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  1. I have a credit card debt being collected by wescot , I stopped all contact with them for numerous reasons and now they are sending letters to my mother in-laws house stating they know I live there , I don't and never have , surely this against the law
  2. Received a letter from a DCA acting on behalf of another DCA claiming that I owe an old credit card debt. Sent the prove it letter as I do not recall having this debt, they've taken best part of 6 weeks to come back to me with a letter that states they can prove the debt and have enclosed the signed credit agreement. Long and short of it, the credit agreement is signed by me and is legit, but it's for a completely different lender?!?! They've tried to obscure the lenders names so that I don't notice, but there is small print showing the lender, so i know it's not correct. My question is, can I get these guys in a big way, as they are basically fraudulently trying to back me in to a corner to pay with false paperwork. What kind of steps should I take next please? Many thanks for any advice given.
  3. I have a statute-barred loan originally from Lloyds which was sold to various debt collection agencies over the years. Today I received a letter from Capquest informing me that they are paying a refund from Lloyds into this loan account. They say: "Your Notice of Sums in Arrears, or NOSIA, should have been dated 1/2/2008 and you should have received it by 14/12/2008, so we're including a corrected NOSIA with this letter and refunding you £69. This amount covers the period between 15/12/2008 and 01/02/2018." My questions are, can they do this? Does this mean the loan will become active again? What can I do? Any help most appreciated, hank you.
  4. Hi i bought a very expensive watch from an online retailer couple of months ago and paid for it using V12 retails finance. 1 The watch was dispatched by them on the 19th of October 2018 however I received it after a failed delivery attempt on 24th October 2018. 2 After receiving the the watch I went on holiday for a few weeks and left the watch behind, I think it is at this point the watch stopped working or immediately before I came back. 3 On the 21st of November 2018 I notified the retailer that the product has become fault as its stopped working. 4 They advised me that since its outside the 30 days return period I am not entitled to a refund. 5 I argued that I took delivery of the watch on the 24th October 2018 therefore as far as I am concerned it still within my right to reject in 30 days. 6 Moving forward I lodged a S75 with V12 Finance and they started investigating once the claim was lodged I sent the Watch back to their return address to which they have not sent any confirmation but I used Special Delivery so i have proof it was signed for them 7 V12 finance advised me they have received the watch and that they have sent it to Switzerland to be inspected. And they have also confirmed that once they have inspected the watch and IF and only IF there is a manufacturing defect will they refund. 8 V12 Finance have advised that the watch has sign of wear to which I replied of course it would as I was wearing it and had intentions of keeping it. Now my point is if its the battery that failed within the 30 days will it be classed as manufacturing defect or simply not as satisfactory for a reasonable individual to expect. Also the fact that I have had bad experience with this brand I simply do not want the watch any more. What options do I have or am I stuck with this watch?
  5. Default Re: DVLA Lost details DVLA are still at it. My licence has been lost in one of the moves and I've had many. I had a couple of name changes after getting married, once overseas. when I ask the DVLA, apparently unless I can provide them with my 4 marriage certificates and 4 divorce certificates , plus dates of marriage and divorces, plus all the addresses I have lived (those I can provide in date order) and when I lived at them, they won't issue me with a replacement. I sent them reams of paperwork, plus photos, birth certificates and the like after spending a fortune on copies and writing to Canada for one lot, they simply ignored it and deny all knowledge of ever getting it. It seems they just don't *want* to issue a replacement. So what am I supposed to do now? Take my test again?
  6. Hi. I'll be brief. I have just sold my car and I am trying to cancel my insurance. If i had not sold my car I would have had to pay just another 2 months on the policy. Some idiot drove into me a while ago and though the car was not really damaged I was still quite annoyed and wanted the driver to pay for it somehoe and thought I better tell my insurance company to cover my own back. Silly mistake. I did not put a claim in, it was simply a 'notification' to let them know. I strictly said this. I called them 2 weeks ago to ask about when I would need to cancel my policy as to not have to pay another month, as I knew my car was due to sell anytime. They said there is a claim still open, and I told them that I did not open a claim, the women on the phone said it would be closed anyway and there would be no more to pay. I called today as my car has now sold and wanted to cancel the insurance asap. The women told me there is a case open and if I cancel there is still a closing amount to pay because there is a pending case open. I told her again I did not open a case and she was just giving me spiel about how it's in case the 3rd party puts a claim in! There is no 3rd party because I did not challenge the case. They are trying to screw me over here and it's obvious, all these companies the same! Can someone please advise me, because I do not have money to be burning into thin air. Thanks.
