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Found 17 results

  1. My bank has just sent me an email with upcoming changes to my (and your account) which causes me great concern and wonder if other people have had the same. Basically it says: there will be no payments in/out of my account over the weekend. What really concerns me is they warn of a new financial system where TPP (third party providors) will offer to manage my bank account, they could ask for (that means WILL ask for) my banking login and password details. Of course the bank says, if I do this then it's nothing to do with them if my bank account goes to zero. I would think that new service will trigger a zillion crooks into action - beware! The email says this scheme is forced upon them by the EU (I thought we opted OUT!!) and it gets worse... Changes to Payment Regulations Thanks EU
  2. Apparently they can a bit of bad news for all that are claiming benefits especially those who are sick or disabled because Esther Mc vey is now Secretary of State for Work and Pensions – Rt Hon Esther McVey MP How is this even possible after what she and IDS did? for those who aren't familiar with the history, just some of the vile things http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2018/01/11/backlash-over-terrible-insult-of-mcveys-dwp-appointment/
  3. Me and my partner bought a Vauxhall Astra 1.9 Sri cdti 150bph on the 22nd September 2015 for £3500 from a second hand dealership. The car went off for a MOT before we got it and it came back with advisories which the dealership dealt with. We waited 2 weeks after payment before we actually got to drive it home. A Week later thick black smoke was coming out the exhaust, we immediately took it back to the dealership and they said they would sort it as it was still under warranty. (Swirl flaps needed replacing) they had our car for over a week and when it came back they hadn't done the job properly, they had botched it up. Instead of replacing the swirl flaps they put blanking plates either side of the egr valve and capped the swirl flaps (temporary fix) A day later the car lost power and was in limp mode, when I had a look at the engine the main air intake pipe wasn't even bolted on properly one bolt was missing and the other was extremely loose. The sensor for the swirl flap wasn't connected and was left hanging, the inlet manifold had been taken apart and new bolts put in (not nessesary comes sealed from factory) there is silicone all over the bottom of the manifold where the swirl flap is, the fuel lines were hanging loose, there is a bracket now missing from the back of my engine and nothing was attached. When I rang the dealership they just fobbed me off saying that they had done the job properly and what was I complaining about, when I asked if they would reimburse me to get the car fixed properly they said no as they had done it properly. (I've taken it to a garage for a second opinion and they are agreeing with me, poor workmanship and it needs to be fixed to repair the damage the dealership has done to it looking at £500) I just don't know where I stand. Help me please Thank you in advance
  4. My son bought a music book as a gift from a Music Store that is a small chain of shops operating in the midlands and north-west. It was a gift but the recipient unfortunately already had that item. He returned the product within five days unopened with a receipt in the original packaging and asked for a full refund, as the item was clearly re-saleable. To his astonishment and despair, the manager of the shop made him feel like a criminal by suggesting that he could have simply bought the book to photocopy the music and return it. No refund was offered, no exchange, no credit note, nothing. Citizens Advice suggested to him that he should try to sell the book on EBay!! They also stated that the shop had every right not to refund and that they could set whatever terms and conditions they wished. Trading Standards, who are extremely difficult to get hold of nowadays, eventually suggested that the shop was also within its rights and should my son require any direct help, he should contact ...... Citizens Advice Bureau!! Once upon a time, Citizens Advice Bureau were quite useful and of service - they used to employ people who were qualified to offer legal advice. Nowadays, unfortunately, they are mostly run by 11,000 volunteers who do little more than look on-line for advice. But don't be put off. Stand up for your Statutory Rights. Who ever heard of such nonsense coming from a shop? This shop also failed to adequately display its Refund Policy, dubious as it was stating that all refunds/exchanges can only be offered at the manager's discretion if returned within 7 days. Trading Standards interested in visiting this errant shop? Absolutely not. I don't suppose this had anything to do with it being in the Intu Centre and part of a chain? No doubt Trading Standards find it easier to tackle the Corner Shop or independent restaurant etc. Martin's Money Tips helped. My son took this shop to the Small Claims Court and quoted the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (which has recently been superceded by the Consumer Rights Act 2015). The shop has been ordered to refund my son in full and pay his expenses in taking this action. Bailiffs next if they don't pay up. How ridiculous refunding or exchanging an item retailing at only £10.95 has come to this. The local newspaper are aware of this story but have so far not put it in print. No doubt keeping an eye on their reliance for advertising from the Intu Centre. That is the way the world works, isn't it?
