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  1. Hello, I would be grateful for some support on a PCN issued by Norwich Traffic Control on 2017. The car park is also for a DR's surgery that I was attending. I parked my car in a car park that was being enforced by NTC on 12/05/17 The entrance for the car park is only wide enough for one car so if you are maneuvering to allow another car to pass, you are not able to read the signs as you enter the car park. Upon parking my car, I went over to the pay and display machine to see if there was anything reading the Dr's surgery, there wasnt, just the usual generic sign. I then went into the Dr's surgery to ask them about the pay and display. They informed me that there were allocated parking spaces and the sign detailing this was only at the entrance for the car park. They also said that I wasnt the only person not to see the signs. I went back out side to move my car however I was met by a NTC Warden who had already issued a parking ticket. I had been away from the car for 1 minute. I explained to the NTC warden and the fact they must have seen me go into the Dr's.... I was informed that it wasnt her problem. Later that day I emailed NTC and explained the situation, they informed me that ticket was still valid. I appealed via the IAS and highlighted that i believed NTC had not complied with the Code of Practice for the IPC as follows; IPC Code of Practice Part B, Clause 2 – Signage Clause 13 – Professionalism Clause 14 – Predatory Tactics Clause 15 – Grace Periods BPA Code of Practice Clause 9 – Professionalism Clause 12 – Requesting registered keeper details Clause 13 – Grace Period The IAS dismissed the apoeal by stating the following; "Whilst having some sympathy with the Appellant, once liability has been established, only the Operator has the discretion to vary or cancel the parking charge based on mitigating circumstances. For the reasons given, the appeal is dismissed." I have today received a County Court Claim from NTC's solicitors claiming £246.06 for the parking ticket. I still believe that NTX did not comply with the Code of Practice for all of the reasons detailed above however I would be grateful for anyone's assistance with this. NTC are notorious for things like this and there are numerous complaints about their methods of operation. Photos.pdf
  2. Hi, I received an email from my lease company in December, advising of a PCN with the reference number to login and view/appeal/pay etc. It was my son-in-law who had been driving and got stuck in a box junction. He logged on and paid the £65 fine. Then we received a letter from TFL that the PCN was going to be reissued to me as the lease company had provided my details. If the PCN had been paid then it would be reunded by CHEQUE. No cheque was ever received, and my son in law didn't notice the money be refunded into his account - it was a few days before Christmas. To be honest I forgot all about it as I assumed it was sorted. I didn't get a reissued PCN, but have now received a letter saying that the fine has increased to £195. I called them and was told I could submit a late appeal. I guess my position is that if we have made the effort to pay the initial fine within the time period, then that is sufficient to assume that it has been paid. And is there any challenge in that their letter stated that they would refund by cheque? The fact that they have to refund any payment must be some weird admin thing, to do with the party who the PCN has been issued to. Which seems daft as anyone can pay any fine, you don't need to enter any details. anyone have experience of this Thanks in advance.
  3. The driver has just received a letter from a solicitor regarding a traffic violation in Italy four years ago. All the information provided seems correct, i.e dates, type of car name and address of driver. At first we thought it was a [problem], this is now looking less likely but still possible. What is the best course of action? The requested amount is €300 from waters&gate
  4. I drove down a road which I have done for years and hadn’t been in the area for ten years when I got to the end two permanent bollards stopped me proceeding . when I realised I turned round as I turned round a police officer in a marked van was at other end I thought nothing off it and turned around and went the opposite way and left the road . When I got to the junction he was there blue lights blocking my exit I got out my car said what’s up he said . Can you tell me what you doing driving through a children’s play area I replied I’ve used this road lots of times to visit my dads alloment . I said I didn’t know it was blocked off at end I’ve not lived in that area for 10 years He said but why you driving through a children’s play area . I said I didn’t know it’s blocked off now . He replied yea but what ya doing in a children’s play area I said I’m not bothered I’ve done nowt wrong . He replied in that case ya not bothered walked away to his van . Started writing and talking on radio I went over and I said can I go on my way he said no I’m reporting your traffic offence RT88/496 driving elsewhere than roads .footpath/bridleway... I said there’s absolutely no signage regarding. No through road for vehicles No warnings children’s play area , Only signage is warning low bridge height restrictions so vehicles can pass under I’ve just received an offer of £50 fine . Do you think I should take to court thanks
  5. I had a road traffic collision in February this year, very minor incident (I was overtaking a vehicle on a straight bit of road when as I almost completed my maneuver, a car emerged from a hidden single track country road to the right without stopping/looking). I was fortunate in that I was able to avoid a full force impact into the side of the car, and managed to make a very minor glancing blow. All parties exchanged details and left, no injuries, really minor damage. I haven't heard anything since February until today, in which my insurers have said no parties have pursued a claim, and because I didn't claim off my policy, the claim has been settled as a non fault claim with no affect to my no claims bonus. I'm presuming this is the end of the matter?
