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  1. Hi, looking for some help here as to how I can get Hermes to cough up and refund me my money after losing my parcel. On the 7th January 2019 I sold a circular saw on eBay for £150.00, because of the weight I decided a courier was the best and cheapest way to send it to the buyer. It was dropped off at my local pick up point on Friday the 9th January for next day delivery. It was over a week before the buyer got in touch to ask me what was happening with the package, I was of the understanding it should’ve been with him by now. It was saying on Hermes website the parcel was at a local depot. I sent Hermes a couple of tweets asking for someone to get in touch with me, no one ever got back to me. I finally got in touch via email where I was told my parcel has been lost. Hermes then claimed that as it was a saw it was classed as a sharp object therefore it was classed as a prohibited item, I argued that I took the blade out before I sent it (not true). They then said that despite it not having a blade it still falls under dangerous items and so they wouldn’t be refunding. I’ve since sent them 2 emails asking further questions and have had no reply. can anyone advise me where to go from here, my last email I told them if they didn’t refund my money in the next week I would be taking it to small claims court, is this the right route to go down? Or maybe there’s another method I should be taking? thanks in advance for any help and advice. kevin
  2. Hi, Here's what happened. I posted a parcel to acustomer, the parcel contained a hand made item and my customer paidme £572. I took out the maximum insurance of £300 with Hermes. They lost the parcel attheir Weybridge depot. After over a month andhours spent on the phone and writing letters and messages, they havesaid that they will only offer me the £300 plus my postage cost of£17.45 as I had agreed to their terms and conditions which limitstheir liability. This somehow doesn'tseem fair, they accepted my parcel and agreed to deliver it to mycustomer, they lost it whilst it was in their care. Surely theyshould accept that they failed to fulfill their contract with me andshould therefore compensate me fully for my loss. My question is, if Ieventually land up taking this to the small claims court, am I goingto win or do I cut my losses and accept their miserable offering? Any advice will be muchappreciated Ron
  3. I am a small independent skincare maker. I purchased the service of MyHermes to collect and deliver 4 parcels of wholesale skincare goods to a stockist, and 3 were lost. * 2 parcels had their last scan at the Hermes depot Jun 1st '18, and haven't been seen since. * 1 parcel made it to the destination OK. * 1 parcel was said to have been delivered but was never received, and at some point I was told the delivery scan happened on the other side of town to where the parcel was supposed to go. MyHermes say they've conducted multiple sweeps of the warehouse and can't find them, and have offered me £50 only as a 'good will gesture', which is insulting. I have taken the case through the small claims procedure and it’s been moved from different courts/online to court / different judges etc, and finally now there is a hearing date. I was hoping to settle this without a hearing as I don’t have a lawyer. Hermes claim as the contents is liquids they don’t cover them in their terms. I labelled the boxes as ‘Skincare’ and they took them anyway. And it’s beside the point what the contents were since the boxes were lost/stolen. I'm claiming for the wholesale price of these goods. The case is for around £4,600 including the court costs. I have to pay another £355 hearing fee now, on top of the few hundred I’ve already paid to make the small claims case. Do I continue? Can I go to a hearing without a lawyer and be successful? Do I have any chance? I’m just so sick of all this. I have only a few days (until the 8th March) to pay the hearing fee so I need to decide ASAP whether this is worth it. I would so so appreciate some help or support from someone who knows much more about this than me!
