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  1. Just after a bit of advice. I have successfully defended a claim brought against me and at the end of the hearing I asked the Judge if I could submit financials for consideration. I was told I could claim £45 for a half day hearing attendance but no more. The case has actually cost me £1200 to defend (time off work, mileage, parking etc) which is of course a tad annoying. Seems unfair that I can be dragged through the civil legal system, win the case and be out of pocket. Is this normal?
  2. It's obvious that the government is making it so difficult with benefits they are hoping that everyone will just give up claiming but I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or head butt the wall with this situation and just wondering if anyone has had similar problems because apparently the people in front and behind me in the cashiers queue had the same issue!! Had a medical appointment in London yesterday for my ongoing vertigo issue and am on UC at the moment (although haven't received anything as yet due to my last pay packet back in July!). However I can't remember where but someone told me as I am on UC I could claim back my travel expenses. The UC helpline (term used loosely) advised me that I could claim through the JCP but on contacting my Work Coach (again term used loosely) she advised me I couldn't claim through them but I could claim direct with the NHS. I called the NHS and that was correct but I had to take my proof of purchase, appointment letter and UC Reward Letter to the cashier at the hospital. Obviously I know unlike JSA where you get a letter stating you are receiving JSA you don't get the same thing with UC because the Council were complaining about that when I claimed Council Tax Benefit and the girl at the Council said it was all a bit of a shambles. So I called the UC helpline again and after half an hour trying to explain to an automated message that all I wanted was advice from and advisor I finally got through. The advisor told me that the statement on the dashboard was all I needed although all 4 pages of it seemed excessive and somewhat personal considering it states that I was awarded a massive UC total of £0 due to my wage the previous month of £xyz!! Queued for 25 minutes at the cashier’s desk at the hospital with all the documents and finally when I got to the window she wouldn't approve it stating that she needed a JSA Award Letter. I politely explained that in my part of the country and more than likely most of it by now including London there is no such thing as JSA and award letters anymore, (I may be wrong) and that the UC Office had said this statement would suffice. She wasn't for turning though and kept pointing to a clearly out of date note on the wall stating a JSA Award letter was required. I tried my best to keep calm and explained again that all is done online now and this is it, all I can offer. Eventually she took my number and said her supervisor would ring on Monday but keep my train tickets, which is fortunate I got a receipt because the machine eats the tickets once used!! As I left the guy behind said "Well we are buggered as well then" as he held up his UC Statement print out. When I got home I called the UC Helpline but was told they didn't deal with travel and I had to speak to my work coach and could only offer me an appointment next Wednesday!! I asked for a phone appointment because it seems a bit pointless taking up a walk in just for one question! I said that the previous UC advisor had informed me that a UC Statement would be ok but was curtly told that the UC advisor couldn't advise on that so didn't know why they had! I then rang the number for my Job Centre and went through merely to a switchboard who told me that my JCP was closed on Fridays. So we search for work for 35 hours a week and they work 4 days?!?! She however told me that the JCP can't help on that so I should contact UC Helpline!! I replied that the UC Helpline say they don't deal with that the JCP does and she said they didn't know why they advised me of that as they were wrong. After telling her I suspect she may be getting a few more calls from others with the same query I gave up at that point!!! So has anyone had any luck with claiming expenses of any kind with merely a UC Statement?! It seems impossible. The hospital say they need a letter that doesn't exist anymore, UC say it's down to the JCP to advise and the JCP say it's down to UC credit to advise. A system clearly created by a buffoon with no brain, sense or intelligence!!
