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Found 2 results

  1. Hello to all of you. For more than 2 years Lowlife harassed me with an old debt with Three Mobile. They claim that I breached the contract with Three and now I have to pay the outstanding debt. I asked Lowlife to show me the contract it was breached by me. They never send me anything and kept sending me the same letters ( about 25 letters in total up to now). At the beginning they sent so called Notice of Assignment. Actually was a fake where they used Three Mobile logo on the top of the letter with no signature - that was in Decembre 2015. Recently I have received a letter from Lowlife telling me that they passed my debt to Fredrickson International ( part of Lowlife group). The alleged debt has been passed to one of their 'approved' debt collection (what a joke). Should I send a Letter to OC/DCA passes account to another DCA? I will really apreciate if anyone can give any advice in how to deal with these parasites. Again me. I understood that a CCA request doesn't apply on mobile contracts. Is there anything else can I used to fight against them?
  2. Free bus passes for older and disabled people protected for the future READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/free-bus-passes-for-older-and-disabled-people-protected-for-the-future
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