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  1. The same thing has happened to me to. I owe £20k. But never agreed to my credit limit being increased and staff purchasing without my authority. It wasn’t even pointed out I was signing a PA. I stupidly thought I was signing on behalf of my Ltd company. They are threatening personal bankruptcy. Even though I have 0 equity in my house. They are bullies. They had me tears on the phone. They are rude, aggressive, threatening and do not support small businesses in any way. I spent a fortune with them over the years and they end up treating me like I want to be in this position, it’s my fault. They should not be allowed to conduct a business in this way.
  2. My wife has been staying at a relatives house. Someone just cold called the house asking for her from Nationwide, she has an outstanding loan, credit card, and overdraft with them.. are they allowed to do this ? - i thought not. ??
  3. Hello, To give some background: I rent a property that I do not spend time in, I visit maybe once a week. It's mostly a place that collects my mail and stores some things since a relatives death. Yesterday evening I picked up a card from TV Licensing stating that "They had visited the property but I wasn't in". The time on the card was "20:31". The card states on the back "We will reshedule a visit". (It also contains the usual stuff about "This is the start of an investigation".) The card appears to be from a few days ago. All lights were switched off with all of the blinds drawn, a small crack in the blinds may or may not have revealed an unplugged and switched off television hiding in the corner of the room.. They would have to have been looking really quite hard to see it behind the box on the desk at the other end of the room (in the dark of night). I spent a minute or so getting the correct angle to have seen to that far across the room through the small crack in the blinds. I have removed the unplugged television from the house, and notified TV licensing that I don't need a television licence in that property. Do I have anything to be concerned about? (No, I have never spoken to, signed, or even seen a licensing person). Thanks all,
  4. Been helping someone who has got themselves into a bit of bother with a PBC [pawnbrokingcompany] over the renewal of a large logbook loan against a hypercar. Just wondered if anyone else has had an success in getting a LBL extended on the value of a vehicle that was clearly valued at 10+ times the amount of the advance, against the trade resale of said vehicle, without it being "re-valued" by a 3rd party on behalf of the PBC? The issue is the vehicle has gone up considerably in value, over the period of the original LBL and the PBC have called the full amount in, against the value of the vehicle 2 years ago... a single extension to the LBL was made 13 months ago, again, against the value of the original vehicle value. Can the LBL be called in based on the valuation of previous paperwork and called in early? Weird one, but sure a Gagger will know a Gagger that knows the answer!!
  5. Was called today by I.C.B..... Definitely something to do with motor insurance.. I went through 'security' and when they asked for my address I refused but give the my name and DOB... They said I have not passed security and hung up.. ha! I called Premium Credit who work with Adrian Flux to take credit payments said it is nothign to do with them (that's who I am insured by). So what do I do here? I realy don't care about my credit score because it's to pants is the whole scoring system anyway... But yeah would like to know what's up with these cowboys.
  6. Just received letter from Fidelite, cant match up any account numbers on the letter but they are changing their name to Resolvecall by the way, and are threatening me with a home visit. Sayss they are acting on behalf of Crabotts. Want me to contact them else they will call at my home
  7. Hello, I posted on Saturday a letter to Santander reclaiming over 2 k of bank fees (template from this site) . It contained a paragraph in which you say what has happened - lot of death in my family and lost biz too. It was a very painful letter to write. (I kept it just a paragraph). Today they texted me they had been trying to call me and to call back. I hadn't answered since I am avoiding calls from anyone (not in a good place). I feel sick. Do I have to talk to them? I don't think I am strong enough to hold it together on a call (now my keyboard is wet). Kicking myself.
