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  1. Hi! I'm sorry if this is in the incorrect place, just looking for some legal advice on an unknown debt. So last year I sold a car to a scrappage company and they took my log book and supposedly were going to destroy the car. However, I've since learned I was conned and the car was abandoned while still in my name. I know that I was very foolish for doing this. I have no evidence of any of it and I KNOW I should have contacted the DVLA and informed them but was unaware of this back then. I realise I am fully responsible for this happening. Anyway, I moved house and today received a letter from Martson claiming I owe £1,269.17. I rang up the company, fully believing it to be fake, to then be told it was true. I had been fined for having a SORN car on a public road. It had been taken to court in January and I wasn't there so was found guilty for the offence. All correspondence was sent to my old address. I never changed the details in regards to the car because I believed it to be destroyed. Now, I've rang the DVLA and they have said that the original fine was £400. Is it possible that if I put in a statutory declaration that I will be able to get the amount down? Even a little bit? I've spoken to Marston who will not agree to a payment plan despite me being on maternity with a 3 month old and being in quite a difficult financial position. It is possible I'll have to go back to work early because of this. So...do I bother with a statutory declaration or will they simply say it's my fault for not updating the address? Please, I know I was foolish for the original incident so I don't need any feedback on that. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
  2. A friend sent me a birthday parcel from Germany containing clothing and household textiles worth approx 120 Euros. They used Hermes Germany, and tracking showed Hermes UK delivered it this morning. I was home all morning, all day in fact, and there had been no delivery. Nor did I receive a card, saying where they left it. I also checked with the neighbors, no one had received my parcel. myHermes international chatline is no help, they couldn't even find the parcel on their system because the tracking code only works on the Hermes Germany website. But anyone using the code can easily see the tracking details on the Hermes Germany website. My worries is that because the UK Hermes driver had faked a signature, and not delivered the parcel to me, how can I prove that I never received the parcel? And enable the sender to claim compensation?
  3. Hoping someone can help. I recently bought a car from a trade seller for my daughter after seeing an advert on FB. I went and viewed the vehicle, and I asked the seller some specific questions, one of which was "has the car ever been written off?" (I have a witness who was with me when the questions were asked). The seller said it hadn't and I also got a friend who is a car dealer to do a full HPI check, which came back clean. The seller said that he hadn't received the log book (V5) back from DVLA and that we would have to apply for it. Nothing untoward with that. I purchased the car and it's now registered in my daughter's name. However, when the log book came back from DVLA it had the dreaded this car has been salvaged having sustained structural damage and repaired, ie it's a Cat C or Cat S meaning that its value is greatly reduced. We paid £2900 for the car and it's worth around £2000. I have written to the seller and asked to cancel the contract under the misrepresentation act 1967 as I believe I had been deliberately misled when the seller stated it wasn't written off. I have given the seller 14 days to respond. The seller is leaning on the fact that when he sold be the car it was HPI clear. I have said I will take it to court. It seems there's a loophole whereby once the car is declared a write-off the insurers keep the log book but the HPI data isn't updated until the new owner applies for the log book from DVLA. I strongly suspect that he knows that the HPI doesn't get updated and therefore he can sell the car 'clean'. My question is am I taking him to court using the correct legislation? ie (Misrepresentation Act 1967. I am wondering whether I should be using Consumer Protection regulations against mis-selling but I'm not sure. Any advice is appreciated. Nick
