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Found 24 results

  1. Bus operators in West Yorkshire are part of the Bus 18 initiative which was set up by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. It guarantees a free travel voucher to bus user who are "not happy with their journey". I have submitted claims under this guarantee for buses that haven't turned up, and buses that have been late but have never received a free travel voucher. First Bus say they deal with all complaints in 14 days, but I've had nothing after 2 months. Has anyone had experience of claiming under the Bus 18 scheme? How long did you have to wait? https://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/bus18
  2. Hi, I received a letter from LSC claiming I owe over a thousand pounds to SSE. This is from my old address, I moved out 5 years 8 months ago. It’s the first time I’ve been contacted about this , I wasn’t aware I owed anything and don’t remember if they supplied my energy before I moved out. Do I contact them about this or not? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  3. A three-year-old boy has died after drowning in a swimming pool at a David Lloyd fitness club in Leeds. Police were called shortly before 9.45am on Saturday to the club on Tongue Lane after a report that a child had entered the pool and drowned. The boy was taken to Leeds General Infirmary where he was later pronounced dead. Although police are treating the incident as an accident, they are appealing for anyone who was in the pool at the time to make contact. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/boy-3-drowns-david-lloyd-fitness-club-swimming-120600253.html
  4. From their website: "Charged to cover the administration of issuing an arrears chase letter." - Outgoing arrears letter I'm not condoning missing mortgage payments, but surely £27.50 is a lot for a one-page (presumably computerised) letter and envelope being sent out? I think this has been covered previously (in 2011) but I'm not sure of my best course of action. Or whether I have a claim at all? Can anyone help me? I have received 2 of these letters in the last fortnight alone. £55 is hard to take for 2 sheets of paper and 2 envelopes! This figure is clearly exceeding actual administrative costs, and I find them unfair and therefore unlawful. Are they well within their rights to charge such a figure? Sometimes I have had these letters without even a prior phone-call to chase/remind me to make payment.
  5. Hey Guys, It hasn't taken me long on this site to realise that you have dealt with a lot of situations regarding Xercise4Less and Harlands/CRS so, whilst that is comforting, I am still rather nervous as they continue to demand extortionate amounts! I'll keep it as brief as possible: Currently I am working abroad in Valencia, therefore I wished to cancel my Xercise4Less membership (I had membership for over 12 months.) I used their website for cancellation on the 19th December and received an automated email, saying I would receive official confirmation within 30 days. On the 9th January, this email arrived, mentioning that my account had now been cancelled. It further mentions that my 30 day notice started from the day of initial cancellation (19th December), and a direct debit payment went out on that very day (9.99 monthly rate). Therefore, when I received the second (and more official) cancellation email, I decided to cancel my direct debit, as I believed that the December 19th payment would be my notice payment. This however was not the case, and I received a letter from CRS to my parents' home address in the UK, demanding 207.47! am aware that it is absolutely pointless contacting them via phone, so I am only emailing them. I responded to their letter, mentioning how I received an official confirmation letter. However, yesterday they replied with this: On 18 November 2015 you entered into a Membership Agreement with Xercise 4 Less. You agreed to pay £9.99 a month and give a months written notice when you wished to cancel. As your payments were not honoured and you failed to rectify your breach of Agreement charges were applied to your account and your file was referred to ourselves. Xercise 4 Less have not received the relevant notice from you to cancel your Membership. If notice had been given correctly in December 2016, as per your correspondence, you would have still been liable to pay your January 2017 instalment as your notice period, this was not received. What I think has happened, is that I fell short of the 30 day notice by only a number of days, as I cancelled my direct debit a few days after I received the email of cancellation on the 9th January. I am willing to admit to them that I made this mistake and that I will pay 9.99, but the 207.47 payment is outrageous. ny help you guys can give would be hugely appreciated, and if I have missed anything out then let me know! Thanks!