  3. I recently left my employer as the job really wasnt what I had been sold. As part of my package I received international relocation expenses to move to the uk, with my contract stating 75% should be repaid if leaving within 18 months. Upon leaving I owed around £5000, £2500 of which I repaid. I am now being chased for the remaining, I haven't paid this because I dispute around £1000 of these costs. the shipping company the firm used we more than double the highest quote of any other supplier I can find. All of this I explained to the firm and tried to resolve before leaving to no avail. To date I have received two letters from the company and now a letter from a debt collector 'Spratt Endicott' demanding payment within 7 days of they will proceed with legal action. Do I need to pay or are these just scare tactics and I should try to negotiate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Hello all I have joined this site to ask for some serious advice, as I can't find a strait forward answer anywhere and not so trusting of Youtube video's, without meaning to discredit the knowledge obtainable and to be disrespectful, I'm just an anallytical kind of person. My case is one which has caused me a lot of suffering my father passed away back in 2015, I rang around to find the cheapest funeral option for myself to take out (sounds bad I know, money is tight) I contacted one director who gave me a price of £3100.00, who then dropped it down to £2900.00. Just under half was paid of via a funeral grant with the social fund, I'm now left owing £1500.00. My issue is I asked the funeral director to allow me to do a speech, at least 6 times when I met him, he said this would be fine and then we chose the music and so forth, I left then on the day of the funeral he skipped my chance to speak and left it as a silent memorial with just music playing. I should have said something then but I wasn't in the best frame of minds at the time. No longer than 10 minutes after my father was lowered for cremation the director stopped me and told me not to forget about arranging the Funeral grant and not to forget paying, I was in a state of shock at this point and just nodded, then went of to the wake. I got home a couple days later, as I live roughly 200 miles away from where my father was, I had sold my fathers van on to help with the cost of the funeral, however at this time my family hit another crisis, My "Father in law" turned out to be a paedophile and was convicted as such. Myself and wife are guardians over a little girl who at the time was going to a local school, she got abuse from other kids and we all got the looks and so forth from parents, there were others also connected in this Paedophile ring that had been uncovered so we had to move ASAP for our own protection, meaning I had to use that money from the van to pay, I also couldn't inform anyone even creditors at the time of an address change while investigations were ongoing. roughly 2 months passed and the funeral grant came through it was paid directly to the director. I then received an updated bill of £1500.00. I also had a breakdown at this point and was diagnosed with PTSD, Comorbid depression with secondary agoraphobia, my wife was also diagnosed with cyclothymic disorder, we completely forgot about the Funeral debt. 2016 two days before good friday I received a phone call from the funeral directors, he sounded quite irate wasn't abusive but the tone said it all, at this point I still felt under threat and wouldn't disclose my situation to him and his tone triggered myself into a Hypervigilant state, I was blunt and cold with him and said that I was in no position to make any payment in large towards the cost, I said I could only manage £20 per month as I was on benefits, he said this wasn't going to be good enough and that it would only be a drop in the pond. He then enquired about van and said he could take that as a down payment if I wanted to use it in that way, I said the van hadn't been sold yet and would get back to him on that front, keeping in mind I wasn't in the right frame of mind and began to disassociate I recognised my mind was slipping and hung up. 2017 Feb/March time, I had a phone call received from Final Demand Ltd stating that they had been contacted by their client as a last step before seeking CCJ, after explaining my position to them and emailing them my Diagnosis letter from the Psychiatrist, my letter from the Mental health team stating I was on the waiting list for Trauma Based Individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, a copy of the Newspaper story referring to the Paedophile case and the reasoning as to why we moved, we agreed that £20.00 a month would be acceptable. I also made them aware that I may not always be in a good state of mind when they contact so to be wary of my situation and apologised in advance and gave them permission to share what I had with them to the Funeral Director so they to could be updated to my situation. I paid the £20.00 a couple weeks later, and then made a phone call to their office on two separate numbers no answer one line was just dead. I tried multiple times on different days and nothing, so I sent them an Email asking for confirmation of their business or otherwise I wouldn't continue to pay them £20.00 every month. Still nothing I checked their business status with HMRC online using their registration number and it shows as active, I also checked their bank account details with my bank and the account was showing up as active and open still. I haven't paid anything since April, I now don't know what to do here, I don't know if to expect Bailiffs or a CCJ or to just wait it out and see what happens, considering I made offers to pay and I weren't satified with the Funeral would I have a leg to stand on in court if it came to that ? And would I get the opportunity to defend myself against a CCJ ? First time posting I apologise If I have made any mistakes or posted in the complete wrong section. Thanks in adavance for any help and advice recieved, and Kind regaurds all.
