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Found 12 results

  1. Today I checked my credit file for the sheer hell of it. Personally I'm not bothered what it says as I don't borrow money. Made those mistakes years ago and now my file is at zero. However what I did find was a CCJ for £280 issued last October. Whoever the claimant was didn't write to me at my current address despite being on the electoral register and not at my previous one. They sneakily wrote to the old address so as to win by default. I have a very good idea who this, but it doesn't show on my credit file, just a claim number. I am guessing here but I think it may be a debt collector who has been harassing me for years over this alleged debt It was to Orange for a mobile contract which I had never has. ( I was the victim of ID fraud and they did other things too ). Despite many, many letters asking them for proof like the Deed of Assignment, Deed of Novation and a contract that proves I am the debtor and responsible, they have ignored me. To then sue me using an old address when they only wrote again only yesterday to my current one, I find this extremely bad practice that flies in the face of all the guidelines on debt collections. This is just spite of their behalf, nothing more. Today I wrote to that Mickey Mouse court called Northampton business centre where no judge ever sets foot and asked for the judgement to be set aside as I have not been notified and I have been denied my right to defend myself. Also I issued a counterclaim for a considerable sum as set down by a judge in a similar situation where PC World sued a man over a computer and filed an inaccurate and untruth report on his credit file. Now what will happen? Will my set aside be successful as it really is a bit cheeky to sue somebody deliberately using an old address so that you win by default. This smacks of a certain debt collector who we are all familiar with on this forum.
  2. Hello all, a really helpful site and I’m hoping you can offer advice on a strange situation I am in. Out of the blue, I received a text message (no calls) from Robinson Way, asking me to call them As I don’t deal with them or have any defaults as (just) keeping up with payments, I ignored it. Yesterday, i received a letter saying I owe Abbey (I assume Abbey National) over £7000, yet I have never had a loan, card, mortgage, current account with Abbey. What is very odd is that they used an abbreviated (1 syllable) version of my first name, rather than my full first name in it’s entirety. My surname was correct. What are the next steps to get RW to leave me alone? Thanks for your help
  3. A company has been contacting me on and off for the past year claiming that I owe them money, to which I repeatedly informed them that I disagree. I heard nothing of it for several months, but today received an email from the company stating that they have a CCJ against me. I have not received a court letter nor a letter informing me of the county court judgement. At the start of September, I moved house, and informed the company of my new address. At the end of October and the start of December, my landlord informed me on both occasions that two letters had been attempted to be delivered (signature required), but my landlord was not in on either occasion and so they went back to the post office and presumably were returned to the sender. Although I thought nothing of it at the time, I now suspect these letters may have been from the court. It appears to me that the company (despite being informed of my new address) deliberately issued a claim against my old address so that they could win the judgement by default, when I inevitably did not respond to the claim I knew nothing about. I have been trying to get details of the claim all afternoon (reference number, etc), so that I can sort this out. I have tried phoning and emailing the company for the reference number, but they have not responded. I have also tried to contact the court, but they cannot confirm whether there is a CCJ against me without me providing a reference number (which I do not have). The last option would be to pay to complete a search on the online registry, which apparently should provide a reference number. I am quite concerned, not so much about the possibility of paying this money, but more about the effect that this judgement will have on my ability to obtain credit and pass pre-employment checks in the financial services industry. I would appreciate any advice on how I should proceed.
  4. Hi all, hoping to get some advice/help. I received a letter today from Lowell Solicitors who seem to have bought a debt, they say the original account was with Three Mobile. I had a Three mobile 10+ years ago. They want £443. They claim to have written to me already about this, that they have a CCJ against me and that I am in arrears and can take further action against me. I definitely haven't made a payment for this debt in over 6 years and believe that if any debt existed then it should certainly have been statute barred. This is the first time I've heard about any CCJ and the first time I've heard from Lowell. What should I do in this situation? I've seen other advice for prior to receiving a CCJ but don't know how to proceed if they already have one. Thank you!