  6. Good afternoon fellow forum users, apologies in advance as I've never posted before and want to give as much info as possible but there is a bit to tell and I don't want to bore you all to death so I'll try to be as brief and concise as possible. Yesterday I received 4 parking notices from a company claiming to be PCS and one penalty parking charge from the London Borough of Newham for a 52m - failing to comply with a prohibition on certain types of motor vehicle contravention. In total the bill is currently standing at almost £500 ( 4 counts of £60 from PCS and £130 from Newham). All these offenses are claimed to have taken place between the 1st and 5th Dec 2018. All of these documents claim to have visual evidence of 'the vehicle' and it's true that there are attached CCTV grabs of a car of the same make and model as mine and a matching number plate although I have never been to Newham, and not really sure where it is? So am assuming that these are cloned plates. Have already contacted the Police and they have given me a crime ref no and will also be contacting the DVLA as they advised so I'm pretty sure I can sort that issue out with Newham. However, the so called 'parking charges' issued by PCS parking collection services. PO box 271. Ashton Under Lyme OL6 0DL are more of an issue as having done some digging online and through this website I am now under the suspicion that these may not be legit as the company appears to have a somewhat suspect reputation in what I can find and I don't particularly relish more lovely envelopes dropping on the mat. the salient points in this matter are 1: of the four offences they claim, they can only provide me with pictures in two instances out of the four dates involved. And two of the claimed offences are for different dates but same PCN no and times, although same company ref no. 2: It is clear from these pictures that there might actually be two different cars involved with the same plate as mine as two of the sets of photos provided for two different dates appear to show one silver like mine and then one light green 3: The number plate displayed is marked different to mine in so much as it doesn't appear to be held on my screws at all and definitely doesn't have any other writing, such as a dealer name or post code etc or a visible crack down like mine has. 4: Having done all the necessary via the police, taking pictures, noting colour change etc It should be quite straight forward to lodge an appeal online but their website just will not let me and after two attempts I got suspicious and gave up. I do apparently have the option to download and submit a written form but I decided to go do some more digging before that and what I have found on PCS - albeit somewhat earlier dated by some time - doesn't show them up well and I;m now wondering what else I can do or investigate before I do commit to a postal appeal? I will Deal with the Newham issue directly, but have no intention of, admitting any liability, paying any monies or giving any more details than necessary to PCS, but Can anyone offer any advise or other information before I proceed any further? thanking you all in advance.
