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Found 9 results

  1. Paramedics to be given body cameras to protect them from abuse READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/paramedics-to-be-given-body-cameras-to-protect-them-from-abuse
  2. Received 2 NIPs from different police forces after being caught by speed cameras, one in one force area, the 2nd in another force area. Was continuing a journey on the same motorway in the middle of the night, temp roadworks - unmanned - speed not excessive but over the limit, but each one was within the speed thresholds. One force offered me a speed awareness course, but the other refused and instead issued me with the more severe *Conditional Offer Of Fixed Penalty*, i.e. £100 fine plus 3 points. I did the course, cost me £76. I contend that the other force should not have issued me with the conditional fixed penalty and that both offences were only seen as separate because - unknowingly to me - the 2 speed cameras were in different force areas, even although I was still on the same motorway. Seems excessive punishment and a technicality is being used in order to deny me another speed awareness course offer, i.e. that only one can be done every 3 years. I've checked all the guidelines and the force in question has apparently breached them. I now stand to get a court summons because I've refused to accept the *COOFP* and would claim that both offences should not be separate but ought to be seen as one only. Seems like they want two bites of the same cherry? A tricky one where it seems as if their guidelines can't cope with my circumstances, so instead of either treating them as a continuation of the first offence, or taking no action, they seem hell bent on prosecuting me. Any thoughts ??
  3. The Aurora Borealis - better known as the Northern Lights - has been visible over parts of the UK. Can you believe this. First of all the Super Eclipse Blood Moon now a chance to see this. In one year.Maybe a month. I am so happy i could sing, dance.Spin around and may just do one or all of these things. Believe there are chances to see it for the next few weeks. Now i know there are many photographers in these rooms on the CAG. Who can take a fine picture. If any of you whether mobile or digi camera sees this Aurora in the skies over the next few weeks could you post a picture. Or maybe as you are keeping a eye on the sky post here when you see it in your area. A early warning so others may look out of windows and see it. Link that explains.With many pictures and other links to explain how and when you might see this marvel of the skies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34472301 Off now to take a peek. Checking,Camera, Tripod, Telescope,back pack,supplies,binoculars,stun gun,dog, ok should be enough for a hour or two. I have never seen it have you? Just doing a radar check on cloud etc. Check out your area.Whatever day,when you press i feel it will be current. Up-to date. Pop posty code in and away you go. No good if cloudy or danger of storms etc. Otherwise we would be lighting up the skies with all that metal we will be carrying. A link for you. http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=radar;sess=
  4. As an enquirers thread was being diverted I have kicked off this thread to discuss CCTV and BWC. As E Munch has highlighted ICO concerns and DPA on this thread at post# 8 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?457929-Bristow-and-Sutor-%28Council-Tax%29-threatened-ARREST-if-not-pay-NOW...%282-Viewing%29-nbspdress happens to be right number wrong street I will kick off with the other side of the coin as in an aggressive EA is captured on a debtor's doorstep CCTV trying to intimidate a 14 year old daughter who looks 18, with no other adult present. DPA issues? and as it is a private house EA cannot demand footage destroyed and apparently no DPA issue especially if warning that CCTV is recording all visitors being displayed. Compare and contrast with DPA implications for BWC on EA capturing the same incident. Discuss
  5. i have just read an interesting article in the Daily Telegraph from the 10th June. a motorist was threatened with Court for doing 85 MPH by a Gatso camera in Staffordshire. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/10/questions-raised-over-accuracy-of-speed-cameras-after-driver-doi/?ref=yfp The case was dropped and the motorist had his legal fees of £2000 reimbursed after it was proved he was only doing 29.5MPH. On being questioned about the huge discrepancy which calls the whole use of speed cameras into question the Police said "This is the only time this type of error, to the best of our knowledge, has not been picked up prior to going to court. This was a one-off individual error." The inference is therefore that these anomalies have been found before but have been spotted before going to Court. The question is how do these errors occur and how many are not spotted and the difference in speeds is not that great that motorists just pay up rather than question the speed camera accuracy
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3569255/Hundreds-parking-fines-overturned-Aldi-failed-planning-permission-number-plate-recognition-cameras-operating-one-stores-FIVE-YEARS.html
  7. A police force must stop using number plate recognition technology after a warning from the UK's data watchdog. The Information Commissioner's Office said Hertfordshire Constabulary's use of cameras in and around the town of Royston was in breach of the law. It said the force had failed to carry out required privacy impact checks. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23433138 A full copy of the ICO's "Enforcement Notice" and Press Release can be read here: http://www.ico.org.uk/news/latest_news/2013/Police-use-of-Ring-of-Steel-is-disproportionate-and-must-be-reviewed-24072013
  8. I saw a road incident earlier today in the Hyde Park Gyratory (at the end of Grovenor Park) and have been asked as a witness, though I was not involved. Does anyone know if there are cameras nearby that would have possibly have caught what went on ? Thanks
  9. So far only covering some of central London but hopefully this will build up to provide an extensive resource of places to be extra careful and maybe even get added to sat nav POI's: CCTV car map Please feel free to add locations here and I'll pass them on.
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