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Found 17 results

  1. Hermes Courier broke window stay shoving a parcel through my porch window. The parcel wasnt for me but of 6 doors up and they didnt try delivering there or ringing my doorbell. Made a complaint and that is where it all went wrong. they mixed my name up with the intended recipient of the parcel. The manager who I spoke to and agreed that I would get a mate to replace the catch and he would send something nice as a gesture of goodwill. Well it didnt arrive and after a total of 12 more calls it turns out that the idiot didnt know what gesture of goodwill meant and so didnt do anything about it. No wonder he showed a lack of imagination when I asked him to think of something appropriate for the circumstance as people usually send flowers or chocolates. When i get the notes read back to me he had noted that as I hadnt sent them an invoice number for the flowers to he couldnt pay for it and left it at that. The customer services team cant read the complaints teams notes and vice versa so they have to email each other, the managers dont return calls in the promised time and make their junior staff appear to be incompetent at best and liars at worst and no-one would take control of the mess even the company chief exec denying he was the complaints dept overall boss but wouldnt say who was actually between him and them for "Data Protection". Just the job title would have done but not just the word "manager" as that could be anyone or no-one. They refused to send out stuff under a SAR as I wouldnt supply them with an email address ( they actually had it and I told them to stop being lazy and look at the notes but of course it was a different department that had that info). They said they dont send things in the post - THEY ARE A POSTAL SERVICE how the hell do they think they deliver all of the other stuff broken by them, by teleporting it? If they have any sense they would order a nice bottle of wine from Ocado and let them deliver it as they can manage to dispatch an order the same day (Hermes originally said it would take at least 3 days to deliver my GOGW as they are not a next day service and had seemingly never heard of Tesco online or Ocado) and not lose it or break it. We will see what the end of the day brings as They will be using RM to deliver their AOS to the County Court should I decide enough is enough. Truly they are the worst company to deal with I have come across as far as CS goesn and TalkTalk try to hold on to that crown with some pretty bad teams in the Phillipines and SA to navigate where Hermes all live in the same building in Leeds. Only posting this becasue they have hidden under a stone on Facebook and their livechat has gone dumb as well. Funny coincidence?
  2. Hi guys, I've recently received a parking charge notice from the Swansea based Millennium Parking Services. They have asked for £60 with the charge increasing to £100 after 14 days. I am currently a student, so I don't have the money to pay for this and I feel conned. I was using the street to park for my regional rugby training sessions in Llandarcy academy of sport. They don't always have someone blocking the carpark entrance but when they do they don't let me in even if I tell them that my team trains here!! There were no road markings or clear signage for me to know that it was a permit holders only area, if there was, it was 6pm in november and I did not see them, meaning they were inadequately lit! What action should I take from here? Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Natalia I have answered the questions I could from the forum the parking ticket forum; 1 The date of infringement? 04/12/2017 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? NO 3 Have you received a Notice To Keeper? NO 4 Who is the parking company? Millennium Parking Services 5 Where exactly did you park? Residential housing area - Heritage Gate, Swansea/Neath, SA10 6DF
  3. Hi All, I have been living in a private rented property for 14 months now. Up until today, both the letting agents and landlord have been spot on. Yesterday morning we woke to a broken double glazed window. This happened over night and was through no fault of our own as the tenant. I phoned the letting agents to be told "Sorry, glass is your problem to replace". My main concern was getting rid of the broken window and being secure so I had a company in to quote for a replacement. The fitters who came straight away said there are very obvious signs that the window has failed due to a manufacturing defect and has showed me how I can evidence this. He has also said he is willing to write a report confirming this with pictures and that Pilkington, the manufacturer will do the same. We have been good tenants, not over expecting, always paid on time and have looked after the place very well. The letting agents originally told the landlord that I broke the window so the landlord said it was my responsibility to change. I can understand that. If I had of broken it through my own fault, I would never expect them to pay to repair. I asked the letting agents to go back again and explain the situation clearly including that I will be able to supply professional evidence of no wrong doing on my behalf. Today I have had an email back stating that as a gesture of good will, the landlord will replace this one however in future it is my responsibility. Now, I do not want to sour my relationship with either the landlord or letting agents but to me this is not on. My contract does state; To keep the interior of the property (including glass in the windows and lock fastenings and fittings of the outer doors and windows) and the effects in as good and substantial repair and condition as at the date hereof (fair wear and tear excepted) and (where applicable) all electrical and other mechanical apparatus in good working order and to immediately replace broken glass upon the occurrence of any breakage However surely a failure through no fault of my own can be my responsibility? Some advice would be much appreciated.
