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Found 3 results

  1. The Saga.. Advice Please. I had a quote from a National Window installer and I agreed to have a Bow window fitted, I signed up on 28/8/15 and the surveyor turned up a few days later and measured up.. all fine so far... A date was arranged to have the window fitted 22/9/15. The fitters turned up on the said date and proceeded to fit the window, the old window came out and the new one went in, that's when the problems started, they informed me that they don't fit !!!!!!!!!!!! miss- measured by 100mm each side... how could they get it so wrong. So they packed up and drove off into the sunset... The same day another so called architect turned up and re-measured and said they will turn it round quite quickly. I sent an email to their head office and followed it up with a phone call, they told me that they would ask a manger to call me, nothing.... 7 days later I called them back and asked what was happening with my window ?. They said yes your window are due in on Friday and we can fit them on Tuesday... Today, so they turned up again and started to fit the new windows and then they noticed that the sill don't fit !!!!!!! So off the fitters go !! I was told a manger would call me back to explain what will happen next. No call, so I called them back this evening and spoke to some Manger, I told him I was peed off with them and the lack of customer care, and at that point I told I don't want his window and he can cancel my order, as they are not fit for purpose and I have lost faith in their product... He informed me that it was too late to cancel as the 14 day cooling off period had passed, he offered my £75.00 servery fee a refund... so I told him to ...off. the question is, do I still have to have the window as I haven't paid yet only the survey fee of £75.00 ? P.S I have no internal window sill and the external tiles have been removed, a sheet aup at the window and its an embarrassment:!:. where do I stand.
  2. Paid £300 deposit for a patio window in November 15 and promised delivery in 2 weeks but turned out to be 2 months owing to a backlog of orders and the Xmas period. Cancelled immediately I was notified of the date which was unacceptable. No T & c. were left when deposit was paid but were forwarded later when I cancelled. They came with a letter promising a refund of the deposit as a goodwill gesture minus £71.40 admin charges. This was confirmed 5 times by text. However, they have gone back on their word and will not answer any correspondence or calls. I want to take it to the small claims court, am I within my righs.
  3. I do not know if this is the right forum but I need some advice. My father has double glazing on his windows and also replaced the front door however the door on the house not what companies called 'standard' sized. When he ordered the door after looking through a brochure, the company he picked measured the previous door for the size however when they came to fit the door they ended up putting a big sort of plastic cast andd then the door. The door is a lot smaller than the previous one which is why they had to fill the space with the plastic. They did not inform my dad that they did not have a door that was similar in size to the previous one and just said that it was a 'standard size' door they fitted. My dad is very unhappy with this and has asked to have it removed as it makes the inside of the house look smaller and blocks out the light. When he asked for it to be removed, the company said that in order to fit a bigger door they would have to cut inside the the wooden door frame, which by the way is where they have placed the plastic cast and it would cost my father more money for this door. They also said that they would lose money as they would have to wait until someone wanted his door and sell it as second hand. As far as I am aware, the company would not lose as my father has already paid for this door and in order to have another one fitted he would have to pay again. The company would have the money for the first door and also the second door and from selling the first door. My father is elderly and I think they are taking advantage of him which I am not very happy with. Any advice on this??
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