  5. BIT OF BACKGROUND... ..I have lost a court ccj against lowell, I tried twice to have it set aside, first time despite evidence that a ccj had gone to empty property not mine, (found 6 months later) letters from 3 neighbours stating long standing postal problems the judge at county court chose to not believe, only skip readed one, second time i tried to get it set aside i had a solicitor on it, he said that lowell had no deed of assignment and had not followed correct procedures on four counts, judge chose to ignore and said couldnt overturn first judge and was not familiar with my case, and to pay lowell. Also that i simply could not keep appealing/attempting to set aside... Lowell also had a student solicitor whom the courts refused to name at the first application to set aside, I believe that student had no right of audience, at the second attempt to set aside, their rep pretended to be a law lecturer, (was actually from an agency) actually verbally tore into mine outside the court room, and was very intimidating. Highly unproffessional, When i sought his name to make a complaint the court refused it simply saying they had only a reference number for him.... HOW IT STANDS NOW... My solicitor recommended that I offer lowell a token monthly payment. This I have done and am about to post it only to be told that my PIP is NOT counted as income, but only my ESA is. Before I alter my forms of exp and inc, can I clarify this point. Many thanks.
  6. Hi Folks, Can interest incurred on legal expenses be claimed against a perpetrator? For example, if a high interest credit card is used to pay for representation against a bank that have deliberately refused redress for more than a decade, the interest alone has more than tripled the cost of litigation. Can the victim claim any expenses? For example, having to hire a private detective to trace the key witness to the crime? I'm stuck with Scottish Law at the moment but I'd be interested to hear if it's possible in England. Of course, there ought to be provisions for this and it has been talked about. I'm just wondering if it's a reality yet? Cheers, Richard.
  7. Hi All, I left the employment of a company on the 31st August with my last day at work being the 18th August. On my last day I submitted a claim for my expenses for the last six weeks of my employment electronically along with a paper copy of receiptsto support it.. The claim was a similar amount to what I had claimed most months for the previous 4 years and had been paid without quibble by my employer. (expenses usually being credited to my account within 5 days.) However, the week before I left in my exit interview I said the reason I was leaving was due to the management style of my new line manager. After a month I wrote to the company to ask why I had not received my expenses and was told they needed more information. I inquired about what it was they required and found that in actual fact the claim had been rejected by my former line manager. After pointing this out I was then asked to fill in a manual process as I was now a former employee. I submitted three weeks ago with a note saying they had the hard copy receipts as these were submitted on the 18th August. I have since been asked to send further information, I did this a few days later as my claim was consistent with the expenses policy. I chased the claim and again last week and have not received a reply. The claim was for £560, if it was £50-£60 I would have chalked it up to experience but because of the sum and the way this has been dealt with by my former employer I feel I need to pursue them for both the money and an apology. Any advice as to how I can both recover my expenses and also get an apology from the former employer would be welcomed. Thanks
  8. please help, case for expenses due not disputed, case to make a claim not disputed, case dismissed as not done on correct form using information of journeys completed eg post code to post code and dates. all information on electronic diary, no paper copy of visits used by any employee, accurate mileage claim relied on access to diary at work which was refused. My estimated amount discussed for over one hour, gave calculation of how I had got amount, ex employer asked to produce figure for court of their estimation of amount. case dismissed due to not applying on the correct form or producing post code details proof journeys. how can employer get away with knowingly agreeing to accept expenses claim when there intension was not allow access to do so in the manor they want it. The judge I fell did not exercise discretion, the claim should have been allowed and the amount only decided, really would like to appeal, the person left after bullying and this is the only thing she got out of raising the mater with district manager. She now has to repay overpayment of wages that she had originally thought her expenses. the judge himself, did disclose the firm he works for does work with this company but she was happy to go ahead, but I cant help feeling all the talk about the amount mislead her into thinking she would get an award of expenses
