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  1. Have just returned from helping a family friend out this evening, she was stranded at road side with puncture, and no spare wheel, car jack, wheel brace or emergency puncture repair kit in the car.The car was the lady's first and she bought on the basis of colour and because it was cute, in other words the car dealer saw her coming and quickly worked out she was not aware of what to look for when buying a car. So, tonight in pouring rain and in the dark at the side of the road I had to give her and her son a lift and abandon her car at roadside.Before, I call the 2nd hand car dealer tomorrow, I want to calm down abit and seek the advice of CAG on this matter. I understand that many cars are no longer sold with spare tyres/wheels and a foam repair kit is often supplied, but this car I now know is supposed to be supplied with a spare wheel as the deep hole in the boot suggests. There is no tools present/supplied to jack the car and nor is there a wheel brace.Am I correct in thinking that legally these should have been supplied? What course of action would you recommend?Thanks as always for any help offered.
  2. Just found out there is no Citroen dealer in the county of Fife or indeed Dundee. Makes me wonder what is going on with them, as Citroen used to be good sellers in this area. Not convenient for spares & replacement cars.
  3. Hi I'm hoping someone can help me My car a citroen grand Picasso 2010 was in the citroen garage a month ago to fix the boot whilst in they advised it had an oil leak and diesel leak and a belt needed changing they did the work at a cost of 1700 ive split the payments so payed 425 so far the next payment is due in two days. Less than three weeks after this work was done I was driving back from a day out for my son's birthday the first time the car had been driven over 60mph for longer than 10 mins. The car had done less than 300 miles since being in the garage. Anyway the car started making a funny noise and about 30 seconds later it came up stop oil pressure and I pulled straight into a layby and switched off the engine. The engine fan was still going and white smoke coming from it. I phoned RACand they towed it back to citroen. The car wouldnt switch on at this point even after he tried to jump it. After they looked at the engine they said it was nothing to do with the work they did however it may have contributed as now the top engine was fixed it would put pressure on the bottom. They offered Labour at half price to put in a brand new engine for 6500. The car is worth 4000 tops really. So now I'm stuck with a car that won't work on my drive and a 1700 bill. Is there anything I can do?
  4. Hi all, and I thank you in advance of all advice given to me with a problem I have had with a repair I had done at a local Citroen Main Dealer Garage. I owned a Citroen C4 (59 plate), bought in August 2013. 3 month warranty as it was 2nd hand, even thought I thought I had 3 year cover - that's another story. I developed a faul with the car in late April 2014 and on th 7th of May took the Car to my local Citroen garage to sort out. They did a VHC - Vehicle Health Check/Diagnostics, and informed me that I needed a new EGR valve. I asked if it was a straightforward job, and the reply I received was that I'd be "in and out" within 2 hours. Turned up the next day at 8 am, and was to to come back at 10am. The car was operational, and drive-able at this point. I took it in as the Engine Management light came on and, it sometimes would "miss". I was quoted £305.48 for parts and labour (£146.65 in the end). I came back at 10am, and waited, and waited, and waited. 2pm. I get asked to have a chat with the Manager. They said that after installing the EGR valve, they took it on a test run, and, for some reason, the car developed a mind of its own and continued accelerating by itself. They advised me that they needed some more time to find out what had happened. They offered me a courtesy car, which I had no choice but to take. Almost daily for almost a week I had to phone for an update. At no point did they bother try calling myself. Then they asked if I could come down to the garage on the 14th of May. The manager said that they weren't too sure what was wrong with the car, it could be an ECU replacement, but they weren't sure or the complete wiring loom. I asked if they could try the ECU? He stated, that they wouldnt be able to do so unless they charged me £450-£650 plus vat and labour. I said that was unfair, as the problem wasn't the ECU when I brought it in. He said, he couldn't guarantee that it even was the ECU and it was a chance I would have to take. If that didn't work, then the wiring loom would have to be replaced, and I was lookng at anything between £2300 to £4500 for that job. The car cost me £6k and had only done less thatn 50,000 miles. He said I could leave the car in their storage yard until I could get the money together, I told him I was exceptionally unhappy with the service and believed that this had arisen from whatever work they had carried out. I had no choice but to take the car home. It limped home and became unroadworthy or safe to drive since that date. Move forward a few months later, the manager never got back to me. I made a complain in writing. No response. I become ill, lose my job, miss payments on the car, and it gets repossessed. In the meantime I speak to their Head office, who said the new Manager would get in touch. I speak to him and he stated his boss is away for 2 weeks and he will get back to me as soon as he gets back with a resolution. 1 month goes by and I try calling again. Left a message with their reception. I miss his call, but he leaves a voicemail, which I still have a recording of. In the voicemail it states how apologetic he is for not getting back to me etc. I have a phone call the next day from him. He says that the only thing they could do was to bring the car in and "have another look at it maybe" - I explained to him the situation, he said that there was nothing he could really do then. I asked for a full refund, he said that he wasn't in a position to give me a refund. And here I am. I believe that under Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 I have a good case of getting a refund from Citroen. But I have no idea how to go about it correctly. I am happy to take this all the way if I have to, and I am even contemplating contacting the car dealer who sole me the car under the the same Act maybe? I now owe a nightmare Motorfinance company thousands, completely out of pocket, had no car, and am beyond stressed, which doesn't help my illness. Can you please assist? I want to put up a fight and get my money back from these pariahs. Thanks
