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  1. News From Credit Strategy The above case shows that PDL firms are still failing. The firm, who is believed to be "Safety Net Credit TA/ Indigo Michael" The FCAs rules have helped but more must be done.
  2. Hi all, I have recently moved to the Winterthur Way development in Basingstoke. I rent a property which includes a parking space. It wasn't until I moved into the flat that I was given a parking permit and told to use it when parking in my allocated space (This was something that was not mentioned in my tenancy agreement!). After moving in I received 2 x £60 parking charge notices for using visitors spaces (Returning within a 48 hour period) to drop off my furniture. I used the visitors space as I had to use a different car of a suitable size to drop the furniture off. Also my space isn't near my flat its further up the road. I kind of understood as I could have possibly been using a space that someone else could have been using, all be it for a very short period of time. After paying these two charges from PPM I thought it was over ! Two weeks later as a result of having to pay £120 to PPM straight after moving in I had to do overtime at a weekend so I was able to pay next months rent. The overtime meant staying away with work from the 8/07/2017 and returned on the 11/07/2017. When I returned on the evening of the 11th I have been met with 2x PCN from PPM on my windscreen whilst I was parked in my own space. Straight away as I approached the car I have seen my permit was not stuck to the top of my windscreen where it was before I left. Both PCN's are for 'Not displaying a valid permit' one for 09/07/2017 & 10/07/2017. I thought this surely wont be an issue I will just send them evidence of where the permit had fallen (A video from my phone was sent) also a picture of my valid permit. After all it is my space and unlike the visitors spaces I could not have inconvenienced anyone as it is 'MY SPACE'. They should just accept that and cancel the charges. To my surprise I have an email from PPM stating my appeal has been rejected ! PPM is now giving me the option to appeal to the IAS but from my understanding I don't stand a chance appealing to them either? I don't really have the cash to pay the 2 x £60 at a reduced rate. Let alone £200 if the appeal to the IAS fails. However I really do feel they can't do this. Any help is greatly appreciated. I understand I probably haven't included all the information you guys need to help but I am also not sure where to start. I have included the response from PPM in a ZIP file with my name and REG edited out. Just let me know what you need and I will post it up ! Regards, tissot docs1.pdf
  3. Multiple agreements within section 18 consumer credit Act 1974 This is just a view and interpretation of s18 CCA and therefore we would advise anyone reading this bear that in mind Section 18 can be very useful concerning agreements where there is a main loan and payment protection insurance. Firstly lets look at what section 18 says 18.Multiple agreements. —(1) This section applies to an agreement (a “multiple agreement ”) if its terms are such as— (a)To place a part of it within one category of agreement mentioned in this Act, and another part of it within a different category of agreement so mentioned, or within a category of agreement not so mentioned, or (b)To place it, or a part of it, within two or more categories of agreement so mentioned. (2) Where a part of an agreement falls within subsection (1), that part shall be treated for the purposes of this Act as a separate agreement. Ok so what does this mean, well, lets say you borrow £6000 from Nasty Banking Corp, the loan is for you to use as you like and therefore you would have fixed sum credit See s10 (1)(B) CCA, unrestricted use credit See s11 (2) CCA and finally it would be a debtor-creditor agreement as defined within s13 CCA Now if you add PPI to the loan, this changes things slightly, why? If you borrow £6000 from Nasty Banking Corp and then you add a PPI policy for example adding another £1500 of credit you are turning it into a multiple agreement The PPI is fixed sum credit as set out in section 10 CCA but it is not unrestricted use, instead its restricted use credit ( See s11 CCA) as you do not have any say over its use, it is in effect only credit for the purchase of the PPI policy and additionally it is a debtor-creditor-supplier agreement as it would be undoubtedly underwritten by another specialist insurer and not the creditor and therefore it falls within the definition given in section 12 CCA So in effect what we have with the £6000 loan and the £1500 PPI is a multiple agreement with “part of it within one category of agreement mentioned in this Act, and another part of it within a different category of agreement so mentioned, or within a category of agreement not so mentioned” This is because the £6000 is fixed sum, unrestricted use debtor creditor and the £1500 is fixed sum, restricted use Debtor-creditor-supplier Therefore since this type of agreement falls within s18, it means that as defined in s18 (2) CCA that the document is to be treated as 2 separate agreements and each agreement must have its own prescribed terms for each part Therefore each piece of credit must have its own term stating the amount of credit, repayments and all other statutory info, in addition the PPI policy would need to have a term stating the Cash Price of the policy, due to it being a restricted use debtor creditor supplier agreement. In essence there should be the following Loan Amount of Credit £6000 Repayments 60 payments of £XXXXXX Total amount payable £XXXXXXXX APR 16.9% PPI Amount of credit £1500 Repayments 60 payments of £XXXXXXX Total amount payable £ XXXXXXXXX Apr 16.9% Cash price of policy £1500 the agreement may not be set out exactly as above but that is to give you an idea of what it must contain If the agreement fails to correctly set matters out in accordance with s18 then the lender risks falling foul of the form and content requirements of section 60 CCA and could be improperly executed as set out within section 61(1) (a) CCA 1974 thus becoming unenforceable the main thing to remember is that you have two agreement within one document, so there must be a set of prescribed terms for each piece of credit, it is permissible to add the prescribed terms together and then state them as total amounts BUT they must be also stated in their separate parts. Multiple agreements falling within section 18 CCA 1974.pdf Before Printing the PDF TIP If you DO NOT wish to print Page 1 (Cover Page) of the PDF, please ensure to do the following: Ensure you go to your Printer Settings and set it to 'Print from Page 2' (this way Page 1 (Cover Page) should not print out). Note: This will save you Ink & Paper
