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  1. The purpose of this thread is to initiate a discussion with fellow eToro customers to examine the possibility of bringing a class action lawsuit against eToro, with the aim of recovering all the money lost on missold products. eToro encouraged thousands of inexperienced customers to bet their money on risky Contracts for Differences (CFDs). I argue that eToro negligently failed to ensure that customers properly understood the risks involved. The majority of these customers would not have put their money at risk if they had been properly informed by eToro. I submit that eToro is guilty of: 1. offering and promoting the use of high leverage, which made the CFD trades extremely risky and tantamount to gambling (before the ESMA rules took effect, leverage as high a x100 was available on some assets, including extremely risky ones like gold and oil); 2. failing to make a good-faith effort to ensure that customers genuinely understood the risks associated with high leverage – their boilerplate warnings were not sufficient to enable inexperienced investors to make a truly informed decision; 3. actively encouraging customers to put more money at risk by telephoning them; 4. encouraging customers to copy so-called "Popular Investors", despite the fact that none of them are professional traders and suffered losses when the favourable market conditions ended. In my opinion, such a class action lawsuit has a realistic prospect of success and is also in the public interest. Customers affected by at least one of the four points listed above can potentially receive compensation if the lawsuit is won by the claimants. This year thousands of customers suffered losses either by using the high leverage that eToro recklessly made available to unsophisticated customers, or by copying incompetent “Popular Investors” like JayNemesis and Wesl3y, who are not qualified to invest money on behalf of others. Let's get some momentum going and start selecting the right law firm to bring this claim against eToro!
  2. Hi, Sorry for the basic question but I'm struggling to find an answer. As a sole trader, do I pay class 4 NIC's on my personal tax allowance or do i deduct my expenses AND personal allowance from my gross profit and then pay class 4 on what remains? Thanks
  3. I was registered as self employed between 2011 and 2017. This was a small sideline along side my main PAYE income (so my NI contributions are already made up for the years in question), and me SE profit was generally about £1500 per year (highest was about £2500). Now I've just had a letter from HMRC demanding Class 2 NIC for 2011 to 2015. Don't know why they've only just written to me about it, first I've heard from them on this subject since 2011. I was always under the impression that as my income was below the small earnings exception, I was exempt from having to pay class 2 NIC? I seem to recall dealing with this matter back in 2011, and I'm pretty sure I sent them a CF10 form back then (although I didn't keep a copy of that myself). Should I just write to them stating that I believe I was exempt due to earnings below the threshold? Obviously this is reflected in my SA tax returns. Are they likely to just accept that? It seems odd that if they think I should have been paying class 2 NICS for all these years, why haven't they chased it before now?
  4. I have just received a court summons with three options and need a little advise on how to act. On the morning in question I was in a carriage on the Thameslink service from Bedford to Brighton along with 7 people and two kids. We were asked to provide tickets by an inspector which I did so. The inspector took my rail wallet which included my work ID to access my building and previously purchased tickets. I asked for my wallet back to which he refused. He talked to two other passengers before speaking with me and ignored a woman and two kids opposite which I thought was strange. He then asked for my name and address. I questioned this to which he replied that I was in first class. I said I wasn't aware I was and asked for my wallet back. He refused to which I asked if we could resolve the matter at St Pancras as I was very embarrassed and still wasn't sure he was correct. He agreed. When i arrived at St Pancras I waited with an assistant and explained what had happened. After two calls and a search of the platform it was clear the inspector never exited the train. I waited 45 minutes while various members of staff tried to contact the inspector but all failed. I then was cautioned at work for failing to provide my ID that morning. I returned that evening to be told that no one could help and was best if I go to Luton to speak to the shift manager. I was given a free pass to get me there. Once there I was advised to purchase another season ticket and given an address to write to in order to receive my work ID and train tickets. He also informed me that he had spoken to the member of staff and that he thought I was getting off at Farringdon. My belongings were returned by kings cross prosecution department two weeks later. The inspectors statement says I walked away from him. This is not true. He also states that he was asked to meet at city Thameslnk. This is not true. What am I to do? Any advice would be welcome. I know its a bit long winded but I will seek legal advise if all else fails. Thanks for all your help in advance.
