Choose one of the fantastic offers below 2. Call us on 01138 876 876 quoting your reference number 3. Give our advisor the Promo code Offer 1,2 or 3! Current Balance: £450 Offer 1: £270 to clear your account! Enjoy a massive saving of 40% if you call and clear your account. A one off payment of £270 using Credit or Debit card by 28th March will close your account and reflect on your credit file.* Offer 2: Two instalments of £168.75 clear your account! Take advantage and Save 25%. Make two payments of £168.75, one by 29th March 2013 and one by 30th April 2013, use your credit or debit card and your account will be closed.* Offer 3: Five instalments of £76.5 clear your account! Set up a five stage payment plan and save 15%. Make the agreed monthly payments of £76.5 from March to July 2013 by Credit or Debit card and we will close your account.*
  17. It's not a joke, it's not religious and it's not political http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v...&vq=medium
  18. The Respondent's Solicitor has written to me asking how much I would consider settling for. Hearing's scheduled for Christmas time. I have not yet completed a full schedule of loss and am going to take formal advice on it shortly. But based on a look of case law, I have a feel for what might be reasonable. Am I right in thinking that I don't have to disclose my financial expectations, or the schedule of loss until ordered to do so by the Tribunal? Also, in light of this, is it worth setting up a Special Needs Trust to protect any settlement I might receive? I am disabled and on benefits. But may be able to work again in the future.
  19. Ok so ive had problems with council tax for years. It all stemmed from a girl i was living with and i breaking up and her leaving me with a huge pile of unpaid bills. since then i've pretty much been stuck in a vicious cycle of being unable to pick up one years council tax because im too busy paying bailiffs for the previous years. Ive recently started a new job, which will solve this situation, however, im a self employed contractor and have to pay for everything up front and claim it back from the company who are paying for my services. This poses a problem, as im on a DMP. The DMP itself isnt too bad, although i have no idea how long it is going to take to clear the balances because ive had to reduce my payments in order to pay... surprise surprise bailiffs authorised by the local council to collect last years council tax. Ross & Roberts are like all Bailiff companies, glorified extortionists. Ive paid so far £700 toward an original balance of £1300 and somehow my outstanding balance remains at £900.. They handled my case so badly at first that i actually emailed the council and tried to open a dialogue. i explained my situation in full and told them that IF they gave me some breathing room, i could clear both this year and last year's balances within the next 6 weeks. The response was basically an explanation of how the council process our tax arrears (something i already knew), a statement of my outstanding balances (again something i already knew) and what can only be described as a "Tough ****" statement regarding my situation. And a "recommendation" that i contact their office to discuss repayment options for this years balance. i have responded re-iterating my situation regarding the DMP and last years balance i.e i have NO spare income, and this financial restriction could potentially cost me my job and that being the case, NOBODY gets paid. I am aware that this situation is really my fault, and i have no intention to try and get out of paying my debts. My objection is that a government department such as the council whose responsibility is to look after the inhabitants should be a damn sight more understanding and flexible. Ive been told year after year by these idiots that if i miss one payment, i lose the right to pay by installments and must pay the full balance immediately or face the bailiffs again. NO other creditor has the power to treat people like this, and those are all optional ones. Without wanting to sound overly dramatic, it is almost fascist, the way that council tax is not only a madatory payment, unless you live on a canal boat or something, but you basically get stomped on with an iron boot if you miss a payment. based on what the council representative said to me, im basically going to be stuck in this cycle forever unless by some miracle i manage to weather the storm and get through the next 6 weeks without any further business expenses.. which is unlikely
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