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Found 2 results

  1. The Aurora Borealis - better known as the Northern Lights - has been visible over parts of the UK. Can you believe this. First of all the Super Eclipse Blood Moon now a chance to see this. In one year.Maybe a month. I am so happy i could sing, dance.Spin around and may just do one or all of these things. Believe there are chances to see it for the next few weeks. Now i know there are many photographers in these rooms on the CAG. Who can take a fine picture. If any of you whether mobile or digi camera sees this Aurora in the skies over the next few weeks could you post a picture. Or maybe as you are keeping a eye on the sky post here when you see it in your area. A early warning so others may look out of windows and see it. Link that explains.With many pictures and other links to explain how and when you might see this marvel of the skies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34472301 Off now to take a peek. Checking,Camera, Tripod, Telescope,back pack,supplies,binoculars,stun gun,dog, ok should be enough for a hour or two. I have never seen it have you? Just doing a radar check on cloud etc. Check out your area.Whatever day,when you press i feel it will be current. Up-to date. Pop posty code in and away you go. No good if cloudy or danger of storms etc. Otherwise we would be lighting up the skies with all that metal we will be carrying. A link for you. http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=radar;sess=
  2. I recently was issued with a parking ticket (pcn council) for parking in a street, which had no visible yellow lines. The area was outside a building sight and any traces of a yellow line, had been cleaned right off, by all the building machinery and materials going in and out of site. Since then however, I have revisited the spot and there is now a plastic temporary sign, tied around a lamppost beside the road where I had parked. To warn people not to park there. How can I best go about appealing this matter? Many thanks Nadia Phillips
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