  7. I work for a company that employs more than 1000 Trade plate drivers; we travel all over the UK delivering and collecting vehicles for many different customers. Many of the places we go to are quite remote, airfields and large compounds etc, there is not usually public transport to many of these places. The only way we can complete our work is to work with other drivers, sometimes this is arranged by the company and sometimes we arrange this between ourselves. When there is public transport it can often take a long time to travel between jobs, and quite expensive. Therefore, working with other drivers is normal. I received the notice from Metropolitan police was about seven weeks after the incident asking me to identify the driver of the car at the incident time. On average we will complete about three jobs a day, on that basis I would have driven about one hundred vehicles in average of three to four cars a day. How many drivers I would have worked with is not possible to work out. Under those circumstances I do not know anyone who could remember the details of a specific car or who they were working with at a specific time of the day seven weeks previously. The company do not keep records of who works with who at any time, the only thing they are interested in is that all of the assigned work is completed on time. I have asked many drivers if they can remember working with me on that day, none can. I have looked at any written notes I keep; this has not helped. I have checked my mobile phone to see who I spoke to around that day, nothing I have done has enabled me to identify who would have been driving at the time of the alleged incident. Also the photographs sent to me earlier by the Police wasn’t clear enough to identify who was driving the vehicle at incident time. I understand that the Police will ask for any information that will lead to the identity of whoever was driving, and in most cases it can be provided. I have however read what the law says in this situation. It clearly says that a driver/keeper cannot be guilty of failing to identify who was driving if they did not know with reasonable diligence. It seems common sense to me that the law was written that way because of exactly this kind of situation. The law also says I am not required to keep records. I accept that this is a very unsatisfactory situation, I remain willing to do anything I can to identify the driver concerned but I cannot see what else I can do. Metropolitan Police write to me again saying that I have a legal responsibility to identify the , further action in this matter has been suspended for 14 days. I do not know what I have to do with this, Thanks
  8. Hi all I have received a letter from this company stating that I did not display a valid permit in a college car park whilst attending an event. I did have a parking ticket from the machine which was clearly displayed on my dashboard. The letter includes a photograph of my car but from a distance and simply showing that my car was parked in the car park. I have written the following. Before I send it, is this OK? ******* I write to appeal against the parking charge notice as detailed above. I attach a copy of the parking ticket I purchased and clearly displayed on my dashboard. The photographic evidence you have supplied does not show the dashboard clearly and so does not show whether the ticket was or was not clearly displayed. I was attending a event at the college and was not advised that I needed anything other than a valid parking ticket in order to park my car, which I have provided to you. ******
  9. The following regulation has been discussed for many months, and was finally laid before Parliament a few days ago (11th April). It comes into effect on 6th May 2017. The Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2017/554/made
  10. Afternoon, I wonder if you can please help me with this ticket. Back in November 2016 I unknowingly made a mistake and took a wrong turn to the road where no right turn was allowed between XX and XX hours. I think about 2 weeks later I moved and was never aware of the offence until February 2017 I was actually nearby my old flat and met postman who I knew and who then handed me a mail which had that ticket with a penalty and from Northampton court etc. I then phoned Court, spoke with them and was advised to immediately submit 2 forms (out of time and something else) I Immediately processed them both and also provided them with my new address and that I understand I made a mistake and am happy to pay the original penalty charge. After about 4-6 weeks I received refusal letter from Northampton County court that they have refused my appeal despite me providing them evidence of my new address and that genuinely I never received any previous notices. I then phoned them again and asked what will happen next and was told to wait to hear from the council. I have since not heard anything from the council and have been told by new tenants in the previous property that they received a letter from some target collection company which I imagine would be for the same. The council and collection company still writing me to my old address? what should I do? write to council asking them to waive the fee and that I am prepared to pay the original amount or contact the agency etc . Please help!!!
  11. A query on behalf of a friend - she lent her car to someone who committed a traffic offence whilst driving it - she received the initial letter but had just had a baby and was unwell so didn't respond in time. The other driver later admitted the offence but they prosecuted my friend anyway because the information was not received in the time limit and took her license away as she was a relatively new driver. She drives for a living so she appealed. The hearing was adjourned and a new date set for this week - she is worried in case they do revoke her license as she will then lose her job. Any advice that could help would be gratefully received.
