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  1. Hello lovely people, I am creating a new thread as that seems to be the done thing around here. I am seeking some advice on how to respond from a scary TfL letter in regards to fare evasion. I honestly just thought I'd get sent a fine, especially with this being my first offence for such a thing but apparently not. like many others on these forums I have been caught using the wrong oyster on a TfL bus. I was in a rush and I grabbed my brothers student Oyster (it has his photo on) instead of my own (plain blue Oyster linked to my railcard so does have a slight discount) and shoved it in my purse. It was the morning, I was tired and in a rush and they were both on the same table and they do look the same from the back. I tap in on the bus, after which I realise I have his card. I panic slightly but am already running late, so just go and sit down assuming it'll be fine as the driver didn't say anything. that moment later a ticket inspector comes onto the bus. I admit my mistake right away saying I’m sorry I took my brothers card not my own, he takes my name DoB and address. As he’s printing out the receipt of him confiscating the card I realise I have my contactless card on me and offer to tap it in, he says no its too late for that. He also explains it will be quicker for my brother to purchase a new oyster than to try and get the confiscated one back from TfL as this could take months. He doesn’t say anything about a fine or prosecution, I just assumed I’d get a fine through the post. on Monday 28th (yesterday) I receive a letter stating what many others have also been through: In order for TfL to deal with this case correctly, please return the information requested on the reverse of this letter... 1. If you deny committing an offence, please explain why.... 2. If you accept committing an offence, please provide any exceptional reasons including pre-existing medical conditions that you may feel are relevant and evidence to support this, as to why TfL should nor proceed with a prosecution.... The way it is worded makes it hard to know which of these two I should go with, but based of what I've read from other experiences is to accept your wrong doings and give your side of the story. I have drafted out a grovelling apology in order to try and get this settled out of court. I really cannot afford a criminal record especially now with a child on the way (I am seven weeks pregnant) I am currently between jobs and to have an offence flag up on every application will make the process much more difficult. I just wonder what chances I have with getting an out of court settlement. I also wonder whether it is worth noting my pregnancy - it has made me feel notably out of sorts and could well have attributed to the carelessness of taking the wrong card? Or will this embellishment just seem unnecessary to TfL. Thanks in advance for anyone taking the time to help out, I really appreciate it.
  2. I had an appointment for dental treatment last week. I parked the car, with a blue badge and 'clock' correctly displayed, on the opposite side of the road. This is an area previously covered by double yellows and had, 12+ years ago, been a service bus stop. I am fully aware that no service buses have used this stop since the opening of a new Interchange down the road in 2006. It is a popular parking place for blue badge holders as it is a quiet stretch of road since the buses stopped running through there, other services with stands in the next street stopped using this area of town last year when a gap in the dual carriageway was plugged and traffic lights removed as part of other works taking place. But, the council have since marked out a 'Bus Stop' at one end of the parking area and claim this is for a community transport minibus for the disabled. These minibuses have run for some years now and my understanding was they went a different way, dropping off and picking up on the other side of the road to where I was parked. I contested the ticket. They've written to say no, I was parked in a bus stop and therefore have to pay. I disagree. I accept that they have marked out the 'Bus Stop' and put a thick solid yellow line against the kerb, which I didn't see when I parked between other vehicles already there as it was raining heavily. I have checked, this work has been done in the last year. I used Google street view to see how it was marked last year, just double yellows although the whole stretch had green tarmac. Before I appealed the ticket I checked with https://www.askthe.police.uk/content/Q388.htm and there is a single line which says under PLACES WHERE YOU CANNOT PARK, 'A bus stop during hours of operation;'. So as part of the 'informal appeal', as they term it, I had said "I have challenged (the council) to tell me the hours of operation for this stand". They have not supplied this information. I am not against the disabled persons bus service, being a blue badge holder myself, but I question the legality of the stand being there. It is not for service buses and therefore would not have 'hours of operation' in that respect, meaning I complied with the information I obtained from the Police website. The community transport service is pre-booked, so by definition not a 'public service' bus as we know them. The 'bus stop' is therefore not in use for service vehicles and I was parked there outside any known 'hours of operation'. But where do I get this sort of thing verified so I can make a formal request to the council for repayment of the PCN on the grounds I was parked legally ? I am paying it under protest as they double the amount if not paid within 14 days.