  4. Hello, I have a problem regarding PCNs and hope someone would be able to help! Received PCN regarding a driving contravention ( crossed a road the wrong way, but it was a quiet residential side street and i was lost!) dated 26th April sometime the week of 15th May. ( mail mix ups are common, it's a relatively new block of flats, mail from a similar sounding block beside us tends to end up with us at times) Appeal deadline would have been 26th May. I tried to appeal online, but the website wasn't working. I have screenshots from several browsers. I called in and spoke to staff who advised a written appeal although it would be close to the deadline, I also emailed them the same day with the gist of my conversation & email copy of appeal. (email appeals are not allowed though) . (all done before deadline) Written appeal received by council on 1st of June, in the mean time, charge certificate dated 26th May sent out informing me that cost now increases from £130 fine to £195. Letter from council dated 8/6/2017 received, informing me that the appeal window is closed hence I am no longer able to appeal. Wrote back saying I effectively did not receive the notice in a manner that gave me sufficient time to appeal. Even then, I had tried the website, called in to speak to staff and emailed before the deadline on 26th May. My written appeal was received 6 days after the deadline which I thought shouldn't be invalid given I didnt receive the PCN on the 26th of April! I asked them to please reconsider the matter, allow an appeal, consider it, and if rejected I should be allowed to pay the discounted £65 charge . To expedite matters I reattached my original appeal letter and a cheque for £65. I also asked the council to show me proof of postage that they did indeed send the letter on 26th of April. I also wrote that if they continue to reject my right to appeal, then to please advise me on the next step/ escalation to county court. The council wrote back thanking me for my payment of £65, advised that there is a remaining £130 left to be paid ( total £195), and that appeals are no longer possible/ not considered/window has passed. The council's letter states that if I don't pay the remaining sum, they'd apply to county court to recover the £130 plus court costs from me. That the letter is signed by a "Business Processing Officer" only makes me more annoyed. No proof of postage/ no response to the content of my actual letter. Just a generic "postal delays are beyond our control". Plot twist - even when I go to the website to pay the fine, it says the penalty has already been paid and payments are no longer accepted online. I'm guessing I'd have to write another cheque or pay via the phone. All in I've felt this is very unfair. I received the PCN late, I tried the appeals website which didn't work, I spoke to staff, I emailed. I've really engaged with the whole malarkey. Do I really need to pay and additional £130 or has this been unfair by the council ? Thank you in advance.
  5. There is a tree on the side of a path runs past my house that is overgrown to the point it is coming into contact with the side of my house, the roof and is also hitting the windows of my property. I have contacted the council about this previously in 2011 when it was dealt with by way of a crown reduction, however 4 years later and its bigger than so i again reported it last summer and was advised that it would be cut back in 6/8 weeks. However 16 months have passed since my local borough council made that promise and despite several calls and emails nothing has been done about it and today i received an email from my local county council telling me that they were going to do nothing more about it. Would appreciate any advice, if there is anything i've left out that i should have included please let me know and i'll update. Thanks
  6. Hello everyone, My current dilemma has now brought me here looking for some advice and information regarding my rights. Several months ago we had a knock at the door from a guy offering window cleaning services which we agreed to start using. Due to unforeseen circumstances we are cutting back on unnecessary spending and this being one of them. My partner called the office number on the card left to cancel and they came and cleaned again she called again but they are still coming. I rang them personally leaving a message and the guy called me stating that if she had called they would have cancelled and I suggested they were calling my partner a liar to which he advised you are doing the same. My partner advised she had actually spoken to what sounded like a young male. he put the phone down on me stating he would contact a debt collection agent which we could really do without. I have since looked on their website and read the T's and C's which state either email or post contact to cancel. A contact form on their site states this is not to be used for cancellations and must be email or post, there is no email address on the site nor is there anywhere on the internet. I would like to know what my rights are with this? I believe if someone comes to your home to sell you goods or services your rights increase? I read a bit online but there was a mention of services under £42 this does not apply to so therefore does any verbal contract count? Thank you in advance.