  9. Hi everyone, I feel I am being put into a position by housing benefit regulations of having to consider giving up my job, I would be grateful for any help or advice. My story starts with leaving a job I was in after 12 years as an employee to do the job I am doing now. I started this job in June 2104. Basically I am a door to door collection agent, (like a provident agent), different company. I am NOT self employed but PAYE, I am on a commission only basis and I pay all my own expenses from my Net Pay, e.g fuel, car repairs, mobile phone, wifi etc. these expenses are not recoverable from my employers but from HMRC in the form of a new UTR (Unique Tax Reference). I also pay an accountant annually from my Net pay to calculate my expenses and submit them to HMRC and Tax Credits. I have had no issues with HMRC or tax credits, my award has been altered accordingly, but Housing Benefit will NOT accept these expenses because they do NOT show up on either my P60 or Pay Slips. HMRC are sending me out a calculation to give to the council showing my annual wage after expenses, but I know this will be fruitless, as another agent has been denied after providing his. I have took this to appeal and tribuneral and to my local MP, but I am still banging my head against a brick wall. Housing benefit are quoting me Housing Benefit Regulation 35 2(b) as the reason why I am not entitled. Basically in my previous job on approx £11,000 per year I was recieving £64 per week housing benefit and some council tax benefit. This job after expenses I get £10,700 per year and receive nothing and have to pay back an overpayment of £1900. I am a single parent with 2 teens under 18 and work in excess of 30 hours per week. I love my job and do not want to have to search again, I would be grateful for any advice offered. Thank You
  10. OK, here's one for you. My wife works in sales for a multinational. She travels extensively around the UK & Ireland and frequently clocks up business travel and accommodation expenses in excess of £1000 per month. He salary is modest and after tax etc. she takes home about £2100 per month. The company have issued her with an AmEx card which is in her name. This account, in her name, needs to be paid off at the end of every month. This means that from her £2100 take home on average £1000 is immediately paid to AMEX, if it is not then the card is frozen and she ends up having to fund expenses herself. The problem is that her employer pay her expenses up to 2 weeks after the AMEX bill is due to be paid. We are STILL waiting for November's expenses to be paid. Because of the increased expenditure around Christmas she was unable to afford to pay the November AMEX bill so AMEX cancelled her card and reported her to her employer for paying the bill late. She is now being investigated by her company accounts team for paying her company credit card late. She is continuing to rack up expenses doing her job. so - just to recap - she frequently racks up expenses that average around 50% of her take home, these are paid on an company AMEX card in her name which she has to pay off every month. Her employer usually don't settle her expenses claim (which is submitted promptly and in accordance with their rules) until 2 weeks AFTER the AMEX bill needs to be settled. In December, they didn't pay her expenses at all which resulted in her November and December AMEX bills not being paid (she has received no expense payment since November. Her employer now has the BRASS NECK to be investigating her use of the company credit card because she is unable to pay the bill. Over the next 3 weeks she has to again travel and will require around £1000 to fund this trip. She is asking me if I can lend her the money so she can go (it is an essential part of her job). I run a small company and am a one man business, I am beyond angry that she is expected to bank roll their business for 2 weeks out of every month and even more angry that they have not yet paid expenses going back to NOVEMBER. despite them being signed off and approved by the company's SAP system. Their tardiness has resulted in her company credit card being revoked and not they are expecting her (me) to bankroll their business for another month. Just to recap - this is a multi national, blue chip business. They have not given any reason why the expenses are late, both her manager and the one above her are utterly spineless in chasing to find out what the issue is. HR don't want to know. I am cynical enough to recognise that being an American business, their fiscal year ends in December. I have no idea whether or not others have had their expenses delayed but because my wife's 'patch' is the largest (Scotland North of England, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden whereas her colleagues would be 'North London') her expenses are significant because they constitute such a large chunk of her pay packet. It might be that they have simply decided to delay payment of expenses over 'x' because it was year end and management bonuses were at stake. In the face of this I am beyond frustrated. My advice to her is to simply refuse to carry out any further business travel UNTIL the company settles its outstanding expenses, re issues her AMEX card, cancels the 'investigation' and wipes her personnel record clean and agrees to pay her expense claim BY THE END OF THE MONTH they are occurred. However, because the company is going through 'restructuring' she is terrified of losing her job. we have fought about this as I am disinclined to fund the next 3 weeks which I see as bank rolling another business which I am not prepared to do when I am forced to cut my travel. I have told her that as far as I see, she doesn't have a job because this sort of existence is simply not worth it. Is there anything that we can do other than downing tools (which I still think is the only way to go with this)? Personally I am inclined to pay my wife the money she needs to fund the business and then, once her expenses claim is in, pursue her company through the invoice system, which they won't pay and which I can then escalate to the FD by hitting them with a winding up order - I can then explain why I have invoiced them. any other ideas how to confront this despicable behaviour - (all the more disingenuous because she was the only one in her team to actually make target last year)?
