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Found 12 results

  1. Hi guys, I owe Marshall Hoares around £600 through a loan with PayCheckCredit, and I am now unfortunately on JSA, but this company keep spamming the crap out of my phone, my email and through text. How do I get them to back off? Thank you
  2. Up until recently, I have been borrowing from multiple payday loans (common mistake, I know) which escalated until I couldn't cover it anymore, ending in a cycle. Since then, I have been with Harrington Brookes to make sure I recover from the scale that I am in. However, despite being assured that my accounts are functional and being processed - Marshall Hoares Bailiffs have continued to contact me by phone and e-mail, until that one threat that they are making that door visit. In which case, made me really worried because I have just told my folks that I have my debts under control (which it is, as I have a repayment plan being set-up). The contact I have at Harrington did say that I must not contact the said bailiffs in any way and only mention that I am already with them and that they are handling it. The big question, after that big phone call threatening you of a visit. How long does it take for them to get here? As I may want to be ready. PS. I am a new member and a desperate one as it is already 8PM and both companies have closed their call centers for the day .
  3. I am worried sick. i took out a loan from toothfairy in april. i wanted £100 as i have had them before and payed back in time. on the day, it said i had to choose a higher loan as £100 wasnt available. i got a £200 one and then something happened so i didnt repay. i have since had numerous calls/texts/emails every day form them, and NDR wanting money. the debt has risen to £715 and will rise again if i dont pay within 3 days. today i have had a text from marshall hoares bailiffs sayig they will be at my adress in 3 days and will take things to 9times the value of the loan. i have emailed them, told them on the phone and through the contact us on all 3 websites asking how to repay an affordable amount each month/fortnightly. i am on benefits and get £148 every 2 weeks. i am worried sick for me and my young daughter. i have been sitting with blinds shut and not making noise/not answering door if i am not expecting anyone. i really dunno what to do. they wont give me an answer to repay what i can afford. oh, forgot, i had a text yesterday saying i had agreed to pay today in full but i never did. because i got the text yesterday, i went online banking and switched the money i do have in (my rent) to my savings account so they couldnt take it. anyone have any advie?
  4. Hi guys, new here so will quickly tell you about my situation, last year I took out some PDLs and couldn't afford to pay them all back, including a £200 loan with Toothfairy. Iv had countless letters from TF, MH and NDR demanding over £1000! Iv offered to pay back the original loan amount with a couple of months interest but they are saying they can only reduce the fee a bit, they are still adding interest. I got an email today from NDR I contacted toothfairy today and received an email from MH so they are clearly all the same company... Here is part of the email I received today, any advice welcome! You currently owe £1460. You agreed to repay your short term loan within 14 days. Payday loans can become expensive if you do not keep to the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you took out your loan. Please note that as you borrowed £200, you are being charged £36 every 14 days. This is CLEARLY STATED in the terms and conditions YOU agreed to. YOU agreed to the terms and conditions with your double digital signature by way of entering your email address in twice then clicking \'I accept and agree to the terms and conditions\'. The terms and conditions that you agreed to are legally binding under The Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please remember that your original loan was for 14- 28 days ONLY. Here is a COMPLETE breakdown of your account to-date with ALL the dates and the amount of ALL charges: 26.08.11 Issue LOAN £200.00 – 27.08.11 Charge Interest-1 £36 – 10.09.11 Charge Interest-2 £36 – 23.09.11 Payment -£36 24.09.11 Charge Interest-3 £36 – 08.10.11 Charge Interest-4 £36 – 08.10.11 Charge Missed Payment Fee 2 (day 43) £10 08.10.11 Charge NDR Recovery Fee £350 22.10.11 Charge Interest-5 £36 – 05.11.11 Charge Interest-6 £36 – 19.11.11 Charge Interest-7 £36 – 03.12.11 Charge Interest-8 £36 – 17.12.11 Charge Interest-9 £36 – 31.12.11 Charge Interest-10 £36 – 14.01.12 Charge Interest-11 £36 – 28.01.12 Charge Interest-12 £36 – 11.02.12 Charge Interest-13 £36 – 25.02.12 Charge Interest-14 £36 – 10.03.12 Charge Interest-15 £36 – 24.03.12 Charge Interest-16 £36 – 07.04.12 Charge Interest-17 £36 – 21.04.12 Charge Interest-18 £36 – 05.05.12 Charge Interest-19 £36 – 19.05.12 Charge Interest-20 £36 – 02.06.12 Charge Interest-21 £36 – 16.06.12 Charge Interest-22 £36 – 30.06.12 Charge Interest-23 £36 – 14.07.12 Charge Interest-24 £36 – 28.07.12 Charge Interest-25 £36 – 11.08.12 Charge Interest-26 £36 –
  5. Hi Everyone, I am trying to reply to there awful emails and letters and texts, but as you all know the email address bounces back. does anyone have an address I can send a letter to please? Thank you.