  7. Hi, I've found this after browsing another forum and thought I'd see if anyone here could offer some help or advice: Apologies for the lengthy story, I'll try to condense as much as possible, but any help here would be massively appreciated. Back in Feb this year I left british gas and was given a final bill that I disputed. BG told me to check my meter reads with my other supplier and that my account would be on hold while it was looked into. While I was doing this I got a letter from a debt collection agency chasing the debt. I called BG and was told they couldn't look at the account as it was with Moorcroft, I called Moorcroft and explained I was disputing the bill with BG. On April 23rd, I got a letter from Moorcroft telling me they would investigate with BG, and to be patient as this could take some time and to do nothing until they contacted me. I followed this instruction until on May 20th I got an email from Equifax telling me my credit file had changed. When I logged in I was faced with late payment notices from British Gas. I called and raised to the high level complaints team explaining that I had not paid as I was told to do nothing. their response to me was to ask when I go the letter telling me to do nothing, why I didn't call british gas?! I then escalated to the Energy Ombudsman and given that I had simply followed instructions that I was given I could see no other outcome other than the ombudsman telling BG to remove the late payment markers, however this week the Ombudsman have told me that since the letter telling me to do nothing came from Moorcroft, they could see that BG had done nothing wrong and couldn't tell them to remove the marker When I argued that moorcroft were employed by BG and working on their behalf, they said there was still nothing they could do and that I should contact the financial ombudsman. I did this and they said what the energy ombudsman said was rubbish and it was their responsibility to resolve. I am now at a loss as to where to go with this. I have paid the debt in full as it was never about trying to not pay, what started as a simple query escalated into playing with my life as I have now had a mortgage declined and been told that to keep my house chain alive, the mortgage I would get accepted for will cost me £500 more per month. I've also spoken to the ICO who have said that technically the information that the payments were late is correct so they cant do anything, it's the reasons surrounding why the payments were made late (i.e. being told to do nothing) that is relevant. As far as I'm concerned the important info here is that on April 23rd I was told to do nothing, which I did, and then on may 20th (with no further communication from BG or Moorcroft) I got the email from equifax with the late payment notifications. If anyone has any idea how I can take this forwards now, I'd be extremely grateful. Thanks
  8. Hi, recently I hired a hot tub from a company online who delivered it for a week of hire and put up a small, open sided gazebo around the tub and secured it in place. I hadn't yet moved or touched the gazebo. The first day was OK, on the second day, I came home from work, and the gazebo had broken free of it's secure fixings and ended up on my lawn. The frame was in a bad shape and clearly could not be used again. I informed the "company" (by all accounts it's just one person) and told them exactly what happened. His response was that I should be charged for it. I still have the hot tub at my house and have just requested a copy of my Ts and Cs (which we didn't get after we had signed and paid the money for). But just from a legal point of view, who has the stronger case?
  9. A close friend of mine has come to me with an issue he has with these nice people. He is a very busy guy, so approached them to run PPI checks, he understand they take a wapping 35%. he had 4 results, cap one £160+, Natwest £700+ 300+ from another NWest and some other for £70+, He is YET to be paid out for the 2 larger ones, the other two sent the cheques to the claims guys, They called him up and informed him they would offset the smaller ones against what he owes on the other two, yet to be paid out, bear that in mind. minimum fees for the two larger ones is £350 :o0 and approx £80 for the other two £80 was fees of the small ones and £150 kept and off set against the other £350, he has an invoice asking for approx £200 for the larger two. He was talking to me this morning and he explained what was the situation, he was ok with it.. .until i pointed out, they have breeched their own agreement with him!! As he has NOT been paid for the larger two, and taking into account they run a system where you do not pay them until you have been paid, offsetting the other money is indeed breeching their own rules and agreement he has with them. be warned, these people WILL keep money owed to you BEFORE you get paid for any larger refunds. he has contacted them and is negotiating a outcome, i do not known what is the end result. I just thought this needs to be highlighted and a warning for any one out there to be careful
  10. Hi, I bought my parents a UK coach holiday and, as they're both pensioners, travel insurance which included cancellation cover as both have had illness in the past. Unfortunately, a direct family member became ill a week before they were due to travel and they decided to cancel the holiday and visit her instead. The family member sadly passed away 2 weeks later. The insurer sent out claim forms, these were completed and returned along with a death certificate which was required. Last week, the insurer wrote back requesting additional evidence for the deceased, namely the completion by the deceased's GP of a long winded complicated medical form? The cost of which, needless to say we have to pay. Is this fairly standard? Or, is it a ruse by the insurer to find a way to avoid paying the claim? If it was either of my parents that became ill, I could understand a medical form being required, but for a family member?? Thanks for your help, any advice would be appreciated.