  7. Hi We paid a deposit for a new window to be made in an existing wall, it was £600. The builder has constantly not turned up and is ignoring calls. A review of someone else having the same problem has gone up on google. What do you do when the builder has done nothing at all, other than take your deposit? Thanks
  8. Hi all, I have recently moved to the Winterthur Way development in Basingstoke. I rent a property which includes a parking space. It wasn't until I moved into the flat that I was given a parking permit and told to use it when parking in my allocated space (This was something that was not mentioned in my tenancy agreement!). After moving in I received 2 x £60 parking charge notices for using visitors spaces (Returning within a 48 hour period) to drop off my furniture. I used the visitors space as I had to use a different car of a suitable size to drop the furniture off. Also my space isn't near my flat its further up the road. I kind of understood as I could have possibly been using a space that someone else could have been using, all be it for a very short period of time. After paying these two charges from PPM I thought it was over ! Two weeks later as a result of having to pay £120 to PPM straight after moving in I had to do overtime at a weekend so I was able to pay next months rent. The overtime meant staying away with work from the 8/07/2017 and returned on the 11/07/2017. When I returned on the evening of the 11th I have been met with 2x PCN from PPM on my windscreen whilst I was parked in my own space. Straight away as I approached the car I have seen my permit was not stuck to the top of my windscreen where it was before I left. Both PCN's are for 'Not displaying a valid permit' one for 09/07/2017 & 10/07/2017. I thought this surely wont be an issue I will just send them evidence of where the permit had fallen (A video from my phone was sent) also a picture of my valid permit. After all it is my space and unlike the visitors spaces I could not have inconvenienced anyone as it is 'MY SPACE'. They should just accept that and cancel the charges. To my surprise I have an email from PPM stating my appeal has been rejected ! PPM is now giving me the option to appeal to the IAS but from my understanding I don't stand a chance appealing to them either? I don't really have the cash to pay the 2 x £60 at a reduced rate. Let alone £200 if the appeal to the IAS fails. However I really do feel they can't do this. Any help is greatly appreciated. I understand I probably haven't included all the information you guys need to help but I am also not sure where to start. I have included the response from PPM in a ZIP file with my name and REG edited out. Just let me know what you need and I will post it up ! Regards, tissot docs1.pdf
  9. The Saga.. Advice Please. I had a quote from a National Window installer and I agreed to have a Bow window fitted, I signed up on 28/8/15 and the surveyor turned up a few days later and measured up.. all fine so far... A date was arranged to have the window fitted 22/9/15. The fitters turned up on the said date and proceeded to fit the window, the old window came out and the new one went in, that's when the problems started, they informed me that they don't fit !!!!!!!!!!!! miss- measured by 100mm each side... how could they get it so wrong. So they packed up and drove off into the sunset... The same day another so called architect turned up and re-measured and said they will turn it round quite quickly. I sent an email to their head office and followed it up with a phone call, they told me that they would ask a manger to call me, nothing.... 7 days later I called them back and asked what was happening with my window ?. They said yes your window are due in on Friday and we can fit them on Tuesday... Today, so they turned up again and started to fit the new windows and then they noticed that the sill don't fit !!!!!!! So off the fitters go !! I was told a manger would call me back to explain what will happen next. No call, so I called them back this evening and spoke to some Manger, I told him I was peed off with them and the lack of customer care, and at that point I told I don't want his window and he can cancel my order, as they are not fit for purpose and I have lost faith in their product... He informed me that it was too late to cancel as the 14 day cooling off period had passed, he offered my £75.00 servery fee a refund... so I told him to ...off. the question is, do I still have to have the window as I haven't paid yet only the survey fee of £75.00 ? P.S I have no internal window sill and the external tiles have been removed, a sheet aup at the window and its an embarrassment:!:. where do I stand.