  6. im currenl experiencing difficulty with the 3 of these and one of the guys on her is helping me get a complaint in but now the NDR and Marshall hoares sites are down. Could this be a sign they are going compltely under with speed credit? good news i hope check it for yourself http://www.marshallhoares.com/ http://www.northerndebtrecovery.com/
  7. Hello, I would like to call on everyone that is currently being harassed and intimidated by Marshall Hoares/Northern Debt Recover/Toothfairy/Paycheck Credit. As you will may be aware these companies are all one and the same: http://companycheck.co.uk/company/06871092 http://companycheck.co.uk/company/06956396 NDR & Marsahall Hoares are registered to the same address: · 15 Lyndhurst Terrace, London, NW3 5QA This address is also at the bottom of Toothfairy’s website. Also anyone with an account/balance with Toothfairy Finance can also log into their account detail on the Paycheck Credit website. Both are mirrors of each other. http://www.paycheckcredit.co.uk/ https://www.toothfairyfinance.com/ This is as serious breach of the data protection act as Toothfairy and Paycheck Credit both claim to be independent of each other. I suggest anyone with an outstanding balance with either to go and try for themselves. Furthermore all of the letters they send out breach many OFT guidelines: ·Levy charges that are disproportionate to the main debt and which do not reflect the actual, necessary cost of recovering a debt" ·"Pressure debtors who have defaulted on an agreement to pay unreasonably large instalments when they are unable to do so" ·"Make misleading representations as to the action it might take or might be taking to recover a debt" *MARSHALL HOARES IMPLY THEY ARE COURT APPOINTED ect.. Please please if you are having any hassle with these companies make a complaint to: The Office of Fair Trading - [email protected] Camden Council Consumer Affairs - [email protected] You can also contact the Daily Mirror who also investigating Daily Mirror - [email protected] (FAO Nick Sommerlad) If we all pull together finally something will get done about these the way these companies are doing business.