  4. Hello, I have recently been unfortunate enough to experience the bad end of when Hermes loses a parcel. A quick summary: I was returning a phone which was faulty back to Amazon DE for a refund. I had to pay return postage. Amazon said they will refund me up to around EUR 8 for postage. I then got a quote from P2G and the only service which would allow me to not be out of pocket was Hermes International. I put in the parcel details and the value. I did not choose to pay for their additional insurance as it was £30, in fact if I could go back in time I still wouldn't pay extra for their insurance. Some time went by and I still hadn’t received a refund from Amazon so I checked the tracking. It was as follows: 16/01/2019,20:17 Entered the Hermes network 16/01/2019 10:29 Dropped off at the ParcelShop 15/01/2019 18:04 Order placed Nothing after that. I then contacted Hermes who referred me to P2G. After chatting they opened an investigation as the parcel should’ve arrived no later than 24/01/19. I waited about 2 weeks and chased them for an update. Of course the parcel was not found. The next step is for me to submit a claim and supporting documents. They will however only offer me £20 as I didn’t take out the extra insurance. I will not accept that as I will need to recover the full amount of the phone. What is the best course of action for this? Do I need to go through their claim process (even though I know the resolution is not satisfactory) or can I just proceed with a letter of action? I have an idea of the small claims process but any links regarding a letter of action and what needs to be included etc. would be very helpful. Any general advice would also be great. Thanks.
  5. Hello, I have a very serious issue with Parcl2go right now. I booked a Hermes collection and delivery through Parcel2go. There were 4 parcels in total. they delivered 2 out of 4 and have now told me that the remaining 2 have been deemed lost. This has been over 8 weeks ago. When i booked the delivery, i stated the weight of the parcels as they were quite heavy, however, parcel2go deemed them as ' Light parcels ' When the 2 delivered came, the boxes were battered with my belongings spilling out of them, the delivery driver also stated that they shouldn't have been referred to the light parcel depot. - Hermes claims they have checked their depot and cant find the parcels. But i dont understand how 2 big parcels can go missing and neither the box nor the content can be found. - The contents of the parcels are expensive. they are expensive clothes, shoes, bags, accessories. - the parcel wasnt insured at the time of booking - I did pay extra to guarantee a delivery date and also for a signature on delivery - at the time of booking, i did it on my mobile phone and the website didn't let me put the full amount. For example, 1000 was declared on the parcel instead of 10,000. The worth of the lost parcels is over £30,000 . they are personal belongings I have collected over the years:( - i paid over £80 to have the items delivered. - The 4 parcels were collected on the 5th of September. 2 delivered on the 10th of September and they have said that the remaining 2 are lost. The last update on those was that they were collected on the 5th of septemeber. -Hermes claim they have searched their depot and cant find the parcels have advised i make a claim through Parcel2go I have done some research and know that the company might hide behind my not taking out insurance to try to get out of paying my full claim. However, there is clear negligence in this case as they cannot trace where my parcel i even after they have acknowledged and admitted to collecting the parcel. The 2 out of 4 parcels they did manage to deliver were destroyed and torn ( note, the boxes used were heavy duty and shouldn't get damaged if handled with reasonable care ). - Parcel2go have asked me to put in a claim with evidence of the value of the goods, however, i got he majority of the items years ago and do not have the receipts. I do however have pictures of all the items that i put in the parcels. Can i still submit my claim without receipts? This has given a severe headache. I have been depressed ever since this happened and super sad knowing that not only have they lost my belongings, they also will try to get away with not paying for my items. - What is the best thing to do now please ? Should i submit the claims with the pictures of the items , i have some receipts for some and don't for others. - if they do come an reject the claim or dont pay the worth of the items declared, what should be my next step? As these are highly valuable items and a high claim, is it best to get a lawyer? What sort of lawyer should i be looking for ? I am prepared to go to court if that is what it takes. I would really appreciate your help and guidance. Kind regards
  6. High Fellow Caggers, Please could you give me some advice. In August 18, I placed an order for a new chainsaw with Amazon and requiring it fairly immediately, I accepted their kind offer of a prime trial, believing that I would be entitled to next day delivery. In the event I received an email from Amazon stating that the chainsaw would be delivered on the day after the expected day of delivery. My partner and myself waited at our home all that day, no delivery was made. In view of non delivery and anxious to make the best of August Bank Holiday weather, I rang the importers of the chainsaw direct on the following day. I was at the time unaware that the importers were only some 50 minutes drive away. Thinking that Hermes might deliver that day, I requested the importers if they would be kind enough to keep a unit for me until they closed at 1.30pm, explaining that I might get a delivery and not require their kind assistance. By 11.00 am, there was no sign of any delivery so I went to the importers and picked up a new chainsaw of the model I wanted. That afternoon I sent an email direct to Amazon by their Help page messaging system. In it I asked them to cancel my order and refund my credit card account if they had debited it. Approximately a week ago, I looked at my credit card statement and was surprised to see entries for a chainsaw from both Amazon and the importer. I immediatey sent a message to Amazon by their messaging system, explaining that no chainsaw had been delivered by Hermes and no card left by them. Their response to say the least was unhelpful, citing that they could do nothing as 20 days had already elapsed and denied they had ever received a notice of cancellation at the time of their alleged delivery. Where should I go from here Amazon are the seller of the goods, Hermes their delivery agent? Amazon say they did not receive my message, Hermes claim they made a delivery to a secure place on the second day after ordering (no proof of delivery), I say no chain saw was delivered. I am aware of Sec 75 posibilities. With thanks Carningli
  7. Hi, I have gone through some of the numerous threads on missing parcels sent via Hermes. My question is, who is legally liable if a parcel, returned FOC via Hermes as per the sellers return policy is lost? The seller won't issue a refund until they receive the parcel. Thank you.