  11. OK, here's one for you. My wife works in sales for a multinational. She travels extensively around the UK & Ireland and frequently clocks up business travel and accommodation expenses in excess of £1000 per month. He salary is modest and after tax etc. she takes home about £2100 per month. The company have issued her with an AmEx card which is in her name. This account, in her name, needs to be paid off at the end of every month. This means that from her £2100 take home on average £1000 is immediately paid to AMEX, if it is not then the card is frozen and she ends up having to fund expenses herself. The problem is that her employer pay her expenses up to 2 weeks after the AMEX bill is due to be paid. We are STILL waiting for November's expenses to be paid. Because of the increased expenditure around Christmas she was unable to afford to pay the November AMEX bill so AMEX cancelled her card and reported her to her employer for paying the bill late. She is now being investigated by her company accounts team for paying her company credit card late. She is continuing to rack up expenses doing her job. so - just to recap - she frequently racks up expenses that average around 50% of her take home, these are paid on an company AMEX card in her name which she has to pay off every month. Her employer usually don't settle her expenses claim (which is submitted promptly and in accordance with their rules) until 2 weeks AFTER the AMEX bill needs to be settled. In December, they didn't pay her expenses at all which resulted in her November and December AMEX bills not being paid (she has received no expense payment since November. Her employer now has the BRASS NECK to be investigating her use of the company credit card because she is unable to pay the bill. Over the next 3 weeks she has to again travel and will require around £1000 to fund this trip. She is asking me if I can lend her the money so she can go (it is an essential part of her job). I run a small company and am a one man business, I am beyond angry that she is expected to bank roll their business for 2 weeks out of every month and even more angry that they have not yet paid expenses going back to NOVEMBER. despite them being signed off and approved by the company's SAP system. Their tardiness has resulted in her company credit card being revoked and not they are expecting her (me) to bankroll their business for another month. Just to recap - this is a multi national, blue chip business. They have not given any reason why the expenses are late, both her manager and the one above her are utterly spineless in chasing to find out what the issue is. HR don't want to know. I am cynical enough to recognise that being an American business, their fiscal year ends in December. I have no idea whether or not others have had their expenses delayed but because my wife's 'patch' is the largest (Scotland North of England, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden whereas her colleagues would be 'North London') her expenses are significant because they constitute such a large chunk of her pay packet. It might be that they have simply decided to delay payment of expenses over 'x' because it was year end and management bonuses were at stake. In the face of this I am beyond frustrated. My advice to her is to simply refuse to carry out any further business travel UNTIL the company settles its outstanding expenses, re issues her AMEX card, cancels the 'investigation' and wipes her personnel record clean and agrees to pay her expense claim BY THE END OF THE MONTH they are occurred. However, because the company is going through 'restructuring' she is terrified of losing her job. we have fought about this as I am disinclined to fund the next 3 weeks which I see as bank rolling another business which I am not prepared to do when I am forced to cut my travel. I have told her that as far as I see, she doesn't have a job because this sort of existence is simply not worth it. Is there anything that we can do other than downing tools (which I still think is the only way to go with this)? Personally I am inclined to pay my wife the money she needs to fund the business and then, once her expenses claim is in, pursue her company through the invoice system, which they won't pay and which I can then escalate to the FD by hitting them with a winding up order - I can then explain why I have invoiced them. any other ideas how to confront this despicable behaviour - (all the more disingenuous because she was the only one in her team to actually make target last year)?