  8. Hi there and wonder if anyone can help. Unfortunately, my husband passed away a couple of years ago and he handled all the payments of bills, etc. since the 90s we hired a company to tend to the garden once a month and they billed us quarterly. The problem is that two years ago when i went to pay for the services for the proceeding months ahead, they told me we haven't paid them since 1997 and gave a bill for a few thousand as they are saying it's back dated from then until now. i told them that my husband would have paid them, and he always paid things like this in cash, and they should have a record as i cannot find any receipts of payment. They said they will take me to court if i don't provide receipts as proof of payment but i cannot find any receipts . I told them if it's true that he didn't pay, why was service still continued after all this time? Their response was that the computer automatically generated the service to be met i told them I cannot find anything but shouldn't they be providing proof that money is owed??? Also wouldn't this be classed as statute barred as well? In actual fact, when i was first presented with this information about this so called debt, i did pay them for the next six months as i still wanted the service of the gardener but the money was not to go towards the "debt". How should i proceed with this one. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi, was caught shoplifting in boots, picked up 4 items nearlly worth £700 (as per Boots). security staff took all my details, called police, and i had to wait until police turn up, but nobody came. security staff called police 4 times, they were given a log no. but were getting told that no police officers are free at the moment to attend. after 4 hours of waiting, i was let go, as the store had been closed and they waited over an hour for police even after the store was closed. i was escorted out , i was given banned notice and RLP recovery letter. was cautioned in 2009 for shoplifting in past (in another part of uk), never did anything wrong again after that. then in january this year i was in trouble with another retail store, they called police for shoplifting goods worth £40, police didnt arrest me since i had no id on me they wanted to know if all my details given to them were correct, they brought me home, they didnt enter my house but waited outside in car until i brought my id and showed it to them. then they just said that it was a slap on wrist this time but dont do anything wrong again. At that time i told them about incident of 2009 where i was cautioned but they seemed not to have that on their record. My question is that what should i do next? do i need to go to police station myself for last night event? will police come to my house to arrest me? (they dont have my phone no to contact me on.) will i go to prison or get a fine or get a caution? or will i be luckiest and police wont turn up at my house? will they search my house or enter inside (if this happens then i will loose my accommodation as i am living with a relative as i didnt have anywhere else to live, and slept two nights in a park two months ago then this relative finally helped and sheltered me, if they know about this then i will even loose the roof from my head) i am very very stressed and dont know what to do. (i asked security staff and he said that i dont need to go to police station, if police contact him then they wil pass my details to them and they will take it from there) they waited that long because of the worth of items stolen were about £650.
  10. TODDLE2U ; are you still active on this forum and can you assist me with a pernsoal guarantee which has now been called upon from Travis Perkins. A lot of what's been said is similar to my situation. Credit application forms were signed in 2014, and like other we didn't know what we were signing for and a quick signature was given after form completed by office staff. There is no mention to seek independent legal advice on the form, should this be stated clearly?
  11. Hi folks, i have posted on the forums before and successfully won in a claim against me. This recent claim against me for an alleged debt of 3,815.60 inclusive of their so called costs..(which to me are ropey). .please bear with with me as i need to refresh my knowledge of certain aspects in compiling my defence... In the claim form particulars . .. there is no mention of when this alleged debt was instigated , i.e. when i am supposed to have defaulted . It is my understanding that this should be there on the claim form..by default...(help with this appreciated). the claiment states that i have been notified of the assignment from "shop direct" by letter.. . i have received no letter . i would require proof of this... but such a letter is not the deeds of assignment.. if i am correct? i intend to counter this claim and request the necessary 28 days. . rather than the 14... been through this before and which forms to fill in. .. so it is not this info. i seek... just a refresher would be good at this stage on what ammunition i can avail of. i think these people sent me a letter months ago offering me to only pay 80.00 pounds. .. and i am given to wondering should i have tried to settle it at that stage... Any advise greatly appreciated..
  12. Bailliffs called unitied untilities debt in my wifes name. Will they want to know all the income coming into the household . My wife is not working due to illness after losing job 2 years ago. you can probably see my past experiences in archives. I myself are on pension state pension have had to take on a partime job against doctorrs orders. another firm of bailiffs put an attachment of earnings on my wages for council tax debt. so only come out with £95. after aeo. because this is in my wifes name do they only want to know what she can afford to pay, or because it is a household debt i.e. for water. we got turned down for that water thing if unable to pay said we did not qualify. can any body tell me what to say. Thank you
  13. Step son now staying with us had to have mental health team intervention about 12 weeks ago claims to have had benefit forms filled in by MIND who he was referred to, and which he posted himself, had no acknowledgement of claim or anything from dwp. I unfortunately don't believe him ( I hope im wrong) but going on his past ie. going to job centre and refusing to go on courses hence no JSA. My question basically is do the DWP acknowledge claims and does it normally take this long for a claim to be considered when a "fitness to work" note is provided. Ive read a lot of the posts this am but not been able to find one which covers this guidance and help would be appreciated.
