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Found 12 results

  1. Women winning battles: Recreating the Wrens unit which helped win the War READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/women-winning-battles-recreating-the-wrens-unit-which-helped-win-the-war
  2. Sorry for the long post.... After a burst pipe (the condensate pipe from gas boiler froze during snow storms) in crawl space above my kitchen the landlord agreed to update the consumer unit in my property [the corrosive water had leaked over two plug sockets and nothing tripped off even though water was inside both]. The guy sent I suspected wasn't qualified [on a previous visit to check for safety he checked the plugs by poking around the sides - and making a hole in the plaster]. I asked if he was qualified before he started [on the previous visit to check damage from the leak he told me 'he shouldn't be doing this' but didn't expand when asked why] and he shrugged; as a tenant, I believed the Estate Agent would have checked and so let him continue. He has changed the fuse box, cut the meter fuse seals, not replaced older wires, not fitted the cover properly, put the switches in the wrong order, left the wires completely messy inside the unit and also labelled it incorrectly - plus, the oven now trips one of the RCD's when it's on for more than three minutes and a plug socket is no longer working - although this may be due to the junction box he put in the crawl space replacing connection taped with electrical tape, leaving a live wire improperly crimped and not connected - he'd stuffed them into the wall cavity. As he left I ask about the 'signing off' and was told 'I have nothing to worry about' several times, because I was worried! I asked again about the certification and he said that wasn't anything to do with tenants. He didn't say someone would be back to carry out any checks, or follow up, or even to sign off on the work. I've complained to the Estate Agents and the following day a guy turned up as I'd had problems with the oven. I asked for credentials, but he'd have to go and get them cos he hadn't bought them with him. I allowed him to look at the issues, but no work would be carried out until I had seen proof of his ability to sign off on the work. He's looked and spouted a lot of blurb obviously covering his firms ass. He looked, said he saw no issues with the work carried out, said the fan was the reason the oven wasn't working properly - it wasn't turned to oven, just grill - he didn't even blush. He checked to see if the wire left out of the crimp was live - it was! He left to consult his boss and turned up 2 hours later with his sons training certificate and a weird looking NICEIC card saying he just needed to connect the crimp and everything would be working for me, which I don't think is true, plus the ID looked pants to me and so I turned him away. I then received an email from Estate Agent - the house owner lives in China - saying the contractors had told them i had not allowed them access and would they be allowed in with a rep from the Estate Agent's local branch. I have replied saying they didn't satisfy me that they were qualified and that anybody coming should be able to sign off on the work done - but hey presto, 24 hours later and I've heard nothing... What can I do next to get my oven working and the electrics safe?
  3. “The tax take for this group of people has fallen by £1 billion since HMRC set up its dedicated unit. At the same time, income tax paid by everyone else has risen by £23 billion. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/fatcats-pay-1billion-less-tax-9700294 http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2017/01/27/public-accounts-committee-says-hmrcs-lack-of-transparency-has-eroded-public-trust-in-a-fair-tax-system/ http://www.rossmartin.co.uk/sme-tax-news/809-mps-initiate-key-changes-in-hmrc https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/public-accounts-committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/high-net-worth-individuals-hmrc-16-17/
  4. Hi all hope you are well. Today I received a letter from Northern Rail's Debt Recovery and Prosecutions Unit. It's regarding the end of July when I traveled from Hadfield to Glossop by train. The ticket office was closed, and the ticket machine only accepts card. I was carrying cash and fully intended to buy a ticket. When I cannot get a ticket in this situation I simply get one in Glossop. When I got off the train I saw two northern rail uniformed staff, I approached them to get a ticket. At this point they told me I had committed an offence and they took my details. I was literally asking them to pay as I figured they must have the ticket machine! Just wondering if I have a leg to stand on? Any advice will be appreciated.
  5. Hi hope you can help About a year ago I discovered that SWALEC had increased the price of electric and gas on my bill without notifying me of this change. When I discovered this I contacted them and the representative said he was going to refund me the amount i had overpaid and put me back on a lower tariff. This didn't happen. In the meantime i've been dealing with a personal tragedy and have only just found the guts to face them again as I have gone from paying £30.00 per month to £105.00 in the last two years. :mad2: I live alone in a small house that has a very efficient heating system (underfloor heating downstairs) two radiators upstairs. I don't have a dryer or a bath (just a shower). I pay more for my little set up than my friend who runs a big four bedroom house, two bathrooms, dishwasher etc! I contacted SWALEC recently and made a complaint, they told me this : " We have investigated your concerns, I understand that you tariff wasn’t changed on 23rd October 2014 because the advisor you spoke to has noted that you were given a projection on prices however were going to consider your options and then call back. Since then we hadn’t had any records that you had called to change your tariff however I understand you had thought on the call on 23/10 that in fact you had changed tariff on this date. When changing a tariff we do have to go through terms and conditions however this was detailed in the note. Douglas has looked at the difference between the tariffs and I can confirm that if you had changed on 23/10/2014 you would have saved £23.90 on the gas and £29.20 on the electric, however we have offered £100 goodwill instead due to the fact your tariff wasn’t changed and you advised you were never informed of any price changes since your account opened. Please advise if you wish for me to add the £100 goodwill payment? Dougie will call you on Monday 14th December 2015 to progress your complaint". I am totally confused And feel completely overwhelmed and victimised by this company According to SWALEC I am in debt to them by so much that the £100 goodwill payment will leave with about £20.00 Is there anything I can do Thank you for your time.