  8. A friend sent me a birthday parcel from Germany containing clothing and household textiles worth approx 120 Euros. They used Hermes Germany, and tracking showed Hermes UK delivered it this morning. I was home all morning, all day in fact, and there had been no delivery. Nor did I receive a card, saying where they left it. I also checked with the neighbors, no one had received my parcel. myHermes international chatline is no help, they couldn't even find the parcel on their system because the tracking code only works on the Hermes Germany website. But anyone using the code can easily see the tracking details on the Hermes Germany website. My worries is that because the UK Hermes driver had faked a signature, and not delivered the parcel to me, how can I prove that I never received the parcel? And enable the sender to claim compensation?
  9. Good morning, Booked via Parcel2go, Hermes lost a parcel I sent to Europe worth £150 - I did not buy additional insurance for this parcel because as far as I am concerned, it is within their duty of care to ensure the basic and functional delivery of an item within the £12 of postage I paid. Nonetheless, I sent P2G a Letter Before Action 2 days ago, to which they offered the standard response pointing me to their T&Cs: "The Limitation on the Amount of our Liability 6.7 If we are liable to you for any reason, we shall (subject always to clause 7) only be liable to refund to you the cost paid for the Service(s), unless you have purchased compensation cover for your Consignment from us." They refunded me the cost of postage as a "goodwill gesture". I have no intention of accepting this, and so I wanted to confirm that I should now submit the claim I prepared via the Moneyclaim wesbite? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  10. Hermes Courier broke window stay shoving a parcel through my porch window. The parcel wasnt for me but of 6 doors up and they didnt try delivering there or ringing my doorbell. Made a complaint and that is where it all went wrong. they mixed my name up with the intended recipient of the parcel. The manager who I spoke to and agreed that I would get a mate to replace the catch and he would send something nice as a gesture of goodwill. Well it didnt arrive and after a total of 12 more calls it turns out that the idiot didnt know what gesture of goodwill meant and so didnt do anything about it. No wonder he showed a lack of imagination when I asked him to think of something appropriate for the circumstance as people usually send flowers or chocolates. When i get the notes read back to me he had noted that as I hadnt sent them an invoice number for the flowers to he couldnt pay for it and left it at that. The customer services team cant read the complaints teams notes and vice versa so they have to email each other, the managers dont return calls in the promised time and make their junior staff appear to be incompetent at best and liars at worst and no-one would take control of the mess even the company chief exec denying he was the complaints dept overall boss but wouldnt say who was actually between him and them for "Data Protection". Just the job title would have done but not just the word "manager" as that could be anyone or no-one. They refused to send out stuff under a SAR as I wouldnt supply them with an email address ( they actually had it and I told them to stop being lazy and look at the notes but of course it was a different department that had that info). They said they dont send things in the post - THEY ARE A POSTAL SERVICE how the hell do they think they deliver all of the other stuff broken by them, by teleporting it? If they have any sense they would order a nice bottle of wine from Ocado and let them deliver it as they can manage to dispatch an order the same day (Hermes originally said it would take at least 3 days to deliver my GOGW as they are not a next day service and had seemingly never heard of Tesco online or Ocado) and not lose it or break it. We will see what the end of the day brings as They will be using RM to deliver their AOS to the County Court should I decide enough is enough. Truly they are the worst company to deal with I have come across as far as CS goesn and TalkTalk try to hold on to that crown with some pretty bad teams in the Phillipines and SA to navigate where Hermes all live in the same building in Leeds. Only posting this becasue they have hidden under a stone on Facebook and their livechat has gone dumb as well. Funny coincidence?