  11. I am not going to name names. I just read of one MP who claimed a Large amount for tidying up their constituency home and garden. Then votes for a cut in ESA of 30.00 a week. I am neutral but feel free to have a look around at MPS expenses in your Town,City,Vllage,Hamlet. For whatever year you would like to see. Does it matter that much whether the woodwork has six coats of Chelsea Blue paint or Postbox Red or whatever coulour you like. Or whether the grass,flowers look like Chelsea flower show or a bowling green. And all the rest you can think about. Aggregated Annual Expenditure by MP In addition to publishing data on the individual claims for MPs every two months, we also publish a summary of all these claims once a year. We also include some additional information, such as the salaries of MPs and their connected parties and details of reward and recognition payments made to staff. From 2013-14 onwards, we are also publishing the maximum budgets available to each MP. The business costs MPs are entitled to claim are separated into different budgets: http://www.parliamentary-standards.org.uk/AnnualisedData.aspx
  12. Hi all, Legal n00b here, and wouldn't want to give too much info for fear of spying eyes!! I currently have a MCOL case where I am the claimant, that has recently been transferred to the local courts to sort out. Mediation was tried, but the courts could either not get in contact with the defendant to sort out dates, or she, (or her solicitor) could not supply the courts with suitable dates. The case has now been transferred to the local courts, which happens to be 200 miles away from where both I and the defendant live. It has been transferred to the court that is local to the defendant's solicitor. The defendant/defendant's solicitor have not been entirely reliable or quick in their responses to both myself and the courts, sending the DQ back only after she received a stroppy reminder from the court. I was never copied in on her Directions Questionnaire, so have only just found out that location is where it is when the Courts told me it had been transferred. I also have no idea if the defendant will even turn up, does she have to or can she get her solicitor to act for her? My main question is if I win the case, can I claim for expenses for overnight stay/fuel or train ticket prices for myself and my 2 witnesses to journey up? I understand that a court will always be assigned to the defendant's local, if she wins, might I have to cover the cost that it takes her to get up there too? Perhaps we could all lift share Thanks for any help, I'm sure other questions will crop up as the case goes on. Cheers
  13. I have been told that I will have to work from a different office twice a week, meaning an increase of work mileage of 120 miles a week. I just can't afford to pay this. Can I ask for the costs to be covered - I didn't ask for this change in work situation.
  14. How long does it normally take for ATOS to put your travel expenses claim into your bank account. I filled out the form before I left the WCA Centre and handed it back
  15. Does anyone know how Legal Expenses cover works in general - i assume it is not for a event that has occured ? or it their a backdate time frame? .I am referring to employment issue Oddly , i looked at the documents of Policy Expert and they conspicuously make no mention of exclusions regarding employment issues (page 2) http://www.policyexpert.co.uk/wp-content/public/downloads/optional-extras/legal_expenses_and_id_theft_Keyfacts_PELEIKF1012.pdf
  16. Hi there, I am currently on ESA (the work related group which I protest but nothing changes) and on Avanta's work programme, which is a waste of time (I've been telling them for over a year I want to go back into education and each month they say "hey how about self employment", etc..). Basically, I'm currently in Newcastle staying with family and must attend the monthly appointment which is in Bolton. That's a £50 rail fee away (with my railcard), just for me to walk in and say hi, tell them I don't want self employment I want to go back to education, and yes I am still seeing a therapist. It is a complete and utter waste of time. My question is are they required to reimburse that £50 rail fee even though I'm travelling from Newcastle, and not my registered home address? Because quite frankly it is a waste of time and money (that's a large portion of my ESA gone) to do something that terrifies me (I have severe social anxiety), but I've missed one or two appointments already and my advisor has been sending angry voicemails telling me I must come or they'll sanction me. It's bad enough that I'm being forced on the train journey which is a horrifying prospect, but hopefully I can regain the money spent? Thanks for your help!
