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Found 7 results

  1. Compulsory microchipping to improve horse welfare READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/compulsory-microchipping-to-improve-horse-welfare
  2. New guide to improve consumer product safety recalls READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-guide-to-improve-consumer-product-safety-recalls
  3. I wanted to take out a loan for £3800 around two years back. because I knew I would be rejected because of my poor credit rating, I asked a relative. Since then, I've paid off ALL of the balance, through my relatives bank account, i.e., I send her the money, she pays the finance company etc. Now since I have a) myself paid ALL the balance and b) have statements proving where the money went (from me>her>finance company), is there any way I could use this to better my score, like in a big way?
  4. Hi, I am trying to get myself in a position where I can actually get some form of credit stream however the past mistakes are still haunting me and they are totally my fault. There are approx 6 defaults on my credit file which are stopping anyone from looking twice at me for things like credit cards, loads or even mortgages etc which has left me in a rather strange "trap". The defaults amount to approx £2k and the oldest one was last updated approx 4 years ago. Clearly there defaults are causing me a issue and I could really do with "fixing" them to give the most positive result to anyone who searches me. I have been leaving them in the hope that SB would kick in which is fine (unethical I know) however I need to secure a new home and these defaults are stopping anything from happening. What can I do ? ideally I would like to negotiated reduced payments in order for the defaults to say "satisfied" however if that does happen, will it really make that much impact to my credit rating and score? is there another strategy I could take? Thanks
  5. Hi there, this is my first post here so please be patient I have a Barclaycard with limit of £4000 (I actively reduced this from 6K) of which I currently owe just over 3K. I am only able to pay £100 a month so the debt is only being reduced by about £60 a month. Now Barclaycard are increasing their APR my monthly payment will reduce even slower than now. I tried to apply for a 0% balance transfer card but was unsuccessful. My husband has only managed to open a Lloyds Platinum card with a 1K limit so we can transfer £950 onto that and make regular payments no problem. It is only recently that I realised that I am paying PPI on my Barclaycard, however, I finished work in August 2013 due to back trouble. I have been in receipt of ESA until very recently following a Health Assessment which deemed me fit to work (!!!) My benefit stopped. My husband works in forestry and is on a low income but we are not eligible for any other benefit. So I'm thinking that I should have claimed on the B/card PPI - but is it too late now. If any claim was rejected could I reclaim the PPI payments made on the account. Can I write and ask B/Card to freeze the account and interest as I am only interested in paying the debt off and will not be using it to make purchases etc. I find it SO frustrating to read about all these long term 0% cards and then find we are not eligible to receive them. How am I supposed to improve my Credit rating when I am finding it SO difficult to keep afloat? Sorry for the long post - just wanted to make sure that had given as much information as possible.
  6. What happens if my circumstances improve, will my DRO get revoked or will I have to make payments to my creditors? can someone tell me what will happen?
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21683739 The Office of Fair Trading says it has uncovered widespread evidence of irresponsible lending among the UK's 50 biggest payday loans companies. It is giving them 12 weeks to change their behaviour, or risk losing their licences. It will also refer the issue to the Competition Commission, after it found evidence of problems in the way that payday loan companies compete with each other. The companies have not been named. Among the poor practices identified was a failure to work out whether people could afford to pay new loans.
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