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Found 2 results

  1. Have just returned from helping a family friend out this evening, she was stranded at road side with puncture, and no spare wheel, car jack, wheel brace or emergency puncture repair kit in the car.The car was the lady's first and she bought on the basis of colour and because it was cute, in other words the car dealer saw her coming and quickly worked out she was not aware of what to look for when buying a car. So, tonight in pouring rain and in the dark at the side of the road I had to give her and her son a lift and abandon her car at roadside.Before, I call the 2nd hand car dealer tomorrow, I want to calm down abit and seek the advice of CAG on this matter. I understand that many cars are no longer sold with spare tyres/wheels and a foam repair kit is often supplied, but this car I now know is supposed to be supplied with a spare wheel as the deep hole in the boot suggests. There is no tools present/supplied to jack the car and nor is there a wheel brace.Am I correct in thinking that legally these should have been supplied? What course of action would you recommend?Thanks as always for any help offered.
  2. http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2016/04/05/brace-yourself-for-the-next-assault-on-the-sick-and-disabled/
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