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  1. Hi, I hope you lot can help as I've lurked here but only decided to sign up, I have GAD so this has honestly been keeping me up for the past 3 days. I bought a Corsa from a guy 20 miles away, I don't know if he was an actual trader or a private guy, he said he buys cars and resells them, I collected the car from his house and paid £2150 via bank transfer. Once getting home I only noticed he gave me the V5 full, rather than just the new keeper details. The problem is the registered keeper details don't show his name & address, it's the guy he bought the car from. Okay, so at this point I assume he just didn't register it in his name to avoid adding another keeper. HOWEVER, the section 9 aka 'yellow slip' is missing, is this a logbook loan or something? I rang him today and he said he's just posting the yellow slip and told me to fill in section 8 and just only sign my bit, and leave the registerekd keeper signature blank and they will process it as normal. I'm really scared as this is my first car, which he knew, and I feel like perhaps I've been [problem]med and about to loose my 2 years savings? My take on it is that he didn't register it to avoid adding another keeper, when I left he posted the section 9 / yellow slip to unregister the previous keeper so that I wouldn't need a signature when it arrives at DVLA? I mean I know nothing about all of this so I'm probably wrong, the interesting part is I thought the yellow one was for traders, and not someone who just buys/sells, I noticed this because I looked his name/company up on the company house and it's dissolved a few years back so surely he can't be a trader? Sorry for the wall of spam but at this point I can't even sleep, I feel like I'm waiting 4-6 weeks to hear back from DVLA saying I can't do this and that I've been [problem]med / a loan company sending a letter saying I owe them xyz.
  2. A few days ago I completed a few transaction over LocalBitcoins.com to a buyer named Muumbis (currently blocked) who seemed to be a trusted user, had good feedback and 2 months of multiple transactions. The buyer sent me the funds through a PayPal transfer, and then I proceeded to send/release the bitcoins to his account once the money hit my account. These transactions were very profitable to me, amounting to about 40% of profit over the then exchange price of bitcoin. Only after 6 PayPal transactions amounting to a total of around £11000, I noticed that the person’s details included in the PayPal account used to forward all these payments differed greatly from the personal information of this LocalBitcoins.com user. For comparison sake, the owner of the PayPal account is a Canadian, while this person seems to be based in Netherlands (Proxy, likely) and has a verified phone number from Kenya, as well as, beginning of a different gender. As of now PayPal as yet to contact me about any irregularities in these transactions and I made sure I transferred all my PayPal balance to my savings account. However I’m confident I got [problem]med and it’s just a matter of time until these payments are flagged as unauthorized transactions and the owner of the PayPal account files a chargeback against me leaving me empty of bitcoins and about 5000£ of negative PayPal balance, which I have no means to payback as I’m student and I already have some debt going. Summary, I sold some bitcoins at 40-50% in profit to a guy who used a hijacked PayPal account to pay me. It’s just a matter of time until the victim of the hijacked account files a PayPal unauthorised transaction/ chargeback against me. PayPal then reverses the transaction and the [problem]mer gets the bitcoins while I’m left to pay around 5000£ of debt due to the profit margin. I’m divested by this, as I’m a victim too just like the affect PayPal account owner, plus I have no means to payback if these transactions are found to be unauthorized. Perhaps, in the end, all I could do is payback the some of the money to the victim excluding the profit/debt margin that was employed in this [problem]. God, I can’t believe a fell for it, I’m aware of this sort of thing yet due to my own stupidity or being a student with no income I just went for it….Never felt so dumb. I know I’m making assumptions on what if…however, I just need to a little guidance on what to do next or who to turn to, basically a course of action to reduce all the possible damage. Thank you all
  3. I think I may have been scammed .Yesterday I filled out a survey for Lidl, the usual questions how did you find the checkout process etc After I had filled it out it said congratulations you have won a prize, so I followed the link filled out my name & address etc then it said I had to pay for delivery £4.99, this is when alarm bells should have rung but it showed supposedly feedback for the product, so I decided to go ahead and give my debit card details, idiot I know. After the thank you etc I checked my email inbox & it states that I will sent further goods & will be charged monthly which I do not want & it showed a cancellation link which I followed I tried to cancel but they want £28.00 for the goods or I have to pay return postage. I am worried that even if I do return the goods they still have my card details?? Please help I have had two strokes & this stress is not helping, I feel so stupid now. Any help or advice will be very much appreciated Hilary
  4. I might have been deceived or involved in illegal activity? I'm buying a property from an auction . The seller of the property isn't the owner of the property. It is an investment company that has signed an agreement with the real landlord. Their completion date is the same as my contract with the investment company but an hour earlier. The reason I think it might be fraud is because we have dealt with the investment company solicitors in the past. Their solicitors didn't want to say too much but they hinted that they wouldn't deal with that company again and what they are doing is grey area. It sounds to me like they might be evading tax and I don't want to be involved in it? Should I be worried about it? When I spoke with my own solicitors, they didn't seem to worry at all?
