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  1. Has anyone with bad credit managed to finance a vehicle 'sensibly'? Cars don't last forever sadly and ours is soon going to need a lot of work (including a new gearbox) to get it through an MOT and keep it on the road. Without a vehicle, self-employed hubby can't work, so we're really worried about what to do because we don't have savings to pay for this. Not quite the typical post on here, but hoping someone might have been in this situation.
  2. The following is from the BBC News today: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4057088/Car-clampings-double-tax-discs-axed.html
  3. In May 2015, I started a thread on this forum regarding a debtor (Mr OR) who had followed advice from the internet and had issued an injunction against a local authority after his vehicle had been clamped by a bailiff. The debtor considered that his vehicle should have been exempt as it was subject to finance. Unfortunately, his injunction failed as the Judge ruled that there could be a ‘beneficial’ interest in the vehicle. Mr OR was ordered to pay the local authorities costs of £3,200. This was in addition to his own costs (the fee for the injunction alone was £395). A link to this popular thread is below. So far, it has received almost 13,000 views. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?445251-Goods-on-HP-a-Judge-says-they-can-be-sold(1-Viewing )-nbsp In Sept 2015, I started a similar thread on here to warn members of the public that if they have a vehicle that is subject to finance, they need to ensure that they provide evidence that there is no ‘beneficial interest' in the vehicle. Even that thread has received almost 6,500 views !! http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?451273-Vehicles-on-HP-can-be-sold-by-a-bailiff.-Evidence-must-be-provided-that-there-is-no-beneficial-interest. Unfortunately, a couple of months ago, another debtor (Mr MH) also issued an injunction to prevent an enforcement company selling his vehicle (a mini cab). This vehicle was also subject to ‘hire purchase’. The difference with this case, was that the ‘value’ of the vehicle was approx £14,500, and the amount required to settle the obligation under the hire purchase contract was just £6,300 (leaving an ‘equitable interest’ of approx £8,200). The debtor lost his case in court on 16th August. He was also ordered to pay the local authorities legal costs of £3,400. He was refused permission to appeal. Neither the debtor or his legal representative have made an application to appeal and accordingly, given the importance of this subject, the enforcement company have given me permission to provide an outline of the case in the hope that it may help other debtors to avoid making the same mistake. PS: I will not be giving the name of the debtor, the local authority or the enforcement company. The facts of the case are all that is important.
  4. This week yet another person has been found guilty in court of cutting off a vehicle clamp and unfortunately this case is yet another one where the 'ownership' of the vehicle is highly questionable. In brief, the individual attempted to justify his action on the basis that he claimed to be the 'owner' of the vehicle that had been clamped. He stated that he had not received any documentation in relation to the contravention. On this point he would have been telling the truth given that all statutory notices are by law sent to the 'registered keeper' (this is the person whose name appears on the V5c....commonly called the log book). For reasons that are very unclear, the defendant transferred his vehicle into the name of his flatmate and both he and his flatmate were recored as joint drivers on the vehicle insurance!!! It is cases such as this one that are the root cause of enforcement companies and local authorities viewing 'interpleader' and 'third party' claims with such suspicion. The legal position is that unless clear proof is provided, the registered keeper is deemed to be the owner of the vehicle. I will post details of the relevant legislation in the next post.
  5. Hi. Query regards driving other cars. I am insured to drive a Citroen c3. My policy states that i am allowed to drive other cars with the owners permission. Now how does this work when pulled over by the law if i am driving another car that has tax and mot but not showing any insurance.As the driver(me) is insured to drive it. If the car is sorn as not insured. Would the owner get notification of no insurance?
  6. http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/Aldi-customers-told-register-vehicles-store-face/story-27985958-detail/story.html I don't see how this really helps with the congested car park as anybody is still allowed to park there without using Aldi...