  3. Hi everyone, I would appreciate some advice regarding a Parking Charge Notice that I received. As the register keeper I received a PCN for entering a buses only access at Tesco Ricoh Arena - Bus Interchange The PCN was issued on the 21st January 2019. The amount is for £100 reduce to £60 if paid within 14 days (today). I find excessive this charge, specially that a driver would not be able to read their "Access Notice" sign stating their terms and conditions from the car. The signs are inside the area so in order to see them you have to have already accessed the private land. Is there any way to contest this charges.
  4. Bus operators in West Yorkshire are part of the Bus 18 initiative which was set up by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. It guarantees a free travel voucher to bus user who are "not happy with their journey". I have submitted claims under this guarantee for buses that haven't turned up, and buses that have been late but have never received a free travel voucher. First Bus say they deal with all complaints in 14 days, but I've had nothing after 2 months. Has anyone had experience of claiming under the Bus 18 scheme? How long did you have to wait? https://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/bus18
  5. I have received 3 Bus Lane Fines from Manchester City Council, All in Oxford Road and All in one position in the beginning of the Bus Lane and the times difference between them 4 - 11 minutes. I admitted travelling to Manchester one day and was following directions from my TomTom Navigation and when coming out of city centre suddenly noticed sign forbidden traffic and advising it is Bus Lane. I turned back and took first exit and followed alternative direction and TomTom guided me to same location of start of Oxford Road. I repeated this 3 times and never crossed the sign on each attempt. Now they sent me 3 fines and pictures showing my car before the sign. Any advise please ?
  6. Hello! This seemed to be the place to put this, though equally it could have gone in transport or benefits. I had a look through and couldn't find any similar threads. I have fibromyalgia and have been trying for the last two years to get a disabled bus pass. It's been complicated by the fact that I have never been in receipt of mobility in PIP, something I decided not to appeal the first time round as I just didn't have the strength. When they re-assessed me, I decided to take it to tribunal and have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting... In the meantime, I have been trying to get a bus pass. There was a form on their application form for a doctor to fill in and stamp to confirm disability, which I made a (non emergency) appointment to do, she filled it out, I sent it off with a photo and expected it to be that simple. The first time was rejected for no reason, and again I did not have the strength to continue to fight, but a year later I decided to try again. Now they say that I must attend an 'assessment' with one of their County Council 'independent mobility assessors' to see whether or not I qualify. Apparently evidence from my GP and specialists is worthless. I have several concerns about this and was wondering if anyone had experience of this? How long does it take? How do they assess you? Do they seem genuinely interested in finding out if you have an 'invisible' illness or just in finding a reason to turn you down? I have a bit of a dilemma, because I *could* just wait for the court date (whenever that is) when I am hoping I will finally be awarded mobility, and then I can provide that as evidence and not need to undertake this 'assessment'. But then again, that could be a while. Thanks for any advice or info on your own experiences. I appreciate it.
  7. Hi all, Not sure If I'm posting in the right section but just wanted to get peoples opinion on this. Last night I was queuing behind a couple cars to turn right at a set of lights, Bus comes along in the left hand lane going ahead and decides to completely scrape my passenger side wheel arch as he does and continues to drive on. I drop someone off whom was in the car and go looking for the driver as I briefly saw his face in his side mirror when the incident happened and the bus number etc. I find him and get him to give his details over which he wasn't hesitant to do at all and he gives me this Arriva card with all details needed on. I've reported this to Arriva and forwarded images on to them of which I'll show you. I'll post the turning where I was hit here as well as I want other peoples opinion that I am in no way liable as I cannot see how I could possibly be. I have informed arriva that I have a wedding to attend end of next week where I will be driving the bride and I need my car restored by then. Here are the lights it happened at: https://imgur.com/a/BnRBmcd The snippet is a good example of my own situation. I am the VW polo waiting to turn right and the bus in the left was the bus going ahead except he got too close to my stationary car and scraped me. Here are the damages to my vehicle: https://imgur.com/a/yX94noq Let me know what you guys think. Thanks
  8. Hi all, I am new to this forum and apologise if this is the wrong section to post this. I live in London and was involved in an accident yesterday. As I was leaving the bus, a man ran to get on the bus and collided into me, giving me an ankle injury. I didn't know if it was broken or just sprained, but figured it may have been broken as I almost fainted moments after. Do I have any rights to receive compensation i.e. from the man? Thanks.