  5. Im looking for advice on what i can do next as im lost and just going round in circles. In october we noticed that for a £20.00 Sim only deal with vodafone the bills were coming in considerably high and occured a few bank charges because of this, We then proceeded to ask Vodafone to supply a full itemised bill so this could be investigated. It turns out that 3 x £30 were been taken from the account per month from September 2015 to December 2015 by a company using premium rate messages by the name of MiraGames. We began to query this with vodafone and was promised a full investigation would go ahead. So over the coming weeks we called & called with many mixed responses. Some would say they were passing it to a more senior manager, Some were saying its tough its your own fault. We then finally got a response in January to say they would offer us £100 back of the £360 we were owed. I stated that i will not be accepting anything less than the FULL amount as this was no fault of ours and we had never opted into any subscription service nor did we know this company. So then we were told to contact payphoneplus, In which we did but again just taken round in circles with the whole thing - Receiving this email quoted as a final reply; by this point it gets very frustrating. we then went on to contact the ombudsman who deals with vodafone, Only to be told they cannot deal with this matter. What do i do? How do i go about getting back this money? Ive posted on Miragame forum, Ive emailed them , ive emailed payphoneplus and ive contacted the ombudsman but nobody seems to want to help. I refuse to give up, I do not wish to lose £360 of my hard earned money and do not believe they should be able to just ignore me as such. When i 1st placed my claim i was assured by a couple of advisors i would receive a full refund. Please help me if you can Thanks
  6. We had a letter from Motormile finance saying we owe money on a payday loan . We are retired and elderly we have never taken out a payday loan We have reported it to the Police and our bank . We do not want to contact Experian credit check as we do not want to put our card details on line . We did reply with an email apparently this gives them more info to pester us very very worried
  7. Hi All any help would be appreciated. I have purchased an item on ebay, and the seller asked for payment by Bank transfer. I (stupidly) sent him £260 from my nationwide account. He then gave me a fake tracking number for the item, and of course nothing arrived. I have contacted him about this, telling him I will contact the police etc and he could not give a flying.. . To be fair his English makes me wonder if he is about 7 years old. contacted my bank. Won't help, cannot get the money back. I mean I am guessing my money is gone. Forever. But I have this guys details from ebay, all the emails, what can I do? I don't want him to get away with it..
  8. I got a quote from a Kent company to have my smashed double glazed window replaced, and I am still waiting for the work to be done. I paid a deposit of £50 by cheque - I'm I likely to get my money back. Who do I contact? - I have called the company on numerous times, but no reply, I even emailed them. Have I been scammed? They seemed very professional, I got a receipt on a very professional paper. The company is www.windowmedickent.co.uk All they have is a free phone number, which I thought was a reputable company. Can anyone advice where I go from here? Thanks in advance
  9. I bought a car on March 4th 2013 from a car dealer who trades from home. I paid £1700 for the car (2002 Focus ST170). It was up for £1995, i knocked him down to £1700. When i took the car for a test drive there was a random light on the dash, the dealer said it was the traction control. I trusted him, as he obviously knew about the car...or so i thought. This light turned itself off a day later. So i wasn't too concerned. It turns out it was a coolant warning light. It never returned after about 3 days of having the car. Within a week the Engine Management Light came on, i bought a OBD2 scanner to see what the issue was. It picked up 2 codes, one for a Lambda sensor (£100 not fitted), and one for a dodgy CAT (£600) i assume the CAT fault shows because of the sensor. I thought this wasnt a major problem, so bought a sensor off of a friend, but didnt fit it as i never had the time. I thought changing the sensor would clear both codes, i dont know though? It is something i could do, so i wasn't too worried, minor fault in my eyes. Things kept going wrong, the passenger door wouldn't open from the outside, the rear window washer sprayed water into the car not the window, the washer reservoir empties itself after a day or so. Then, on 7th May i was driving home and the engine died. I got the car towed home by Green Flag. I plugged the scanner in and it revealed a timing issue (P1383)...or so i thought. I got the timing belt cover off to discover the belt was missing most of the teeth. This has probably trashed the engine as the valves would have hit the pistons. I specifically asked the guy if the belt was changed, to which he replied, yea i think it was. Its a £500 job to do as its a weird engine, and there is no room, the engine needs lifting out pretty much to change it. What can i do? Ive done less than 1000 miles since having it, and now it is destined for the scrap yard. I will be £1700 out of pocket! Im very frustrated, i cant afford to lose that sort of money. I can sell it for spares or repairs for....£500! But i don't think this is right given what i paid for it. £200 car, yea fair enough, you expect problems. Am i right in assuming he, as a dealer has to provide a 3 month warranty? He is on holiday until 20th May. I tried ringing him and there was a message explaining this. He has pulled his website, im not sure because he is on holiday, or for other reasons. What are my rights? Can i get my money back as it was not fit for purpose? It can be repaired but will cost over £1000 to have it done. Is he responsible for this? Should a £1700 car last longer than 2 months before the engine fails, the CAT fails....i believe the engine light was turned off prior to me looking at the car. Im sure this can be proved with the right equipment, but its costly. Im really angry with the guy!