  12. There is this bunch of local kids around the ages of 6-7 years, definitely not more than 8 years playing very very noisy football right next to our house. All sorts of swearwords flying around between themselves as they play and they kicking the football into big metal garage doors (they use that as the goal). It is a huge bang at every 'goal' (every minute) and they do this for about 2 hours on most evenings from 7pm till 9pm and on weekends in good weather also on bank holidays and any other school holiday times when they go on for even 5 or 6 hours. It is insane! The position of our house is on a corner where 2 streets meet and these metal garage doors are located at the end of our garden. The houses of other residents located past these garage doors and I guess that is enough distance for them not having to 'enjoy' the racket these boys make. As far as I'm aware kids of that age are not even supposed to be let out from home without adult supervision. Been in touch with police on the 101 phone number. First time 3 months ago they were very helpful, they asked a lot of details and came out in 1 hour to deal with the kids. The boys obviously tried to do a runner but I think the police did manage to speak to 1 or 2 of them.... The kids started coming here again a few weeks ago and now their numbers are growing (last night 6 of them) and in line with that the number of loud bangs we have to suffer grows too as well as the general kids' shouting noise. They play on the road and there are garage doors on either side of the road so they just kicking the football around right on the road and kicking it into these metal doors on either side. This is a quiet residential area with not much traffic - moreover there is a park 5 minutes from here! The football obviously often lands in our garden (at least 3 times a week) and they just climb up our fence from the street, sometimes by pulling to the fence an object they find nearby as people do flytip on this particular street corner and the kids just come into our garden to look for their football. The football also goes into other people's sheds that is next to these garages and those only got wooden doors with a padlock locking it down but with large enough gaps under and above. These belong to residents in other streets nearby. The kids do climb in there too to retrieve the ball and been causing more than a little damage to the some of these shed doors. Last night I got home from work at 8pm only to find that 1 of these boys is ramaging around in our garden whilst the other boy is sitting on the top of our fence giving him directions which way to look for the football. I've obviously told them off as this is not the first time nor the second. I've then called the police on 101 again. I got an answer from the officer that 'what exactly do you expect from the police to do about little boys playing football?' So not so helpful this time.... Tried to explain the case of trespassing and how much of a nuisance they are but the officer just shrugged me off and hung up. Have contacted my local council 3 months ago with this issue but they said it's not in their authority to act (I asked if they could put up here a No Ball Play Area sign) because it is a normal residential area and not a council housing. I know that reading this might sound like I'm just some grumpy, old hag who just doesn't like kids but that is totally not the case at all. In fact for a few weeks after the police talked to them, the kids only came here 1-2 times a week and did not kick the ball into the metal doors and that was absolutely fine. Just wondering that if this is not the council's authority to deal with and neither does the police care then where shall we turn to change the current situation? Social services....? By the way we did talk to these boys a lot before on a friendly way to convince them that it's not safe to play football on the road like this and please don't kick the metal doors with the ball but obviously they don't give a flying monkeys....They claim but it might as well just be a lie that their parents don't allow them to play football in the park because they don't think it's safe.... Park only 5mins walk from here!!!
  13. Hello , Some background to my problem. I have been a Sky customer for a good few years on the old " anytime " package, with daytime calls as a add on [ £5 PM]. Last week we decided that due to us both using our mobiles & not using the daytime add on we would cancel it. Called Sky & explained we did`t use it so could we cancel it, they also offered us a lower price on our BB. All well & good until we get a letter informing us that we are now on the " weekend " package, this does not include evening calls or international calls as our previous package did. We called Sky & explained that at no time were we informed that this would be the case, no one informed us that we would lose our evening calls & internationals too. Having called Sky & explained the situation they said they would listen in to the phone call regarding our call. They have contacted us & informed us that the original call contained "no wrong doing " . When i checked this new package it is as basic as it can get, we can`t even use the phone of an evening now without incurring charges, lost our international calls but we can for a for a price have all this back . We feel conned that no one informed us of this , we simply wanted to cancel the day time facility not the " anytime " package but the inclusion of the BB reduction offer has changed our package & removed another customer off this now redundant package [ the real aim here i feel] . Absolutely disgusted at this underhand trick. I have today phoned them & informed them of our displeasure & they say we can write in & complain, although that in it`s self is an assault course designed to frustrate & hopefully we will just give up. Not happy in the least. Is there any advise on this as we feel very conned. Paddy.