  6. Hi Son is at Leeds Trinity , he lives on site they have TPS covering their car parks, he has received parking the charge advice please. He has to put a ticket on at 8am on a Monday for the Week they charge him £10 a week to park, he didnt get up in time.Ticket has come to my house as this is the registered address for his car. Will this go to debt collection agency thks
  7. I got a message for LCS today regarding my account with Scottish power. I than contacted Scottish power to ask if everything is ok with my account they said everything is fine and they have not set LCS for my account the representative lined me to the LCS to check why they send me this msg and there the lady took all my information details like where name, address, birth date I asked why u want them she said just want to verify with what they got from Scottish power. She said I have around £120 outstanding amount to pay and that she will send me a mail with the break through but I never got the mail and now I am worried that is it a [problem] or something and what can they do with my personal details. Please advice.
  8. Hi Can anybody help, i received a notice to keeper / driver PCN on 19.01.14 for £100.00, for an alleged parking offence at crown point leeds on 13.12.14, parked in a disabled persons parking place without clearly displaying a badge. I was at crown point for 10-15 mins with my dad who has a valid disabled permit but cannot honestly remember if we put it on the dash. I have now received (three days ago) dated 3.3.15 and debt collection letter fro DRP recovery plus ltd asking for £160.00. what do i do any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks denise
  9. On 5th June I was in Leeds, my first visit. Due to a big accident on the M1 I was over two hours late for an appointment and arrived in the midst of rush hour. I followed my satnav to arrive at the address I needed and apparently, although I have no recollection of this, drove in a bus lane. It must have been for a very short distance and probably in a line of other traffic as I do not recall ANY signs. On receiving the notice I wrote explaining the situation and asked them to confirm that both the notice and the road markings fully comply with regulations. I was apparently in Boar Lane at the time. Their reply states they that they have rejected my representations as I was filmed driving in a clearly marked bus lane. Firstly I had not actually made representations as such - just asked for information, and secondly the photo they sent seems to me to show the markings are very faded at the place the photograph of my car was taken. They have sent quite a few more photos of the route and I must admit I don't recognise it at all. The roads were VERY congested at that point and I definitely don't recall any circumstances where I drove into a bus lane. Does anyone have an opinion as to whether the signs are FULLY compliant in that area of Leeds? Their letter is dated 9 July 2014 but they then mention a "date of service" of the notice as 14 July 2014, ie 3 days hence. Is this correct? I can't decide whether to think I have probably had £30 worth of amusement from this already and pay up the £30 or whether to pursue things further. I certainly won't be going to Leeds again whatever the outcome!
  10. Following on from my previous encounters with Lowell, I have been bombarded with copious letters and calls... I am yet again recovering from another serious bout of ill health but they really have gone too far this time... They appear to have acquired another bunch of lemons similar to my previous encounter with them some years ago... I will scan/upload post their letters and give further details of their numerous calls as soon as I can get my scanner to talk to my computer lol... This is already surpassing their previous faux pas...