  5. Hi Everyone, this is my first post and I hope I can get some help to step out of this quagmire of negative discriminatory and unfair practices that I am subject to at the hands of the nefarious Nationwide Bank. My issues began in 2014, when I had just over eighty-thousand-pounds+ (80.000.00 +) taken out of my account. It was an unauthorised transaction. I was abroad, I'd used my card three times with the same vendor to buy some tickets to watch some football matches.Three different games. The vendor said, he'd give us some tickets the next day, and other tickets would follow a few days later as the games had not yet began. The following morning, I notice that a large amount had gone from my account, I rang the bank immediately on noticing the unauthorised withdrawal, Nationwide visa disputes team assured me they'd return the monies. About 14 days later Nationwide returned just under fourteen-thousand-pounds (14.000.00). they said, they were dealing with the other transaction of the larger amount and it could take unto 40 days, yet to this day two years later I Nationwide bank has not returned the sixty-seven-plus thousand. They returned the first monies as a cash-back, and said the other transaction, all with the same company could not be returned as a cash-back . I complained to them about this and asked why it had taken them 7 months to decide against their first decision. They gave various reasons for this at different times throughout the first year. I called and wrote to the Financial Ombudsman(FOS) who, lo and behold, after a year found in favour of Nationwide . The FOS and Nationwide said, I'd called the bank while abroad and told them to release this money. I did not, I asked them to prove this by citing the Freedom Of Information Act, (FOI) neither the bank nor FOS came up with any prove, i.e. -voice recording- saying anything of the sort. after a year disputing this situation the bank and FOS, a n FOS employee who is part of the Ombudsman's team said, I should resend in my complaint as an unauthorised transaction and not as a cash-back complaint . again I duly went through the complaint process with the bank who then asked me, why did I ask for a cash-back in the first instance, I replied that it was Nationwide's visa dispute team who advise me that this was a cash-back situation, but now wiser I know that this £60K+ comes under the regulations for an unauthorised transaction. Thereafter Nationwide CEO's executive assistant replied and stated in writing via email, that Nationwide would not open this as a fresh claim and would NOT read any more correspondence from myself nor discuss this matter any further. I discussed this with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) who informed me that I was being treated unfairly and that the bank was in breach on around 5 of their regulations. I returned to the bank with this information and they just reiterated what they previously said, that, they would not discuss my account with me any further. again returned to FOS, with this new complaint and brought in the issues about unfair practices as per FCA regulations. The people I spoke with including an ombudsman at first didn't know and could not tell me the difference between a cash-back (which comes under the Consumer Credit Act 1974) and an unauthorised transaction (which is covered in the FCA handbook as BCOBS 5.1.11). I asked this particular ombudsperson to look it up then come back to me so we can have a proper discussion. She called me back four days later, admitting there where differences between a cash-back and an unauthorised transaction. I have this in writing too. This woman ombudsman said, in the first now closed complaint, the ombudsman had thought about the unauthorised transaction aspect of this case, - though he did not refer to it in anyway in his final decision letter - I asked her, is this some Orwellian double-speak, how can he say he thought about a transaction that comes under different rules and regulations, yet makes no mention of it in his final decision letter? I said again, this is a new complaint . When the ombudsperson kept on referring to the old cash-back complaint. I pointed out to this ombudsperson, that it is written on the final decision letter, that FOS will no longer discuss this case again with me as I now have received the final decision letter. Yet again this ombudsperson referred back to that closed case -see how they change the goal posts when it suits them- and said, I'd called the bank, which I did not, I asked them to show me the prove or get the bank to show the prove that this fact is so . I stated if this alleged conversation was a true fact this situation would not be into year 2 of it's investigation. FOS, did not show me proof of this conversation I allegedly had with Nationwide bank and even though they had advised me to return with this new complaint, they decided that the first decision on the cash-back was enough and the rules applied were the same for a cash-back as for an unauthorised transaction. The FCA said this is not so.... Note, neither the bank nor FOS addressed the complaint(s) I had written to them about where they ARE in breach the FCA rules. With all this ongoing stressful situation the bank decided to play nasty with me. now, next they offered me a credit card, so I filled in the application, passed the criteria, they sent the pin and card, Then they called me and asked me to go to