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Found 13 results

  1. Hi guys im new here , i signed up because im being threatened to be taken to a small claims court. A long story short 1 or 2 years ago i met a guy on gumtree (that had bought a computer off me) and he had asked whether i could supply him with a large amount of computer components, me being not being mature and silly i accepted this and we talked over email for a bit to confirm details. After that he had transferred over £70k into my bank and what we agreed is that i give him a certain amount of computer components each week which i did for several months until the guy supplying me with the cheap components stole a large sum of cash from me which was so stupid of me. i was left with £25k left and £40k worth of components left to give him. I got scared at this time i lost communication with my customer and pretended it didn't exist. at the time i was doing GCSEs and wanted to focus on the exams at the time. after the exams i had gained enough confidence to contact him and explain what had happened he agreed that i could just give the rest of his money back by paying £2.5k a week, what i did was i put the money into crypto trading and i spent hours upon hours on the trading site and most cases only getting a couple hours sleep but i was making just enough for the £2.5k a week i continued paying him off for a few months until my trading account got hacked and all my money was stolen (i did file a police report to action fraud but nothing happened) and the website owners said they could not do anything. The customer asked what had happened to the payments after i had not made that weeks payment i panicked and blocked his email address and all was good for 6 months im doing a-levels atm (physics,chemistry and computer science). I was really enjoying life without the stress. Recently i got an email from his brothers email stating that i had owed £12k and that i can pay it now or pay £14k in small claims court . I am more than willing to pay this off and had no intention of taking his money but tbh i was scared out my mind. the problem is i am a 17 full time student doing really hard a-levels that require my full time and i currently dont have a job and have like £30 in my bank. i dont have many possessions as i had sold most of it to make my final £2.5k payment. i have a average computer, an iphone 5c and a good pair of headphones . I am just asking for what i should do in my position as i did some research and i read something about how you cant make a claim against a child and how you cant make a claim above £10k is this true if not how would i go about this as im not going to lie i have no clue on what to do. I would greatly appreciate any advice with this. Many thanks in advance.
  2. Hi Again.... I have a problem that I ought to have dealt with, but have not because I had more pressing issues: 4 sets of serious or urgent litigation that had deadlines, or financial priority: I had and still have a collapsed lung, I sadly have a deceased mother in law, a baby, who ended up in special care, while my wife almost bled to death during an emergency c section, I've bought a new house that the surveyor messed up big time on, I have had 2 new jobs, 2 surgeries and a tumor in my colon. I know they are not excuses for delay, but it has truly been a crap few years and this issue is the last unresolved pain in my side. All the issues above happened around the time of the N power debacle, or since. Some time around 2013/14 I moved into a house and the N Power Direct debit stopped. I had used NPower at a previous address. My dad had been paying as he is a kind man and he offered to when my wife and I were broke 10 years ago and he never stopped paying (despite me asking him not to). Npower screwed the bills up and I didn't pay the incorrect bills. At all times, I felt there was an ongoing complaint/ issue. Eventually the correct bill came and I paid it. The end? No. I applied for a loan or mortgage (cannot remember which off top of head) and was rejected. I had a default registered with Experian by Npower for the period where we were in dispute. The defaults are numerous and are all over the place. I wrote to Npower, Experian and complained to the FOS and got nowhere. What can I do, the defaults are only with Experian and they are utterly inaccurate. I am stuck. I need help with this.
  3. Has anyone established who owns the Adelphi car park and if P.E. have rights to apply penalty charges there?
  4. I stuck my head in the sand with council tax last year and ended up having my debt passed to Equita. It got to enforcement stage before I managed to get someone to agree to a payment plan with me. I agreed to 250pm at the time as I was in full time work. I lost my job in April and rang Equita before my payment was due to advise them that I wouldn't be able to pay the same amount but would be willing to carry on paying a much smaller amount until I get back into work. (I'm currently waiting on an award of benefits from the DWP and have been given a council tax reduction for this year based on nil income until awarded universal credit because of this). When I rang Equita I was told that final payment had been taken and my account had been closed and that it was all fine by them. I didn't think to get the name of who I spoke to On the 8th, I was rung by one of their enforcement agents who told me that my last payment hadn't actually been made and they were informed of this on the 4th. He told me he would be coming round on the 9th. I rang him back later on in the day, he said he'd call me back in around 45 minutes and never did. He also has;t turned up at my flat. Since then I haven't been able to get in contact with him. I've called and texted, I've rung Equita, they said they couldn't do anything and out me back through to their bailiff who didn't answer the phone. I'm totally lost, I can't afford anything near what I was paying them back. The most I can spare is around 20 quid a month and I don't even know how much benefit I'm actually going to be given at the end of this month. I've been trying to find someone to talk to about it in the company but I'm at a total dead end. I can't spend forever in my flat waiting for him to eventually decide to show up!