  11. Hello I am posting this on behalf of my father who used parcels2go to return a zimmerframe which cost £89. He also paid for extra insurance on the web site in order to sent this item back. My father was unable to use his printer to print out a label and informed Parcels2go. Parcels2go sent Hermes to collect the parcel. The parcel was collected by a Hermes courier on March 15, 2018 and has been missing ever since ! After numerous chat sessions and emails no progress in finding the parcel whatsoever was made. Hermes admitted that the parcel was lost by them, but told us that we had to contact Parcels2go. Parcels2go said that we should contact the retailer etc .. Long story short Parcel2go offered a refund... only for the delivery costs. The total sum of £12. My father was ready to say goodbye to his money. Luckily I found your website and on Saturday I sent them a letter before action giving them 4 working days to respond, because so much time has already passed. If you read the correspondence it really seems as though they are just trying to waste time . This is what they sent as a reply to the letter before action: Good Afternoon Ashley. Thank you for your email. Firstly, please allow me to apologise for the inconvenience caused to you and your recipient. I cannot see the links you have provided in your email Ashley. If you have sent attachments, we are unable to view this on this account due to security reasons. Please upload this directly onto your claim or email ,,,,,,, Should you have any further queries Ashley, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kindest Regards A Ali Parcel2Go.com What a joke ! We did not send any links or attachments .This whole back and forth with these people has been an absolute nightmare. I think they do it on purpose to wear you down so that you just give up. I convinced my father not to let them get away with this. He paid for a service then paid for insurance for the service ... ( so bizarre. ) Could you please advise us on the next steps to take Thank you so much for taking the time to read this
  12. Hi, Had to return a jacket from Scotland to Ireland via Hermes. Tracking the parcel got through a few steps and then went missing the day before it was due to be delivered back to retailer. Jacket cost 90 pounds, +10 delivery +Hermes charge of 12 pounds (total 112). Unfortunately I did not take out extra insurance, believing it to be unnecessary. MyHermes saying it's being reviewed, but will not accept my screenshot of receipt which clearly shows price of jacket and delivery charge. Now 3 months down the line and thinking I'll be lucky to get 20 quid back. If the parcel had been returned I would have got a full refund of 112. I'm absolutely gutted. Hermes should not get off with this and of course I keep wondering where the jacket is - stolen or lying around somewhere. It was very securely packaged and labeled. Is there anything else I can do?
