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Found 7 results

  1. Hi there, I have a problem with Hoover candy group and I don't know what to do . I bought a cooker/hob for my mother and within months it broke down. I called the engineer who came and said this hob is useless I will tell the company to sent a replacement. We waited and nothing came. When I called them they said the engineer has ordered a part when he told us you will get a replacement. We had to wait a month for the part(no cooker-no apologies). It was fixed after a month but the heat was really low. It broke down again nearly at the end of the year. The engineer came again(the same person) and after 5 minutes decided to leave and say the hob if fine. Now I keep receiving invoices from Hover Candy group of the amount of £64.50 for the call out even though the hob was still under manufactures warranty but the engineer is pretending the hob was fine and he was called for no reason and for that he is charging us the amount. I keep calling them to say that you need to come and inspect the hob as one of the plates is still not working and the rest are producing very low heat that you need at least two hours to make some pasta. I am at my end wits and i don't know what to do. Is there any suggestions? Anybody had the same issue? what do i do as i am not going to pay. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my complaint.
  2. Hi, We bought a washing machine at Comet via a charity Family Fund voucher in May 2012, it went faulty 11 months after which The Warranty Group repaired and have been doing every couple of months. They've now said they are going to replace the washing machine for a new one (different make) but they will not honor the remaining 3 years warranty, it says nothing in the T&Cs. Can they do this? The payment of £169.00 was made for the extended warranty, which was a requirement of the Family Fund voucher. Should the Warranty Group honor the remaining 3 years or part refund the Family Fund? Ian
  3. I am furious with hoover candy & the muppets that are working for them, I bought a baumatic dishwasher not too long ago & it has become faulty,S baumatic have been bought out by hoover candy I rang them for assistance & over the phone the lady told me I needed an heating element which was £51 so I purchased it, To my surprise when an engineer turned up at more cost he fitted it to the machine & said it was not the fault & my old heating element worked fine, 3 days later I rang hoover candy to explain the situation & I wanted to return the item under there 14 day return policy & have been told I can,t as it has been used, It has never been used as machine is broke & I,m £51 out of pocket & engineer costs, Hoover candy are saying I should of asked for an engineer call out & they would of fixed it, I would of done if the lady on the phone hadn,t of been flogging an heating element of which I didn,t need, Now they won,t take it back for refund & they are asking for £120 for another engineer callout ,Muppets
  4. Hi I purchased a Hoover freezer 10 months ago and it stopped working 11 days ago with the loss of all the contents, it is still under the year warranty. I phoned and they sent a repair man out last week who informed me that it was a faulty thermostat and he did not have a replacement. Five days later I am still without a working freezer and shopping on a daily basis for meals. When I phoned about the contents I was advised to use my home insurance!!!!!! Someone please advise as I am getting very frustrated at the runaround I am getting.
  5. Hi everyone, This is just some information/advice for any customers who have purchased any parts from the Hoover/Candy group in the UK and are/have experienced any delays on their delivery or installation of the parts. As of earlier this year, re-structuring of the warehouse/distribution centre in the UK has resulted in most parts that are ordered over the phone or via the web being dispatched from Italy. Hence, the delays. From my recent experiences of this problem; and the advice given by a very helpful member of staff (who told me they should not be telling me that the parts now came from Italy as people may be more reluctant to order); it is better and more likely to gain a response by the following means: [*]Telephone 01204556100 and ask for a service manager (cheaper than the 084 numbers) [*]Email the managing director of Hoover UK address available at: 'ceoemail.com' under Hoover UK [*]Write to: Service Manager, Hoover Limited, Breightmet Industrial Estate, Breightmet, Bolton, Lancs. BL2 6PU Whichever method you choose, be direct and ask for specific timescales or a full refund. It worked in my experience. Good luck.
  6. Hi, This is my first post, so hopefully I've put it in the right area. We bought a Hoover WDYN854D washing machine last April. I wanted another Bosch, but they didn't have a washer / drier machine with an 8KG capacity . I was aware of the bad reputation Hoover had earned themselves in the past but thought that they must have got their act together, given the length of time they've had to correct issues within the company. The first sign of any problem was when one of the 32 amp ring main circuit breakers would occasionally trip, also taking out the 63 amp RCD. They would reset ok and we wouldn't have any problems for a week or so. Then one Saturday they both tripped again and when reset we noticed that the washing machine was dead, no display, just a fill valve constantly on. My wife called the Hoover Candy service centre and they sent an engineer out a few days later. He found that a ribbon cable in the wiring loom had been rubbing on the machine chassis and had shorted out. As a consequence the complete wiring loom, controller, display and three valves needed to be replaced. There was no charge for parts, as these are under a five year warranty. There was however a call out fee of £120 for the engineers two visits. We paid the engineer when he had finished the repair. I then sent a letter to Hoover Candy outlining the issue and stating that the problem was caused by an incorrectly routed cable during assembly. I also stated, quite rightly, that the wiring loom is not a wear part. I asked for a refund of the £120 along with re assurance that this issue would not re occur. I received a letter back with the usual nonsense about "striving to give utmost reliability", "continuous quality control procedures", etc. In short, ducking the real issue, which was a machine that had been assembled incorrectly at the factory, necessitating the replacement of most of its electrical components..... good job the parts were under warranty. I sent another letter after this one threatening legal action, I then sent another copy of this letter to them via recorded delivery. To date I have received no reply. I am a qualified electronics / controls engineer and I am quite appalled that a small ribbon cable was carrying enough power to trip a 32 amp breaker.... point 1. I also don't expect a wiring loom to have to be replaced, after all, would anyone expect to have a complete wiring loom on a fourteen month old car replaced? Of course not...... point 2. This may have been a Friday afternoon machine or it might be an inherent design fault, and I really don't care in all honesty. I just can't see why I should have to pay for poor workmanship. So, any feedback would be useful here. Is this a matter for the small claims court, or do I have to take a different route? Hoover Candy, never again
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