  8. Hi and thanks in advance for listening, I am having a bit of a problem with MHB. Threatening calls, emails and letters. Unfortunately I am currently unable to give them what they want. I have offered what I can but they are just not willing to listen. Basically it's there way or no way. Is there any way to get through to these guys? I can go into it a bit more if needed. Thanks for reading
  9. Hi, I am new to this site and have just come across a few threads mentioning Toothfairy/Marshall Hoarers Bailiffs. I received this email 2 days ago and have no way of contacting them especially by phone on a charging number. They have no email to contact them on. I did set up a £50 repayment plan from 31.12.12 but was unable to pay due to work problems. I am in contact with Citizens Advice but don't have an appointment until Wednesday 9th Jan 2013 to get any payday loans settled. Is this email legit and will they turn up at my house this week? BY LETTER AND EMAIL Online payment ID: 16559868 Outstanding amount: 1058 PRE-VISIT Notice Client: ToothFairy Finance Ltd - ToothFairy Pay Day Loan*** Client Ref: 16559868 Date: 03/01/2013 You have failed to make suitable repayment arrangements concerning the above arrears which remain outstanding. Our recovery Agents will now visit your premises to discuss your debt and arrange repayment .All visits may be chargeable. You must make the IMMEDIATE FULL PAYMENT of all outstanding amounts (as shown above) to prevent this action from commencing or contact us to arrange a suitable repayment plan. YOU HAVE 3 DAYS FROM THE DATE STATED IN THIS NOTICE TO MAKE PAYMENT NOTE: THIS IS YOUR FINAL CHANCE TO AVOID COURT ACTION. NO FURTHER WARNING WILL BE GIVEN A fully prepared case will be sent to your local County Court or Sheriff Court to be issued. If we are successful and receive judgement we will apply for a Warrant of Execution or Scottish equivalent to seize goods or an Attachment of Earnings Order or Scottish equivalent to have this debt deducted directly from your salary, this would require us to liaise with your employer. WE ADVISE YOU TO CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY on 08433811111. Yours faithfully Door Collections Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Telephone: 0843 381 1111 The content of this email should not be considered as an acceptance of any offer unless we previously review and expressly approve in writing your terms and conditions relating to the subject matter of this email. The information in this email is private and confidential. If you are not th e intended recipient(s) or have otherwise received this email in error, please delete the email and inform the sender as soon as possible. This email may not be disclosed, used or copied by anyone other than the intended recipient(s). Any opinions, statements or comments contained in this email are not necessarily those of Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited. If you wish clarification of any matter, please request confirmation in writing. Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited is a company registered in England and Wales whose registered address is Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited, 15 Lyndhurst Terrace, London, NW3 5QA, United Kingdom. Company registration number 06871092. Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited is licensed by the Office of Fair Trading under Consumer Credit Licence number 631168. We take precautions to minimise the risk of this email containing a software virus but you should use virus checking software.
  10. I would appreciate any advice on these people formerly MMF chasing a wage day loan about 5 years ago. I stopped paying them because they was continuing to add charges and I repaid this loan 5 times over. MMF have been chasing with threatening letters and now letter from Marshall Hoares threatening to visit. What should I do about these clowns? Please anybody Thanks Mashmallow
  11. Hi guys, I took out a loan with toothfairy finance almost a year ago for £100 and after being unable to pay on the agreed date due to a change in circumstances I have been threatened and mentally tortured by this company. I've tried emailing them countless times to work out some sort of payment plan but I get the generic response. I currently have no job as i have just finished college and i literally have no money so I cant even make token payments. Yesterday a ground collection Muscle Man from marshall hoares came to my door and tried to pressure me into repaying even after telling him I had no money. I have send 3 letters to toothfairy in the past stating that I would not accept a door visit but they just dont seem to listen. I live in Scotland and I was under the impression that the laws are different up here but they wont stop harassing me 7 calls a day, 2 letters a week and constant emails and now this. I appreciate any advice you can give I just want to know what my rights are or what i can do?
  12. Hi I have just recieved a phone call from convers money regarding a debt i have with them and the person i spoke to Hussain was very rude, he originally called and spoke to my OH about this issue even though he didnt know it was my OH telling the OH how they will be starting legal procedings against me blah blah blah. Then he phoned back again on private number and when i challenged him asking why he was speaking to someone else about my finances his response was well they answered your phone so i can tell them what i like. and then continued to say i am not getting into an arguement with you and then said we will see you in court and hung up. I also got an email which said the following ·Solicitors being instructed to commence legal action or personal bankruptcy proceedings ·A debt collection agency being instructed to attend your home to collect the debt or assess your assets prior to legal action Can they get me bankrupt??? I have sent them an email requesting them that they only contact me via letter which i will send by letter too. i tried calling the two numbers i have for them but both are constantly engaged. Are these people regulated by anyone as i could not see any license numbers for fsa etc on there website. Anyone know anything on Convers money or any advice would be really appreciated Thanks
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