  13. Hi All. I recently started selling beauty products on eBay in my spare time for extra money. I chose Hermes as the carrier as they seemed the best value. Iam now regretting that decision massively. I have sent approx 200 parcels so far, all over packaged, and most of them i have taken photos of, and photos of them on the scales. After about 70 parcels i received an email from Hermes requesting an extra payment as a parcel I had sent was over weight. The parcel weighed 200g, but they tried to charge me for 3.25kg. After emailing i got the charge removed. (Not a good start) Now I have started receiving messages of item not received, and also parcels with tracking information that is stuck at a particular stage. I understand some times the buyer will be lying to claim a refund. One particular person said he had not received the item, but my tracking showed delivered through the letterbox, with a photo of the letterbox. He strongly denies receiving the parcel so I asked for photos of his front door with a piece of paper stuck to the door with his name on, date, clearly showing the house number, and house name on. He sent me the photos. Clearly the letterbox photo Hermes provided is a different door to the customers. I am doing the live chat daily, and constantly being fobbed off. The next issue a customer claims he hasn't received the parcel. Hermes tracking showed delivered, to a safe location. The customer says he has not received the item. Hermes admitted there is no GPS location, and no details where it was left so sent me the missing parcel claim form, which they say can take 14 days to come to a decision. The problem is most of the items I send are classed as a liquids, even though they aren't runny like liquids. So its unlikely they will compensate me looking at their terms. I acknowledge that delicate items and certain items which they don't compensate for are easier to break and more likely to be broken, but not missing all together. A lost parcel all together is surely a failing by Hermes, and all lost parcels should be compensated for. All parcels I have declared properly what was inside, and chosen the correct cover value. At the minute I have 2 parcels missing, 1 parcel delayed then today it has updated to say damaged in transit, 2-3 parcels with stuck tracking status's where they say delayed, or out for delivery, and that is the end of it. Some are a week or so without any movement or updates. So I'm guessing they are lost aswell. I am expecting all these people to request refunds. Which vary from £9-£30. Not huge sums but when you have to refund that many people its not on. I have done all I can do, and left the delivery to Hermes, which that aren't doing properly. No delivery photos, some without gps tracking. Parcels left in places they have not been told to. I'm just after some advice on what to do please. What course of action is possible. I have been trying to build up as much information as I can before sending the items. Photos of before wrapping, photos after wrapping. Photos of the labels on the box/packet. Photos of the parcel on the scales. I can see me ending up with dozens of claims for lost parcels, and parcels that just get lost by Hermes, and no way of getting my money back. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks
  14. In January I returned my daughter's Christmas present to the shop to be exchanged. I booked using Parcel2go and they in turn used myHermes as the courier. T he parcel was lost. My problem is this...I dropped the parcel at a drop off shop. I returned to the shop and they looked on the CCTV for me and it clearly shows my parcel being collected by the myHermes courier. The parcel was never scanned in not once. Parcel2go claim that they they have no liability due to their t's & c's. My understanding is that if the t's and c's are unreasonable then they can be held liable? They have offered me a refund to the value of the insurance that I took out (which is less than the true value). I am claiming the full value of the goods that they lost - this is purely because I know that the courier never once scanned the item. Had they followed their own procedure and still lost the item I would have accepted the insurance money. Surely they can't just do what they want with people's parcels and never be accountable? Advice please, I have sent a letter before action and they haven't moved so next stop is court action. Thanks in advance for helpful comments
  15. Good evening, I have a problem with a Hermes collection which is making me very worried and upset. I arranged for a parcel to be collected, the courier finally turned up and my husband saw the courier collect the parcel but on checking in the safe place there was no card. My parcel hasn't been received by SimplyBe so they made enquires with Hermes who deny there was a driver in the area on the day my parcel was collected. They have advised that I am liable for the value of the goods. What do I do? Is my issue against the courier or SimplyBe? I have read how awful Hermes are with numerous posts of missing parcels, fraudulently signed deliveries. Any helped would be appreciated. Thank you
  16. Not sure how to explain this ..... I ordered an item from Debenhams a few days ago, today the parcel was handed over to me by a close neighbour , close as he live in the flat that backs onto mine, The complaint I have is that Hermes left MY parcel in my neighbours outside cupboard and put the card in my neighbours postbox! I am just lucky my neighbour is honest or I would have had no idea that it had been delivered! I have reported this to Debenhams but they cant see anything wrong with what Hermes driver did!