  5. Hello and thank you for your time First of all I would like to thank you in advance for your eventual support, advice and your honest opinion. What follows is a true story, my story. This is not an attempt to badmouth Citroen or any other manufacturer. This is about how some car dealers choose to treat their customers, about gross negligence and, why not, fraud. Everything that follows is supported by, I believe, strong evidence - phone conversations recordings, e-mails, pictures and video recordings. After much consideration and a crazy amount of courage I have decided not to buy a Seat Leon Touring FR but a brand new Citroen DS5 2.0 HDI manual. Very soon this proofed to be a huge mistake. The car was purchase by finance, PCP. The OTR price of the vehicle was 17000 pounds, heavily discounted from 25000 pounds. This big discount of 8000 pounds made me choose this car. Big mistake. This kind of discounts are not something out of the ordinary in the industry, specially in March. Also relevant is the fact that this was a distance selling purchase. This vehicle was advertised via AutoTrader home page and all the correspondence between me and the dealer (Sutton Park Motor Company Ltd - Stourbridge) was via phone or email. Friday (21.03.2014) I took delivery of a brand new Citroen DS5 which I bought with finance by PCP provided by Barclays Partner Finance. As soon as I drove the car from the dealer I've noticed Steering and Braking faults with the car. The most obvious defect was the fact the car suffered from a bad wheel alignment, the steering wheel stayed all the time lean to the left and the car was pulling constantly left, no matter of the camber of the road. I immediately turned to the dealer to report the issues with the car. The dealer briefly inspected the car and they told me that they used some kind of brake spray to clean the brakes and also test drove the car and informed me that the car is fault free. This seemed very weird to me because no spray cleaner in this world will cure a bad wheel alignment but I was too tired to argue (been travel for 4h by train to reach Dealer's location) I've set up again on the road and I noticed that nothing has really changed with the car's issues, obviously. When I arrived home (more than 140 miles away) I have contacted the dealer by phone explaining that none of the problems with the car have been fixed. I've been told that on Monday (24.03.2014) I will be contacted by the Dealer's Service Manager who will discuss with me this matter. Nobody contacted me and I decided to take the car to an independent tracking specialist. The wheel alignment job print out clearly shows that the car's tracking was off. This was not the only problem with my brand new car. Here is full list of faults: 1. Bad wheel alignment and tracking causing the vehicle to constantly pull to the left 2. Steering wheel was off centred, it stays leaned towards passenger side. 3. Steering wheel vibrates at motorways cruise speeds 60 – 70 mph. 4. Steering wheel shakes under braking. 5. The car is very unstable on uneven and slightly bumpy roads, especially when braking, causing the car to change trajectory towards incoming traffic or pavement. 6. The steering wheel is twitching and jerking back and forth every time the front wheel goes over small bumps and cracks on the surface of the road, also causing the car to change trajectory towards incoming traffic or pavement. 7. Miss coloured front bumper – painted in a different shade of grey. 8. Rattling noise coming from the right hand side rear passenger door. [/b] Tuesday ,25.03.2014, morning I've contacted the dealer and told them that I'm willing to return the car to them so they can have a full check of the car. They agreed to bring the back to them, which I did. When I went back to the dealer (after 2 days) to pick up the car and noticed that there was an improvement to some of the issues but most of them were still not fixed. There was no more steering wheel vibration at motorways cruise but still the steering wheel was shaking under braking sometimes. The steering shake under braking was pointed out by me to dealer's Service Manager when we test drove the car together but he informed me that this was normal because of the road condition which I strongly rejected. He also tried to convince me that the steering wheel jerking and twitching from left to right was absolutely normal. I've explained to him that maybe this is normal with an used car with many miles on the clock but not with a brand new car with 3 miles on the clock. Every time my car goes over small bumps and cracks on the road the steering wheel is abruptly twitching and shaking back and forth, making the car to suddenly change direction to the left or right very rapidly. I have tried to explain to the dealer that this is not normal or safe but he disagrees with me. On 31-03-2014 I phoned the Dealer and Informed him that I want to reject the car. I’ve been informed that they have to speak with Citroen UK. Later that day they come back to me and told me that they opened a case with Citroen and also informed me that I have to book in the car with another Citroen dealer for an independent opinion, if this can be considered independent opinion. I agreed with that and on 01-04-2014 the car was with my local dealer Freeborn Garage Ltd. One of the mechanics has test drove the car with me and immediately noticed that the car was pulling left in a very strange way. He also noticed that the steering wheel is twitching and jerking every time the front wheels go over small bumps and cracks on the road. He told me that they have to check the air pressure, disk brakes