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Found 6 results

  1. The Tory have implemented Tax cut - which corbyn and McDonnell are supporting, but which have the labour party up in arms - and quite rightly. Little Corbyn mini-me mc says they wont oppose tax cuts for the needy - what bullhooks Tax cuts, of which reportedly roughly half goes to the top 10%, and roughly 90% to the richest 50% But where is this money coming from? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/mar/10/poverty-benefits-families-cuts-austerity-hammond-poor-welfare "the changes from April will save around £2.5bn and dent the incomes of the “just about managing” families that Theresa May has vowed to help." "The cuts will affect around 11 million families, including 5 million of the struggling families that the prime minister stated she would focus on." So they have taken 2.5bn off the poorest to pay for those tax cuts mainly to the richest, and given a smidgen back to the poorest who pay for it. and Corbyn and McDonnell support the Tories no matter the cost to the people ... as usual ...
  2. Whooho $8.5m Dollars, that should help pay for Christmas................................................. My name is Jeniffer, I am happy to know you, but God knows you better and he knows why he has directed me to you at this point in time so do not be afraid. I am writing this mail to you with heavy sorrow in my heart .And am contacting you because I don’t have any other option than to tell you as I was touched to open up to you , I am married to Mr.Mauller Edward who worked with Libyan embassy in London for ten years before he died in the year 2005.we were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only five days. & i have 8.5 million dollars to transfer to you in charity name to help poor in your place, contact me here. Sincerely. Jeniffer Mauller Edward mail[mrs******[email protected]] H
  3. I received this :- From Mrs. Alice Idris Abidjan- Cote D'Ivoire May I Humbly solicit your confidence in this Transaction, as Being utterly confidential and top secret. But I am Assuring you That you SHALL BE very happy at the end of the Day. I Decided to Contact you due to the Urgency of this Transaction, as I wish to Repose my Trust and confidence on your Discreteness and Ability in Transaction of this Nature. Let me start by Introducing my self Properly to you, my name is Mrs. Alice Idris, I am the Regional Bank Manager of BOA Bank Abidjan-Cote D 'Ivoire I Came to know about you in my Private Search for a reliable and reputable Foreigner to handle this Confidential Transaction As the Regional Bank Manager of BOA BANK ;. it IS my duty to send a financial report to my head office at the end of each year On the course of the 2012 year report, We discovered an excess profit of Fifteen Million Us Dollars, [$ 15,000,000.00] which we have kept in SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without any beneficiary. As an officer of the Bank I CAN not BE Directly Connected to this Fund for Security Reasons, That IS why I am Contacting you for US to Work Together to Get the SAID Fund into your Bank account for INVESTMENT in your Country. The percentage Ratio IS THUS: 40% for you, 60% for me and my colleagues. Note: There Are Practically no Risks Involved in this Transactionas it IS 100% Risk free and Will BE legally Bonded, it Will BE Bank to Bank transfer, all I need from you is to stand as the next of kin / Beneficiary to the original depositor of this fund who made ​​the deposit with Kumasi branch so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account. If you accept this offer to work with me, if you find this Proposal suitable for you, kindly reply for full details. I Will appreciate it very much, If this Proposal IS acceptable by you, do not make Undue Advantage of the Trust I Have Bestowed on you, and I Assure you That we SHALL Achieve it successfully. 3 things to note :- 1. I'm a 'reliable and reputable Foreigner'. 2. Maybe the $15 is that which Tesco mislaid. 3. The is practically no risk. I'm tempted to reply just for a laugh. H
  4. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/what-the-middle-class-doesnt-understand-about-rich-people-a7158851.html Well now you know, the Wealthy/Rich people are misunderstood ! However, there are some interesting points in the article - not least of which - being wealthy gives you freedom.
  5. Hi, I've read many a post on this forum going back a few years and the same thing is still happening. I really want to help stop other people getting sucked into Tigrent Learn UK Rich Dad seminar programs. I'm pursuing my money but at the moment I'm more concerned about making sure Tigrent don't get any more money. If anyone does have any advice or they have actually got money back I'd love to hear. There must be something that can be done about this company but I have only seen disappointed people still waiting for money. I went along to the free seminar in Gatwick last weekend. I've been to this type of thing before so I fully expected to be sold to, I was on my guard at the beginning, I wasn't even interested in property investing, more in stocks and shares, but as the thing went on I got totally sucked into the sucess stories, which is all they tell you. They don't actually give you anything to work on except increasing your credit card limit. At the end of the seminar I jumped up to sign up for the 3 day course, £997. As soon as I got home I thought I better do some reseach and quickly found posts on here and elsewhere. I really wanted to believe it was going to be worth the money as I was so pleased with the rich dad book, that made sense to me. But no, I couldn't find any good reviews and just stories of people going along to the 3 day course, being told to go and up their credit limit and come back in the morning, only to be told that they cant be taught everything in 3 days, but they have to sign up for further courses for 10s of thousands of pounds. I decided that I didn't want to waste my time or money on this course so phoned my credit card company to put a stop on the payment. Tigrent Learn UK had already requested the money from my credit card company. So on Monday I called Tigrent, asked them for a full refund. I explained that I had opened the home study kit but it had not been marked and was still perfectly good to sell. They said that it had to be sealed for the full refund, so they were going to charge £497 plus admin, so out of my £997 I was going to get back £450. Also they wanted me to sign a letter to say I wouldn't discuss this with anyone and this would be the final agreement. Is that even legal? not in the contract that I signed to say that if I requested a refund it would come with a gagging order. I went to their office to personally return the home study kit, but they refused to accept it, saying they couldn't legally take it as it was mine. So I'm now going to my credit card company to raise a dispute. I don't think there is much else I can do? I've set up a twitter account @tigrent_truth I'm posting links to reviews and advice to others to try and help them not get stung. Essentially the lesson is: 1) Don't sign up on the day, go home and think about what you are buying 2) Research the course and compare to other lower cost courses that seem to actually teach you something 3) Don't trust a company that doesn't have course outlines and costs on their website 4) If you do get swept away on the day, DON'T OPEN THE HOME STUDY KIT! You could probably get all of that information from a £14.99 book from amazon and some you-tube videos. Please follow me on twitter and use the hashtag to help me raise awareness. I'd also love to hear if you have got money back for the home study kit. (Although you probably have a gagging order and can't tell me, maybe a knowing wink?) I've learnt an expensive lesson, I hope to get my money back at some point, but at least if I can stop it happening to others that would be good. Thanks
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