  14. I really need some advice. Last night night I was caught shoplifting at Boots. I was detained by LP and they advised they had been watching me for a months, maybe even a year, and knew I had stolen other items. The LP guy said I had only got lucky that he had never been on duty to catch me. I did not have any photo ID so he was going to call the police but eventually decided not to after I'd explained my situation. He took my debit card details, train pass details (it has my photo but isn't official ID) and accepted a letter I had in my bag from Stepchange as proof of my address. He took a photo of the address section. Basically, I've been shoplifting makeup items from there for a while, probably is a year. I work in the financial services industry and they've recently brought in annual credit checking for financial soundness. I am in a lot of debt and do have multiple defaults and a CCJ. I was completely honest on these checks but my manager said that going forward, I must show I'm repaying more of my debts than I have been otherwise they can't prove I'm financially sound and this could affect my job. I'm quite into makeup myself so I know the value of items. I stupidly thought it would be easy to steal some makeup items, these are from more high end brands rather than the cheaper items, and sell them on via a friend I have from school who is into all sorts of dodgy stuff and was quite happy to take these items and give me a cut, which I've been using to pay off more of my debts. I started doing it with the intention that I'd only do it a few times and then try find another way to make money but it was so easy that it carried on. When LP questioned me he did say he could see I'm a genuine person and that I'm not the usual 'type' they catch, which I'm assuming means I'm working and not a drug addict or something. He completely believed me, which was helped by the fact I had the Stepchange letter in my bag which I had with me as I needed it earlier in the day to show my manager at work - I was advised to contact Stepchange as it's a recognised place of support by my company. He took my photo and details, said I was banned from all Boots stores for life, and then gave me one of the RLP leaflets. I've read people don't usually pay these fines but I fully intend to because in my case, the store is out of pocket as they were only able to recover the item I was trying to steal yesterday but they know I've done it before as he was able to go into detail about certain items I know I've stolen, even right down to how I concealed them and the aisles I was in at the time. He escorted me outside and we stood for a long time talking. He was absolutely lovely and not at all threatening. He started off by saying that even though I wasn't arrested, they could still 'crime' it because of all the other evidence and at the very least I'm looking at a big fine, which I fully expect and accept. I asked if there was any way I could pay a fine that day, which required me having to phone my elderly gran to beg for some money (and having to lie to her about the reason why as there's no way I could tell her what I'd done, she'd be sick with worry). She agreed to transfer me some money there and then and after I got off the phone to her, I was in tears in front of the LP (because it was the first time I'd ever lied to my precious gran). I hadn't noticed but the LP had also made a call to someone at the same time as I'd been speaking to my gran. He seemed to take pity on me in my pathetic state, and said not to get the money from my gran and that he would handle this himself and whilst I wouldn't avoid the fine, I shouldn't get a record. A criminal record would probably screw me over more than my credit file in terms of my job! Despite what he said, I'm still terrified they will change their mind and report this because of all the evidence they have, which I know they must have because of the detail they went into. I couldn't deny any of it. I feel so stupid and I know I will never be doing this again. I have literally exchanged one set of problems for another, not to mention increased my debt but that's the least of my worries right now. The LP told me he suspects I've had about a grand's worth of merchandise and he's probably not wrong. Can someone tell me if this is likely to be reported to the police, despite what he said? He did also take my phone number and said he'd be 'ringing it through' first thing today and I haven't had any calls, he seemed to be making reference to RLP when he was talking about the report but in my state at the time, I wasn't entirely sure and I left without asking a load of questions I should have. He was genuinely nice to me and said he has literally never done that before with any thief but could tell I'm a nice person who's been put into a very difficult situation. He told me to 'sort myself out' and not see stealing as an answer to my debt problems. Aby help or advice out there? Thanks!
  15. A few days ago, I checked my credit file with Experian.co.uk and found out a CCJ filed against me by a company called Davinci Virtual UK Ltd (for £184). I used to live at a different address from 1st April 2010 to 3rd August 2011. From 4th August 2011 to now I have moved. I have not received any communication from Davinci Virtual UK Ltd or aware I had used their services. The CCJ relates to services used to May 2011 I was told. I wish to apply to set aside the judgement as I believe the company did not exist. I have checked with the Companies House records; there was no company named Davinci Virtual UK Ltd (address: 1 Lyric Square London WD6 0NB). I believe it is a [problem], a fraudulent way to extract money from the unaware public. The information from Google gave the impression that Davinci Virtual UK Ltd is affiliated with Davincivirtual.com. I checked with the latter and they deny they had any dealing with the UK company. I was told I have to pay the court fee of £255 to set aside the judgement. Is there another way round it without paying the £255? If I can find the company I would just pay the £184; but it does not appear to exist anymore. I just want to get rid of the CCJ on my credit file in the shortest possible time. It is affecting my credit worthiness.