  10. Recently, I had some UPVC windows fitted.. Shortly after the job, I noticed that there were a number of defects with the glass and frame i.e. cracked glass, damage to frame etc As per the company's guarantee/policy I contacted the firm. I was then told to email them detailing the issues. I did this immediately, however they ignored my email. So a week later I called again. I was given no apology, instead I was told to provide some additional details, which I did. In my follow up email, I politely asked to be contacted within 7 days to arrange for remedial work to take place... Once again, they have ignored my email. I am looking for advice on what I should do? If it helps, the firm is a 'check a trade' listed company.. However I am shocked that a firm would act like this.
  11. I have been contacted by them in regards to a really old loan. I last made payment in Feb 2009 and I sent a SAR request off to them in Dec 2009. They appear to have used the £10 fee for SAR as payment for the loan. Two questions is the SAR an acknowledgement of the loan? secondly they say that even though I haven't made a payment the fact that they have written to me keeps the timeline "live"
  12. Hi all, I hope I have posted in the correct forum. I am seeking advice on behalf of my dad, who lives in Edinburgh. Yesterday afternoon, when he tried to open one of the kitchen windows---PVC double glazing may be about 20 years old---he heard a mechanical crack and the top panel could no longer be pulled up and close. He called the insurance company, but was told that it would be considered as normal wear-and-tear, given the age of the window, and they won't cover the damage. He then called a local double glazing company to come and have a look, and a chap came and upon (according to my dad) a very brief examination said that the spring had snapped. He said that he cannot replace the springs on the day as it is a two men job, but will be able to close the window for my dad by removing the springs, and he can come back the next day to replace the springs. According to my dad, the tradesman then used what appears to be quite a lot of brute force to dislodge and break up the springs. At that time my dad was a bit worried that he might damage the frame, but did not say anything as he is no expert. Anyway, after some effort, the springs were broken into several pieces and removed, and the guy lifted the window up and tried to lock the panel up. However, may be due to age, the lock does not seem to be working fully, but he managed to get the panel locked in position---for the moment. Shortly after he came down the window panel crashed down too. This completely destroyed the frame and the panel. A new window is now required. The guy then said that he won't be charging the call out fee (90 pounds), but will charge another 60 pounds if he is asked to board up the window. Obviously my dad was quite upset, and did not want him to do more work. He also told my dad to call home building insurance as they should cover the damage, and then left. My dad called his insurance company again, but was told that they won't cover any damaged caused by workmen, and it should be the workmen's insurance who pays for the damage. Today, my dad called the guy again explaining the situation, but it appeared that the guy was trying to deny responsibility---claiming the window is old, and that my dad had forced him to do a two-men's job (which is completely untrue). In the end, he said that he is going to call his boss, and the boss will call back in a few days. They seem to be a very small company, with a rudimentary website. My dad has already called for an emergency repair from another company, and they managed to lift the broken panel up again, and temporally lodged it in place. But the window no longer seals, and wind blows in easily. My dad is anxious to get the window replaced as soon as possible, but is unsure if he will be able to get any money back without prior agreement with the trader's insurance company. And he is also unsure what to do if the company starts to play avoids contact, pass on the blame etc. I have advised him to instead of calling the company, write to them and keep all the paper records of correspondence from now on. And I would really appreciate any advice from fellow CAGers on what is the best way of dealing with this case, and if my dad would be able to get at least some compensation. He is happy to pay for the cost of a spring change, but replacing the entire window is totally unexpected, and of course a lot more expensive. Thank you very much for your help in advance. Any suggestions are welcome. WTLH
  13. Recently my Freelander 1 rear window stopped working and my mechanic recommended it should go to a Land Rover dealer to be fixed, which it did. The problem was the regulator on the Freelander has burnt out and they undertook to replace it at great cost to which I agreed. After replacing the regulator and refitting the glass they tested it and the glass shattered!!! The cause was found to be that the rear tyre had been shunted and pushed in the tail gate jamming the glass. Now I accept the damage to the rear tail gate was not their responsibility, and I have paid to get it pushed out so to speak, however, should there mechanic picked up on the fact that the glass was impeded and should they pick up the bill for the new glass? Your thoughts welcome. Thanks.