  9. Two weeks ago I boarded a bus at around 8:00am in London. I got off the bus a few stops later to head into a local Tesco store to buy my lunch for the day. I then walked back to the bus stop that I got off at and waited for the next bus to take me to work. The next bus arrived at 8:30am. It was one of those buses where passengers can board the bus on either the front, middle or back door. I boarded the bus from the back door. I sat downstairs and minded my own business, staring through the window and browsing on my phone. A few minutes later, I heard a bus ticket inspector saying "tickets please" and that was when I was made aware that a ticket inspector was on board the bus. I got out my oyster card ready for him to scan it with the card reader. When he placed his card reader against my card, he asked me to take out my oyster card from the cardholder. I thought the reason why he wanted me to take out my card from the cardholder was because the cardholder was preventing his card reader from checking whether I had tapped in. However, when he then said "it appears you haven't tapped in for this journey", I realised to my horror that I had in fact forgotten to tap in when I boarded this bus, so I told him that I forgot to. then got out a small note pad and asked me to write down my name, address and date of birth, to which he used it to confirm that the card really does belong to me and he asked me to show him an ID that has my name on it and where did I board this bus and which stop I was planning to get off at. He then told me that he was going to issue me a penalty fare of £40 for not tapping in. I said to him that if you look at my journey history you will be able to see that I had previously boarded a bus at 8:00am and that if you look at the time now you can see that it's 8:35am, which means that under the Hopper Fare scheme, I would not have been charged for this journey anyway because I boarded this bus within the hour and hence I was not intentionally fare dodging. However, he said "you still need to tap in anyway" and proceeded to issue me with a penalty fare. He then handed me the bus penalty fare notice and asked me how I would like to settle it. I asked him “what options do I have?” He said that I need to pay £40 for the penalty. Because I needed to get off the next stop and I was late for work, I asked if I can pay later. He then said that if I don't pay now, it would be £80. However, having had a careful read through the notice, I realised that he omitted saying that if you don't pay within 21 days, then the penalty would go up to £80, it will be £40 if you pay within 21 days, so I thought there was some deliberate scaremongering on his part. When I got back home from work that day, I had a careful read through the penalty notice slip and read that I have a right to appeal against it. I decided to appeal on the grounds that I boarded a previous bus at 8:00am and how under the Hopper Fare scheme, I wouldn't have been charged anything for this second bus that I got on at 8:30am because I boarded it within the hour. i logged onto my oyster card account to get a screenshot of my journey history for that day to go with the appeal claim so that they can see that I did get on a bus at 8:00am in the hopes that they would be lenient about it and therefore waive the fee. However, I was very shocked to see that there was no record of me getting on the first bus at 8:00am! All the other trains and buses that I got on for that day were there apart from this 8:00am record of me getting on a bus. I definitely remember tapping in for this journey and hearing a beep and seeing the green light because I got on it from the front door and there was a bit of a hold up because there was a passenger in front of me in the queue who asked the driver whether this was the bus that goes to so and so. This had me suspecting whether the bus ticket inspector may have deleted this particular bus journey history from my account so that I don't stand a chance from getting a successful appeal. T he more I think back to it, the more I suspect that he had something to do with it. He kept hold of my oyster card throughout the journey and didn't give it back to me until I told him that I was getting off at the next stop. And during that time, I was not sitting facing him, he was standing behind me, so I suspect that he might have had a check through my journey history and used his card reader to delete this 8:00am bus journey history or colluded with the person on the phone who was checking to confirm my details to have it deleted off the system. Maybe it's just simply a case of coincidence - that it turns out there was a technical fault with the yellow oyster card reader on the first bus which meant that it didn't make a record of me tapping in. Otherwise, it sure is very sinister and sly of them to do this - they can make money out of innocent people. it makes me wonder if these inspectors have a quota to fill or an incentive or a commission awarded for catching fare dodgers? I'm wondering if there's anyone here who has been through a similar situation as me – I would like to hear your experience, and does anyone here know whether it's possible that your journey history can be deleted by an oyster card reader used by a ticket inspector?