  5. Hi all, My wife had a parking charge/fine stuck to her driver window yesterday. Unfortunately the windows all opened when she remotely unlocked the car when approaching and now the ticket is stuck in the window mechanism in the door cavity. Fortunately the window is still working but where do I stand if either, the window stops working and need a repair/is damaged, or the ticket needs to be removed by an engineer (I`m not a techie) to prevent damage happening? Either way a cost we`re not happy to stump up. As an aside, the ticket was "incorrectly" given as the system mistook an F for and S when paying over the Ringo mobile service but that`s another issue. I`m going to have to wait for the post notice to arrive to find out who issued it and what the details are. Then I can appeal etc. Thanks. Paul4Lena
  6. Hi need a bit of help/advice please from Vodafone and I believe they have a rep on here. April last year my son got his first new full time job and treated himself to a new phone contract without telling us, well he is a young adult so he didnt think to tell us. hes been using the phone as they do and occasionally it would go off and he said oh I havn't paid the bill I will ring them which he did and it got put back on. Now its been off for a while and he owned up to a huge bill and he cant pay it, he says not his fault as CPW said he had unlimited data (this is the huge bill) I checked his contract and yep it did say unlimited but for 90 days only he assumed it was the contract even though it does state 2gb a month. He's an idiot TBH expects everything to be done for him and with vodafone switching his phone back on each month without paying the bill hasnt helped at all. I rang vodafone yesterday and they gave me a run down from Sept 2014 and it comes to £736.90, mostly if not all data. I have checked and on one day he used 847mb even though he was at home and we have wifi so I think something is not right. I use my phone for business and only use approx 400mb a month. He even thinks on that day his phone wasnt even on, it had been blocked by voda. and other days that show high data usage. I asked why he hadnt been checking his bills he said didnt get any, asked about online account and he said cant log in just goes to a help page each time. I tried and found wrong password in five minutes I had logged in to see all these bills from oct 2014. Its absolutely unbelievable that vodafone have been unblocking his phone each month by him just ringing up and promising payment and not paying it. Whilst in his account I notice on the summary it states £30 a month inc VAT but checking his bill he has been charged £30 plus vat. Now his phone is still off, its about to go to collections and he cant pay it. Yes I know he should he used it, it wasnt free but my worry here is not too long ago he took an OD due to money problems so im worried he might go down that route again. I have spoke to CS but to no avail thought I would see if anyone on here could help. He to has rang CS but gets no where so ends up frustrated and very moody. P.S. I got through to Vodafone CS and asked the exact date the phone was switched off and was told the 18th November and just looking at his bills the phone was still being used after that date again mainly data and have incurred charges. How can a phone incur charges and use texts, calls and data when its been fully barred from use and hasnt been used. I have uploaded a couple of screen grabs. This now makes me think all the data may not have been used by him at all and I can see its common.
  7. Hi I have been wrongfully claiming working tax and child credits since June last year. I am an idiot, I should not have done it and the whole year i have been guilt ridden and on the verge of tears. I have the renewal claim pack come through and as I have had no job, I can't put down any income, I want to own up that I have been a major fool, and want to pay the money back, can I write to them instead? I am really scared of phoning them. I have let everyone down, I've let my partner and my children down, I wish after paying this off(if they let me) I can kill myself for the shameful way I have been. I have not claimed anything else except child benefit for one child and I have not even claimed for my second one due to fear that they'll find me,no job seekers, no housing benefit, no income support. I don't know what to do any more. Sorry for going on, I dont know where to turn or what to do.
  8. Hey all, Waaay back in 1997 i took out my first loan with Beneficial Bank. At the time i was told when offered PPI that i might not get the loan if i didnt take it - I was in a full time job that gave me 6 months full sick pay then 6 months half pay if needed. Anyhow - just the not getting the loan part if not taken is enough to be mis sold correct?? What i didnt realise was that i renewed the loans to the tune of 5 times no less! each and everytime with PPI on it. I was never offered any other advice, the figures they quoted at the times just included the ppi on top! Now i have attached the signed loan forms bits from the last 3 times (first 2 they have no records for apart from Acc numbers) and also a form for what looks like a insurance policy schedule for payment - however the figures on it dont match with the loan it was for - £338.76 on that form but its for the loan where £171.36 is shown for ppi??? So it has confused me completely!! I have tried to do the spreadsheet to work out figures to claim for, but without the first 2 loan amounts i dont see how i can do it? As you can see - the total for ppi and interest paid out totals £4139.52!!!! and thats without the first 2 loans and does not include that £338 figure as i dont know what thats for????? I see 8% mentioned - is that just 8% of the £4139?? Should i just send a complaint letter off to (now) HSBC and a FOS questionaire and see what they come back with??? I didnt expect them to send me such a good amount of info to be honest - the forms i have uploaded below are priceless to me now! Any help greatly appreciated as to best route next Thanks in advance.. Adam ps - i hope the attachments are viewable!!!
