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  1. New veterans ID cards rolled out to service leavers READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-veterans-id-cards-rolled-out-to-service-leavers
  2. Hackers access 5.9m bank cards at Dixons Carphone Dixons Carphone says it has been the victim of an "unauthorised data access" in which millions of customer bank card details were targeted over the past 12 months. The company believed there were attempts since last July - only discovered over the past week - to compromise 5.9 million cards in one of its processing systems for Currys PC World and Dixons Travel stores. It said there was currently no evidence of any fraudulent use of the information - with the vast majority of the cards having chip and pin protection. However, Dixons Carphone said it had notified card providers to 105,000 non-EU issued cards that did not have chip and pin technology so those customers could be immediately protected. In addition, Dixons Carphone said 1.2 million personal data records were hacked. It admitted non-financial personal data, such as names, addresses or email addresses, was accessed but it again insisted that it had seen no evidence of any fraud at this stage. The breach was currently being investigated by police, it said, while regulators had also been informed. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/hacking-targets-customers-currys-pc-world-064800857.html
  3. Hello I have several outstanding debts with payday loan companies and credit card companies which have now been assigned to DCA's apart from where mentioned details below. Drafty PDL- now being chased by Asset Collections £746.55 Sainsburys CC - Wescot £1039.97 wage day advance PDL £492.71 - Moorcroft Vanquis CC £566.68 - Moorcroft The money shop PDL £768.84 - BW Legal EE -phonebill £155.03 - Moorcroft Capital 1 CC £245.58 - Fredrickson/lowell Tesco CC £539.66 -moorcroft Very £897 no dca actiity Safetynet credit £503.89 PDL - Opos satsuma PDL £738.00 no dca activity halfax CC£1959.95 - Wescott western circle/cashfloat - £607.37 no dca activity Just under 10k by my reckoning, what would be the best route forward iva/dro or reduced settlement figures ? Thanks in advance.
  4. Banks have admitted that thieves are able to use contactless cards even if they’ve been cancelled – sometimes months after being reported stolen. RBS, Lloyds, HSBC, Barclays and Nationwide admitted that a ‘weakness in the system’ can allow fraudsters to use cards after they have been reported lost. The ‘tap and pay’ cards allow purchases up to £30 without requiring a PIN number. The problem stems from the fact that some shops complete purchases ‘offline’, without checking with the card issuer if a card is valid. Instead of checking ‘live’, some shops store transactions and check batches at the end of the day, meaning that stolen cards can sometimes be used. The FCA says that if customers fall victim to this kind of fraud, they are entitled to get their money back. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/thieves-can-still-use-contactless-cards-theyve-cancelled-banks-admit-103749226.html
  5. Hello All, I have received a letter telling me an old HSBC Credit Card was sold to Cabot Financial today and that they would be in touch shortly. The account is not statue barred. Whilst I am happy to enter into a repayment plan, I want to make sure that they have all their ducks lined up and have all the correct paperwork. I originally had a dispute with HSBC after they blocked the card on Christmas Eve and that very nearly left me stranded Birmingham Airport over the Christmas Period. At the time there were plenty of funds available on the card and it was the only card I had on my person at the time. Long story short I phoned them on the day asking why the card was not working and noone could explain it to me either. I was promised several callbacks which they never made and a resolution the same day which also did not materialise. As I couldn't buy the train ticket I needed, I had to take several buses to my Christmas destination which in all took over 10 hours to complete a 60 mile journey.......... As I hold an ENCTS pass this journey cost me nothing but did cause considerable inconvenience at the time. I made a complaint at the time and whilst they acknowledged the complaint, they did not respond and when it came to them wanting something (i.e. to pay the bill) I refused until the complaint was resolved to my satisfaction. Apparently they had nothing on file and still did not know the reason for the failure of the card. This contradicted what I was told on the day of the failure which was "A Back office team is working hard on this as we speak and it will be resolved shortly" which now appears to be from my perspective a complete lie. Fast forward to the issue at hand now, I received a letter that the account has been sold to Cabot Financial and that I will begin a game of letter tennis within the coming days. How is it best to proceed from here. I don't particularly want to furnish Crapbot with too much information. But I'm happy to do my homework and see what happens. Debt is for a Credit Card approx £1,800 I don't doubt for a second that Crapbot will take legal action eventually but I'd rather give them notice as it were that I know how to handle this matter. I'm thinking just a bog standard CCA Request uncrossed postal order and see what they come back with? Perhaps a SAR to HSBC as well?
  6. How can my father go about claiming for PPI for credit cards? 1. if the debt has been sold on to a debt collecting agency 2. if my father no longer has statements 3. do I can a generic letter out with a reference number to the debt collecting agency or the original credit card company?