  5. Was quietly browsing my credit reports last night when I spotted on both of them that there was a CCJ listed. I check monthly and its the first time ive seen them. Was issued 29/12/15 by Northampton Bulk Clearance Centre. Called Northampton today and get a few details from them including the creditor, etc. Turns out ive been CCJed for a debt that I last made a payment on in 2006 and have never communicated in written form about ever. There were a few calls around 2008/9 from them but I requested more than once a copy of the Credit Agreement that they were unable to provide. Question 1, Is this debt statute barred? I think it is based on information on gov.uk. Next thing is the claim was made at my previous address but as I have lived at my current address for more than 2 years would the debt collector be naughty enough to deliberately issue against the wrong address in order to get a default judgement? Question 2, How do I go about proving that? There are a few searches on my credit file that have all returned my current address and as I am confident there is nothing else lurking in my closet I would assume these searches come from Hillesden. Question 3, Is there a way of getting the information on who made the search (and for what purpose) from the referencing agencies? Before the end of today N244 will be in the post with a cheque for £155 enclosed. Do I try and talk to Hillesden or their solicitors (I have their details) or should I just go straight for a hearing in person and try and resolve it that way. The logical thing in my mind is to give them an opportunity to either answer some questions or trip themselves up but usual advice tends to be leave them alone. As it stands with a CCJ on file I dont really have a lot to lose by taking the fight to them as hard as I can.
  6. hi I called Lowell today who are claiming 3 different amounts (2 from my wife and 1 from me) for O2 and T-Mobile. I do not dispute that the amounts are outstanding (although I have no memory or paperwork about the original debt.) However while trying to arrange a repayment schedule and amount with them for all three of these the woman (Saria) mentioned an old Capital One debt of £403 from 2007. Is this even relevant? I have absolutely no record of this original debt! In fact are any of the amounts valid? Do I have to deal with Lowell? Can I go back to the original creditors? Will paying these make any difference to our already damaged credit file? Mike
  7. Hi, hope someone can advise on the best course of action, because so far, we have got nowhere with the HMRC telephone numbers, having been doing laps round departments as one refers back to the previous....but no one can help, except to take payment obviously. The situation My other half of 3 years, received a letter from the HMRC dated 22nd April 2014, stating that she had an outstanding debt of £750.23. According to the very brief detail on the back this was due to an overpayment of Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit dating from May 2007. This is the absolute FIRST she has heard about it. Her other half from then has also received a letter. They have been in contact and he knows nothing of it either. He has also heard nothing from them prevously. The letter she has received is quite threatening, quoting the usual 'contact us and make payment in full or we'll refer you to a DCA' etc. I'll see if I can upload it after I've written this post. ********************** My inital research, consisting mainly of browsing the HMRC webbie and looking at some of the webpages that the auto-announcements make on the HMRC telephone number eg WTC8, make me concerned that there is no way of challenging this. This, got me particularly worried: You can only dispute recovery of an overpayment that happened in the tax year the notice or letter relates to. You will not normally be able to dispute overpayments from earlier tax years. Quite how we're supposed to dispute a debt from 2007, IN 2007 when we were only informed about it in 2014 is beyond me !! So far we have called the initial number of 0300 200 3881, and spoke to a human. All she could do was take payment...but did restate the DCA threat. She referred us to 0345 300 3900 when we requested a breakdown and some justification. This is all automatic menus, and refer to the leaflet WTC8 for an explanation.. .and the leaflet refers back to the telephone number if you want to challenge. The last announcement also refers to 0845 302 1429, that was also unhelpful and not staffed by humans. No possibility for any further information - just a payment service. So I gues all we can do is write a letter. Old school. ******************* Any advice, or templates about...? Can I send the usual DCA warning letter withdrawing any rights to enter my property...? We DO NOT acknowedge this debt, and this is the first contact about it, so is it covered by the 6 year rule...? Thanks for your help in advance. Rich I've posted in the HMRC section, but thought I would post here too to see whether the same Statute Barred rule applies. Full thread in Work,social & community/Benefits & HMRC / HMRC Summary £750 debt letter popped on the doorstep last week, relating to alleged Child/Working tax credit overpayment from MAY 2007. This is the first time my other half has been contacted about it, and the first time she has been made aware that there was a debt. Obviously she disputes it is owing, but the HMRC are being decidedly unhelpful. Is it technically Statute Barred...? You guys have been so helpful in the past (about Motormile & others) I just wondered if you had any other advice...? Rich Addition. My other half ALREADY has small deductions for an overpayment from last year via her tax credits...implying that HMRC is on top of her benefit situation. Quite why this debt has now popped out from 2007 implies a significant change in something. I just wish HMRC would talk to us about it.
