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Found 7 results

  1. ive had a ticket from the same carpark and im being taken to court at the end of september, are you able to update as to how you got on and what defence you used? am i able to use your pictures? i parked at night time and was visiting Khans, didnt realise i would have to pay at 9pm, plus it was dark so missed the signs. im really hoping that at the very least i just pay the parking charge of £60 as now the charge is at £300 and i just think that is disgusting!
  2. Well looks like Peter Crook (Id say suitably named) stepped down from Provident Financial Group...This little gem comes through... Start reclaiming folks, for all those times the admitted ROP wasnt PPI in any form...
  3. Well looks like Peter Crook (Id say suitably named) stepped down from Provident Financial Group...This little gem comes through... Start reclaiming folks, for all those times the admitted ROP wasnt PPI in any form...
  4. Hi guys i work for a company called xxxxxxxx a company who are well known for ripping people off on the job, I work on the Virgin contract and had a job which involved abit of cable clipping and cable splicing as the customer didnt want extra holes drilling through her conservatory luckily i found an exsisting RG6 sky cable on the roof of her property which i barreled on to and tucked behind the gutter no tugging or pulling involved as i just slot it behind and then clipped the way around to my access point. 6 weeks had passed since the job had been completed and the customer claims that i have pulled the guttering away from the fascia and has caused a leak and claims she has had the guttering people out to take a look at it would cost £300 but has no proof of a quote in writing , any invoices to the job being completed or any photo evidence to support her claim against the guttering being damaged. I phoned my manager today to be told that i have had enough and have been asking for the proof to this claim if he has it i will hold my hands up and settle the damages he claims there is no proof of the work being done or any quotes, invoice etc and its classed as SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM which means they arnt required to provide me with any information. The company is a complete and utter joke and have no idea how these people are still running They have already took £50 of the settlement from my wages without telling me about it, signing any paperwork to show i approve of it and the contract does not state they are allowed also I have £250 remaining and another £50 is due to be taken from me on 28th of this month DO I HAVE ANYWHERE TO STAND HERE IN TERMS OF A TRIBEUNIAL IVE TRIED MY HARDEST TO WORK WITH THEM ON THIS MATTER BUT NOTHING AS THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE LEFT THE COMPANY DUE TO THESE PEOPLE I HAVE LOST COUNT
  5. Paid £300 deposit for a patio window in November 15 and promised delivery in 2 weeks but turned out to be 2 months owing to a backlog of orders and the Xmas period. Cancelled immediately I was notified of the date which was unacceptable. No T & c. were left when deposit was paid but were forwarded later when I cancelled. They came with a letter promising a refund of the deposit as a goodwill gesture minus £71.40 admin charges. This was confirmed 5 times by text. However, they have gone back on their word and will not answer any correspondence or calls. I want to take it to the small claims court, am I within my righs.
  6. I booked a holiday a few weeks back using Love Holidays. The total cost of the holiday was £680, all i have paid so far is the £80 deposit. It was a silly holiday to book anyway, I can afford to go but I could do with the money on other things so I decided i wanted to cancel it. I emailed them asking to cancel and now they want me to pay for the flight cost, which is £300, the holiday isn't even for over a month away surely this is an acceptable cancellation period! Anything I can do? Thanks
  7. Hi guys! Took out a gym membership 3 years ago, suspended it for a year but found out the payments had still been going out. Rang the gym who said they would refund but then changed their mind. Spoke to my bank about the situation and they refunded me the money. Problem now is... two months after the bank refunded me, the gym has started emailing me saying my account is in arrears and I have to pay them the money back asap. The longer I take to pay them the more they'll add to the total I owe! Can they actually do that??? I'm not sure where I stand in this situation. Please help!
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