  17. Had an appointment at the JC on Saturday - first time I've been asked to attend at the weekend - and was annoyed that my JC didn't have a cash box available to pay my (and others) travel expenses. I can get it next time I sign on but this is totally unacceptable. Now I wasn't in dire need of the £6, but there's plenty who would have needed that money reimbursing immediately, especially younger people on lower benefit rates. If you're normally paid expenses in cash at your JC and are called in at the weekend, best to get confirmation that you'll get your expenses on the day. I have 2 emails to write now; one to my District Manager (who I know) and a copy sent to the PCS Union - may as well rattle their cage too. Will also report the adviser I saw who didn't offer expenses at the start of the interview as per guidance and ended the interview without mentioning them, also against guidance.
  18. Hi , I had an interview last week [ did`t get the job] but i had to go by taxi , can i claim full or part of my expenses back ?. NB Sorry i should of made it clear that i am claiming JSA & if i could claim the money back from the JC when i next sign on.
  19. Hello I'm just enquiring about the Job Centre's ability to pay for travel expenses to an interview. I have an interview in Edinburgh but I live in Manchester. My 'Work Coach' has advised the Job Centre will pay for my travel, but they will only pay for the train. The train works out to be nearly three times as much time travelling as going by plane, but it's also more expensive. Having done some research, it seems the money comes out of a 'Flexible Support Fund' but information about this is very scarce as it seems to be allocated at a local level by District Managers. I'm wondering if anybody has experience of this or if they can give me some more information? Ideally I'd like to get all travel expenses paid for as it seems stupid to have a means of reclaiming the cost but not using it. Thanks
  20. I am almost permanently travelling around the country for work so my expenses are essential for travel /food/accommodation. As I can be away up to 6 nights a week the bill can be substantial. This was never an issue when expenses were paid weekly but now my employer has changed their expenses policy to only pay it monthly. I cannot afford to cover all these costs for a full month until we get paid. It could amount to over 50% of my wage and they are refusing to negotiate. I cannot find any specifics on this issue in employment law. Can anyone help?
  21. This is the second time I'm asking this... Anyway... I'm sick and tired of my council and plan on a full assault.... By this I mean on going for the jugular and nailing their expenses... Anyway, can someone point me in the direction of a letter/template, if no explain how I can get a copy of their books? From my understanding, because they're a public body, the books are public information. Any help would be great!
  22. Hi I began a new job in June 2013. For the role I was offered car allowance @ £360 per month by my employer. I told my employer that I do not drive, therefore they offered to pay me the car allowance for 6 months until 31 December 2013 - on the view that I must have a full driving license by 31st December for the payments to continue beyond 2013. In August my father had a heart attack and subsequently had to have double bypass surgery - this stopped my lessons for around a month. Then in October 2013 I was diagnosed with pneumonia - I therefore stopped the lessons again until the end of the year. My wages wary every month and I usually just check my bank account to see the money that was paid in, seldom check my payslips however it turns out that my employer had continued paying the allowance after the New Year. Last month sadly my mother passed away and I was I required a month off to look after my father. My work offered to pay me one week compassionate leave but said I would need to resign if I wanted a month off. Fair enough, so I resigned. This came to light when they were calculating my last payment - the total amount was £2k which I was going to use to live on for the next month or two until I get back to work and find another job - i.e. this money has to pay my rent and bills. They explained that they had over paid 4 car allowance payment of £360, totaling £1440 which would be deducted from my last payment of £2000. Thus meaning I would net somewhere in the region of £600. I have a couple of questions I hope you can help with. First one is, Can the employer rightly deduct this money from me in a lump sum? Second one is, I paid 20% tax and 12% NI on these car allowance payments - therefore meaning I received around £1000 net out of the £1440 that my employer paid me. Yet they are taking £1440 from me, leaving me £440 short due to their oversight - is this legal? Lastly I understand that if I try to sign on (which I have never had to do in the past) that I will not receive any benefit for 26 weeks as I 'resigned' from my position. I am left in a terrible financial position, any advice would be really really appreciated.