  11. Is there a register for 'problem' landlords? Most people have suffered a terrible landlord at some point in their lives, but [name removed] has been a disgusting landlady, and as I've just discovered has several court judgements outstanding against her. Not sorting out any of the properties problems, calling us at 6am in the morning screaming for payment that's not yet due, not responding to us as soon as anything needs fixing, pestering our contract references for additional payment etc... And then vanishing of the face of the earth as soon as our deposit is due back to us. [name removed] did not show up to a court hearing in Northampton and has not returned the money, even though a court order has been made against her. Additionally, through a criminal charges search we discovered she owes THOUSANDS of pounds, including other peoples deposits. She is an extremely dodgy landlord....why are landlords with numerous charges & court judgements against them still allowed to rent to new tenants when they are clearly disobeying the law? HOW can I make sure noone else gets tricked in to renting a property with this crook? How many times do innocent tenants need to get ripped off and have their money stolen before the courts do something to stop her, such as a custodial sentence? When does it become Criminal to steal deposits with no justification - Just disappearing with them
  12. sorry to here about all you camper buyers. i to must have mug written across my forehead. i purchased a toyota granvia from leeds leisure vehicles on 23rd sept 2013, went to collect it & they could,nt start it . was told it was the starter motor, waited 3 hrs then to be told it was the alternator, they got it started so drove it home. next morning it failed to start, called out breakdown( green flag) who informed me it it was the starter motor. i paid £ 303.00. & forwarded my warranty ( fat chance of getting money back) . started van on friday morning to set off to london from yorkshire, got within 200yds of motorway & heard banging noise, so pulled over only to find 3 of the wheel bolts had sheared completely off ,again called out green flag and was told the van had been fitted with the wrong size wheels ,so all the weight is on the bolts not the hub. so had to be low loaded & taken back home . if we had got to motorway god forbid what would have happened with only 3 yes 3 wheels. have phoned LLV to inform them but guess what NO REPLY to my calls. DONT TOUCH EM WITH A BLOODY BARGE POLE THEY ARE DODGEY, VERY DODGEY.DONT GIVE EM YOUR MONEY>>>
  13. Hi! I have just received two Bus Lane PCN's from Leeds CC on the same day. Both "offences" were captured by the same camera, on the same road, a mere 82 seconds apart. So essentially, two fines for the same alleged offence. Extortion. The mitigating circumstances are that I was in an area restricted to buses and taxis. I clearly remember the signage as I entered this area at 22.00 hours but I was unconcerned as I am a licenced private hire taxi driver working out of York. I was taking a fare from York to Leeds at the time. It appears from my online research this evening that only taxis that are licenced as hackney carriages by Leeds City Council are in fact permitted to use the areas restricted to buses and taxis. 1. As an out of town taxi I could not reasonably have been expected to know this. 2. In the City of York, where I am licenced, all taxis (both hackney & private hire) are permitted to use all bus lanes at all times. 3. The signage merely said buses and taxis. It did not say "hackney cabs licenced by Leeds City Council". 4. Two PCN's for the same error??? How to deal with this effectively and maximise chances of PCN's being rescinded? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Mistertaximan.
  14. Just received a PCN for Wellington Street Leeds, offence timed at 20.00. The first photo with the PCN shows my car headlights with a possible road line under the N/S/F headlamp and possible double yellow lines about a car and a half width to the left of my N/S/F headlight. The rest is black. The second photo shows just my number plate in the top left hand corner of the photo, everything else is black. There are no other images in either photo that can be seen or identified. My point is that the images are not clear enough to determine exactly where I was in relation to the bus lane as the lane itself is barely distinguishable. I would appreciate any help/comments/advice. Thanks
  15. This week I drove into a bus lane in Leeds. I am not sure if I have been fined. But I am not happy as I feel the signs are confusing as well as hidden.
  16. I read an earlier post that indicated the Leeds pcn's may be written out incorrectly. Can anyone here look over mine please and advise if I can challenge my recent pcn. http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n278/anjme/PcnLeeds_zpsa91e1201.jpg [ATTACH=CONFIG]42492[/ATTACH]
  17. Hi... Some info would be appreciated if you guys can help? I have had a fine for driving in Vicar Lane, Leeds bus lane..........which I probably did as I dont know the city and I was driving up to see my Mum in hospital who had just broken her hip, and was lost whilst trying to find my way. There is grounds to appeal on the rear of the form if the fine is excessive............. As I was in the bus lane at 9.21 pm 2/1/13 and no other traffic is visible in the photo, can I claim that this is excessive as I did not use it to gain an advantage. Worth a try? Regards.
  18. I was notified on the 22nd December, that on the 8th November 2012 I incurred charges at the Edward Street Car Park. I was to pay £95.00, or, if paid within 3 days, this would be reduced to £75.00. as luck would have it.. I had my pay and display ticket. Which was Printed wrong - the ticket said the 9th November 2012. I have challenged this and am able to prove I was not in the car park on the 9.11.12. But I am concerned for all the other people who parked in the car park, the length of time it has taken for me to be informed. Has anyone else recieved charges for parking in this car park on the 8th November The Machine was printing the incorrect information! I am still waiting to hear from Highview Parking and I have contacted British Parking through my local Trading Standards Office.
