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Found 1 result

  1. Evening all, I hope this is the right forum.. A few weeks ago I bought a new set of motorsport wheels & tyres for my track day car from Demon Tweeks (DT). I fitted them about 2 weeks after they arrived on 4th June for a track day at Oulton Park near Manchester, and had problems all day with the wheels (all four!) vibrating loose which basically ruined my whole day and wasted track day fee plus the fuel from Essex and a hotel for the night. I'm a chassis & suspension systems engineer for a major OEM and advanced DIY mechanic, so I was able to diagnose the problem as a failure of the plastic adaptor rings supplied with the wheels. (They adapt the centre bore size to fit my particular make & model. The failure was that all 4 - especially the front - had stretched and become a sloppy fit on the hub centre spigot.) I called DT first thing in the morning from work to explain the problem, and requested that the wheels be replaced for a new set of a make that doesn't use plastic adaptors. (There is popular opinion that these rings often fail with the heat of the brakes when subject to track use) This was refused, and I was told the wheels would have to be returned for inspection before anything could be done about a refund. DT arranged to have the wheels sent back to Team Dynamics (who are the manufacturer) for inspection, and after chasing up DT a few days later I was told that my wheels were ok, and that the wrong spigot rings had been supplied; I would get my wheels back with a new set of rings in the correct size. So, imagine my surprise today when I check the "new" rings against one of the old ones they accidentally sent back in one of the wheels, to find that they were exactly the same! I don't trust these wheels on my car. I'm very very concerned that the next time I try to use them (they are a spare set for track use only) they will come loose, or even fall off entirely! My next track event is at the Nurburgring in Germany, so as you can imagine I am very reluctant to drive all that way and have a failure! What can I do? I can't believe they have lied to me and basically done absolutely nothing to solve the problem! Am I within my rights to ask them to be exchanged for a different set of wheels that I trust will stay on the car? I have 2 weeks until I board the ferry for Germany, so I have to get it sorted out as soon as possible! Appreciate that this is a long read and a complicated problem.. thank you for taking the time to read & help!
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