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Found 10 results

  1. hi all, i am on here asking for some advice for a friend. he bought a renault traffic auto van just over 4yrs ago new. 1st year the g/box played up when it kept jumping out of gear. he took it back and they said it was the clutch in the box and repaired it.? ever since the repair it used to judder on pulling away which has gradually got worse..last week he broke down in london and had to be towed back to renault..when they looked at van and plugged in to machine they said they THINK it is the clutch because all his fluid had gone but can't be sure.the price for this job will be £2075 of which they wanted 75% up front. after doing the job they phoned to say it was done but had not cured the problem and they now THINK it may be the robotics which they cannot be sure until they change at a price of £2060. the van is 4 1/2 yrs old and 6 months out of warranty and has done 58k miles.meanwhile he is renting a van for £250 a week of which he has had for 2 weeks so far and it looks like renault want the van for another 2 weeks also. any advice on this as it don't sound right to me.
  2. Do Renault have responsibility for repairing or replacing this gearbox, due to the limited mileage. This is a two careful owner, wheelchair accessible vehicle.
  3. I have a panel van, registered as a Light Goods Vehicle. I have converted it to a camper van,(windows, beds,cooking, wardrobs, etc) but have not yet reregistered it as a camper van, as I believe this can only be done at my next car tax renewal date. I was caught speeding at 78,on a dual carriage way, which is right on the speed limit for cars. My belief, at the the time, was my speed limit was 70, but I now understand the limit for this viechle should be 60. Even though it is impossible to load or use as a public light goods vehicle. Do I have any defence if I was to contest this NIP? Kerb weight is 1954 Kgs Max roof load 210 Kgs
  4. Hi I bought a car a few days ago a renault clio automatic. first problem I noticed was that the front passenger footwell was soaking wet and secondly the car was jerky when it changed gear and also when driving along at a steady speed it sometimes suddenly lunges forward. the dealer said as i noticed the wet footwell on the first day I had the car that they would get it sorted, they just sucked the water out. however a couple of days later it was soaking wet again. They think it is the sunroof and are just going to redo the seal on it. with regards to the jolting issue, they just drove it round the block and said it drives fine. having looked through the paper work of the car I found a invoice that I called the number on and the guy said that there was a know transmission fault with the car. just wondering where I stand with this, thanks
  5. Hello. I purchased a scenic for £2195 from what appeared to be a good local used car dealer 8 days ago. 2 days ago a service light came on so I got it booked into my usual garage to be given the once over. I have since found out that the fuel pump is worn and that this has meant metal has contaminated the entire fuel system and will cost the best part of £1400 to fix properly. I have a warranty but it states that none of these components are covered. I am wondering where I stand as to getting my money back. I would rather not have them repair it. So far all we have done is inform the garage of the fault and they have told us to bring it down, which we plan to first thing tomorrow. Thanks for any advice
  6. Hi all, Dean here.. a newbie to the forum looking for a bit of advice/help! Two weeks ago i bought a 2009 Focus from Evans Halshaw and dropped it off last night to have a few issues looked at. The main been the throttle, in that it's sensitivity seems to vary with no apparent reason and that over the weekend i completely lost throttle response on three separate occasions. When i spoke to the garage yesterday, it was strongly advised that the car is towed in as if anything was to happen they could be held liable. here's where my problem begins. Today i get a phone call to say that there is nothing wrong with the throttle and the technicians can't find a fault. I explained that the car now spends 95% of it's time on motorways getting to work and back and i didn't feel safe with a car that seems to slowly but surely be loosing it's throttle functionality. I mentioned that i've spoken to someone who works at Ford and i've read online that the likely culprit is the throttle position sensor, but they're response to this was 'that doesn't matter, we need to diagnose the fault and as far as we're concerned there isn't one'. When i mentioned the safety aspect of me driving the car in and having to have it towed because they would be liable, apparently that advice 'came from their call center and not the dealership'. The car is now sat in their compound with me unwilling to pick it up and them unwilling to admit there is an issue. I understand that ideally they need to see the problem in action, but there is no particular circumstances to 'make' it happen. What if it does it again on the A1(M) in traffic while i'm trying to overtake in bad weather.. bit extreme i know but not unlikely. I've spoken to the finance company who are now going to get involved, but is there anything else i can do? Many thanks!!