  16. I have received a letter from APEX regarding a Capital One debt which is in dispute (due to charges and incorrect balance amount s on each statement) despite this Capital One have sent this to said DCA. Their letter 'assumes' that I have entered in to a payment plan, the letter I received today is the FIRST letter that I have received from APEX and I have not contacted the DCA in question neither have I entered in to a payment agreement also I have not received a letter from Cap 1 confirming APEX is managing the account etc. I would like some advise on how to proceed with this?, I have sent APEX a formal complaint by e-mail and have asked for evidence that I agreed to such a payment arrangement when I did not and have no knowledge about, I will wait and see if they respond to me. I feel that this is a discusting that a DCA should decide a repayment plan without my knowledge/consent, I am looking at forwarding this to the FCA. Here is the letter I received from APEX 'Your plan Here is the details of your plan that was created on the 4 August 2016 Installment due date 26th August 2016 £25.00 26th September 2016 £25.00 26th October 2016 £25.00 We have a range of ways for you to make your repayments by the due date each month, which can be found on the reverse of this letter. if you would like the convenience of paying by Direct Debit then we can sent that up for you or you can pay by debit card over the phone. Terms of this arrangement Your arrangement requires that we receive your payments by the due date each month, if , for any reason, we don't receive your payments by the agreed dates your plan will cancel. We do not hold full details of your income and expenditure on our records and we have a responsibility to make sure your plan is affordable and fair. Please complete and return the enclosed budget form so that we can update your account with details of your income and expenses. If we do not receive your completed form, we'll review your plan after three months to ensure that we have up to dare information regarding your financial situation. This will help to ensure that you are the most suitable payment plan. If for any reason you experience difficulty before this time, please call us so we can help you' I hope that somebody on the forum can help/advise. Many Thanks P.S I don't now if anybody on the forums is aware but it looks like APEX are part of DLC/Cabot given the address at the bottom of the letter.
  17. Thats something for you... I SAR'd RBS Group... All the complaints that came through and issues I had WOW!!! Theyve written on their Notes I am a serial complainer... Thats just Natwest itself! :/ It appears that RBS however arent so bad with that Lesson to the world, Use a 3 strike rule. If they screw up 3 times, move away
  18. I received a call from the JC asking me to come down on my usual signing on date but earlier for a meeting what could this be any input please Regards mashmallow
  19. Hi, my partner had a fine for not picking up dog foul, i wont go into detail but a special cop said he saw the dog foul and my partner walk away, i know he always picks it up as i quite often go with him, he isnt the sort of person who would leave it, he told the s.p.o it wasnt his dogs, but i will pick it up anyway, so he did, as he felt he hadnt done anything wrong he even gave his own address and name. the next thing he gets a court date, attened court and they found in favour of the s.p.o and he was fined 400 pound. we set up a standing order, although it was a month late, we didnt inform the court as to why, the next two months were paid via a standing order, then we got the bailiff round wanting payment we explained that it was being paid, they said we should sort it with the court, we didnt, today we had another round with a notice of forced entry in our absence if necessary can they force entry is what i need to know. sorry i forgot to say that we are still paying it via standing order to the courts, we have ever only missed the one payment. I have been reading some of the other threads and replies to them and I kinda get the answer from them, that this is a criminal case and that they can force entry, just so i have got it right i would like it confirmed please, and do we need to carry on paying directly to the court or pay to the bailiff ?