  4. Hi all, first time poster here, apologies if I get anything wrong! I bought the car two years ago, immediately set up a direct debit and - foolishly now it seems - thought that was that. You all know where this is going... So, last month my car got clamped outside the house, that was the first I knew that my car was untaxed. It turns out I’ve been driving for a year with no tax, I was (and still am) a broken man . I regularly check my MOT and insurance online, but tax - it just never crossed my mind, the direct debit was set up immediately, it renews, so all good? Surely there’s a major flaw in the system here? The seller didn’t send off the logbook SO the DVLA had no idea I was the registered keeper. And yes, lo and behold, I now find out about the rule that the direct debits will NOT renew unless they have the keepers details... Then when I finally get the logbook it states that ‘this does NOT prove ownership of the vehicle’ - so what the hell does??? The person who taxes and insured it??? Who then has their direct debits not renewed by the DVLA??? Adding to this is the fact that the missus is not on her logbook (I am) yet they renewed her direct debits??? Also I have two vehicles also registered with the DVLA. The police also found me within two weeks a few months back for speeding (33 in a 30...) It just seems so wrong? Is there ANYTHING I can do about this? I’m guessing not etc etc but if I start getting the fines coming through as they’ve spotted me on camera 6 times over the past year I won’t be able to afford that... All this because they didn’t renew the DD? And doesn’t the fact that they did with the missus ruin their argument? Apologies but I’m completely out of my depth here and don’t know which way to turn. Would a magistrate see common sense and see the flaw in the system here? Is it worth heading to court to argue my case? Thanks Mike
  5. Hello All, I’ve a feeling that I’ll need to go to the Ombudsman but would be grateful for any assistance.: Long Story short, I approached PayDay UK/MEM Capital last July 2017 and requested a settlement figure as I released equity in a property I own to clear my feet. I was given the figure and when the funds cleared acouple of weeks later, I received 2 text messages (16/8/18) 1st text said I was £8 short due to accruing interest since the initial settlement figure was issued, and literally acouple of hours later I received another text saying my loan was settled in full. As a result, I received zero correspondence from the lender until December 17 when they started requesting a payment of £180 which was pure interest – I contacted them, they said that because I never completed a settlement form, they didn’t action this so I requested another copy of said form as I hadn’t received it - this was on 29/1/18 and today, no response to the email I sent saying I didn’t have the settlement form but I did get confirmation that they’ve issued a default! I’m in the middle of trying to clear my credit file up and have been slwly imporving my credit score –any advice on how to approach this? Last email (copied in a company director too) has requested confirmation they’ve removed this default before close of play or I’ll escalate to the Ombudsman. Absolutely fuming with this. :-x:-x
  6. Hiya everyone Newbie here. And I wouldn't be here without something that I did as a bit of a lark earlier today. A friend put me up to looking on Trust Online to see if I had any CCJs. Now I didn't think I did, but I went on anyway and found out I have one!!!!! You could have scraped me off the floor with a spatula. I had NO idea about it till today. I've seen no papers, no letters, no forms. Apparently it was issued on May 21 2017, four months ago. Is this a normal thing, not telling people they are even under threat of a CCJ? Do the courts take their time in telling you about them? Really don't think things are going to a former address, as I have lived at my present address for 19 years - no way it could have gone to a place I lived before. What do people suggest I do now? it'as for 2700 quid I can't pay it up front, I haven't had the 14 day breathing space to scrape up funds. There is a possibility that it could be an issue my business was involved in but a) that should have been dealt with in March this year and b) I'm onto my business insurers and the client concerned about said issue. The credit checker (Trust Online) I used did not tell me who was wanting the money or which court it was lodged at (all it said was County Court Business Centre) and that was it. I have looked up the CCBC and the nearest thing i got to it was a place in Northampton ... but I've herd a few dubious report since about this Northampton office. To misquote Harry Potter, never tickle a sleeping dragon... I'm worried that delving into it all and making inquiries might trigger off people chasing me which at this moment i cannot afford. Six months down the line, fine - not right at this moment. I'm not frantic just yet, but I know I might head that way so can anyone give me any helpful advice before I do go off on one!!!??? Many thanks Marie
  7. Hi. Looking for some advice please. I purchased a 2nd hand car on 14th March 2017. Once the purchase has been sorted I paid 6 mths Road Tax before I driving the vehicle. At the end of May I learned that in fact despite paying the garage the road tax the vehicle was actually not taxed. Obviously I immediately taxed the vehicle before driving it. I have phoned the garage to ask for a refund (have receipts​) of the road tax I paid them. I wonder if there is any other options available? I'm concerned that I've been driving a car with no road tax which apart from invalidating my insurance had I been involved in an accident, I could have been pulled by police too with serious consequences.