  12. Hi everyone, I've done some digging, and see that 25 out of the 28 EU countries now share details if a foreign car is noted committing certain traffic offences. An Italian car, say, is photographed speeding in France. The Italian authorities will give the French authorities the keeper's details and the fine will be sent to the person's home in Italy http://etsc.eu/faq-eu-cross-border-enforcement-directive/ This scheme does not apply to the UK - but the UK will join in May and presumably stay until Brexit, if not longer. I was wondering what forum members would advise in such a situation. Regarding France specifically, I see a speeding fine for being just a few km over the limit is €45, if paid within 46 days, which I doubt would be worth chasing, but after 76 days it becomes €180 which might be worth chasing. Obviously the French authorities can't do anything themselves in the UK, but they can transfer the debt to a third party in the UK (I think!) My reason for writing this thread is that although I'm British, I live in Italy, and have just received two French fines, one for being 7km over the limit on a motorway, and one for 5km over the limit, on a different motorway. I need to ask for advice on Italian forums, which I am doing, but as I'm a fan of CAG I thought to scribble a thread here too!
  13. My partner bought his bungalow end of 2013. Prior to the purchase a Private Search of Local Land Charges was made. We have concerns about the search because we received a letter recently from Hampshire County Council saying that they are install double yellow lines outside the front of the bungalow. This has been called a Traffic Order proposal. We objected to this immediately, the Council wont install a disabled parking bay outside the front of the bungalow claiming its too close to the junction, we disagree. They wont allow us to park the car in the garden again claiming its too close to the junction. Again we disagree. If we had known about this before purchasing we would have pulled out. We are a blue badge holder, and we feel the council is beyond uncooperative. We have contact the local mp to see if she can help but to also find out exactly when the traffic order was approved. We understand its been in the pipeline for years. Surely this should have been picked up on the searches? Can anyone please give any advice, we are distress by this as we wont have anywhere to park.
  14. A question rather than a rant I hope. We've some pretty disruptive roadworks in progress at the moment here, there's notice from a few miles out of a lane closure and then the usual warnings and speed restrictions. Alongside all of these signs are several that instruct people to queue in both lanes and merge at the very head of the queue. This works quite well mostly, the queue moves albeit there's the odd premium german saloon driver that refuses to let anyone in and the disruption, although annoying (taking a 3 minute drive up to a 25/30 minute one) is manageable. Until, a HGV driver takes it upon themselves to act as a rolling roadblock. This forces traffic to queue back through a couple of tunnels and back towards a roundabout. effectively doubling the length of the queue and delaying everyone behind. My question is this; does this constitute causing an obstruction and can it be reported to the police?
  15. The council has recently put double yellow lines down near me. Do they need a TRO to be able to enforce them, by issuing a parking ticket? If so, how do I find out if a TRO is in place? Is there somewhere on the internet where I can search for them? Thanks
  16. This morning I had a phone call from an Enforcement Agency who had been to my old address. They want almost £500 for a traffic ticket where they said I went into a bus lane last May. Obviously I cant remember and they said they are going to post me some papers out as I live in a different town now. I did give DVLA my new address and its on two MOT's since but apparently its not updated on the system. I know its on my credit report. Can anyone please tell me how I can fight this as I dont have the money to pay and they say it has been to court and finalised and now I have to pay and they are talking about taking my car away if I dont. Worse thing is I am disabled and cant get around without the car. Really stressed and worried now as never had to deal with anything like this before?
  17. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/630389/Worst-parking-car-space-Range-Rover-driver?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+daily-express-uk-news+%28Daily+Express+%3A%3A+UK+Feed%29 The PPC managing the car park some how failed to prevent this inconsiderate parking with their ANPR cameras... *not my words.