  5. 1. 123456 2. password 3. 12345678 4. qwerty 5. 12345 6. 123456789 7. football 8. 1234 9. 1234567 10. baseball 11. welcome 12. 1234567890 13. abc123 14. 111111 15. 1qaz2wsx 16. dragon 17. master 18. monkey 19. letmein 20. login 21. princess 22. qwertyuiop 23. solo 24. passw0rd 25. starwars If you recognize any of those passwords as one of yours – shame on you. Learn your lesson and change your password immediately. Passwords like these are effectively worthless. You might think you’re clever choosing a password like ‘1qaz2wsx’ (take a close look at your keyboard if you want to know where that one came from) or ‘starwars’ but it’s clear that plenty of people had the same idea as you. And don’t feel too smug if your password isn’t on this list. The fact is that hackers and password crackers have access to databases of *millions* of the most commonly used passwords – meaning that unless you have taken care creating your password, chances are that it won’t take an enormous effort to crack it. http://www.hotforsecurity.com/blog/these-are-the-25-worst-passwords-you-could-ever-choose-13286.html
  6. Hi all, and I thank you in advance of all advice given to me with a problem I have had with a repair I had done at a local Citroen Main Dealer Garage. I owned a Citroen C4 (59 plate), bought in August 2013. 3 month warranty as it was 2nd hand, even thought I thought I had 3 year cover - that's another story. I developed a faul with the car in late April 2014 and on th 7th of May took the Car to my local Citroen garage to sort out. They did a VHC - Vehicle Health Check/Diagnostics, and informed me that I needed a new EGR valve. I asked if it was a straightforward job, and the reply I received was that I'd be "in and out" within 2 hours. Turned up the next day at 8 am, and was to to come back at 10am. The car was operational, and drive-able at this point. I took it in as the Engine Management light came on and, it sometimes would "miss". I was quoted £305.48 for parts and labour (£146.65 in the end). I came back at 10am, and waited, and waited, and waited. 2pm. I get asked to have a chat with the Manager. They said that after installing the EGR valve, they took it on a test run, and, for some reason, the car developed a mind of its own and continued accelerating by itself. They advised me that they needed some more time to find out what had happened. They offered me a courtesy car, which I had no choice but to take. Almost daily for almost a week I had to phone for an update. At no point did they bother try calling myself. Then they asked if I could come down to the garage on the 14th of May. The manager said that they weren't too sure what was wrong with the car, it could be an ECU replacement, but they weren't sure or the complete wiring loom. I asked if they could try the ECU? He stated, that they wouldnt be able to do so unless they charged me £450-£650 plus vat and labour. I said that was unfair, as the problem wasn't the ECU when I brought it in. He said, he couldn't guarantee that it even was the ECU and it was a chance I would have to take. If that didn't work, then the wiring loom would have to be replaced, and I was lookng at anything between £2300 to £4500 for that job. The car cost me £6k and had only done less thatn 50,000 miles. He said I could leave the car in their storage yard until I could get the money together, I told him I was exceptionally unhappy with the service and believed that this had arisen from whatever work they had carried out. I had no choice but to take the car home. It limped home and became unroadworthy or safe to drive since that date. Move forward a few months later, the manager never got back to me. I made a complain in writing. No response. I become ill, lose my job, miss payments on the car, and it gets repossessed. In the meantime I speak to their Head office, who said the new Manager would get in touch. I speak to him and he stated his boss is away for 2 weeks and he will get back to me as soon as he gets back with a resolution. 1 month goes by and I try calling again. Left a message with their reception. I miss his call, but he leaves a voicemail, which I still have a recording of. In the voicemail it states how apologetic he is for not getting back to me etc. I have a phone call the next day from him. He says that the only thing they could do was to bring the car in and "have another look at it maybe" - I explained to him the situation, he said that there was nothing he could really do then. I asked for a full refund, he said that he wasn't in a position to give me a refund. And here I am. I believe that under Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 I have a good case of getting a refund from Citroen. But I have no idea how to go about it correctly. I am happy to take this all the way if I have to, and I am even contemplating contacting the car dealer who sole me the car under the the same Act maybe? I now owe a nightmare Motorfinance company thousands, completely out of pocket, had no car, and am beyond stressed, which doesn't help my illness. Can you please assist? I want to put up a fight and get my money back from these pariahs. Thanks
  7. I went on the budget calculator about how the budget changes affect you. I know it doesn't take everything into account but I'm worried about how much worse off we are going to be as a family. I currently live in a private rented house with my husband and 3 daughters aged 16, 13 and 11. I receive HB but contribute 60% of the rent from my wages. I work 24 hours and earn around £10500 per year. My husband is on ESA CB SG, PIP Enhanced rate of both mobility and care. When I put in my salary on the calculator it says I'll be £1500 worse off but it asks for my husbands salary so I put in his ESA as its counted as income and it reduces to only £42 worse off. Have I done the right thing in including his ESA? Like a lot of people I'm worried of the impact the cuts will have on my family.