  9. Hey guys, I am with Vodafone and have been for a while, I have 3 contracts in my name at the moment with them and my partner has one. since my first contract, I have always gotten very poor signal in my house and the same with my partner. I keep ringing and ringing to try and get it sorted, ideally I want a signal box but I DON'T want to pay for it, I am paying them £37 a month x3 for contracts that I can't use the majority of the time. They keep taking me though "test," and they have never got me anywhere. They fob me off with the whole "there are works going on around your area." When they look at the signal/ heat map, it shows I should be getting great signal, but they don't seem to acknowledge that there are various things that effect signal. When I ask about this signal box they seem like they don't wish to give me one as they always say, "lets run some tests first," ect. when I say I have done every test you have on the 4 different phone we have in the house hold and nothing. They then say I have to go into store to get the box but it will cost me from £50 (with a discount) to £100. I just don't see it fit to pay extra on top of my bill to get the service I am paying for. every time I have gone to get a contract they never give me a signal check, but after doing it so many times myself I know that I should be getting good signal. So what do you guys think I should do all about this. Thanks in advance.
  10. I dont have a loan or any debt to this company now but ive emailed them asking them to remove my account, my details off their databases, card details, and phone numbers yet i can still log in. i received a response saying they confirm i dont have a loan or any outstanding balance and that they hope to be of service again... is there anything more I can do to remove my whole details off their systems does anyone know?
  11. I have a 02 Citroen Xsara Picasso which the gears have now stuck in place and will not budge even when pressing the clutch down all the way. I have had a look online and its either a gearbox oil change or its the linkage on the gears. Does anyone know how to change the gearbox oil on this Citroen or if it is something else that I would have to take it to a garage for?
  12. Hi guys... Well i had a lone from a broker and i have started a claim heres what happened so far and who with...am a little confused... Broker: Greenhill finance - (No Longer Trading) Loan pay to: GE Money so.... i have all my account details, i was advised to go through the broker for my ppi so i started to dig, the company greenhill is no longer trading, so i set up a claim with the FSCS compensation scheele...went through all the details and they have said not entitaled to claim through them as they are unable to establish if the partners of the firm are unable or likly to be unable to meet my claim for compensation.they have said they will review this is info comes to light that they cannot meat the claim???? (does this mean they still exist) so i assume i now have to put my claim in with Greenhill finance (although there showing as not trading at company house).... or should i go after GE money where the loan is paid back to...... any advise would be welcomed
  13. Hello all, I am not really sure about this post but I will give it a go! I have not sought help on this matter before as I didn't even know this website existed. If there is anyone out there who could give me a little advice it would be great ! I have done some reading, but it would be great if some people could just explain a little about exactly what to do, and whether its worthwhile etc. I am in major debt, of around 15k-ish I think. Sadly my parents were never good with money and always had things on finance etc - (and paid all the time in full etc. but they had a good business going at the time, until it went wrong). So when I hit 18, I thought finance was completely normal and rinsed everything I could, so I took out a £10k loan about 3 days after my birthday and brought fancy cars and was completely careless. I have now learnt my lesson!!!!! I paid everything fine all the time, until I lost my job. Since then, I have had a nightmare between jobs all the time and its gone wrong, and for the last two years its completely messed up being self employed with no regular income. I really need to get this sorted because it is completely hindering my life, and stopping me from saving up etc. My debts are as follows - Natwest Loan (with wescot credit services - not spoke to these about the debt yet) - £10700 - latest was taken out 04/2008, defaulted on 07/2011 Natwest Overdraft (also with wescot as above) - £950 - defaulted on 08/2011 HFC Hire Purchase - £450 - Defaulted 04/2010 Vodafone (with capquest) - £107 - Defaulted 07/2009 I also have a credit card with MBNA (balance of £1800), which went to experto credite. I have spoken with them on the phone and have an agreement to pay £10 a month now. HOWEVER, this account does not show up on my credit file report from Equifax, how strange? It mentions nothing about a credit card from them at all. Is that normal? I now have a job (employed, with a salary + commission). My partner and I have just got a house (through her parents etc.) and now we have monthly bills to contend with aswell. I have no idea where to go from here, I don't know what all this CCA or SAR is, or whether using them will benefit, or whether I should let some debts go, I don't know! One thing I cannot have on my credit file is a CCJ, insolvency, or becoming bankrupt (the line of work I want to go into won't let me). Is there anything I should be doing, or should start to do ? Dear me =(
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