  10. I agreed to buy a piece of furniture on eBay. It was a buy now auction. A s soon as auction ended I contacted the seller to ask how they wanted payment and to arrange collecting piece of furniture. (As it was collection Only). The seller never responded to my messages. I continued to try and contact them for 4 days but never got a response. 5 days after auction ended i got a message to say a unpaid item dispute had been opened. I did not want to get a unpaid item strike so I stupidly paid for item through PayPal. I continued to try and contact seller to arrange collecting furniture but got no response. Then I discovered that seller had relisted the piece of furniture I had agreed to buy and paid for. And had sold it to some one else. I emailed them again to ask what is going on and asked for a refund but still no reply and still no refund. I have continued to try and contact them but have had no response, and they have not refunded my money. I requested there contact detail via ebay and tried phoning the number supplied and it just rings no one ever seems to answer. I tried to open a item not recievd dispute but ebay just keep telling me its too early and that i have got to give the seller more time to send. Which is ridiculous as the seller isn't sending any thing as it is collection only. So waiting is not going to make any difference. I have tried to contact ebay to complain and to try and report seller. but so far ebay have been useless and keep just sending back automated responses. And on the phone they keep telling me ill just have to wait and then file a item not received dispute. I am at my wits end and don't know what to do. It was not a small amount of money. I paid over £150 for the piece of furniture. Is there any thing I can do to get my money back. If I wait and file a claim with PayPal next week, what are my chances of getting my money back. If the seller has already taken my money and used it or transferred it to there bank account, and there is no money left in there account, will I still get my money or will PayPal just tell me they could not recover it. Also i am concerned that they will do the same thing to other eBay members, is there any way I can warn the other person who has agreed to buy same wardrobe as to what has happened and not to pay. So they don't end up in same situation. Wouldn't you want know if you were the other buyer any advice would be much appreciated thanks in advance
  11. Hi there, please forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong section. I am looking for a little advice as to how to handle an ebay buyer protection dispute. If I can just provide a little back story; I won 2 auctions on ebay for the total amount of £74.01 I bought 30 cloth diapers and 60 bamboo fibre diaper inserts, I paid immediately through paypal which is linked to my visa debit card. I received 2 small envelopes (2 auctions) with 1 insert in each. (not even bamboo and worth virtually nothing). The items received I signed for at my door. I contacted the seller asking what the mixup was was sent a generic email apologising and promising to put it right, a few days go by I email again, no response. I opened 2 claims with ebay as 'Item not as described'. In the info I did write that I would be happy to wait for my baby's nappys or that I would like a refund. The seller is a power business seller on ebay, they had over 99% positive feedback I did check this before I bought the items. All of a sudden this month over a hundred people have left negative feedback saying that they had exactly the same issue as me. Some peopke did say 'full refund given' on the feedback. I contacted other buyers through ebay messaging and asked if they got refunds, all of them did and didn't have to send anything back. Ebay informed me that in order to receive a full refund I would have to send back the inserts at my own expense, they offered me a 25% refund on shipping cost when I explained that it was cost a fortune to send the inserts back. So basically with the discount I am looking at paying about £43 shipping costs... Ebay have specifically requested that the package be signed for in China to prove receipt so I can't just send it tracked through royal mail as this is uk only. Must also use parcelforce to get the dicount. So basically I know that technically I 'won' the dispute because I'm getting my £74 back but by the time I've spent the money shipping I'm still totally out of pocket, I would be prepared to swallow the cost and learn from it but why is everyone else getting a refund without sending and I'm not? I've called so many times and asked to speak to a manager and nobody ever gets back to me the managers always seem to be in meetings..... I even asked if I could just pay the cost of the inserts which are worth about £2 and just get the rest of my money back... nope. I found an address for ebay eBay UK Ltd Complaints Department PO Box 659, Richmond-upon-Thames Surrey TW9 1TX but apparently the letters go into a big black hole and you can't do anything about it. I've kind of looked into the chargeback facility with my debit card but it looks like they would want the items returned too. Paypal won't help me as I've already logged dispute with ebay itself. Anyway......Sorry it's so long... Any advice much appreciated. Thanks
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