  8. UK: Grieving Family Face Horror of Exhuming Their Grandfather After Muslim Family Complains About Relative Being Buried Next to Non-Believer http://no1forum.co.uk/showthread.php?707-Racism-is-rife-and-native-Britain’s-are-biggest-victims&p=1302#post1302
  9. Hi all. I am really hoping I can get some help and advice here. I really don't know where to turn and CAB havnt been that much help. I received a fine back in April for nonpayment of TV License. I was utterly stupid to stop paying it but I can't go back in time now. I was paying off £20 a fortnight but ended up not paying one time due to financial problems and thinking I would pay double the next fortnight. The time came and I couldn't. I received a letter from Swift saying if I didn't pay or make an arrangement, they would send people out. I made the arrangements with them to pay £20 a fortnight again but due to my mental health problems, I defaulted, again stupid. Last Friday, I had a letter pushed through my door at 6:40am saying if I don't pay £412 they would be back with a locksmith. I went to the CAB and they said the only thing I could do was to get a health letter from my doctor but they want to charge £25 for it and I simply do not have that kind of money. I can't even afford to buy a cheap pair of trainers to replace the ones I have now that the sole is practically hanging off of. My heads all over the place, I am scared every time the phone rings or there's a knock on my door. I have been diagnosed with Severe Clinical Depression amd Severe Anxiety even though its bordering more on Bipolar. I have 2 young daughter aged 5 and 2 and I am married. Most of the stuff I have here doesn't belong to me I.e on HP as we couldn't afford to buy our cooker and washing machine outright when our old ones eventually broke. My husband is claiming JSA for us as I got refused ESA even though I have mental health issues, a gap in my spine and other back problems. What do I do? I know not to let them in but I can't physically cope with them knocking on the door and any threatening behavior that I know will happen. I know it will make my suicidal thoughts even worse. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get everything in. Also, if there are any spelling mistakes, blame my silly phone
  10. My son has been offered a temporary job starting from today until Friday of this week. We calculated that if he takes the job, due to travel costs, he will be £6.50 a week worse off. As the job is more than 16 hours, it means he will have to sign off. He was happy to sacrifice this money and after he finished work today he attempted to sign off. However, he received a reply that if he wants to sign off he has to attend the job centre tomorrow. This will have to be done before work tomorrow as he won't be able to get back to the job centre before it closes after he finishes work. In order for him to get to the job centre he will have to purchase a train ticket in the opposite direction of where he works. As he will arrive before 11:00 and it is a peak travel route the ticket is very expensive. He will then have to buy a return ticket to work from the job centre instead of home, which is also more expensive. The tickets cost an extra £21 combined. Coupled with the £6.50 lost from taking the job, he stands to lost £27.50, which we can't afford to lose. He says that the job centre won't take the £21 into consideration, which I completely understand. I think that he can still turn the job down due to being worse off, even though it's only £6.50. However, he thinks that because he receives a higher rate of JSA due to his disability that DWP might base the worse-off calculations on the standard rate of JSA for his age group and not the amount he actually receives. He currently receives £30 a week more than the standard rate of JSA for those in the 25+ age group. This means that the job pays around £25 more than the standard rate of JSA for his age group once travel costs are taken into consideration. My question is: Can my son turn down this job without being sanctioned?