  14. Evening CAS Any advice from you all would be helpful. Thank you in advance. I will keep this short. My previous employers are in breach of my employment contract and I will shortly be writing to them to advise them of this. I suspect they already know but think I won't do anything about it. (They are an extremely small business - and I did have a contract of employment but they asks me to leave or "call it a day" as they put it, no formal grievance just my face didn't fit anymore). Although my contract says 3 months notice must be given either way. They haven't paid me (or given me a letter of termination/or put me through any grievance process/or submitted my P45) hence me writing to them. What would be my position re references when I try to apply for another position? I'm sure my new employer will want a previous references, and through them thinking they are a law onto themselves, would try and make my future career prospects as difficult as possible. If they gave me a bad reference do I have any grounds to do anything about it? I was only there for 5 months and would prefer my new employer not to write to them at all but not sure I have much control over this. I appreciate any comments...
  15. I've requested a refund for DLC (and have said there is nothing in law that requires items to be insured PLUS the FSA quote "a borrower should not be refused a loan if they choose not to buy an insurance policy" - therefore an unfair term), OSC and all Charges (which totalled just over £2200), but after sending a Letter Before Court action, giving them more time, I still haven't heard anything. So I'm preparing Court papers now. Has anyone taken Brighthouse to Court, or do they fold prior to this happening? I'm curious about my argument with DLC, do you think I could argue this effectively enough to obtain a full refund? So Court it is ... and I'm looking forward to how they will defend themselves.
  16. Good morning two months ago I got an e mail from scotcall saying that I owed 3 mobile £375 , I have been a customer of 3 for about ten yrs and to my knowledge I owe them nothing , I sent off my CCA request and my postal order and have not had a reply for six weeks , today I have received an e mail from scotcall Saying "in response to your request for a copy of the singed credit agreement , we have been advised by 3 they they are not available" how would I like to proceed, as I cant find a template letter in the library could someone perhaps give me a hand to word a reply, thnk,s
  17. I really hope someone can help me here as Sigma Red and HL solicitors are driving me insane. I had a debt owed to virgin media and was referred to these two companies, fair enough I owe the money so on the 19th of March I setup a payment plan with payments place, initial payment sent of £15 with payments scheduled to go out on the 18th of each month. I had an email on the 14th of May informing me that Aprils payment was a few days late (it went out on the 23rd) the plan had defaulted and they would collect on the 18th of this month. On the 19th of this month I had an email stating that my bank did not allow them to take payment and they will try again over the next two days. On the 20th I receive an email saying thanks for the payment etc. Then I received a letter on the 23rd dated the 19th from HL solicitors saying that I haven't stuck to the payment plan and if I don't pay in full in 14 days that they will take me to court!! Just what the hell is going on here? I setup the payment plan with them, there was enough money in my account to pay on each month, it's not via a standing order or direct debit but POS so it's them that takes the money out, I have no control over that. Argh, what do I do, should I call them?
  18. B-I-L had an accident two days ago from what ive heard he came through a junction on green at which point another car came through the other side on red and hit him at about 40mph, he ended up in A+E with no serious injuries in the end (had to be x-rayed etc) but large amounts of brusing and side pains at the scene the woman said in front of witnesses "sorry i was on my phone and didnt see the lights" this was infront of BIL + His brother + people from the car behind fast forward to yesterday and shes told her insurance company that it wasnt her fault, BIL says that if the witness replies that she said that they will push for 100% liability if not it will end up at 50/50 now hes worried that the witness (who was very friendly at the time) might not reply now here comes the cheeky part, the woman lives in portsmouth, i had her name, i set up a fake facebook profile, with profile pictures as "pets", roughly same age, and same school history. found the woman on facebook - confirmed it through her pictures which had the car in question (bmw 5 series) ive managed to get onto her friends list by saying i vagely remembered her from school, and asked about the car accident if shes ok etc, if she actually admits the being on the phone again how useful is this, as its a fake account theres no issue giving the insurer the login to read the message themselves or a print off any ideas?