  8. Hi, Got a bit of a fiddly situation here so I will try my best to summarise clearly for everyone. I moved into a flat (from Spareroom) on the 1st June 2016 (tenancy expired on 30th November 2016), I found it a month or so before and they wanted a £300 (cash) holding deposit as they don't take card. I was moving out of London a few days after and was in the middle of exams and I knew I needed a place so (stupidly) I paid it in cash and went for it. Thankfully it all seemed legit, got the keys on the first and again had to pay my first months rent and the deposit via bank transfer in their office (Rent £940 + Deposit £940 + Admin £149 - Holding Fee £300 = £1729). I paid it got my keys and moved in. I asked about the deposit scheme etc over the next days where I was told "don't worry it's protected". This is where I started finding it all to get weird. Speaking to the existing flatmates, none of them received any TDS numbers or anything. I kept asking just to get the same response. So 3 months go by, after hearing nothing I knew I wanted to claim. However a friend had a room their flat which was over the road and was perfect for me so I started enquiring about leaving the tenancy early etc, and I got 3 options. Find my replacement and I pay half a month of rent, they find a replacement and I pay a full month or rent, or I just pay the remaining rent and leave. I tried for a month to find my replacement which brought me to September to no avail. I then emailed saying "Is there a possibility I could leave and you could keep my deposit?" which got a reply of "I will keep trying to rent your room, keep paying as normal" so no confirmation that they would take my suggestion of keeping my deposit. Knowing that they haven't protected my deposit I asked them again "I can't find anything about my deposit in the TDS" in which they replied with "The money you paid for the deposit will be used to pay for the final month of the tenancy". Is this even allowed? My contract says: "Security - £940 to be paid on the signing hereof to the agent for the landlord to be dealt Within accordance. This security deposit will be used to pay your last month rent, then 30 days notice is served" (that's the exact wording, notice the bad spelling/grammar). I then followed up with them with the standard "Within accordance of the law, it is your duty to protect my deposit in a TDS" in which they said the manager will call me. I spoke to the manager (who is also the Landlord, I think this is pretty important) on the phone and they pretty much said "Don't worry you can leave the contract and i'll adjust the deposit". I thought screw it, I'll take that and then approach the deposit after I have confirmation I can leave so I asked for the email confirmation and they sent over the following: "As advised please do not pay your rent on 1st October 2016. Please then returning the keys this Saturdays drop me a text, then keys are left at the concierge. You are released from 6 months contract as per conversation with [Landlord Name], no further payments are required." I took this as pretty concrete evidence that I can leave, so I did. Moved into my new place and I'm happy here. Now I want to claim back my 'protected' deposit. I emailed the manager saying what's happening to the deposit and that I'm happy to not pursue this in court if it is returned back in full and I gave them a time frame to do so. He replied with "you broke your tenancy etc and that they will chase up the remaining payments". Unless I accepted a £500 return of deposit. When I spoke to him on the phone before he offered £500 deposit back which I said no to and that I'll be chasing up the full deposit. He has also reassured me that "Danny from accounts has said your deposit is protected" which is incorrect given what his colleague told me before. Basically I just want my deposit back, multiple people have mentioned that I can claim between 1-3x the deposit, I do not mind what I claim as long as I get my initial deposit back. Almost a year after moving in I still haven't seen a sign of it, and I don't think the other tenants have either. Do you think that leaving the tenancy early may hinder my chances as claiming this deposit back? I believe they are separate matters, I believe that he had ill intentions with the deposit by choosing to manage it himself and no protect it, which seems like it has broken all of his responsibilities. But also a separate matter of leaving the tenancy early where I suggested that they could possibly keep the deposit, which not reciprocated, but then got an email after the phone call which clearly stated when I could leave and who gave permission and also that no further payments are required. Sorry for the wall of text, it has been a complicated and stressful process and any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much, Buneet
  9. Hi all. My car has been off road in a friend's MOT garage since July 2015, I genuinely thought I had declared it SORN. Tonight I have tried to transfer the private plate from it but DVLA told me that I have to decalre it SORN first. I did this by automated phone call but then spoke to a DVLA person who said that I must pay the missing period of taxation before I can transfer the plate. However, a previous call handler hinted that there is a way out of this? Any advice would be greatly received.