  20. Hello, I was apprehended by security in primark yesterday after I left the shop. I went back into the detention room and he searched my bag. He brought out the items I hadn't paid for and called the police on me. I really do not have an excuse for this and I am greatly ashamed. I panicked and started crying and apologizing, even agreed to pay the £95, now I don't know how that value came by because I did some exchange and paid some money via my card, I was too distraught to challenge it but that is not even the problem. The security man collected my provisional driver's license, wrote down my details and passed it on to the police men when they arrived. One of the cops went with the security man while the other sat with me. I wouldn't exactly call it an interview, he questioned me gently and went through the things I had which were all baby clothes (I have a 2, month old) I told him I needed to call to make sure my baby was alright but he said I could only do that at the station. I broke down into tears again and he offered to call my mum who was watching my kids and tell her I was with the police but well and fine. I declined this offer cos I didn't want my mum to know anything about what was going on. She would have been very disappointed. The process seemed to be dragging and I told the cop I needed to be home to breastfeeding my baby, he said I would have to go in with them and it was going to take a few hours. I started crying again, he asked if I had ever had a run in with the police and I said no. He said the only help he could offer if my trace came back clean was to call his sergeant and get clearance for him not to take me into the station so I could get home soon. Now, so many little processes were followed by primarily staff, such as refunding my money, giving back my exchange... But they were all a blur as I was in a state by then. The police took my children's date of birth and said they were going to pass it on to ss to make sure they were all right and I could get a visit or not. I refused to do this at first cos they are innocent in all this. Secondly, I was taken into the van and heard him call his sergeant and said something about caution or process on the street, I'm not sure of the exact words. He read me my rights and basically said I won't be taken to court if I pleaded guilty. Which I did. What is this street processing or caution? Will it go on my records for life? 3rd, primark gave me a printout saying I should expect civil recovery. Again what and how will this be handled. Lastly, I was taken home by the police, they wanted to make sure my kids were ok, I requested that they wait in the hallway cos of my mum. He agreed to wait outside the door but held the door open with his feet. I brought them to him and they left. I have been unable to sleep and I've berated myself for this foolish act. What a great price to pay for something so silly. Sorry this is a long post, I wanted to include as much details as I can.
  21. Hi All, and thanks for taking the time to read this. I am a trader at shows around the country, four years ago, I befriended a guy who was down on his luck, and offered to put him up for a few months, after this he moved out, however a few months later he was back again, after a few more months he suggested that he put a small cabin on our patio to use when he wasn't attending events as a place to "lay his head". after much deliberation with my wife I agreed but pointed out that it was a temporary arrangement until such times as he got himslef sorted out. well four years on the guy became somewhat of a bully and suggested we should make this and that changes to our home and land, we certainly resisted, however we became very scarred to oppose him as he has a very strong character. The financial arrangement, sugessted by him, was that he pay me £50/week in arrears for the privalage of using mu patio to site the small cabin, it turned out to be huge!!, and one third of the electricity used on a quarterly basis when the bill arrived, anyway, he started to miss these so called goodwill payments, and in 2013 was in debt to for £1000, I did suggest on a number of occasions that he settle, however the debt grew during the months to May 1st when he left owing me some £3000, he has now contacted a solicitor with a view to recovering stock and some other goods left at our property, he is also claiming Propriety Estoppel on my patio ( we've poo poo'd this as utter rubbish), his solicitor is also claiming that as the payments made were "goodwill payments" there is no debt, ..I have written to him on the 1 st may requesting that he roemove his goods and chattels by 30 june at which time or sometime thereafter the goods will be sold at auction to realise the debt, his solicitor is saying we cannot do that, as it is theft. in the second solilictor's letter he is contradicting most of the things he said in the first letter,, I have all the correspondance and can post it here when/if neccesary. We have loads of evidence to prove he not telling the truth. wonder, initially should we stand our ground or give in? kindrst regards to all who read this Ken
  22. I was due my ESA medical a few days ago - as medicals are on hold for the moment I am assuming they are going to leave me in the WRAG group (I have heard nothing to say otherwise.) If I had attend the medical and presuming I passed and was left in WRAG I was going to appeal it. So not having had a medical how do I go about that. Do I get the GL24 form from my JC fill it in with a covering letter and send off. Will my money still be stopped, even though I am not strictly appealing a recent medical.
  23. Hi guys, So I attempted the most stupid thing in my life which was to shoplift from waitrose. The stuff was £9.99. I was caught after I exited the shop and was taken to the camera room by a guy dressed in civil clothes. They told me that they'll resolve it in the office so they did not call the police. I was asked my address ,name and date of birth but they didn't ask me for ID or make any scans of my ID. They gave me a document which banned me from waitrose and another which was from RLP. They told me I will receive the fine in the post. They took a picture of me and sent me home. My question is, since the police was not involved in any way and they didn't take my ID details, will this case show up on an enhanced CRB check? I am extremely worried and cannot get this out of my mind. I just want to pay the fine and make it a part of history. Any help would be welcome! Thanks!
  24. ..managed to reduce debt provided I pay within 7 days.. However, I need to avoid CCJ, debt collector agreed.. CAN I TRUST THEM?
  25. I realise that there are similarities with other re-claim exercises but do we, or will we, have any templates in the library to cover these later 'mis-sells'?
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