  19. I have been repossessed on two properties with Leeds Building Society. I sent them letters for both accounts stating unlawful charges from this site. They replied saying for compensation they will reimburse 150 gbp, then listed the following for both accounts: Narrative Costs (£) 11 x arrears letters 302.50 3 x Unpaid Cheques 82.50 6 x Broken Arrangements 180.00 5 x Field Agent Fees* 5 x Field Agent Admin Fees 250.00 422.63 5 x Instructing Solicitors 625.00 1 x Tracing Agents 30.00 Total Of Society’s Fees 1,892.63 4 x Solicitors Costs 459.50 Total Fees and Costs 2,352.13 Narrative Costs (£) 11 x arrears letters 302.50 4 x Unpaid Cheques 110.00 1 x Unpaid Direct Debit 27.50 4 x Broken Arrangements 120.00 5 x Field Agent Fees 5 x Field Agent Admin Fees 281.75 250.00 2 x Instructing Solicitors 250.00 Estate Agents Costs 288.00 Re-Enforcement Fee 100.00 Total Of Society’s Fees 1,729.75 4 x Solicitors Costs 2,257.85 Total Fees and Costs 3,987.60 They state write to the FSA if not happy, and we all know what happens when you do that, just need to know if there is anything I can do, 150 gbp for 7k in charges does not seem right.
  20. Hi, I was unsure where to post this, but I have some food that I got in my Christmas hamper that I am never going to eat. I am having some trouble finding a food bank near me. Does anyone know of any food banks/soup kitchens/homeless shelters or anything similar in the Leeds area that accept food donations? The ones I have found only accept cash donations. Thanks
  21. Hello All, Some information that might be helpful. My Equifax repotr (score 450) is clean as a whistle athough my Experian (338) & Call Credit (560) has 2 old satisfied defaults on it. So looking for finance and selecting the correct lender without being stung in high Interest charges or having loads of unneccesary credit searches the following info may be of help. 95% FTB mortgage approved with the Leeds Building society (Equifax) 5 year fixed @ 5.6% (direct Application) 2 x car loans @ 5% flat with Moto Novo Finance (Carlyle) they claim to search only equifax both were approved immediatley but no searches have yet to appear on any of the CRA reports.... do they credit check? Not really if the Equifax report I have updated every day this week is anything to go by. Both agreements signed for and cars collected........ Hopefully this info may be of assistance to fellow Caggers loooking for good credit sources
  22. I was travelling along the Headrow in Leeds in December, when I turned left into Park Row (I think) half my vehicle crossed the thick white bus lane line, I have now recieved a PCN for this. Am I justified in contesting this as I was making an attempt to turn left[ATTACH=CONFIG]40450[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]40451[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]40452[/ATTACH] and the bus lane goes to the very end of the junction. I was only in the bus lane for mere seconds and there was no traffic around. I have attached the PCN paperwork.
  23. Has anyone else apart from Myself and BrianM had any problems with Leeds Leisure vehicles? I bought a Toyota campervan from them in Nov 2012 and it didnt even get me home when the gearbox went. Even though they assured me they would take care of the bill there has been no payment and it is becoming increasingly obvious they have no intention of paying.
  24. Hi I found a Homeowners loan repayment insurance certificate in the loft for life cover. So I have looked for payments to the Leeds on bank statements. I have found 4 statements with payments on: 3rd Dec 1993 for £10.66 3rd June 1994 for £10.49 4th May 1994 for £10.49 5th Sept 1994 for £10.49 The policy is for 21 years but I must have paid it off years ago when I changed mortgage, all my mortgages were endowment mortgages, so already had life insurance,what do you think my chances are ? I have attached the docs Just found another 2 certificates I have attached them, wondered why I had different payments on statements. do you think these would have been paid off before the next one was sold to me ? davsib
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