  7. Should Vanquis be sending out Annual Staements even if smaller than normal monthly payments are being made?
  8. Having read this forum and had a pretty good solicitor in a recent case, I have cobbled together what I perceive quite a nice defence, if anyone is interested. Obviously people would need to tailor to their own needs. Just really mentioning this to give something back to an excelllent forum and Dx100 help. shall I post it up? It does not include which I have read here recently.: 1) Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 The Office of Fair Trading v Abbeyicon National PLC and others (2009) 2) Show how they have complied with sections III & IV of Practice Direction - Pre-action Conduct. The only issue I have is that I have used a few times and I dont want a judge to think I just copied a template off the internet. I would be happier to give it to MODS for them to give it to trusted / known posters? Am happy to PM someone if they wanted to "disguise" it.
  9. Hi I have a part repayment and part interest only mortgage. I tried to remortgage last year with Chelsea but we couldn't afford new monthly amount. I had house valued and didn't have enough equity to do it with another lender. Any ideas what I can do with the interest part as don't want to lose my house when mortgage ends in 12 years. Also I have credit card debt so would it be better to use money I have to clear these or put savings on the interest part of mortgage? Any help would be appreciated and apologies if it's on the wrong forum.
  10. Thousands of people with lost or stolen contactless cards have been warned they could be used by fraudsters up to eight months after they are cancelled. The problem generally lies in contactless card payments being processed in one of two ways - 'online' or 'offline'. When payments are processed online, the card and payment machine immediately communicate with the customer's bank. If a lost or stolen card has been cancelled, this will be flagged immediately and a payment not allowed. Offline payments are stored in batches by retailers and processed online to the bank at a later point, sometimes a few days later with smaller stores. This can allow a thief buying goods on a stolen card to go undetected. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3779910/Thousands-contactless-cards-lost-stolen-warned-fraudsters-use-EIGHT-MONTHS-cancelled.html#ixzz4KtdyLapj If your contactless card is lost or stolen make suer you check your statement for fraudulent transactions.
  11. Dear All, I filled out the online form for Barclaycard to reclaim my PPI, which I never realised that I had. I get a reply this week enclosing a copy of a letter dated November 2014 that apparently they sent me when I applied for return of PPI the last time??? I have zero memory of doing this and I am not convinced they are telling me the truth. In any case they are telling me that nothing was miss sold and I am not getting any money back. It seems like a generic letter and they have used internal and external evidence to reach this decision. They have also included the "linked cards" that where on my account? I have no idea what the linked cards are. Does anyone have any ideas? I am about to send a new letter to Barclays advising them that I never received the letter dated November 2014, can they please provide copies of all credit contracts between barclay card and myself and also copies of all the evidence internal and external that supports their case so that I can take this case to the next stage. I would also like supporting evidence that shows me that the PPI was not missold. I have advised that i will take the case to the BO. Has anyone else had a similar situation? Does anyone have any experience as what has happened once they get a letter asking for the supporting evidence? Finally what linked cards? Many Thanks
  12. Now our banks seem hell bent on making us have contactless debit/credit cards, does any1 know if we can be compelled to have 1 instead of chip and pin. Thank you.
  13. Just curious: I am wondering how many people have had their NHS Exemption Certificate cards reprinted? I recently received a new card as they are now only valid for 7months - I guess to avoid fraud.... However, the printer screwed up. The card was printed "Valid End" and "Expires From".... Of course, it should have been the other way round (valid from, expires end) So I just received another new card with the correct wording. Seems a really stupid mistake and potentially very expensive [read: waste of tax payers money] if ALL cards had to be reprinted.... Anyone else affected by this?????????
  14. Guys I hate that site that shall not be named. Once again advice being given even after receiving a CCJ about Deed Of Assignments Blah, Blah, Blah. However, Id like to assist them, so could you advise accordingly? It would probably help this poor soul out... Thanks for spacing it out Site Team
  15. Posting this in attempt to try to help my friend who was quite irresponsible with her credit cards. I think they are all with different banks and she says no way for these to be combined into one or for her to get a loan (bad credit rating) to pay them off. £1000 overdraft on each card so £3000 in total plus monthly interest rates piling up on top of each sum plus I think there are some late payment fees too or something. She only can make small payments (meeting the monthly minimum) but it is going on for her for almost 3 years now and because of the interest rates piling up on top of the rest each month, she can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am worried for her because of this. Her health is affected as well as her general mood. I am noticing psychological effects too, she is becoming short tempered with her nearest and dearest (including me as best friend) which is really not like her. She's got no money for buying presents for family or anyone else, no holidays, nor for new items of clothing or to afford more than 2 drinks somewhere out once or max twice a month and that's pretty much the only time she spends out of her home and workplace, apart from when buying groceries. She's basically got no life because no money and the paying off seems to be taking painfully long. I know she has some sort of depression symptoms too. The situation is very stressful for her and she cries often, she doesn't tell me but I know this. Are there any options/solutions to make paying off these overdrafts more manageable? Even if she could put paying off 1 of the cards on hold would be helpful...? Any hacks/tricks are welcome! She's got a job working with kids on a self employed basis and paying her NI and taxes but she's not being left with much at all after paying rent, bills (houseshare with others) and travel expenses. Does a bit of paid extra work in childcare but it's only enough to barely keep her head above the water. In some weeks when the extra childcare not needed, she's got no money for food.