  10. Hi All, Last year Islington Council put a really nasty bus lane * camera at the entrance to the street I parked on.. I thought I had got away without falling foul of it, as I'd used the lane several times prior to a friendly neighbour warning me of its presence, this morning I found that's not the case as my car is currently clamped for 5 outstanding PCNs! I'm not wishing to dispute the PCNs as it's a fair cop and I should have been more aware, but I would like some advice on how to handle Equita today. I called the EA at 07:20 asking for PCN details and explained that I'd most likely be submitting OOT forms to TEC; he obliged and said he'd call back, was pleasant to deal with, everything seemed OK. However, at about 10:20 I got a call from a recovery driver asking if I'd like to hand over the keys when they tow my vehicle. I called the EA right back to explain and he eventually gave me the PCN numbers, so I called Islington council to get the details and submitted my forms to TEC. I've done all I can for now, but am sat in my van and cannot leave because they've sent someone to tow it. That whole thing seemed really suspicious to me, but I can't take the risk as it would be incredibly annoying to have my car towed prior to TEC giving the EA notice to cease recovery actions. Can anyone advise? Am I just destined to spend the day sat in my van? If I were to leave and they towed it, then TEC gave notice to cease enforcement, is there anything I could do other than pay towing & release fees? *It's not really a bus lane, I just don't know what to call it. The road used to have a traffic island in the middle with two very narrow passages either side, but the council removed the island and put a wide lane through the middle. I used this lane as the passages were only just wide enough for my van and did so for about 2 weeks until a neighbour stopped me to explain it's for exiting only and pointed out the camera. From my call to Islington Council, I have EIGHT outstanding PCNs from the first 8 days of this restriction being in place - five of which are involved today.
  11. Government signals commitment to improving bus access for wheelchair users READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-signals-commitment-to-improving-bus-access-for-wheelchair-users
  12. Free bus passes for older and disabled people protected for the future READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/free-bus-passes-for-older-and-disabled-people-protected-for-the-future
  13. Hi, I have just received a letter from Marstons about a bus lane fine which had been passed to Northampton and resulted in a judgement for the Bailifs to collect the fine or goods. The original fine was for a bus lane infringement in Leeds. I have received no notice from anyone at all about the fine until now. We moved over two years ago and the first thing we did was change our address details with the DVLA for both licence and car ownership papers. What is the best way forward? We have emailed the council and got a standard reply back. Thank you.
  14. Hi guys Earlier his morning I got caught using a relatives bus pass on West Midlands Network Buses. Completely my fault, I held my hands up and apologized. I was in a rush to get to the job center as I had an appointment to tell them I was going to be starting my new job next week. As I got off at the stop, the inspectors were checking the tickets and as I didn't have a photo card, they pulled me over, ran a few checks and I admitted it wasn't my pass. I am completely broke and couldn't afford a ticket, literally. They asked me to pay £40 there and then, but I had nothing on me. The inspector said they would send a letter through the post and I would have to pay the £40 fine. However, looking at online forums, there are some people saying they've been summoned to court for the same offense. This worries me a lot as I have a suspended sentence for a motoring offense earlier this year. Does this mean that if I get summoned to court, and they convict me of using someone else's bus pass, I could be sent to prison?