  17. I bought something from ebay at a very good price; one not easily repeated. The seller shipped it to me via Hermes. The tracking showed it as being with my local courier & out for delivery last thursday. It never arrived. I checked the tracking and everything was the same except the date had changed to friday. Still nothing (I was in all day) This happened for saturday & then monday; the date for delivery kept changing but still no actual delivery. Sometime on monday (yesterday) the tracking stopped working with a message that the tracking had been cancelled. I contacted Hermes via their online 'chat' and was told that they had damaged my delivery & had thrown it away but had given the sender a refund. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this is outrageous. It's bad enough, as a company offering the shipping of goods, that they are so negligent as to allegedly ruin shipments but to then allegedly discard the item too is so far outside their duty it's beyond belief. I say 'allegedly' above because for all I know someone has taken a shine to my item and simply reported it as 'damaged & discarded'. Where do I stand being the recipient. I didn't pay for the shipping or choose Hermes but I want what was sent to me so I can decide whether it's of any use or not. Any help or advice gratefully received
  18. Hi I would like some advice please, the ex wanted a new TomTom and saw one advertised on QVC at a good price and you could buy it in instalments ( just under £30 over 3 payments ) and as he has no pc asked me to order it for him. The item duly arrived but he did not like it and asked me to return it, I filled in the return paperwork and had to pay Hermes to come and collect it from my house which they did on December 4th, it has a tracking code on it so tracked it to make sure it arrived bk to QVC, Now the tracking system has not been updated since December 7th which said on way to client but nothing since. I have contacted Hermes and QVC but got no response, QVC have already taken the first payment for this item which is being paid for by debit card. What is the next step please?
  19. I am posting this on behalf of a friend, who sent a valuable piece of sports equipment through Hermes. Firstly he failed to pay extra for insurance as he did not see it at the time. He also made the classic mistake of not checking the weight thoroughly. It was just over 5 kgs. A case was opened on 2nd November when the parcel failed to arrive. The case was supposed to be actioned within 24 hours. On 5th November customer contacted Hermes chat with one of their agents, who informed him that the parcel was lost. Hermes promised to send out a Lost Claim Form. Customer informed Hermes that he was told by them that the parcel went to one of the warehouses, then informed him that he had to pay and extra £4.80, which was paid straight away. Customer then asked how much he would be getting for the lost item, and he was told he would get the selling price and postage. THIS IS ALL VERIFIED IN A COPIED TO EMAIL CHAT WITH THE AGENT. Customer filled out the claim form and waited for the customary 14 days. On the 23rd November and email arrived from Hermes, stating the following: "We are please to confirm that we have today accepted and processed payment for your claim of £31.79. As the item value exceeded the maximum compensation level you selected for this parcel, the claim value has been calculated by adding together the maximum compensation level with the postage value." This was not what his claim was for (it was for over £300, they lost the parcel). This may be negligent on their part to lose the parcel somewhere on their own premises, surely you do not insure a parcel against its disappearance from the delivery company's warehouse. You insure it against damage. It is the intention of the customer to take Hermes to court, we are looking here for some help with a "Letter before Action" and wish to quote from Schedule 2, Terms 2 and 3. Has anyone else tried this avenue with Hermes, and do you really think they would go through the cost of attending a court hearing? Surely they have a duty of care to their customers to make sure that they do not lose parcels on their own premises. Thank you in anticipation of any help that you can give. Bankoff
  20. Bought a Lacie Rugged Hard Drive on Ebay via Paypal for £139.99, postage included (beware...still selling at this price, I'm guessing I can't give details of seller here) Payment taken promptly. Estimated delivery dates provided via e-bay. I left NO additional information re delivery. One day prior to the estimated delivery date period, I returned home from work (no text or E-mail from Hermes) to find HERMES courier had posted a 'sorry you were out' card with hand-written FRONT DOOR as some feeble indication of what he/she has decided to do with my item once they'd discovered I was not in. My home has a front door that leads onto a major public pavement and main road. Obviously the parcel wasn't there. I contacted the seller, they have been consistently distant. I also tried to contact Hermes, they leave no customer services number and again, I have found myself confronted with a host of strategies that make it hard for you to be heard. I had to wait to even open a case with eBay until the estimated delivery time was up which is in itself, a frustration. I gave the seller every chance to give me a refund or a replacement, stipulating that he has a contract with me to ensure that the item gets into my hands safely and that disputes with couriers are not my concern. He eventually asked eBay to step in and they have closed the case because he sent the parcel using 'tracking' and that the status of the parcel reads as 'delivered'. So according to everyone (except me) the item has been delivered, case is closed, even if it the item was effectively left in the middle of a pavement. I feel gutted that people can get away with this. Seems to me that these loopholes disempower the buyer utterly and create a breeding ground for dishonesty and [problem]ming. I left the seller bad feedback (nothing personal just the bare truth) and eBay erased it because of the findings of their 'so-called' investigation. The seller remains one of their top rated sellers yet couldn't care less that I have been fleeced. Thanks to Ebay, I have no voice and no way of warning others. I also have no money to make a second purchase of an item I really need to study. I know this a story you have probably heard thousands of times on this site, but it's my first time (being fleeced and posting on a forum!) Does anyone know if I stand a chance if I pursue this matter further and how do I go about this? Thank you for your help.