  10. I took out a £300 Loan with Provident a while back and, due to non repayment, My debt has been sold on to Lowell. Lowell contacted Me by phone to inform Me they were a collection agency and my Debt with Provident had been passed to them and stated over the phone that I owed them over £500. I immediately asked how this was considering My original loan was £300 and the agent said that it was 'fees' when I asked what fee's He claimed an agent had called at My Home (Never happened) and this extra debt was call out fee's for the bailiff. I asked the rep. for a full and complete itemized breakdown showing what every penny over and above the original £300 was added for and how the debt had grown. He responded by telling Me "We do not send out information like that I'm afraid, Sir" and I said "Well I am afraid I am not paying it then." He then tried to use the 'Data Protection Act' as His reason why they could not do this and I stopped Him mid sentence to let Him know that as an employee of SKY TV selling products (Boxes, package upgrades, Broadband and Sky Talk etc) I myself am extremely familiar with the Data Protection Act as I have to work within it's guidelines and rules on a daily basis. He put Me on Hold to speak with His Manager and came back to say "Sir, MY Manager tells me You are correct in that it isn't Data Protection that bars this being done, it's simply not company policy to send itemized bills on request." I then said "Well I could ring anyone and claim they owe me 4 Million pounds and tell them when they natural ask how and why, 'I'm sorry, I'm not obligated to tell you that. Now are We paying by Visa or Mastercard?" Put on Hold a second time and came back to say "Sir, We will post the itemized bill showing what the extra charges are for and when then incurred. Have a nice day." One week later I received My 'Itemized' Debt. "Dear Mr _____ Account Balance Outstanding: £300" They tried it on because they simply assume if they tell You 'We are not obliged to send you itemized bill showing how and where extra charges incurred' that I, the debtor, won't know any better. I just wonder how many people have simply complied and paid who may not have known any better.
  11. I set up DD with DVLA 2015. DVLA confirmed DD was set up and supplied a letter saying so. Thinking my car was taxed, and having comfort DVLA would take payments as needed, DVLA has not requested/taken payment. Car was not, therefore, taxed. I discovered this with a lovely man put a wheel clamp on my car, with £260 release fee (£160 later refunded once taxed) but then 2 weeks later, letter from DVLA with fine of £216. Replied to DVLA fine letter saying it's their fault. The DD letter from DVLA in 2015 says exactly 'you do not have to do anything'. I am fuming.
  12. Hi all I was testing some apps for my daughter to check car history and whilst testing, I used my own car details and have found out my car hasn't been taxed since december. I bought the car in Dec 2015 and set the DD up. I have email confirmation and paid each month without fail up to Nov 2016 No details changed during that first 12 months and having checked, the DD is still set up in my bank but no payments made since Nov 2016. I want to pay my tax from today but am being g asked for a v11 reminder number which don't have. Does anyone have any advise where I stand please?
  13. Can someone please give me some advice on what to do next? I parked in a Parking Eye carpark and paid the appropriate fee. I left before my time was up. I then received a fine and it appears I only entered half my car number rather than the full one. It's a small carpark so it's perfectly obvious that no one else parked there with that combination of letters at those exact times. I've since checked and there IS a sign (set very high above normal eye level when using the machine) saying that I should enter the full number, but it's not a carpark I've used before so I didn't notice. I appealed to Parking Eye who offered to reduce the fee to £20, then I appealed to POPLA and this has been turned down. Could someone suggest my next move. Should I just pay up - the fee is now in full again? It seems so unfair as I paid for the time I was there and they aren't suggesting otherwise. Can someone really "fine" me in some enforceable way for not entering my car number properly?