the bank with ID to verify myself. I went in gave them my bank card told the branch staff member why I was there I had on me my UK passport and utility bills, the staff member said they had to call head office, I waited and waited after sitting in the bank for an hour, note: they didn't ask to look at my ID or anything else, they said, the card was revoked. They gave no explanation for this even though i called the next day, they said they would not discuss this. three weeks later, I called and wrote to them asking them to explain why? Nationwide then said, there was no problem with the card, just come into branch again to verify myself with a picture ID and utility bills, I did this again, and again after sitting in the bank for an hour they said, the card was blocked because I'd ask for a loan in 2007. I did not do this and at that time, I was working for a government in another country which is easily proved. , after leaving the bank, I called and asked what is this problem? Nationwide said just reapply and everything should go through okay. I tried to reapply numerous times - called the bank in between times to make sure everything was okay on their end, Nationwide gave an affirmative answer - yet, always after completing the application the bank say's I have a card already. I haven't a card as the card they issued they blocked it with no valid explanation to why. I called again last week Now, they are again refusing to discuss my account and again asked me to go to branch. This time I told them, I know you are acting in a very malicious and nefarious manner and I will not go for a third time to the branch as this is just a nasty game Nationwide are playing. I have written to the CEO about both these matters and I received an email from the CEO's executive assistant who stated that, on answering my complaint about 1 of the regulations of the FCA, saying Nationwide do not think they are being unfair, that they will NOT discuss my account with me and any other letters I write will be left unopened . Remember, I wrote to Nationwide and FOS about them breaching 6 of the FCA's regulations. How's that for dystopia bank style. I really need some advice, and I really need some people who have know they have been unfairly treated by Nationwide bank to join me in a Class Action against them or if there is a class action happening, let me know how to join. My apologies that this is such a long post, but this is a summary of a two year plus, ongoing battle with this unfair uncaring not on anyones side Nationwide bank. , please if anyone has any ideas of how I can get my monies returned and how to deal with Nationwide, a bank that has shown me how vindictive, discriminatory and unhelpful they can be, I would be really grateful for workable advice.
  6. Before you start planning to retire, this is in the U.S. but as class actions can now be done in the UK, it's good info to keep in the back of your mind.
  7. I am currently on ESA SG and in the middle of being reassessed. I am as always worried about losing my ESA. I am also due to be moving in with my partner in a few months and as they earn over the threshold I will lose all money anyway but at least if I am on ESA my stamp will get paid so I will still qualify for my pension in future. If I lose my ESA it won't change the fact that I am currently unable to work but I won't get my NIC paid. I s there anything I can do to get round this issue? Could I for example become self employed and just pay my stamp myself it it wouldn't be too much money each month. My plan is to become self employed anyway but I think it will be sometime before I can make an income. My partners salary also takes us over the threshold for anything like tax credits so I won't be applying for anything like that. My partner knows the situation and is happy to support me financially, the main issue for me is to still keep my national insurance contributions up without being hassled by the job center or work programme.
  8. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/what-the-middle-class-doesnt-understand-about-rich-people-a7158851.html Well now you know, the Wealthy/Rich people are misunderstood ! However, there are some interesting points in the article - not least of which - being wealthy gives you freedom.
  9. I for one have had hellish problems caused by npower entering missed payments on my credit file, on and off like a yoyo and this has caused my mortgage applications to be declined more than once. I consider this to be extremely serious. Please contact me if you would be interested in taking out a class action lawsuit against npower to seek compensation for all the problems they have caused and laws they have broken. Whilst I have already provided extensive details of my case to The Information Commissioner, The Energy Ombudsman, The Financial Ombudsman, Experian Credit Agency, they either fail to respond / take any action / blame the other party. npower's obvious wrongs are as follows: failure to issue a contract preventing me change suppliers for a better tariff failing to notify of direct debit changes failing to notify credit file entries wrongful entries on my credit file - twice, and for incorrect amounts failing to provide bills on time failing to respond promptly to letters failing to bill the correct amount harassment by debt collection agencies And that's just for starters. Please contact me if you'd be interested - thank you.