  21. Hello - I'm hoping you can help me out regarding a parcel I've sent with Hermes. The item arrived damaged (technically, all that arrived was a noticeably empty box) - and so was rejected by the recipient. I've contacted Hermes (who hadn't bothered to tell me that it had been rejected), who have said I need to pay for the return delivery to be able to obtain a photograph of the item to claim for it as a damaged item. Is this correct? Should I have to pay for return delivery for an item they've damaged/lost? Thanks Sam
  22. I have had my first contact with this company only in the past month, one parcel from Ebay and a parcel from Stemologica ( See other thread) On each occasion the driver/deliverer was knocking very, very hard and loud on my front window and also on the front door. There was also some shouting. It was like it was the Police or Fire Service trying to get in, very urgent, frightening, intimidating and rude. It seemed to convey the message that now that they had a parcel to deliver to me, I had better be in and to answer the door in a rush. I thought that there had been some kind of accident outside or other emergency that required my attention or that if anybody was in I or anybody else might be in extreme danger. I am not deaf and usually answer the door in a normal fashion, sometimes looking out to see who it is first if it is dark in the evening, but this guy did not even give a gentle knock on the door first. I expect he will be my regular My Hermes postman if I receive any more parcels sent through them, so next time my camcorder will be left running in my front porch to film how he delivers my parcels, and I will show it here...........
  23. I wonder if someone can help me. My mum came home from work yesterday and sat on her doorstep were 2 large boxes for her address but with a different person's name on them. She opened her letterbox and there was a card from Myhermes saying that they had left 1 parcel in a safe place. She struggled to move the boxes as they were heavy, took them in the house and then called the number on the card explaining they were left on here doorstep when she wasn't there and that they aren't even for her so could they come and collect them. They refused to collect them saying that she needed to contact the company the goods came from. He told her she had to open them to have a look to see where the goods were from, she did that and it turns out it's a company in America. She doesn't want to call them because it's not a UK company or phone number so will cost a lot and she doesn't know the person that is on the packages. What can she do? Surely, the courier should collect?
  24. Hi, I need some advice. I arranged for myhermes to deliver a parcel to a buyer who purchased from me on ebay. After nearly two weeks of the tracking information being all messed up (attempted delivery,returned to depot etc repetitively) I sent them an email a few days ago to express my disappointment and SHOCKINGLY received this response: "Good afternoon Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we are unable to deliver your parcel to the address given we have spoken to the courier and the courier states it is a travellers site and has incurred various incidents when delivering previously. This parcel will now be sent back to you please allow a few days for delivery. Apologises for the inconvenience caused. Kind Regards xxxx xxxxxx MyHermes Support advisor Hermes Parcelnet Limited. Registered in England & Wales No. 3900782. Registered office: Capitol House. This email (which includes any files/attachments transmitted with it) is confidential and is intended solely for those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hermes Parcelnet Ltd. Do i have a case for discrimination? The buyer/site recieved normal royal mail etc and just feel this is terrible. After the email stated they are refusing to deliver, the buyer then informed me that they delivered it this evening (obviously, realising that i may possibly raise an issue/case about this!) Where do i stand?
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