  18. A Double Yellow Line Traffic Management Order has been recently implemented outside of our house. We live on a corner at the end of a side turning. The order states that the original lines should be extended by 15 metres both sides of the road and go around into the 'main' road and be 10 metres along each side. The lines that have been laid are of incorrect lengths in all four sections. We have informed the Council Highways dept. and the CEO, and we are kept being told that they are correct. The TMO was changed from a previous one and it appears that they have laid the lines to the previous order by mistake but they will not admit this. Could somebody please advise us where to go next as nobody is listening to us? Any idea's will be most welcome. Cheers John
  19. I may or may not be receiving an NIP in the post soon. But I wish to vent my spleen somewhat over the circumstances of two incidents within the last few days involving traffic lights. The first was at a flyover with a roundabout underneath. There were three sets of lights to pass through in order for me to proceed onto a slip road where traffic merges from a 30 MPH zone to a 50 MPH portion of the motorway. I passed through the first set of lights on green at 20-25 MPH. The second set of lights changed to amber as I was crossing from one side of the road onto the slip road only for me to be met by the red lights of a pedestrian crossing. Which turned from amber to red at the same time as the second (previous) set of lights. There was no delay between them. There was a small space before the third set of lights for approximately one car length to stop. Because I was in the process of accelerating onto the slip road I would have had to slam on the brakes to avoid passing through the lights on red. This seemed counter intuitive to what I would expect when driving onto a slip road. Regardless of what the law says regarding driving through red lights. I felt it was not a fair system and in fact dangerous. I reported this to TFL on their website (without giving them my details of course). I have been beating myself up about it since. I am not sure if there were cameras there or not and it caused me considerable anxiety. The second time was only yesterday. There is a dual carriageway with a 40 MPH limit. This particular set of lights is quite odious. It has a red light camera (I assume) and speed camera lines on the junction. It is a major road junction that allows turning of traffic onto a minor road. I approached it with some trepidation wondering what the best plan of attack was. Begin to slow in preparation for a red light or continue at just under 38 MPH. I made the decision to continue at speed and that was when the lights turned amber. I decided to continue at speed and accelerated ever so slightly. I do not believe I broke the speed limit. However I am unsure if I made it through in time for the light turning red. From my understanding there is no requirement to slow down when approaching traffic lights unless they have already begun changing to amber and you do not think you will be able to cross the junction in time. But I may need my mind refreshing on if the highway code says otherwise. Especially since this was a dual carriageway with a 'continuous' 40 MPH limit. Because this is faster than 30 MPH it requires more stopping distance and this concerns me. Especially since they appear to have placed a speed trap on the junction as well. If you are getting close to the lights at speed (remember I have not broken the speed limit) then it leaves you very little room to stop without slamming on the brakes. But if you are pushed to accelerate through the lights at amber this could place you at risk of being snapped on a speeding charge or possibly being hit on both a red light and a speeding charge. The whole thing appears a bit catch 22 and very suspect IMHO. I have been VERY aware of my driving with regards to traffic lights of late and every time I approach a set I get more cautious and 'driven' to distraction with regards to how they operate and how I should deal with them. I have been driving for over 30 years now and it's only in the last few years I have noticed these issues. I never used to have issue with passing through lights but in recent times it appears the odds are being ever more stacked against drivers to be pushed into 'breaking the law' so to speak. Despite what they keep telling us about it being in order to make things safer for both drivers and pedestrians. The odds are you will make that 'mistake' sooner or later. To me it smacks of both incompetence and a cash grab.
  20. Today I received a PCN for a bus lane violation from Brent Council for straying into the bus lane on 15/08/16. The picture clearly shows me in the bus lane. It also clearly shows a truck parked in the opposite lane which is forcing an oncoming car into my lane, thus I have to move into the empty bus lane momentarily to avoid going into the oncoming car which has clearly strayed into my lane. This is all evident in the picture so how can this be an offence?! According to the PCN there are only 4 grounds for appeal: 1. Recipient was not the owner 2. There was no breach of the bus lane Order or Regulation 3. The vehicle was taken without consent 4. The police are already taking action Surely avoiding an accident has to be grounds for momentarily moving into the bus lane? In my simple mind sheer common sense should apply here, but common sense and local authority bureaucracy don't always go hand in hand. Anyone know if I have a point to force an appeal even though it is not listed in the PCN notice? Should I appeal (notice says I have to wait 28 days for 'enforcement action' before I can make 'representations')? Should I pay up first (fine is £65 if paid within 14 days, or double after that) and then fight?