  10. Hi everyone, I believe this episode is inserted in mitigating circumstances because when I arrived to the site I was finishing a delivery to a customer and I had parked in the bay with the display ticket clearly visible in the van. (it wasn't necessary) When I was ready to leave the site I realize the approach of a CEO that however informed me that my van could not be there as it was an area not designated for class of vehicle. (I have a Luton van) and allegedly he thought I was parked there and pointed my registration What are my chances of making challenge and run well? I received the PCN and I'm sure the CEO did not collect information from my road tax disc as also does not contain any pictures as proof in the PCN letter. I parked on that bay to not obstruct the traffic flow on that street where only one car can transit in both directions and also for safety reasons I stopped at that bay (with display ticket). I feel frustrated because I see that these people do everything possible to achieve their targets and I got £130 fine to pay Can I prove something with my customer? what can I do? Gratefull for your attention Tiago
  11. So, after seeing a recent 1st class scenario play out on here, my question is: Can you stand in the 1st Class area if the train is busy? I assume you can stand but not sit - unless you have stupidly paid for a 1st class seat?! It did make me chuckle once seeing a passenger argue with the Inspector when being charged for sitting on one without a ticket.... his response was 'I will happily pay for the 1st class seat if you can explain what warrents this to be 1st Class?!'...
  12. racy tracy

    Class 4 NIC

    Hello people, im hoping someone out there will be able to help me. Does anyone know at what point Class 4 National Insurance Contributions are paid and deducted. I'l try and explain........my partner is a self employed/sub contractor builder. His boss pays him a wage every week from which he has already deducted tax......then every 6 months my partner gets an invoice from the HMRC to pay his Class 2 contributions. His last self assessment for April 2011/12 was done by a chartered accountant (which happens to be his boss's sister). She offered to do it for him because my partner has no idea how these things work, and considering she is a fully qualified chartered accountant he didn't think anything wrong with this. However......I feel that her calculations are wrong. His gross earnings for 2011/12 were £23,550, from this she has deducted £908 for expenses leaving an amount of £22,642 then from this she has deducted the personal allowance which then left a figure of £15,463. From this she has then deducted income tax at 20%, (which worked out at about £3,500 approx)........then the next bit is the bit that i dont understand. Going back to the figure of £22,642 she has then deducted Class 4 NI @ 9% of this, which is before any tax was taken off.....which worked out at about £1,600 approx. Is this right?......In other words 1, should he be paying Class 4 and 2, if so should it be deducted from the figure before tax or after?.....someone please help
  13. Hi folks, I dearly need some advice. Yesterday, I received a letter, summoning me to appear before the Magistrates Court on Monday to answer alleged offences under Byelaws No. 19 and No. 23 (1). I'm very worried. I had previously correspondended with the Prosecutions department (i.e. confirming my details and listing mitigating factors) but heard nothing back, until the summons. The background to the summons was that I was travelling in the First Class cabin without a valid ticket, hoping that I could get an upgrade. The carriage was empty when I got on [and for 10 stops, thereafter] and believing that since my trip was 58 minutes long that a Commercial Guard or Revenue Inspector would have asked for 'tickets'. The problems started that the eleventh stop. The carriage suddenly filled, and along came the Inspector. When I asked for an upgrade, the inspector said 'No.' I asked whether or not they had ticketing machines on board.... to which their reply was 'No.' [nb: Ironically in the inspector's witness statement mentioned that their duties included 'issuing tickets']. The inspector clearly didn't like my questions... Any way a penalty notice quickly became a report - which seemed disproportionate and unecessary. Needless to say, I felt like I was being treated like a criminal. This is the first time that this has happened to me and I'd like to know whether or not I should plead guilty. Are these strict liability offences or do they require intent? What would be the case if one or both applies? Please help. Anxious
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