  14. Hi My poor little car had a poorly radiator so I bought another car, transferred my insurance in Nov 2016 and set about repairing the first one. The first clue I had that something was a bit amiss came late November when i tried to buy some temporary cover for that car was rejection as they declined insurance saying the car was Cat A/B. I have had this car 5 years.It has never been dented let alone had a serious crash so I thought they just did not fancy insuring a 2.5 L car on a temporary basis. The second was a keen buyer who wanted to check a few things out and never got back to me. I had no problem getting monthly cover from my main insurer who have covered it since Mar 2013 but it was pricey at £60 odd a 28 day period. So, i tried to advertise the car on Gumtree and they rejected it on the basis of HPI saying the car had been scrapped. A quick call (O.K. no call to Swansea is quick,35 menu options later) to DVLA got me a man who said that there was a problem with my car and I needed to fill in a form to find out what was on the record for my vehicle,no. He could not tell me on the phone, yes he could see the car had a valid MOT but I had to fill in the form to find out what the problem was (reply to my submission could take 6 weeks ) Then I could present my side of the story. So I returned in frustration to HPI to try and speed up the process. HPI told me my car had had a Certificate of Destruction issued against it May 2015. Bit of a shock, so I phoned DVLA who could see this car that had,according to them been crushed in May 2015 had been MOTd Oct 2015 and Oct 2016 and been insured continuously. I eventually got an email from DVLA ordering my car off the road and basically asking me to prove I still had the car and that it was the genuine article. So I had to provide photos of the Car with its registration plate, Photos of the VIN number and a pencil rubbing of the VIN number.I had previously sent in my intact V5c form stating they had scrapped the wrong car off. 2 loads of insurance later I have a letter from DVLA without the slightest hint of an apology admitting that my car is not the one turned into a steel door stop and demanding that I pay an enormous sum of money for back road fund license. Car is now taxed from the beginning of this year. Back in March 2015 I set up a Direct Debit scheme for the Road Fund License, they stopped taking it when they decided my car was scrap (usual practice so they say),I did not notice,you tend to look for things you do not remember buying on a bank statement not payments you expect. Equally they did not send out a "Oy, your road tax is due,pay up you bug**R" note March 2016, No Tax Disc to remind you these days,I always bought a new disc when they sent the letter out. O.K. So I should pay up,money is due,despite the fact none of the above was caused by me. Road fund must be paid but what about my costs and effort, I am looking at another 28 days insurance. I should have have been able to declare this car sold late November so no liability for road tax from then but I have had to pay for January despite being ordered off the road for half that. 3 and a half months Road Tax is about £90, phone calls ,letters and time.They want the full amount.I have listed the car on ebay to just get rid but do not expect it to achieve the price I had negotiated before the sale fell through. Is there any scheme that compensates me for the considerable losses on my part,for my expenses keeping the car legal and making it sale-able.
  15. Hello, I started a small claim in court against my landlord a few moths ago... Today I received the "Notice of Trial Date" (Form N172), that says I have to pay a hearing fee. Something I already expected. The problem is that I don't know exactly how to do that and there are no instructions in that letter. Do I have to send a cheque to my local county court (where the case was transferred)? Do I have to write a small letter saying that the attached cheque is for the claim number XXXX? I don't find related court fees to this step. BTW, I remember in the process, weeks ago, I received I letter that said that "This claim has been transferred to your county court at XXX. All correspondence should be directed to the transferred court" I search on the net but don't not exactly what to do. Thanks.