  21. Hi Everyone. I would really appreciate your input on this issue. I just received a Default Costs Certificate from Chester County Court. The letter was redirected from our old address in Wales (we have now lived in the South East of England for the last 3 years). The letter states: "As you have not raised any points of dispute on the claimant's bill of costs, the costs of the claim have been allowed and the total sum of £604.85 is now payable. You must pay this amount to the claimant within 14 days from the date of this order (1 June 2015)." Now, this is the first time I hear of any claim in my name, and I have not received any bills of costs before (we were renting house in Wales, and current tenants do not forward any letters to us, so it was the first one in 3 years). I have no idea what the original claim was about, and I can only guess that it was related to a small traffic accident I was in in 2011. In 2011, I ran into another car at small speed at a roundabout, and both parties reported this to our insurers. I lost 2 years of my no claim due to that, and I thought it was finished then, and that any possible (minor bodywork) repair costs would be absorbed by the insurer. The payee on the Costs Certificate is Oracle Cost Consultants in St Helens, who I guess a "no win, no fee" company. Perhaps, the other party has applied for the personal injury claim without my knowledge. My questions: 1. If I did not receive the claimant's bill of costs, is this costs certificate legal? What are the consequences for not paying it? 2. What do I do to find out what exactly the claim was about: call Chester County Court, or call Oracle Cost Consultants, or even my car insurer? 3. If it is indeed that accident related, why may I be liable rather than my insurance company? 3. What do you suggest I do going forward to resolve the issue? The date on the costs certificate is 1 June 2015, however I only received it on my current address today - 24th June. As the payment was due within 14 days, it is now overdue. I am confused and puzzled as to what this is and what I do with it. In case this is not the right sub-forum for my question, please do let me know too. Many thanks, Sasha
  22. I have a panel van, registered as a Light Goods Vehicle. I have converted it to a camper van,(windows, beds,cooking, wardrobs, etc) but have not yet reregistered it as a camper van, as I believe this can only be done at my next car tax renewal date. I was caught speeding at 78,on a dual carriage way, which is right on the speed limit for cars. My belief, at the the time, was my speed limit was 70, but I now understand the limit for this viechle should be 60. Even though it is impossible to load or use as a public light goods vehicle. Do I have any defence if I was to contest this NIP? Kerb weight is 1954 Kgs Max roof load 210 Kgs
  23. As the coffin was being lowered into the ground at a traffic wardens funeral a voice from inside screams "I'm not dead, I'm not dead, let me out !" The vicar smiles, leans forward sucking air through his teeth and mutters " too bloody late pal, the paperworks already done".
  24. I have received a visit this morning from a bailiff. Banging on the door and shouting through the window etc. I got a PCN in November from Oxford City Council for driving in a bus lane. The fine was £130 approx and I came to an arrangement. Due to a lack of money coming in I was only able to make one payment and there has been £100 outstanding for several weeks. The bailiff today wanted £400 and because I couldn't pay clamped the vehicle which was parked on our drive. We then phoned the police who of course said they couldn't get involved. I resorted to having to ask my Dad for help and he very kindly paid the £400+ on his credit card. Do I have any rights in this case? I believe that the bailiff should not have clamped the car as it was on private land however we didn't get a photograph although there are 4 witnesses including myself. The fees also appear extortionate.
  25. Hello All, My partner, kids and I were in an incident back in June last year whereby a large scrap-metal truck crashed into the back of us coming onto a roundabout as he had not been paying attention. He wrote the car off. Complete mess. His insurers (NFU Mutual) have been unable to contact him as he is ignoring all attempts. My partner and I are both using separate firms of solicitors to claim for personal injury as it was quite a severe incident and resulted in my work terminating due to pain in neck and shoulders. My partners solicitors (Wheelers) and insurance firm (Ageas) have both stated that her case has gone "stale" due to NFU being unable to contact the defendant and gain information. However, my own solicitors (Bird & Lovibond) have received notification from NFU that because they are unable to contact the defendant they cannot defend the claim and have admitted liability. I've emailed a copy of this information to my partners solicitors and insurance company but Ageas is claiming that until NFU make a payment to cover their payout (£1200) they will be unable to release her no claims bonus. Is this right? Is there anything we can do? It seems very unfair. I've just bought us a new car but without NCB the insurance is ridiculously high. Has anyone got any thoughts about what we could do to get the NCB back or reduce insurance costs? Thank you!!
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