  19. Hi guys, just a light hearted piece of advice needed, im having a classic head says one thing heart says another, i know the ultimate decision is up to me but what would you do. Im 29, Not very fit anymore at all, I used to play a lot of football (goalkeeper) from the age of 6-22 then stopped, have always missed it so looked at getting back in to it, Had my first 90 minutes the other day, i did ok, but the problem is obviously after/the next day, I had aches and pains and places i didnt know existed. I guess throwing 16 stone through the air and landing on elbows, back ect.. will do that. The team want me to sign up and be there keeper for the season starting but i just dont know if i am up to it physically, will these aches and pains get better, will recovery time improve or am i just to old, fat and out of shape. Help, decisions decisions
  20. I have now had my mortgage with Redstone for about 10 years. Recently I have had to move and rent else where. I informed Redstone by post. They wrote back thanking me for updating my information. I rented the house to some nice people and was able to pay my rent and continue paying the mortgage. I moved because the 160 miles a day was killing me. I heard no more until last Tuesday afternoon when I was informed by the people renting my house that the house has a LPA placed on it by the mortgage company. The LPA company are collecting the rent now!!! Redstone collected my mortgage payment too. So I am out of pocket on the rent I paid plus the mortgage amount. Redstone are ahead by nearly three times what they are due. More details later
  21. hi, ive been in my home now for few months When I first moved in I did whats were ment to. called up Scottish power (my choice) to get the gas and elec sorted out in my name. Not that easy, got the gas sorted out no probs and they are my supplier. However they then state that SSE (Scottish hydro) are the ones that have the electric and wont swap over due to past debt. but ive never been with them. so I then get 2 letters both from sse. But one is addressed to a Mrs A S????. And the other is for The council. confused to say the least. especially as both bilss are the same time period but complete different amounts. call them up to inform them of this issue. and that I have moved in and want sp to take my elec. says I need to join them 1st then do a switch. ok then here is my readings for the elec. and also my details (name etc) Couple of weeks pass and in pops a new bill from sse. but not in my name nor the past 2. but a new 1 altogether. called again but have had no joy still the same. then they (sse) show up at my home unexpectedly. but im not home as I happen to work. the guy pops a letter thru the door to say they had been out. but as I wasn't in im being billed £47.50 + vat. still they use the wrong name. What can I do to resolve this and can they just show up unplanned and bill me? cheers
  22. Hey, I ordered a new three sim only deal 3 days ago and it arrived on Saturday morning, the deal included unlimited "ultra-fast" internet, 5000 text messages and the same amount of minutes -great I though however once I opened the sim card and tried the "ultra-fast" internet in my handset it became apparent that the service was in fact slower than my existing Virgin service. Thinking this defeated the object in buying it, I decided to call 333 and exercise my rights to return the sim and cancel the account however this was not as easy as I though - basically because I had opened the sim card and tried it out in the handset I have waivers my right to cancel the sim and therefore has to give 30 days notice to disconnect. I tried arguing this with the advisor and then the manager however they were having none of it and insisted that the three policy superseded any law associated with buying from the internet and service agreements. I know that the distance sales act should cover me as I didn't expressly request that the sim be connected the moment its shipped out therefore not wavering my rights under the DSR however Three genuinely don't care and seem to think that I am stuck with the sim. is this allowed and what can I do?
  23. Ok, this is a long one so I will keep it as concise as possible. To try and avoid paying out an agreed £5,400 in miss-sold PPI, HSBC decided to illegally register a £9,000 debt in my name so that they could pay the money directly to Metropolitan. This was done in July 2011, two weeks before I was due to be filmed for Dragons Den. The result of the registered debt was that I am still unable to raise any finance for myself or my soon to be closed company and I have lost patent applications worth an awful lot of money. I am in the middle of investigations by both the FOS and the ICO and am soon to be taking legal action against HSBC for compensation of around £10,000,000. For a detailed timeline of events and copies of HSBC documents and internal emails go to the Crocodile Keyboards website. I would appreciate anyone who could spend around ten minutes taking a look and giving their opinion on the legality of what HSBC have been doing. I have been told that I am eligible for legal aid but I am waiting to find out to what extent this help will be. Many thanks.
  24. well good morning all. just got up and found out i've got an alert from Equifax. so i logged in to find that Capital one have done a search on my file , shock horror, fire and brimstone the little b****** . why am i so upset the answer is I DON'T HAVE AN ACCOUNT WITH THEM OR ASKED FOR ONE. so my question is how do i get this search removed as i've not given them permission to search my file. thanks
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