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Found 7 results

  1. Thats something for you... I SAR'd RBS Group... All the complaints that came through and issues I had WOW!!! Theyve written on their Notes I am a serial complainer... Thats just Natwest itself! :/ It appears that RBS however arent so bad with that Lesson to the world, Use a 3 strike rule. If they screw up 3 times, move away
  2. For those who have had bad treatment from Harrington Brooks then this may offer some comfort. http://www.fca.org.uk/news/firms/debt-management-firm-harrington-brooks-redress
  3. http://slutocracy.wordpress.com/2013/11/21/interview-with-a-job-centre-advisor-sanction-targets-corruption-revealed/
  4. http://www.baba-mail.com/Content.aspx?emailid=3438&memberid=763672#.URhdl2dvBO8
  5. Hi. I wondered if Francesca Martinez's petition against the War on Welfare is here somewhere for everyone to sign. Found it on twitter and did a search here, but didn't see it. If not, can someone - a mod or whoever is allowed to - put it on? Thanks.
  6. Zonker

    Wow State secret

    http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/atos-doctors-and-nurses-raise-concerns-1412477 I cant believe it. lol
  7. Sent of SAR for hubby to Lloyds tsb for info on his credit card....did know he had a loan way back but didnt think for a minute they would have info on that! Yesterday a letter to say they are now gathering information requested in relation to an account and fixed interest rate loan but are unable to find a credit card, lol. The loan was from 1989!! The credit card finished end of 2006 so would have thought they should have that also, but have the last 4 digits from credit file & know it was a platinum so will send that of with letter to specify which bank he wants to collect stuff from. Very surprised at this as all other requests have been exactly the 6 years info to the month!
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