  15. Hi All. My partner was on the main road and pulled in to let the bus pass and the bus swung wide and scrapped the side of her car. He admitted liability on the spot and passed all the details on for the council. Question is what should she do till she can speak with them on Monday in terms of speaking to her insurance etc Cheers
  16. I came to return my brother's car and parked on the suspended bus stop which had been closed due to Gasworks mains replacement. Below is my letter to Newham, I have appeal on 18th Jan 2019 and need some guidance. The PCN ….. was issued while the vehicle was parked on the Bus Stop on Plashet Road. Plashet Road was closed due to Mains Replacement work on Green Street. Stukeley Road had notices stating that it was closed from 28th July to 5th October. The works overran the above schedule and I wasn’t aware of its completion until after I was informed about PCN. My brother was replacing carpet at his home and had borrowed by Toyota Previa to dispose off old carpet at the tip in Jenkins Lane. I came on Sunday to replace the car, I parked his little Swift and drove off with my Previa. Later my brother found the above-mentioned PCN on his car and sent me a message. I accept parking his Swift on the bus stop as the bus stop was suspended since the start of the work, all buses were being diverted via Stukeley Road. Had the notices stated the correct date and if the notices were removed after the completion of the works I would have realised the bus stop suspension was removed and not parked the Swift where I did. I will appreciate if you will revoke this penalty as I didn’t park the Swift to cause any obstruction and nor was it intentional. I hope to hear from you very soon.
  17. Hi All I recently went to Luton on a training course whilst there mistakenly drove down a bus lane in Park street then on into one in Church street. I have received 3 PCN's for this 2 for Park street and one for Church street, I have had one cancelled for Park street but the other 2 still stand as the lady in Luton parking services said I should of turned around at the end of Park street. at the time as I am not local to the area I did not see that as an option. 2 of the PCN's had a time of 16:36 and the third 16:37 all for £60 (£30 if paid in 14 days). I don't dispute the first one but how do I stand on the last one? Cheers Buttsb
  18. My daughter left her bag on the bus last week. Had her phone and PE kit in it. I've got no money to replace any of it, so yesterday she had to go into school with no PE kit. Had to do the lesson in her knickers. She's got PE again on Friday, there's no way I'm going to be able to replace it by then. I don't know what to do
  19. Quick question, been awarded enhanced rate mobility on my PIP, was informed that as well as free RFL, I can also have a ''C'' added to my bus pass. (so a companion can travel with me for free also) Went to my LA to be told that ''You do know that you can only use it with a companion and not on your own?'' Actually no, I didn't know, and it was the first time I'd ever heard of it! So, I'm calling her bluff, and wondered if anyone knows the real answer, or where I could possibly get the answer from....please, pretty please. TIA.. BB
  20. Hi All, Has anyone had any success with Transportation Claims Ltd? On 6th June I was clipped on my right arm by a First Bus whilst walking on the pavement. Driver did not stop but it was a loud bang and pedestrians behind me came and checked I was OK. To be honest I was more angry than hurt at the time as I had my wife and kids with me and had literally seconds before made my daughter move away from the kerb. I phoned First bus customer servicesicon within 15 minutes of the incident to report it and although I was still extremely angry I accepted they would look into it and get back to me. I gave them route number, exact location and time as it was an hourly service it would have been a simple process to determine the driver and bus concerned. I received an email cofirming my complaint within minutes. After hearing nothing for a week I called back and they said they could not discuss with me as was a matter of data protection for the driver, but I would hear from them shortly. 2 further days later I get a fairly bland letter stating my complaint had been passed to Transportation Claims Ltd and that no further contact with First would be acceptable on the matter and they would be in touch. 4th July, I called Transportation Claims Ltd quoting the claim ref from the bland letter. The person I spoke to looked up the claim ref and said the matter was being investigated and they must be having trouble finding the exact bus or driver. He then said he would send me the relevant claim forms to fill in and by the time I fill them in and return them the investigators should have finished the investigation. I wasn't badly injured, just some bruising and a sore shoulder and elbow so wondering if this is really worth pursuing? Thanks in advance fro any advice.