  4. Hi all I'm not to sure this is the correct section. I have a pair of New Balance running shoes, 10 weeks old and falling apart. Clearly not fit for purpose as the materials used in flexing areas is cracking. Having returned these to New Balance I've been told the wear is due to them being in a washing machine which they never have! I feel incredibly insulted by this response and now have a point to prove by getting them independently lab tested and a report. New Balance wanted to charge me £50 for the pleasure. Following the horrendous lack of any customer support I have zero trust in them after they attempted to fob me off. Can anyone suggest anywhere that could carry out this service for me? I've emailed Manchester University and have seen various online labs. Jut wondered if anyone had used a service before for similar reasons? Thanks very much for your help
  5. Hi guys, This isn't my usual post, so please excuse me if I miss out any information. Sometime around 3/4 years ago, my Grandmother had work done which was funded by a council grant to renew her Electrics, Central Heating, Windows, Bathroom, Kitchen, roof and facia boards. Soon after, the work was found to be unsatisfactory. The man at the council who issued the grant to the builders in question stopped responding to our calls and it was just accepted that we'd have to deal with these issues. Time has passed, and we've just not stopped finding faults. About 18 months ago, I wrote to the man from the council, who brushed off my complaint as "Not his problem". Previous to this, his comments were "If you think it's bad now, you obviously didn't see the state of it before", although, I kinda think this is why the council issued the grant to her? So, recently, the hot water tank has ruptured, causing the ceiling in the landing to come down, making the stairs wet and upsetting her Stannah Stair Lift. What do I do? The home insurance won't cover the hot water tank, although they have said that they will stem the leak and deal with the damage resultant from the rupture. How do I go forward with this? The local councillor isn't concerned, the local MP has ignored us and the man at the council is just using our slow actions to his advantage. I am tempted to go into the council offices and create havoc, but I don't want to get into trouble myself. This is having a massively negative effect on my grandmothers quality of life, added to the lightswitches that were left in place but not connected, the double glazed windows that don't open, the leak in the ceiling resulting from the bad roofing job and the new radiators which were charged to the council, but in fact, are the old radiators... What can I do? Any advice accepted gratefully.
  6. Evening all, I hope this is the right forum.. A few weeks ago I bought a new set of motorsport wheels & tyres for my track day car from Demon Tweeks (DT). I fitted them about 2 weeks after they arrived on 4th June for a track day at Oulton Park near Manchester, and had problems all day with the wheels (all four!) vibrating loose which basically ruined my whole day and wasted track day fee plus the fuel from Essex and a hotel for the night. I'm a chassis & suspension systems engineer for a major OEM and advanced DIY mechanic, so I was able to diagnose the problem as a failure of the plastic adaptor rings supplied with the wheels. (They adapt the centre bore size to fit my particular make & model. The failure was that all 4 - especially the front - had stretched and become a sloppy fit on the hub centre spigot.) I called DT first thing in the morning from work to explain the problem, and requested that the wheels be replaced for a new set of a make that doesn't use plastic adaptors. (There is popular opinion that these rings often fail with the heat of the brakes when subject to track use) This was refused, and I was told the wheels would have to be returned for inspection before anything could be done about a refund. DT arranged to have the wheels sent back to Team Dynamics (who are the manufacturer) for inspection, and after chasing up DT a few days later I was told that my wheels were ok, and that the wrong spigot rings had been supplied; I would get my wheels back with a new set of rings in the correct size. So, imagine my surprise today when I check the "new" rings against one of the old ones they accidentally sent back in one of the wheels, to find that they were exactly the same! I don't trust these wheels on my car. I'm very very concerned that the next time I try to use them (they are a spare set for track use only) they will come loose, or even fall off entirely! My next track event is at the Nurburgring in Germany, so as you can imagine I am very reluctant to drive all that way and have a failure! What can I do? I can't believe they have lied to me and basically done absolutely nothing to solve the problem! Am I within my rights to ask them to be exchanged for a different set of wheels that I trust will stay on the car? I have 2 weeks until I board the ferry for Germany, so I have to get it sorted out as soon as possible! Appreciate that this is a long read and a complicated problem.. thank you for taking the time to read & help!
  7. Hi Everyone I bought a Sofa and chair from Littlewoods last November, it was delivered a few days before Xmas so is less than a year old. The cushions have all frayed, and one ofthe covers has come apart where the thread has just disintegrated. The foam ont he arm of the chair has sunk so much it has a huge dent in it. The furniture has had normal wear, no kids/pets jumping on it, but it really is very poorly made. I expect it to last a few more years! I have paid off my account in full so I dont owe any money on it at all, and I wrote to Littlewoods enclosing photos on the 31st October...i havent had a response yet though. I wonder if you cuold tell me what, if any, rights I have regarding this and what I should do if i dont hear from them? I would likea refund in all honesty if i can as I do not want another one of these rubbish sofas! Thank you x
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