  7. I'm assuming there is a precedent to this. I have a debt to the Council for back Council Tax which I have been paying back as and when I can afford it. Today Bristow and Sutor sent an enforcement agent (who told them he was a bailiff) while I was out and luckily they did not let him in. Nothing, apart from a few items such as my bed and an old stereo which is worth pretty much nothing, on these premises belongs to me as I am just a lodger here and the room is furnished by the landlords. I have never denied that I owe something but the amount is in dispute I have told B&S this previously but they have ignored all my letters. The bloke cleared off when it became clear he wasn't being allowed in but I suspect he will be back. Apparently he was eyeing up their car and I would obviously hate for them to become involved when it is nothing of their doing. Do these people have any claim to anything on the premises and where do we stand if they return in the future? I have spoken to the Council but they say it's out of their hands now although I suspect they could do something about it if they wanted to. Thanks in advance for any help and advice
  8. a friend has recently had a PCN for walking off site by UKCPS, windscreen ticket issued. Not sure which is the best way to proceed with this one, The car park was a free one so there is no loss on the part of the operator, there's no cctv or anpr cameras, I presume they must have someone with a camera taking photos of the driver and passengers leaving site. at this point I'm thinking do they need a picture of the driver driving the vehicle and then leaving the site ? Can anyone in the car leave the site ? or is it just the driver that is not allowed to leave the site, nothing on the sign that explains this. The sign still says BPA. Is a phone call reminding them that they aren't members of BPA enough to cancel the ticket or is there no legal thing that says they cant advertise they are BPA members when they aren't ?
  9. Looking for some advice here-made the grave mistake of buying from this dive at the end of march this year. I had been looking for a diesel for my 100-mile a day work commute when I was tipped off about an 05 plate Vectra SRI at said garage for £2000. I had not seen the advert online but went to look at it. The shabby condition of the vehicle just sitting on the street should have been the first hint to walk away but I made the mistake of giving them a chance. Salesman came up offered £300 trade in on my then 51-plate Astra and a THREE month warranty. We barely got a look at the vehicle before getting pushed into a joke of a test drive -14 miles of diesel and an EGR valve problem they tried to keep from us. I definitely should have walked away there but [said] they would fix it and do the timing belt and NEW tyres I asked them to do so put down my deposit. This was 22/3/14. We asked for service history they claimed to have it and I have never seen it yet despite asking for it FOUR times and FSH WAS advertised. I get home that night and see advert online advertised with 90000 miles, had 99000 -felt pressured into buying as had put deposit down and feared they would try their best to hide behind their t&c and not refund but looking back I would have taken the legal route if need be-easy to do in hindsight One week later [edit] we get there and he tells us NONE of the engine work done and they had only done 2 of the 3 tyres (near bald part worns) and rushed to put another one on and he said ONE month warranty -we told him were were told THREE months (4 of us heard it). The car had been warmed up so we got it home and finally got to do the checks we were pushed away from doing to find a mouldy boot carpet and 3 inches of water in the spare wheel well (easy cheap fix), debris from the previous owner strewn all through the car, mouldy seatbelts, loose rear seat (despite them claiming it was fixed!!), washer pump not working ( failed MOT twice for this), still no service history so it was asked for again [EDIT]. Next day I drove it and because car was cold the EGR problem was there again-took 5 minutes revving to warm it up. Twice it stalled in traffic nearly causing accidents despite them claiming they fixed it too. Following day I returned it demanding a repair or refund -they took it in to get the valve and timing belt done. Two days later I get car back -they demanded the £200 for the belt in cash -I only had card so was driven [EDIT] in my own vehicle to an ATM to withdraw the £200!!! 1st Saturday in april -still no history I took it for a major at my local Farmer's at a cost of £219 where they found a bodge job done on the exhaust instead of a replacement they cut out the faulty part and poorly welded in a bit of metal that could have gone at any time-quoted £400 plus. Other work I had to do was replace the tyres -I went for decent ones with the miles I do - Goodyear efficientgrip at £130 a corner x4 and the fitter was in shock -2 tyres had 215 width and 2 had 225 (all legal claim DVS) but the ones I got were exactly the same, replace thermostat at £85, washer pump at £30. In 8 weeks car was in garage every weekend bar one getting bits done. 12th may heading down the M90 to work car starts bucking like skippy on substances. I make it to work but for safety had to be towed home. Next day I got the fuel filter replaced at £42. When they took it off the local garage said it was that black and spaghetti-like inside they thought it had NEVER been changed from the day it was fitted in 2005!!! I was advised to run the filter in again drove the car to work and back-no change the Wednesday back to the garage. On the Thursday they diagnosed it needed a new fuel injector ( part plus