  7. Hi, just looking for a view from an outsider! Purchased a used renault megane cabriolet on a 56 plate in april 12. Within days it was obvious there was an entry point for water getting in from roof. Informed retailer, eventually got it booked in for repair after much wrangling, to replace the seals at their cost. Car came back to us with 3 points of entry water so we deemed a failed repair. Also reported to retailer within a few weeks of purchase there was a knocking noise from the steering when on full lock/going round tight corners, again it was looked at by their service department and deemed to be 'nothing wrong with it' and their mechanic accused us of driving the car without the key in the ignition was the reason for the noise, just for the record we dont drive without the key card in anyway. No repairs/action by them. The car has been back and forth to the garage trying to rectify these matters with no success. We are pushing they are just pushing back. It was also very inconvenient to have to keep taking the car in when they could never tell us how long they would have the car for (I am a support worker and my husband works in sales and travels alot, we also car share this vehicle so time is always tight) So eventually this April it was MOT time, and lo and behold it failed and we are told its the strut top mounts (also told this is probably what the knocking noise has been) which as i said earlier has been there since day one. Took the failed mot and the car and parked it on the retailers forecourt, asked them what they intended to do to rectify faults, they said they would give it an MOT - it failed on CV joints, and denied anything wrong with strut top mount from independant MOT garage. The retailer offered to investigate(in my book an admission of guilt they knew it was goosed when they sold it) but after saying we also wanted the roof repaired (again) and that we wanted the warranty money back in full (seperate payment) as we would never entrust them to make use of it therefore rendering it useless, they withdrew their offer to fix the car at all and told us to come and remove it from their premises. We have contacted trading standards and have a case open with them, we also contacted barclay partner finance that financed the car and told them we are holding them jointly responsible for the car faults. The retailer told Barclays a pack of lies in their response back to them saying they had carried out work for the knocking noise, news to us! Anyway, I know we are going to have to pull out the cash for the strut top, and take that on the chin, also 4 new tyres as a result of uneven wear due to the fault. But we are going to press ahead for the roof repair and the warranty money back with small claims if need be as negotiations have now broken down with the retailer. Oh forgot to mention the retailer offered us 500 cash, surrender the warranty and not have the car fixed with them - which we declined to accept. Any advice please, i fear we are flogging a dead horse and am not well versed with county court etc, but the retailers actions seem very shady indeed and give me a glimmer of hope they are guilty! We really cant afford to have the roof repaired ourselves after paying for the other repairs (650 coins) and would need the warranty money back to get it done. The retailer is citing time lapsed to wriggle out of liability, and i have to admit it has dragged out, but not just down to us not being able to take time off work, also with them arguing over everything and having to fight tooth and nail just to get them to check stuff, then another trip back to get the so called reapir done!Thanks in advance
  8. I bought a 07 plate vehicle last august, and ive had nothing but problems, think im being fobbed off with lots of things what can i do?? they now have my vehicl im stuck with out any transport and they want me to pay money to get it back they have told me an airfreshener has leaked thru the dash board into the electronics which is causing the issue??
  9. Background: I have a Renault Megane bought from new in 2007, it came with a three year warranty which has now expired. Renault have a design defect with the windows of the megane of this age where wet gets into the window controller and the window fails either up or down. If you call Renault UK they even have an option on their IVR: Press 1 if you have a problem with scenic dashboard Press 2 if you have a problem with your megane windows. Press 3 for everything else. Renault accept the problem and have extended the warranty on the windows to 10 years @ 76% of the cost. As all 4 of my windows have failed my 24% will cost me approx £500. I have told Renault by letter this is not fair and as it's a design defect they should cover 100% of the cost. In the mean time as my drivers window failed down for a 150mile drive in the rain I paid Renault £108 to fix one window (they would not fix the others as they say they have to be faulty on day of repair to fix them, they wont believe me they have intermittently failed) The Renault franchises have confirmed (verbally) it's a design defect and the new parts are modified to ensure it does not happen again. Examples of people making a living from this megane design defect Not allowed to add links, will add later unless a mod wants to contact me and I will supply missing text. My Action I sent a series of letters ending up with a letter of intended action in 28 days. After 28 days had passed on 7th May 2013 I started a small claims action on MCOL. Renault did not respond so after 14 days (+5 for deemed served) which was 28th May I requested a Judgement. Currently the Judgement has not been actioned & is still showing as requested. I guess I'm just asking if I'm doing things right and what to expect. Also I wonder if a judge would feel Renault have acted reasonably by offering 76% of the cost? I feel it's unreasonable to expect owners to pay anything to put this defect right.
  10. This has obviously been deliberately designed into the car and not come about by accident. So do you still love French cars ?
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