  23. Hi all just want some advice again from this great forum again this time its for expenses claim from the local council i get a call from the council a few weeks back saying im getting a new refurbishment kitchen result i think as never heard nothink about this before. monday morning comes all suits turn up at the door doing servays etc measuring. ok your haveing a new kitchen ,bathroom and electric wiring ,boiler radiators , starts in 3weeks time ok we think result new kitchen etc work starts on the 4/8/14 still aint complete yet so every day my family me wife 4 children and 11 week old baby sitting in the front room from 8am to 6pm when they finish we can use tolit etc and sort of chill out so heres the issuse the washing machine gets put back in the kitchen only every friday night so we have to use laundrette every other day also we have no cooking faciltys except a kettle to make babys bottles the gas pipe only being moved on the 15/8/14 cooker still not in today as you can imagine its a total nightmare having floor boards up ceilings ripped down no lights downstairs for 2 weeks so we have to eat so we have been eating takeaway every night which you can image is now mounting up and is not cheep so i phoned the council and just said could i have some advice as to if i can claim anythink back for my meals and washing which they said no i cant. i think this is wrong i have no way to eat or feed my children without a kitchen so takeaway meals is the only option i have so can i claim for my expenses ??? many thanks
  24. Hi we fought and won a case against preferred mortgages when they tried to repossess and it was all charges plus they mis-used our mortgage payments to clear insurance leaving shortfall which created arrears. We had 5 court appearances and the sheriff finally dismissed case in our favour with expenses. Need to understand how the taxation thing works and to ensure we get as much as we are entitled. Any help appreciated.
  25. Help Please - Advice for best recovering losses in the following situation from 23rd August 2013 Overview Flight from Bristol to Dublin (EI3285) eventually cancelled due to technical issue with aircraft after a 4 hour delay. Technical issue was a dent in the nose of the plane. Suspected bird-strike! Alternative routes where provided on first come 1st serve basis during period of delay. This involved a bus trip to Gatwick then an onward flight to Dublin. Apparently this bus got mixed up in traffic and missed the connecting flight. £3 each for refreshments was issued after 3 hours delay Alternative arrangements offered on cancellation of flight @ 17.45 the next day. Not accepted as wedding over by then. Details Travellers - My mother & I. Reason for travel - friend’s wedding. I Booked flights for 23rd August from Bristol coming back Sunday 25th August I booked flights on credit card. Mum booked hotel and paid deposit. I will be invoiced the balance. I booked car hire on the morning of the 23rd. I have tried to cancel this with rentalcars.com they have said within 48 hours they take 3 days hire off!! I booked for 2 days. I am insured with greatcover ‘supercover’ Mum did not have travel insurance. We incurred a number of expenses. We have been promised a (full) refund from Aer Lingus for the flights. Aer Lingus, on questioning said that no compensation would be paid as it was a technical issue which supposedly counts as ‘extraordinary circumstances’ Questions 1. Broadly the best way to approach the situation a. All through Insurance company? b. Through all avenues? i.e i. Insurance ii. Aer lingus complaints iii. Credit card 2. The expenses I can legitimately claim as related to the flight/holiday and from whom!? a. Flights b. Hotel c. Car hire d. Clothes brought for the wedding e. Pay as you go sim to use abroad f. Airport refreshment expenses g. Travel expenses to and from airport h. Phone costs cancelling and making other arrangements i. Time completing all these calims!! j. Other? 3. Position relating to compensation – is Aer lingus claim of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ valid? 4. Can I claim for the cost of the flights from my insurance? 5. Can you claim for delay & cancellation? Many many thanks for any help/advice Julian
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