labour just under £400) I told them do it and on the Friday when they went to fit it.. ..found the swirl valve snapped (talking £700 work) and they didn't want the job (CDTI engine, MAJOR work) but at least they didn't charge for the unfitted part. When I told the mechanic I beat a guy with a young family to that car his words chilled me -" You did them a HUGE FAVOUR, that car was unsafe". I have tried rejecting it but they are hiding behind the line " You didn't follow the terms and conditions, You did the work without our permission". I also noticed the false advertising on the trade in - I know it had done 117500 miles, they listed it at 109000, if only I had printed the screenshots. When challenged, [they] clammed up and went on the defensive like he knew he had been caught out. Because I felt I was going nowhere (and couldn't afford a tow truck or get anybody to tow the car to them because they were never going to do it) I felt I had to take £500 for it. I spent £2900 on a £2000 car with another £1500 needed-disgusting and not fit for purpose. Went to a main dealer, got another Vectra 03 plate- 82000 miles £1800, better presented (even in pre-forecourt preparation stage) and the experience was so much better - the salesman wouldn't even talk a deal until we had checked everything worked and heard the engine, he was even honest on the first week to say no history before taking the deposit but a week later full history turned up and was given it to read before paying the balance. We were not allowed to leave before he had gone through every function-much better than the other [company]. I have got trading standards involved with DVS but the lack of evidence isn't helping. My question is even though I felt forced in both buying and selling can I claim something, even just a partial refund, after all what they sold me was totally neglected and they knew it, they were keeping quiet and pushing me away from the faults hoping they would go unnoticed.
  10. How is failure to comply with the above mentioned sign penalised outside London. I know in London it's by a PCN issued by a local authority but what about outside London. Is it a motoring offence dealt with through penalty points and a FPN issued by the police?
  11. Hi I am hoping someone will be able to help me. My partner and I paid £5250 for a Nissan Navara pickup 54 plate just after Christmas. The vehicle is great for us as my partner is a gas engineer and he would be able to use the vehicle for work, and we would be able to fit our growing family in as we have dogs and a baby on the way (due April). It was the ideal replacement for his van, as I only have a small car on finance. We paid the money by bacs as the dealership requested, the same day - and as I'd negotiated a full service we went to pick it up a week later. After sending the money we were told literally as we picked up the keys that there was an issue with the central locking (it doesn't work) and that the lock on the back cab was broken - a nightmare for a bloke who keeps his tools in there for work! Anyway, we let this go and paid for the back cab lock to be fixed and although the lack of central locking as promised was disappointing, we let it go. However, 4 weeks ago, the vehicle broke down. The vehicle came with a 3 month warranty so we immediately informed the dealership. Here is a rough time line - 24th Feb - vehicle broke down. Dealership immediately informed - 3rd March - one week later vehicle picked up by a different garage. Was told approx. 2 week wait. - 4th March - I asked if we had an update. Was told at least a week. Enquired re courtesy car. Was told no and to expect a 2 week wait. - 7th March - rang the garage that had picked up the vehicle. When asked how much longer it would take, he laughed. Rang dealership, was promised a call back - never had any communication 10th March - Rang dealership to check date for collection - Was promised a call back, again no call back 13th March - Rang dealership. Was promised a call back. Someone rang back to say it would be tomorrow that they got back to me 14th March - Rang dealership, spoke to a man who told me that the car engine was in Slough and that the dealership needed to pay them, which would take 2 days, then the car engine needed to be brought back to the garage. No clue as to how long, but definitely not within the week. Now, my issue here is not with the warranty as clearly they are carrying out the work on our behalf, free of charge. My issue is with the communication and the customer service. I am beyond angry that we were't able to get a courtesy vehicle. My partner is self employed and no vehicle means no work. We have had to hire a van, and as he is only 23 this is expensive - £31 per day plus VAT! That means we have spent just under £1000 on hiring, and it looks like we will need to spend even more for the next week. We have also had to pay extortionate insurance prices too - on top of the £160 we have spent on insuring the faulty vehicle. I know the dealership will have spent a lot of money on this repair but it wouldn't have hurt them to offer a courtesy vehicle to limit the inconvenience and cost for us. They have sold us a vehicle in a unfit state as far as I am concerned. My question is - Can I just ask for our money back (I am okay to lose my £250 deposit) They will be able to sell it again with a reconditioned engine. I have lost all faith in the vehicle and I don't want to break down with a new born baby in the back - who knows what else could be wrong, clearly they don't do full checks. I am annoyed at the way the dealership have treated us and I never want to see the vehicle again. Am I within my rights to demand the money back?