  16. Hi I'm new to this anyone know anything about the legal position re fake delivery cards through the door from a Company called APS? There is no name or website on these cards just a number which never answers They quote "we called today to deliver or pick up" my address is quoted but NO NAME in the box? I've had 5 through in a week - the same person calls but I just ignore then - getting to be harassment now!! I'm sure I legally don't have to answer the door??? Thanks ANON[/size]
  17. Over the festive session there are a total of 3 days when there are either no services at all, or the availability of services is so low as to be pointless, yet the passenger transport executive for South Yorkshire refuses to amend any travel card purchased that run over this period. Over the 3 days in question there is a bare handful of bus services running in Sheffield funded by the Council or a specific service for one place of work. There are no trams or trains running for 2 days completely and what looks to be a very reduced service on 1 day. In short I'm out of pocket by the sum of £10.17p for services I can not use. I'd like to push back at this subsidy for the Passenger executive from my pocket, considering the executive is already funded from taxes paid by me, so how do I do this ? What laws kick back at the idea at paying for services that are not available ? What do other local area transport executives do over the period ?
  18. CAG, along with many others have been steering people away from Pay Day Loans. Now there is a new tactic from one particular bank. I have personally condemned Vanquis for their high interest rates and being no better than a revolving Pay Day Loan. CAG has seen many cases of how easy it is to get into serious debt with this particular type of credit card. Now Money Mail are on the case....
  19. Someone has emailed the following complaint to CAG admin - the following message is exactly as received. No contact details for a response were included. E Credit Plus Ltd 2 Minton Place Victoria Road Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 6QB This Company are HARRASING me with numerous SPAM TEXTS for Yes Card yescardaccept.co.uk~ |THEY ARE A BUNCH A FRADIUSTERS AND NEED TO BE STOPPED!!! I have reported the number from which the text's are sent from to the ICO but no action has been taken. I am sick of it!
  20. Hi all, I filled Barclaycards online PPI claim form in regarding an Egg card paid off a couple of years ago. One week later (yesterday) I receive a letter from them acknowledging my claim form and outlining what will now happen. They say they will contact me by 10th March with an update and have also sent a form for me to send back submitting my bank details for any repayment of PPI. So not bad from them! However, I only asked them to research the Egg card but in the letter they say they have found two further card numbers "linked" to the Egg card and will investigate them too. Im not sure what this means. I had other credit cards around that time but they were separate cards from other card providers. They were not "linked" to the Egg card in any way. Could it simply be that they are now responsible for other cards I may have had by way of buying other companies as they did with Egg? Thanks all.
