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  1. Hi I've been checking my credit report from Experian and Equifax for some time now and all looks to be good. However, I signed up for Call Credit report and was horrified to find it had recorded a CCJ on it from 2007. The address listed was an address I lived at for 6 months between 2004 and 2005. The sum is a measly £200. This address was a house split into flats and and the default is just registered at the main house number (ie. not my individual flat number). I don't know what this CCJ is for and have emailed northampton court for the details. I was never served with the documents and have never had the opportunity to defend myself. I certainly would not have allowed myself to get a CCJ for £200! Any ideas what I can do? I've read somewhere that I can apply for it to be set aside - does this seem a good idea? I'm worried with it being a shared house that there's some foul play. I'm also a bit confused as to why Equifax and Experian haven't showed this CCJ on any of their reports over the years. Any help appreciated. Thanks
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