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Found 7 results

  1. my wife has a 34J charge for Bolton Road Bradford. She had never been to Bradford before As far as I can see, there IS signage when the lane becaomes a bus lane but the road is a single carriageway two lane one one way one the other. So, at the point that the lane becomes a bus lane you are suddenly faced with the choice of STOP and do a 3 point turn or turn suddenly right up a little narrow side road which goes who knows where. The person on the phone says there should be signage at the start of the road that says it becomes a bus lane further on and also signage at every entry point at earlier points along the road, but my wife remembers none of this. Also, to my mind earlier along the road at the most useful point there ought to be "something like" road markings, even a give way and a clear sense that you are about to head towards a bus lane and signage which very clearly directs all NONE-BUS traffic to "turn right here" or something of that ilk. My wife saw none of that either. SURELY If the intention is to disuade people from using the bus lane on purpose for their own convenience (as news reports suggest) then better and more (than what is already there) signage and road markings would be better, I have no proof but I very strongly suspect that most of the milions made is from one of users who do not know the city. Why not have a first time warning and a second time fine. It would be interesting to have stats on the addresses of the finees. If most fines are one off to people out of the area then the action is going to have little or no actually impact on the infingement of the law, but simply just make money right? Could those stats be available under freedom of information? Finally I guess in the end my wife should have wizzed up the tiny side road or just stoipped dead in her lane right?
  2. The following report has been issued today by Citizen's Advice: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Global/CitizensAdvice/Debt%20and%20Money%20Publications/Thestateofdebtcollection.pdf
  3. Looking for some advice for a friend of mine. He works within a department of between 10-15 people. The work all over the Midlands area covering diffrent stores. At the end of each season a cash bonus is paid to them providing targets are met. Some stores clear target when some struggle to make it anywhere near, they work out the bonus based on which stores you have covered 80% of the time. Some people work a variety of stores whilst a select few are allowed to be based at one store only. They find any excuse not to move these stores as they know and often boast about how they will be guranteed bonus if they stay put there. They are all on the same contract which dictates you will be required to move yet the employer chooses not to enforce these terms of employment, I guess for a quiet life? My friend has been told basically it is tough when he has had issues before about moving, yet these select few get away with it and no excuse they provide to not move is challenged. Is this fair? Are they allowed to do this? Many thanks in advance for any advice
  4. I feel obliged to post a thread regarding the good things I have experienced whilst being treated by the N.H.S I have a very good gp who in my opinion goes beyond the call of duty with her patient care, I have always been offered tests needed and consultations within a reasonable time scale and generally when seeing other doctors at my gp surgery have always found them willing to help. when I had an accident earlier on this year my treatment from the paramedics ambulance and emergency staff at A & E were first class the staff in the hospital were kind, understanding and respectful, on my ward were 3 octogenarians who I noticed were treated with extra care this made me very happy to observe. I wish this was enough to negate the two very bad experiences which I have suffered at the hands of N.H.S staff. or better still I wish their was a complaints system that is fit for purpose, complain and you automatically disbelieved and are treated like public enemy no 1.
  5. All facts and no conjecture or opinion from me ,,the company I work for have recently restructured and openings have become available within other departments which I have applied for, the latest of which I was informed by 3 colleagues (1 management) who was `going ` to be successful,, and this was duly the case (despite the applicant being 45 minutes late for the interview, and clearly not the best person for the role).This is probably starting to sound like sour grapes but hand on heart isn't, now ive been informed that my manager and his immediate superior asked for 2 people not to get this job and likewise previous jobs purely on grounds he doesn't want to lose me. While very flattered ,I feel the hours spent on cv`s cover notes and applications as well as the actual interview were a clear waste of time, and am certain future applications are futile ,,,I believe I am getting what is termed as pigeon holed, Whilst im certainly not after any kind of payout ,what realistically is my best course of action to avoid this occurrence in the future without upsetting manager ,hr and interviewing manager? how I stand legally(if at all),and advice on resolving this would be greatly appreciated ,,,and as said at the outset this is 100% the facts with no spin or exageration
  6. Hello everyone, In late 2012 I got into temporary financial difficulties (I knew this was going to be for 1-2 months). When I took out my mortgage in 2008 I was told that one of the benefits was that I could take a payment holiday if I did suffer any difficulty because my LTV was less than 75%, now the rest of the purchase was made up by an Open Market Homebuy (which halifax took as a deposit). I HAVE E-MAIL EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THAT I WAS ADVISED AT THE TIME I WOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE A PAYMENT HOLIDAY! (actually in several e-mails) On calling them in December 2012 they told me that I wasn't eligible for the "Payment Holiday" because I had a 2nd mortgage on the house, I did query this because I know damn well I checked this at the time of taking out my mortgage because I like to read everything, especially when it comes to things like this. Can this like BCOB be claimed as incorrect advice. I now understand their position that I couldn't have had one but I was told explicitly in an e-mail from their mortgage advisor I'd be able to have a payment holiday if I needed one. The reason I'm complaining is that I want to have my ex taken off the mortgage obviously I can't do that if I have had arrears, had they upheld their agreement with me I wouldn't be in the situation where I now can't have my ex taken off because I've had arrears. (arrears all paid off within 3 months). Thanks in advance for anyone who can help.
  7. nhs contracts? Hi all, i am now working in the nhs as part of the theatre department and in doing so signed the usual contract agreeing to working on calls, late shifts and weekends etc, the problem is that some staff are not taking part in this arrangement because of various reasons ( my cats scared of the dark or little johnny wets the bed) sanctioned by the managers and therefore the remaining staff are having to work extra shifts to compensate. My question is, are we all being treated equally and do we have any basis for taking action against the management. Any help would be great. Cheers.
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