  21. OK, here's one for you. My wife works in sales for a multinational. She travels extensively around the UK & Ireland and frequently clocks up business travel and accommodation expenses in excess of £1000 per month. He salary is modest and after tax etc. she takes home about £2100 per month. The company have issued her with an AmEx card which is in her name. This account, in her name, needs to be paid off at the end of every month. This means that from her £2100 take home on average £1000 is immediately paid to AMEX, if it is not then the card is frozen and she ends up having to fund expenses herself. The problem is that her employer pay her expenses up to 2 weeks after the AMEX bill is due to be paid. We are STILL waiting for November's expenses to be paid. Because of the increased expenditure around Christmas she was unable to afford to pay the November AMEX bill so AMEX cancelled her card and reported her to her employer for paying the bill late. She is now being investigated by her company accounts team for paying her company credit card late. She is continuing to rack up expenses doing her job. so - just to recap - she frequently racks up expenses that average around 50% of her take home, these are paid on an company AMEX card in her name which she has to pay off every month. Her employer usually don't settle her expenses claim (which is submitted promptly and in accordance with their rules) until 2 weeks AFTER the AMEX bill needs to be settled. In December, they didn't pay her expenses at all which resulted in her November and December AMEX bills not being paid (she has received no expense payment since November. Her employer now has the BRASS NECK to be investigating her use of the company credit card because she is unable to pay the bill. Over the next 3 weeks she has to again travel and will require around £1000 to fund this trip. She is asking me if I can lend her the money so she can go (it is an essential part of her job). I run a small company and am a one man business, I am beyond angry that she is expected to bank roll their business for 2 weeks out of every month and even more angry that they have not yet paid expenses going back to NOVEMBER. despite them being signed off and approved by the company's SAP system. Their tardiness has resulted in her company credit card being revoked and not they are expecting her (me) to bankroll their business for another month. Just to recap - this is a multi national, blue chip business. They have not given any reason why the expenses are late, both her manager and the one above her are utterly spineless in chasing to find out what the issue is. HR don't want to know. I am cynical enough to recognise that being an American business, their fiscal year ends in December. I have no idea whether or not others have had their expenses delayed but because my wife's 'patch' is the largest (Scotland North of England, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden whereas her colleagues would be 'North London') her expenses are significant because they constitute such a large chunk of her pay packet. It might be that they have simply decided to delay payment of expenses over 'x' because it was year end and management bonuses were at stake. In the face of this I am beyond frustrated. My advice to her is to simply refuse to carry out any further business travel UNTIL the company settles its outstanding expenses, re issues her AMEX card, cancels the 'investigation' and wipes her personnel record clean and agrees to pay her expense claim BY THE END OF THE MONTH they are occurred. However, because the company is going through 'restructuring' she is terrified of losing her job. we have fought about this as I am disinclined to fund the next 3 weeks which I see as bank rolling another business which I am not prepared to do when I am forced to cut my travel. I have told her that as far as I see, she doesn't have a job because this sort of existence is simply not worth it. Is there anything that we can do other than downing tools (which I still think is the only way to go with this)? Personally I am inclined to pay my wife the money she needs to fund the business and then, once her expenses claim is in, pursue her company through the invoice system, which they won't pay and which I can then escalate to the FD by hitting them with a winding up order - I can then explain why I have invoiced them. any other ideas how to confront this despicable behaviour - (all the more disingenuous because she was the only one in her team to actually make target last year)?
  22. I have a problem with a Credit Card on which due to unfortunate circumstances I can no longer afford the payments demanded. Way back in the past when I had similar problems you guys were able to help me out. There was a section here on this forum which contained several pro-forma letters which I used to get the Credit Card Company to close the account, freeze the balance without adding any more interest, and accept a much lower payment repayment plan. Can anyone point me to the section where I can once again find these pro-forma letters and make use of them? Many thanks.
  23. Hello, Its my first time when i am trying to claim my PPI - can someone help me where to send complains I had a few store cards, all now closed and all information are from my Equifax account DEBENHAMS 2009 - 2013 - NewDay MONSOON 2007 - 2012 - NewDay TOP SHOP - account closed 2009 - GE Money River Island - NewDay NEXT - (2006 - 2012) I had as well Personal loan from Ocean money and again I dont have idea which address to use? Any help will be appreciated
  24. I ordered a standard sim card in my mams name for my phone as she gave permission. but my samsung galaxy mini series 4 phone only takes the smaller sim cards can I use my Pay monthly card deal on my pay as you go card even if it means doing some tweaking with numbers. dose any one no what to do or even understand what im talking about? Bankers4me
  25. Hi, I recently saw the previous version of this advert on eBay: Link removed And immediately thought it was a [problem] but was intrigued so I bought one for £6.99 including free postage. It IS a [problem]. The eBay user edit. He's selling 8GB SD cards and USB sticks purporting them as 128/256GB ones. Basically, they've been 'hacked' and have had their "File Descriptor" identities changed to reflect a new size. What happens when users get these items is they insert them into their PC/Camera/Phone and it reports as the expected size but when they try and save anything over the actual 8GB the pic/video/file, etc seems to save but is never retrievable. But most users don't get to the 8GB limit before leaving positive feedback! Imagine if you'd used this card/stick to save your whole family holiday pics and videos thinking that 128GB was loads of space only to come home to find that only 8GB of your files were usable? Now..... The question is what to do? This user obviously has my home address so I don't want to raise an eBay refund (and I want to keep the SD card as evidence) since it may have unpleasant consequences. He (and it is a He) is still selling the cards and has branched out to selling faked USB sticks. Should I contact Trading Standards in Cheshire where the seller lives? Should I create a false eBay account and report him? I don't know. I just know that this twonk is ripping people off and needs to have his 11-year eBay account killed and everyone who he's conned told what has happened. Any advice would be good Thanks people, Swirly
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