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Found 1 result

  1. Hi there, I have a problem with Hoover candy group and I don't know what to do . I bought a cooker/hob for my mother and within months it broke down. I called the engineer who came and said this hob is useless I will tell the company to sent a replacement. We waited and nothing came. When I called them they said the engineer has ordered a part when he told us you will get a replacement. We had to wait a month for the part(no cooker-no apologies). It was fixed after a month but the heat was really low. It broke down again nearly at the end of the year. The engineer came again(the same person) and after 5 minutes decided to leave and say the hob if fine. Now I keep receiving invoices from Hover Candy group of the amount of £64.50 for the call out even though the hob was still under manufactures warranty but the engineer is pretending the hob was fine and he was called for no reason and for that he is charging us the amount. I keep calling them to say that you need to come and inspect the hob as one of the plates is still not working and the rest are producing very low heat that you need at least two hours to make some pasta. I am at my end wits and i don't know what to do. Is there any suggestions? Anybody had the same issue? what do i do as i am not going to pay. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my complaint.
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