  8. Hi I've been checking my credit report from Experian and Equifax for some time now and all looks to be good. However, I signed up for Call Credit report and was horrified to find it had recorded a CCJ on it from 2007. The address listed was an address I lived at for 6 months between 2004 and 2005. The sum is a measly £200. This address was a house split into flats and and the default is just registered at the main house number (ie. not my individual flat number). I don't know what this CCJ is for and have emailed northampton court for the details. I was never served with the documents and have never had the opportunity to defend myself. I certainly would not have allowed myself to get a CCJ for £200! Any ideas what I can do? I've read somewhere that I can apply for it to be set aside - does this seem a good idea? I'm worried with it being a shared house that there's some foul play. I'm also a bit confused as to why Equifax and Experian haven't showed this CCJ on any of their reports over the years. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  9. I got a letter: I already know they're reducing my Housing Benefit to £90/week (central London) - this will happen in a couple of weeks time. They told me this ages ago, i'm not sure why they are now coming to see me? As the HB will be lower than my rent, will they make me leave by private landlord? I had assumed they would be okay if I just made up for the deficit myself, somehow. (My rent is, and has been, lower than HB for some time. In a few weeks time it will become much, much lower) They want me to arrange an appointment for them to visit. Which is fine, I just need to tidy up! My bedroom is messy and needs to be cleaned. I would have been so embarrased if I had been in, earlier today.
  10. Hi I recently received a letter from London south east, south and central courts informing me that I owed £312 and had 10 days to pay in full to avoid various punishments. The letter mainly consisted of ways to make the payment with no information on the charge, so, I phoned the information line and found out that the fine stemmed from a bus fare in Camberwell on 20.8.2010 and I had to go though my local statutory court in order to progress, I was told the fine would be frozen for 28 days to allow me to appeal. So.. as far as I can remember this is what happened in 2010. For some reason I did not use/have my oyster card and paid the bus driver in cash and walked to my seat without taking the paper ticket. 5-10 minutes later 2 inspectors came onto the bus and wanted to see my ticket. I wasn't too concerned as I knew my ticket would be somewhere and the bus driver could verify that I had handed over the money. Unfortunately the paper ticket didn't turn up and the inspectors told me the drivers word was not enough (I witnessed the driver telling them I had paid and unsuccessfully looking for the ticket), they took my current address, we all got off the bus at my stop and it felt like we had come to an impasse. Eventually they said they would have to take my word for it and I left feeling the incident was resolved (which lasted until very recently). I believe what has happened is the TFL chose to fine me after all but I had moved house on 22.10.2010 and received no correspondence until now. What I would like to know is: 1. Do I have a chance to appeal the full payment? as a student I cant afford the £312. 2. What have I missed? what is TFLs procedure, if there was an original fine that was a reasonable amount could I pay that instead? (although even that feels a little unreasonable) 3. How do I even go about approaching my local court about this, the person on the information line was not very helpful I don't know if its relevant but I have had an oyster card with no penalties which I think dates back to roughly 2010 if that would help at all. Also I can prove the date I moved into a new address on 22.10.2010. Thanks for any help and I hope I'm posting in the right place and so on.
  11. Sent of SAR for hubby to Lloyds tsb for info on his credit card....did know he had a loan way back but didnt think for a minute they would have info on that! Yesterday a letter to say they are now gathering information requested in relation to an account and fixed interest rate loan but are unable to find a credit card, lol. The loan was from 1989!! The credit card finished end of 2006 so would have thought they should have that also, but have the last 4 digits from credit file & know it was a platinum so will send that of with letter to specify which bank he wants to collect stuff from. Very surprised at this as all other requests have been exactly the 6 years info to the month!
  12. While doing a shop at Tesco's I purchased an item costing £11.66. While checking my receipt I discovered I had been charged twice for the item. I immediately returned to customer services who were most helpful. After a lot of toing and froing and consulting with different members of staff I learned I was going to be refunded. I got double the cost of the item, £11.66 x 2 = £23.32 plus the item. So as my site name reads, itpays2.
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