  16. Hi all HSBC Mortgage Repayment Protector I recently submitted a PPI claim via Resolver to HSBC. I received a letter within the 8 week time frame to say that their 'completed searches found NO EVIDENCE to confirm Payment Protection Insurance was attached to any products held with HSBC'. I was surprised at this as I had given them as much detail as possible without being able to give them a policy number. Not satisfied, I called HSBC direct and started a new process giving them the same detail as I had listed in the Resolver claim. Within 3 weeks I received a letter saying I had taken out Mortgage Payment Protector and they supplied the policy number and the start date (30th May 2003). I now have the information I need to pursue a claim based on the fact at the time I took out the Mortgage Payment Protector I was self employed. I do not have a copy of the policy but understand certain policies were not suitable for the self employed - please can anyone confirm this and should I claim anyway? As a side note, the two letters I received from HSBC both have the same HSBC reference number. I wonder how many people they just fob off with a letter in this way.... Thanks in advance for any advice given. D
  17. Hope someone can help me. I moved home a few years ago and paid for Royal Mail redirection. At some point about18months later (redirection still in place) a bill was sent to my old address, but not forwarded by Royal Mail. The claimant then began court proceedings and this was also not forwarded. The case went to court and went ahead without my knowledge and I 'lost' as I didn't appear. The first I heard of this was when I did eventually get a redirection saying that judgement was made against me and that a CCJ had been issued against my name! You can imagine the horror on opening that letter! I had to pay £155 to the court to have the case 'reopened' and judgment set aside so I could request the CCJ to be removed.. The court had no objection to that due to the fact that Royal Mail didn't redirect the claim or documents. I then spent three months trying to clear the CCJ from all of the agencies. I had no problem paying the debt (I would have done in advance if I'd have known about it!), and that was paid. But can I claim from Royal Mail these additional costs that I incurred due to Royal Mail's lack of redirection? ie the cost to have the case reopened? Any help would be much appreciated!
  18. I have been trying without success to challenge a Lloyd's bank default from 2010. After 2 years of letters Lloyds have finally replied and told me they didn't actually send me a default notice but its all ok as they sent a solicitors letter instead . This seems off to me and i smell a large rat They also sent me a cheque for £50 as a gesture of goodwill !! Any advice on the next steps ? The debt is fully repaid and just trying to clear my CRA file thanks
  19. Brief summary/history Other half's card. Commenced 1998, defaulted 2006 with interest frozen from that date. Default card balance was £6,500 - progressively paid/reduced to just under £5,000. PPI claim made October 2012 - initially refused but upheld by the FOS on adjudication. March 2014 NatWest credited £4,664 to the card, leaving a balance of £323. By my own (spreadsheet) calculations the payment should have been some £1450 more than they paid. Their payment was arrived at as follows: Refund of payment made 1998 to 2006 £2334.14 Compound interest based on rates charged £ 712.36 Sub total £3056.50 Gross interest at 8% £2010.43 Less income tax at 20% £ 402.09 Net interest £1608.34 Net offer £4664.84 It is their compound interest figure that I cannot agree with. During the 8 year life of the card, monthly interest rates varied between 1.385% and 1.620%. The average card balance was about £3200. My calculations show the compound interest figure to be about £2077 rather than their figure of £712. This would also increase the 8% gross interest amount due by about £1000. I reckon we want about another £2500 from them (before tax) I have written to them several times asking for a breakdown of their compound interest figure and have been stonewalled each time. They say they cannot provide these (complicated) calculations but that they are in line with the FOS and FCA guidelines. Their last reply even went so far as to 'explain' to me how compound interest works. I can scarcely believe the content of it. Here is the relevant paragraph from their letter: As a basic look at the compound interest aspect, if you compared the monthly balance of the credit card with and without PPI and the difference was £20, then the interest element would be determined from this figure. If the monthly interest rate was 1% and 12% per annum, this would mean that the starting figure for the compound interest is 20p (1% of £20.00) if your card then ran for 5 years, the compound interest on this PPI premium would accumulate as follows, year 1 = 22p, year 2 = 25p, year 3 = 28p, year 4 = 31p, year 5 = 35p. Therefore the total amount difference in balance of £20.00 in this example would be 35p. So, this 'expert' from RBS thinks the compound interest would be 35p. Well, I calculate it to be £16.33. She seems to have worked it out at 1% per annum rather than 1% per month. (I am not a mathematician so if I have got this completely wrong and she is right, please, someone, tell me I am making a numpty of myself). So, ladies and gentlemen of CAG, where do I go next with this shower? Suggestions and comments most welcome, thanks.