and something like connecting the steering rack to a device that will tell if the wheel alignment of the car changes while driving the vehicle. This part is very technical for me. Later that day they called me to tell me that I can take the car back. They gave me a job report that says that while the car was pulling left when during the test drive, they couldn't find anything wrong with any of the steering and suspension components so the car is OK at the moment of the testing. On the evening of 01-04-2014 I emailed a formal Complaint Letter to the Dealer. On 02-04-2014 I have received an email confirming that they have received the letter. On 03-04-2014 I have noticed that the front bumper is painted in a noticeable different shade of grey then the rest of the car!!!!! 06-04-2014 === Officially rejected the car and returned to the shocked Dealer, who didn't want to touch the keys. I've left them on the reception desk. Also left them a letter explaining them my actions and the reasons behind them. Everything was video recorded by my trusted phone. === Later that day I've posted on Citroen’s Facebook pages and on Tweeter. 07-04-2014 === Citroen UK Head Office has been contacted me, aground 11 AM. I've been told they are working on my case. 10-04-2014 === Citroen UK called to informed that they’ve been in contact with the Dealer. The Dealer’s legal team are preparing an answer for me and I should receive it today or tomorrow. Here are some pictures and videos that I will post as soon as I have permission to do so. This is the story so far. Could you advise me or tell me if I have a case against the supplier of the car or the finance company. I paid a 4000 pounds deposit using my credit card and the rest via PCP on a 4 year contract. Thank you
  6. I brought a new Citroenn Nemo Van just over 3 years ago, it is fitted with the 1400 HDI engine which has recently ceased, causing catastrophic engine failure. The Nemo has only done 24,000 miles and has been fully serviced. It was called in on one of its three recalls, 18 months ago, for new big end conrod bearing shells. The work was carried out at an authorised Citroen dealer. This all happened 4 months ago, and as yet, neither the garage or Citroen UK have made any attempt to help, even though this is obviously a problem with this engine. I know I'm not the only person who has experienced this problem, as several other forums have proved, but I wonder whether anyone has ever had any luck getting any help at all out of Citroen. I have now put it in the hands of the Financial Ombudsman to try and push Citroen to do the right thing, and if they do I will let everyone know. Any comments welcome
  7. I have a 02 Citroen Xsara Picasso which the gears have now stuck in place and will not budge even when pressing the clutch down all the way. I have had a look online and its either a gearbox oil change or its the linkage on the gears. Does anyone know how to change the gearbox oil on this Citroen or if it is something else that I would have to take it to a garage for?
  8. Hi hope everyone had a good christmas, I have just had to replace my tail gate door handle and micro switch because it has failed, the car is just over four years old and has done less than 30,000 miles, if think this part should not be failing so soon in its life, as anyone had the same problem cheers.
  9. In February this year I purchased a Used Citroen C4 1,6 Diesel Exclusive from Lookers Liverpool as the car had very low mileage (8,000 Miles) and came with all the extras. I drove the car back home to Surrey and loved the way the car drove and the comfortable ride etc. A couple of days after using the car I had occasion to switch on the Heated Rear Screen only to discover that several elements on the screen were not working. As the car still had over a year of manufacturers warranty I booked the car in with Citroen London West as they were the closest dealer to my employment. At the same time I ordered a second key as I had only been supplied one key. I was told that the previous owner had only supplied one key and they would write to him and try to obtain the missing second key. I also asked for the seat belt warning system to be checked out. I collected the car and was told that a claim had been submitted to Citroen UK for the new Heated Rear Screen and they were checking the correct operation of the seat belt warning system with Citroen Technical. One week went by and I was told the rear screen would be renewed under warranty and the seat belt warning system would be sorted when the two year service was due. The service was carried out but I was informed the screen was on "back order" and the key I had ordered had been lost by the parts department. It is now Mid-September I have owned the car 7 months and despite the car going back to Citroen London West on 6 occasions I still have not had my new key, Heated Rear Window renewed. The trim panels for the tailgate have not been refitted and the rear parcel shelf is not secure. I have spoke to Citroen UK Customer Services twice and lost count of how many e-mails and phone calls I have made regarding my complaint. I even wrote to the dealer principal and never received a reply. I should point out that I work in the Motor Trade myself and I am totally disgusted with the way I am being treated by Citroen and Citroen London West.
  10. The cambelt on my 2004 Citroen C8 recently broke due to water damage. After 8 weeks in the garage and a large repair bill, I am now starting the process of contacting citroen to try to claim some of my money back. It appears that they are fully aware of the problem but have not recalled the model. The cambelt broken long before it should have. I have been told that other people have succesfully claimed their costs from citroen in the past for the same problem. I am interested in hearing from anyone who has done this. Or if anyone has any advice that would be useful. many thanks Alex
  11. :|Hi Guys! Anyone with one of the above cars experiencing unusual clutch slip (at about 2000 rpm when accelerating, as in overtaking)? If so what has been reaction from dealer both in and out of waranty?
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