  21. my wife has a 34J charge for Bolton Road Bradford. She had never been to Bradford before As far as I can see, there IS signage when the lane becaomes a bus lane but the road is a single carriageway two lane one one way one the other. So, at the point that the lane becomes a bus lane you are suddenly faced with the choice of STOP and do a 3 point turn or turn suddenly right up a little narrow side road which goes who knows where. The person on the phone says there should be signage at the start of the road that says it becomes a bus lane further on and also signage at every entry point at earlier points along the road, but my wife remembers none of this. Also, to my mind earlier along the road at the most useful point there ought to be "something like" road markings, even a give way and a clear sense that you are about to head towards a bus lane and signage which very clearly directs all NONE-BUS traffic to "turn right here" or something of that ilk. My wife saw none of that either. SURELY If the intention is to disuade people from using the bus lane on purpose for their own convenience (as news reports suggest) then better and more (than what is already there) signage and road markings would be better, I have no proof but I very strongly suspect that most of the milions made is from one of users who do not know the city. Why not have a first time warning and a second time fine. It would be interesting to have stats on the addresses of the finees. If most fines are one off to people out of the area then the action is going to have little or no actually impact on the infingement of the law, but simply just make money right? Could those stats be available under freedom of information? Finally I guess in the end my wife should have wizzed up the tiny side road or just stoipped dead in her lane right?
  22. I'm due to visit Glasgow in a few weeks time. As someone who lives in England, I'm not entitled to use my bus pass up there, which means having to buy bus tickets for travel. Anyway, I'm flying up. I've done some Googling and have a few questions: - Traveline have pointed me in the direction of First who have a selection of daily, weekly and monthly tickets. Do the weekly tickets start on Monday? Or can I arrive on the Thursday (as is the plan) and buy a weekly ticket? - Can I use my weekly ticket on the 500 service which takes me from the airport to the city centre (ish) ?
  23. As above I've got a Birmigham city council penalty charge notice for entering a bus lane. Its £60 or reduced to £30 if paid by the Christmas eve (merry christmas to me. I did drive in the bus lane but I just want to make sure it is being enforced correctly and that they are doing their bit correctly and legally, not trying to evade it or anything I just know these are likely done in bulk. For anyone that knows Birmingham city centre, it was St Martins Queensway. It was saturday afternoon and absolutely manic + my engine was overheating. Will be honest I've not driven this route in about 15 years and was fully using the satnav. See this link, my sat nav was telling me to turn left so I crossed over fairly late and turned into the tunnel which is as can be seen in this photo a bus lane, by the time I had noticed it was too late and I went into the tunnel about 40 yards where there is a gate on the right which I used to turn around in and come back out the way I had come. Now the thing is that the photos they have provided show me coming back out of the tunnel and turning left back onto the main road not going in. The lane I am in does not say bus lane. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.478504,-1.8932093,3a,75y,236.94h,96.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCqmX0jiPV2qJIHxsCBR0Rw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Now if you go back up the main road the way I had come, it was poorly signed and there were likely buses parked infront of the signs, I suspect I had only entered the left lane at the last second and entered the tunnel. Just to be clear I admit doing it however I think its pretty unclear and I was causing no danger or did I make or mean to make any gain from doing so. I guess I just want to make sure they are legally doing this correctly and if I have any grounds to appeal. I'm not going to risk £30 and my time if its not worth the effort. Its the principle though.
  24. I have received 2 PCN's for driving on a road that's restricted to buses and cycles. I had absolutely no idea since I'd never driven that way before, and as soon as I realised that I was on a bus route, it was too late to go back. I just wanted to know if they can charge me for the same offence twice in the same day, and that too in a matter of minutes. The first time I drove through without knowing it was a bus and cycle only road, and lost my way and came back on to the same road, and discovered too late that I was on a buses ony road. CAn I challenge the second PCN?
  25. Hi everyone I got issued a penalty fare on a bus even though I touched in with my oyster card, because the oyster card is very old and does not always work so the ticket inspectors couldn't read it on their things. However I definitely remember it responded when I touched in on the bus (the green light and the beep, etc), it just didnt work when the inspecters tried to read it. I appealed on the website and they asked me to send them the card number and a 'details/usage statement'. Problem is its such an old battered card that its impossible to read the card number. I don't know how to get a usage statement, or if thats even possible without the card number? The card works very occasionally albeit less and less frequently, so IF I did manage to get it to respond on a machine would there be a way of finding the number? Also surely TFL will have a record on the data from the bus that day? The CCTV would show me touching in, if it still exists (the incident was at the end of August). I'm not sure what to do so please give some advice Thanks
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