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Found 2 results

  1. hi, On wednesday 23/03/2016 i was travelling as I am used to from ilkley to go work in leeds, I have a metro card that i top up every month, this one expired on 22/03/2016. As I was in a rush I did not want to miss the train I did not buy a ticket from the station i assumed I could do so on the train, on board no guard came offered fares as I was expecting. When I arrived i then decided to go and buy the ticket from the platform. I was then stopped by a guard and telling me i to fill inn the paper... The guard took my travel card receipt covering for the period from 23/02/2016 to 22/03/2016. Opened the gates and let me go. I then went to the nearest payzone and topped up my metro card covering period from 23/03/2016 to 22/04/2016 INCLUDING wednesday 23/03/2016. I am now very concerned about this situation in here as I did not do anything wrong. The agent who took my details saw my passport and Iam sure i spelled my name correctly but for some reason I received a letter with my first name spelt wrong. My question is will I be prosecuted for this ? this was the first time this has ever happened to me. I am flabbergasted as i was not trying to be dishonest that is not my nature.. but then I receive that letter accusing me of fare evasion. I am really worried I don't want to have it on my records and ruin my future. Can any one help me ? Much appreciated Thank you S.S
  2. Hi guys, new here so will quickly tell you about my situation, last year I took out some PDLs and couldn't afford to pay them all back, including a £200 loan with Toothfairy. Iv had countless letters from TF, MH and NDR demanding over £1000! Iv offered to pay back the original loan amount with a couple of months interest but they are saying they can only reduce the fee a bit, they are still adding interest. I got an email today from NDR I contacted toothfairy today and received an email from MH so they are clearly all the same company... Here is part of the email I received today, any advice welcome! You currently owe £1460. You agreed to repay your short term loan within 14 days. Payday loans can become expensive if you do not keep to the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you took out your loan. Please note that as you borrowed £200, you are being charged £36 every 14 days. This is CLEARLY STATED in the terms and conditions YOU agreed to. YOU agreed to the terms and conditions with your double digital signature by way of entering your email address in twice then clicking \'I accept and agree to the terms and conditions\'. The terms and conditions that you agreed to are legally binding under The Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please remember that your original loan was for 14- 28 days ONLY. Here is a COMPLETE breakdown of your account to-date with ALL the dates and the amount of ALL charges: 26.08.11 Issue LOAN £200.00 – 27.08.11 Charge Interest-1 £36 – 10.09.11 Charge Interest-2 £36 – 23.09.11 Payment -£36 24.09.11 Charge Interest-3 £36 – 08.10.11 Charge Interest-4 £36 – 08.10.11 Charge Missed Payment Fee 2 (day 43) £10 08.10.11 Charge NDR Recovery Fee £350 22.10.11 Charge Interest-5 £36 – 05.11.11 Charge Interest-6 £36 – 19.11.11 Charge Interest-7 £36 – 03.12.11 Charge Interest-8 £36 – 17.12.11 Charge Interest-9 £36 – 31.12.11 Charge Interest-10 £36 – 14.01.12 Charge Interest-11 £36 – 28.01.12 Charge Interest-12 £36 – 11.02.12 Charge Interest-13 £36 – 25.02.12 Charge Interest-14 £36 – 10.03.12 Charge Interest-15 £36 – 24.03.12 Charge Interest-16 £36 – 07.04.12 Charge Interest-17 £36 – 21.04.12 Charge Interest-18 £36 – 05.05.12 Charge Interest-19 £36 – 19.05.12 Charge Interest-20 £36 – 02.06.12 Charge Interest-21 £36 – 16.06.12 Charge Interest-22 £36 – 30.06.12 Charge Interest-23 £36 – 14.07.12 Charge Interest-24 £36 – 28.07.12 Charge Interest-25 £36 – 11.08.12 Charge Interest-26 £36 –
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