  20. Hi all I've received a rather threatening letter from Restons Solicitors, I'm hoping you can assist me with my problem. Resotns solicitors been instructed by their Client Hillesden securities limited. I have received an n30 Judgement for claimant Resotns solicitors been. I believe it relates to a car finance agreement I had with Black Horse back in 2000 the Car price was £12000 to be paid over a period of 48 month. After few month later in year 2000 due to financial problem I wasn’t able to keep my payment of the monthly instalment to Black Horse. Black Horse decided to take back the vehicle and sell it at an auction for £5000. Black Horse put a default on my credit file (I do not know if that CCJ or not) but I wasn’t able to take any credit for six years and they started to charge me £20.00 a month until year 2010. Black Horse sold the debt to Hillesden securities limited with some advice from the Citizen advice centre I start paying them £1.00 a month as a token payment. In year 2012 for unknown reason I stopped the standing order by mistake. I didn’t receive any correspondents from Hillesden securities limited from year 2012 until November 2015 I received the court letter from there form Restons solicitors. They are demanding £1540 I wrote back to them asking to make a token payment of £1.00 but they didn’t reply back to me and when I phoned them they denied my offer letter. I received N1SDT from the court and they asked me to pay the £1725 court fee included. I offered the court £1.00 every month for six month until my financial status improved but they refused the offer and now I have N30 from the court asking me to pay instalment of £226 a month which I will not be able to afford. I do not know what action to take as I don’t own a property; I am currently in a renting accommodation and already have family financial problems. Do I consider this as a statute barred? I need your help guys.
  21. I advertised an item on ebay but the winning bidder changed his mind and wouldn't collect I had to re list it at the same time I complained to ebay about the situation and got a reply back, so they knew the situation I was in. I re-listed and sold it and got paid, however when my statement came it showed they'd debited my Santander credit card for the first time the item was sold but not paid for/collected I contacted ebay but they said I was out of the time scale for a refund and to claim on my credit card which I did. I put in a section 75 claim with Santander CC and they rejected it. Help what can I do as I thought I was covered using my CC.
  22. This is good, I never knew much about it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-26527266
  23. When I was travelling on the train this morning, I was using my laptop. I wasn't paying much attention to what was going on around me, when I noticed that the train was almost in the station. I quickly rushed to put my things away, when the ticket inspector decided to start doing his rounds. While I was in the middle of putting my stuff in my bag, he asked to see my ticket. I explained that I was about to get off the train. I continued to put my stuff away and as the train pulled into the station, I flashed my ticket before alighting. I barely made it off the train in time. As I left, he shouted out to me that I was on CCTV and he would be taking action against me as, even though I eventually showed him my ticket, I didn't show a valid ticket when asked. I don't think anything will come of this but, if it does. Is there anything they can do here? At the end of the day, the ticket inspector waited almost 20 minutes to start doing his rounds. Had he done them at the start of the journey, I would have been able to show him my ticket. Waiting until the train was about to pull into the station was inappropriate and I wasn't the only one in the carriage who was unable to show him a ticket due to his timing. Had I stopped putting my things away to show him my ticket when he originally asked, I would have missed my stop and had to travel to the next station to catch a train back. I would then have been travelling without a valid ticket.
  24. I recently bought a second hand car. because of my busy life it became clear that I would struggle to take delivery. The salesman agreed to bring it to my house to complete the sale. He was late and I couldn't wait for him. Despite him knowing that I couldn't complete other than that one chance the dealers are trying to insist that I complete and wont refund my money. He was late because of a traffic jam which they say was unavoidable. The roadworks which caused it have been there for 2 years. What are my options?
  25. Hi I recently went for a mortgage and got refused saying that I had a CCJ against my name. It turns out that I got a parking ticket in 2012 which I was unaware of, the correspondence went to a previous address I have now a CCJ against my name for £1540!!! Issued from Northampton Court in December 2012. Yes £1540 for interest on a parking ticket that was probably £25 to start with. I had no knowledge of this ticket, no knowledge of this ever going to court, and there is no way I am going to pay that amount for a parking ticket. As this was all issued to the wrong address is there anything I can do to get this off my record as it has tipped by credit rating into "poor" status? I honestly can't believe I knew nothing of this for over 3 years and now it has royal screwed me up. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks
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