  14. Hi all, My wife had a parking charge/fine stuck to her driver window yesterday. Unfortunately the windows all opened when she remotely unlocked the car when approaching and now the ticket is stuck in the window mechanism in the door cavity. Fortunately the window is still working but where do I stand if either, the window stops working and need a repair/is damaged, or the ticket needs to be removed by an engineer (I`m not a techie) to prevent damage happening? Either way a cost we`re not happy to stump up. As an aside, the ticket was "incorrectly" given as the system mistook an F for and S when paying over the Ringo mobile service but that`s another issue. I`m going to have to wait for the post notice to arrive to find out who issued it and what the details are. Then I can appeal etc. Thanks. Paul4Lena
  15. Hello all, My parents live in a cottage, which is sandwiched in between two others. To cut a long story short, one of the neighbours is not happy with some windows overlooking his property (despite being frosted). My parents' kitchen window on the ground floor and bathroom window on the first floor overlook his garden. For the last few months, this neighbour decided to erect scaffolding in his garden to hold a wooden board again my parents' kitchen window. As the only kitchen window, it turned the room into a cave with very little natural light. He took this down a few weeks ago for reasons unknown, but has now opted for a more permanent solution. He dug down right underneath the kitchen window and concreted in a wooden post. It looks like he's erecting a structure only a matter of inches away from the kitchen window which no doubt will soon be boarded up. Is there any action which may be taken to prevent this going further? I believe a 'right to light' may play some part in this, and I wondered if the 'Party Wall etc act' would have restricted him from concreting in this post only inches from the side of my parents' house. We know the police don't want to know and believe that the way to go is some form of court action. Thanks
  16. I got a quote from a Kent company to have my smashed double glazed window replaced, and I am still waiting for the work to be done. I paid a deposit of £50 by cheque - I'm I likely to get my money back. Who do I contact? - I have called the company on numerous times, but no reply, I even emailed them. Have I been scammed? They seemed very professional, I got a receipt on a very professional paper. The company is www.windowmedickent.co.uk All they have is a free phone number, which I thought was a reputable company. Can anyone advice where I go from here? Thanks in advance
  17. Background: I have a Renault Megane bought from new in 2007, it came with a three year warranty which has now expired. Renault have a design defect with the windows of the megane of this age where wet gets into the window controller and the window fails either up or down. If you call Renault UK they even have an option on their IVR: Press 1 if you have a problem with scenic dashboard Press 2 if you have a problem with your megane windows. Press 3 for everything else. Renault accept the problem and have extended the warranty on the windows to 10 years @ 76% of the cost. As all 4 of my windows have failed my 24% will cost me approx £500. I have told Renault by letter this is not fair and as it's a design defect they should cover 100% of the cost. In the mean time as my drivers window failed down for a 150mile drive in the rain I paid Renault £108 to fix one window (they would not fix the others as they say they have to be faulty on day of repair to fix them, they wont believe me they have intermittently failed) The Renault franchises have confirmed (verbally) it's a design defect and the new parts are modified to ensure it does not happen again. Examples of people making a living from this megane design defect Not allowed to add links, will add later unless a mod wants to contact me and I will supply missing text. My Action I sent a series of letters ending up with a letter of intended action in 28 days. After 28 days had passed on 7th May 2013 I started a small claims action on MCOL. Renault did not respond so after 14 days (+5 for deemed served) which was 28th May I requested a Judgement. Currently the Judgement has not been actioned & is still showing as requested. I guess I'm just asking if I'm doing things right and what to expect. Also I wonder if a judge would feel Renault have acted reasonably by offering 76% of the cost? I feel it's unreasonable to expect owners to pay anything to put this defect right.
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