  12. I am a newbie so apologies if I make any glaring omissions. I have spent the best part of this sunny afternoon trawling through other threads and my issue seems to fall into a grey area. I hope to learn from your expertise as to whether I should go to the adjudicator. I took a number of items to the Oxfam charity shop in King Street, Hammersmith, which has a loading bay right outside the shop. I remained in the car while my husband unloaded the boot with heavy and bulky items including about 30+ books. We were there for less than a minute. The bay is marked 'loading only' and there is a small sign which I didn't notice stating 'Goods Vehicles Only'. King Street is largely double yellow lines and zig zags, the Google streetview link is on the UK google site followed by: /maps/@51.492575,-0.228324,3a,75y,231.58h,67.81t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1smcMhzPp6Va_8KYEnFC5xFw!2e0 The reason why I appealed initially is: I was unloading 'goods' as my charitable donations have a commercial resale value in Oxfam I have a Mazda 6 (taxed as diesel rather than PLG) which is a five door hatchback with a huge boot - useful as I sometimes use this for loading goods in my shop I had not ‘parked’ in the loading bay. I stopped and sat in the car with the engine running while the car was being unloaded (debateable, I know!) In the rejection letter, LBHF further decreed that this bay is for the exclusive use of “…goods vehicles carrying out loading/unloading…in an area that …provides guaranteed deliveries to local premises”. Oxfam is a local business, I was unloading goods for commercial resale. I found on the LBHF website their definition of "Goods vehicles are vehicles classified as such by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and the Vehicle Operator and Services Agency (VOSA). The class of a vehicle is shown on the V5 registration document. Private cars, scooters, mopeds and motorcycles are not considered to be goods vehicles." I am unsure I have much of a chance but I wanted to check before I gave in and paid. In the Notice of Rejection, they have given me 14 days in which to still pay at the reduced rate but if I go to the adjudicator, then only the full penalty will apply if I lose. Hope you can help
  13. I know enforcement officers can query the DVLA for a number plate to find the registered keeper of a vehicle, but can they do the reverse - run a query at the DVLA for name and address to find out if the enforcement target has any vehicles registered to them? Also, I transferred my car to one of my sons BEFORE the CCJ was given against me. Can an enforcement officer clamp and/or tow the car registered to my son? Thanks.
  14. sorry to here about all you camper buyers. i to must have mug written across my forehead. i purchased a toyota granvia from leeds leisure vehicles on 23rd sept 2013, went to collect it & they could,nt start it . was told it was the starter motor, waited 3 hrs then to be told it was the alternator, they got it started so drove it home. next morning it failed to start, called out breakdown( green flag) who informed me it it was the starter motor. i paid £ 303.00. & forwarded my warranty ( fat chance of getting money back) . started van on friday morning to set off to london from yorkshire, got within 200yds of motorway & heard banging noise, so pulled over only to find 3 of the wheel bolts had sheared completely off ,again called out green flag and was told the van had been fitted with the wrong size wheels ,so all the weight is on the bolts not the hub. so had to be low loaded & taken back home . if we had got to motorway god forbid what would have happened with only 3 yes 3 wheels. have phoned LLV to inform them but guess what NO REPLY to my calls. DONT TOUCH EM WITH A BLOODY BARGE POLE THEY ARE DODGEY, VERY DODGEY.DONT GIVE EM YOUR MONEY>>>
  15. Drivers refunded after traffic wardens issued fines for cars parked on snow-covered double yellow lines Read more: - http://uk.news.yahoo.com/drivers-refunded-after-traffic-wardens-issued-fines-for-cars-parked-on-snow-covered-double-yellow-lines.html
  16. Has anyone else apart from Myself and BrianM had any problems with Leeds Leisure vehicles? I bought a Toyota campervan from them in Nov 2012 and it didnt even get me home when the gearbox went. Even though they assured me they would take care of the bill there has been no payment and it is becoming increasingly obvious they have no intention of paying.
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