  6. I rent an industrial unit. It is purpose built, and not connected to any office, retail or residential space. I have used a propane space heater there. My landlord says this is unsafe, and against the terms of the lease. I can challenge the 'unsafe' accusation by showing that the gas is used and stored in accordance with all regulations and suppliers guidelines. I am less certain about the lease. It does not mention bottled gas specifically, but... "The Tenant will not store at or bring to the Property an article, substance or liquid of a radioactive, combustible, inflammable or dangerous nature." There is no doubt that propane is flammable. But then so is a piece of paper. Am I being unreasonable?
  7. hi, On wednesday 23/03/2016 i was travelling as I am used to from ilkley to go work in leeds, I have a metro card that i top up every month, this one expired on 22/03/2016. As I was in a rush I did not want to miss the train I did not buy a ticket from the station i assumed I could do so on the train, on board no guard came offered fares as I was expecting. When I arrived i then decided to go and buy the ticket from the platform. I was then stopped by a guard and telling me i to fill inn the paper... The guard took my travel card receipt covering for the period from 23/02/2016 to 22/03/2016. Opened the gates and let me go. I then went to the nearest payzone and topped up my metro card covering period from 23/03/2016 to 22/04/2016 INCLUDING wednesday 23/03/2016. I am now very concerned about this situation in here as I did not do anything wrong. The agent who took my details saw my passport and Iam sure i spelled my name correctly but for some reason I received a letter with my first name spelt wrong. My question is will I be prosecuted for this ? this was the first time this has ever happened to me. I am flabbergasted as i was not trying to be dishonest that is not my nature.. but then I receive that letter accusing me of fare evasion. I am really worried I don't want to have it on my records and ruin my future. Can any one help me ? Much appreciated Thank you S.S
  8. Hello Everbody A month ago i got caught without validating my waster card.. .that time i had 2 wester cards with me, one with money and one hithout money.. .Trying to save myself i told the guy the machine wasn`t working from station i got in the train. ..he was really sure the machine was working like he have been there in that morning arround 6am ..after that he asked for my details name, address..etc. Today i received a Prosecution letter saying.. "On tuesday 30 September 2014 at Chadwell Heat station a person giving the above name and address was questioned by a member of rail staff about the payment of a rail fare. All the available evidence is being considered as to whether legal proceding are appropriate. If you consider that there are further mitigating factors that may influence any decision that may be made about this matter you are invited to respong, within 14 days of the date of this letter using the enclosed Freepost envelope. If you wish to make any comments about the incident, please do so on the reverse of this letter. Please ensure that all details below are completed and returned to ensure our records are up to date." From what that guy said, for this kind of prosecutions i can get up to 3month of jail and up 1000p fare... 1. Is it true?? 2. How should i procced further with this letter.? Please reply as you would think is most probably happen in my case, and what would be best to do for me. Thank you
  9. Can anyone help please? I am a long term member of the CAG. I bought a "overbed" wardrobe fitment from Argos last December consisting of two upright cupboards with a bridging double unit in the middle . It was not cheap and I thought it would last a long time. It was assembled in March this year (decorating etc) as per the instructions and at the time we thought that the design was a bit odd as the bridging is attached to the two uprights with two brackets and screws. It has not been overloaded and was perfectly straight when completed. However over the past few months the middle has sagged and now the doors won't hang straight due to this and it looks awful. I contacted Argos who said it has now been discontinued and they said they could try and get spare parts or offered a similar replacement. However there is no similar replacement!! We have also had bedroom carpets fitted etc. so taking it out is not ideal. I asked if they were willing to offer compensation and they offered me £50 (it cost £450 down to £350 in special event). I was not happy with this and they have now offered me £80 in "full and final settlement". I am in a quandary as to what my rights are - I paid with a debit card many thanks
  10. The energy regulator has branded a proposal by EDF to introduce single unit pricing for gas and electricity as "not as simple as it sounds". Instead, Ofgem is to simplify the energy market in the forthcoming Energy Bill by requiring companies to limit the number of tariffs on offer to four for each of gas and electricity. EDF Energy calls for 'petrol station forecourt' pricing One of the UK's biggest energy suppliers has called for single-unit pricing for gas and electricity to help consumers compare tariffs as easily as they currently shop around for petrol. EDF Energy said it would introduce the system if all other suppliers did too. The energy regulator Ofgem said the proposed scheme would not be as easy to implement as it might appear. This was because of the number of payment options and special "dual fuel" packages that currently existed. A plan by Ofgem to simplify the energy market will be included in the forthcoming Energy Bill. It will require companies to limit the number of tariffs on offer to four for each of gas and electricity. But EDF said that plan was still too complicated. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22916656
  11. As far as I am aware if a ticket is not actually placed on your car the penalty is void as no law has been put in place in the case of "drive aways". If this is still the case where do we stand with mobile camera units? I was snapped by a smart car with cameras on its roof which just drove past without actually issuing a ticket. I had parked partially on the kerb on a single yellow around 9pm. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
  12. Hi again friends, I am getting really confused with two of my debts, but refuse to ring the numbers given on these letters... I have two debts outstanding with HSBC, one was a current account overdraft and the other was a credit card. I have been paying these off at a very low rate for quite a while now, one with MKPD and the other with metropolitan. I have had a letter this morning telling me that the debt has been referred for immediate collection with central debt recovery unit. and that I must pay the balance by 18.10.12 I see on the bottom of the letter that this is a "trading style of Metropolitan collection services ltd." Should I carry on ignoring these letters and just keep letting the standing orders go through as usual, or should I contact them. I am getting really worried now as I am getting confused as to who is getting what???
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