  11. At the moment I'm a stay at home mum with two children. I claim Income Support as a lone parent, Child Tax Credits, Council Tax Support, Housing Benefit and Child Benefit. I also receive Child Maintenance from the kids dad. My son is disabled and receives DLA at the Middle Rate for Personal Care so he also gets the disabled premium on the Child Tax Credits. I am subject to the Bedroom Tax so pay about £68 a month in rent and council tax. I had a work focused interview at the start of October and my adviser gave me a form to fill in to claim Carer's Allowance for my son but didn't explain a lot about it, just said I'm entitled to it. I filled in the form, sent it off and it got accepted from the 11 Nov I'll get Carer's Allowance as well. However I've since found out its classed as a taxable income will my Housing Benefit and Council Tax support etc be reduced thus I have to pay more? I already know my Income Support has dropped to £45 per week. Just worried that any 'extra' money the Carer's Allowance brings will be swallowed up in rent etc
  12. Surprised there's not a thread about this already. Last year, it was announced that there would be a £26k benefit cap for many people of working age. They've now gone one step further and introduced a benefit cap as a whole, which includes DLA and housing benefits. So, you're going to have 2 people with the same disabilities and care needs and due to the cap, only one will get DLA. How is that even legal? Will try to find more information this later.
  13. Hey, after nearly a year of having a green tint on my laptop screen(caused by a faulty cable, the screen and GPU are fine) I put in for a repair, howver, they were not able to fix it(as they could only find second hand parts) and sent it back. Its arrived and now the screen does not work at all, what are my rights with this? I phoned up and they offered to check the connections, but said that as the cable had problems in the first place, there's nothing they are willing to do.
  14. Hi there can anyone give advice on this please, my son put his car in for an MOT he told them that the car was a 4x4 so be careful if you do a brake test etc. The good news, all it needed was a bulb to pass the MOT, the bad news when he picked it up it lit up like a Christmas tree, ABS,CEL,4WD,SRS,Oil and seatbelt, no speedo so he does not know what speed he is doing, with all the warning lights on he turned around took it back to the garage, they started to mess around with it using diagnostic testing and he thinks they have made it worse as the guy phoned someone to ask advice. He needs the car to travel south this week for a meeting, so he is thinking of taking it to the main dealer Mazda to see if they can solve the issue, but can he insist on the MOT garage to pay for this as he has lost confidence with there efforts to solve the problem, any advice welcome thanks.
  15. Just after a bit of advice really and where i stand on this issue. I recently sent my computer away for repair, there was absolutely nothing cosmetically wrong with it was just overheating which i was assured could be fixed as i have an extended warranty, was returned to me today via courier, opened the box to discover the top half of my computer was hanging on via a single wire and all my recovery / windows discs were smashed up. I refused to sign for the item as it was damaged and it was sent back. I have obviously contacted comet, i'm just not sure what will happen and who's fault it is really.
  16. Hi i was on support group in November 2011 i was transferred to (wrag) i appealed the decision and my tribunal hearing is in late January 2013 i am very worried as i think i have not presented my case well i suffer from depression, diabetes, high blood pressure and neck pain etc. December 2012 i had a letter from job centre plus my benefits had stopped because its been payed 365 days i phoned job centre plus they have sent me another form (esa3) i posted back by special delivery, i phoned job centre plus a week later just to check if they have received the form job centre plus said they haven't received any forms from me a couple of days later i phoned them again still the same answer i got in touch with royal mail regarding my special delivery, royal mail confirmed that they delivered this item end of December 2012 royal mail also sent me an email with the signature of the person that received my letter also the date it was received yet job centre plus still saying they haven't received the form please advise me what i should do. My health is worsening all the time i have no money coming in, i have been to (cab) regarding my tribunal case (cab) booked an appointment with welfare right adviser, the adviser was no help at all. I am left on my own to defend myself i don't know what to do now.
  17. Hi, Im after some advice. I took my car in yesterday for a full service & repair. The repair i needed was a chirping noise which i assumed would be a pulley. He called me with the problem he had diagnosed and a price i was happy with and the work went ahead. I picked the car up and replacing the chirping was now a full blown squealing. He advised he had got some oil on the belt and that it would stop soon, I took this as he as because he is the professional. The squealing didn't get better it got a lot worse. 12 miles later the car judders and i pull over the belt is there but hanging off plus the alternator pulley also. The work carried out was supposed to be a tensioner pulley although the receipt says ALT BELT IDLER he came to my home and picked up the car took it to his garage to change the full alternator he has told me this will be £107+vat (final bill £128.06) & the work completed will be free and i can 'pop' the money in when i have it. What my question is have they caused this as i had no problems with the alternator previous to this and they even managed to fiddle with the car and drive it 3 miles back to their garage to fix it. In my opinion they have put the belt on wrong maybe too tight or in fact the oil on the belt he admitted to getting oil on has caused the belt to slip and in turn killed the alternator along with it. Any help as to where i can go from here will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks, Jodi.
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