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  1. Hi all, please has anyone got any advice or experience on my situation? I moved house a while ago. Sent off to DVLA to update license and V5 log book. Licence came back OK. I overlooked the fact the V5 never turned up, and tax was due in Jan. Realised the other week I have been driving for 6 months with no tax, as all reminders sent to old address. Immediately sorted the issue and paid DVLA for current tax and £80 fine. When phoning DVLA, they say I have 3 outstanding fines from DVLA for been identified driving without tax. First offence is just outside the 6 week period of applying for new address V5. - How easy/viable is it to contest the first fine? - Any way of avoiding/ reducing the other fines? Many thanks!
  2. Hi all, first time poster here, apologies if I get anything wrong! I bought the car two years ago, immediately set up a direct debit and - foolishly now it seems - thought that was that. You all know where this is going... So, last month my car got clamped outside the house, that was the first I knew that my car was untaxed. It turns out I’ve been driving for a year with no tax, I was (and still am) a broken man . I regularly check my MOT and insurance online, but tax - it just never crossed my mind, the direct debit was set up immediately, it renews, so all good? Surely there’s a major flaw in the system here? The seller didn’t send off the logbook SO the DVLA had no idea I was the registered keeper. And yes, lo and behold, I now find out about the rule that the direct debits will NOT renew unless they have the keepers details... Then when I finally get the logbook it states that ‘this does NOT prove ownership of the vehicle’ - so what the hell does??? The person who taxes and insured it??? Who then has their direct debits not renewed by the DVLA??? Adding to this is the fact that the missus is not on her logbook (I am) yet they renewed her direct debits??? Also I have two vehicles also registered with the DVLA. The police also found me within two weeks a few months back for speeding (33 in a 30...) It just seems so wrong? Is there ANYTHING I can do about this? I’m guessing not etc etc but if I start getting the fines coming through as they’ve spotted me on camera 6 times over the past year I won’t be able to afford that... All this because they didn’t renew the DD? And doesn’t the fact that they did with the missus ruin their argument? Apologies but I’m completely out of my depth here and don’t know which way to turn. Would a magistrate see common sense and see the flaw in the system here? Is it worth heading to court to argue my case? Thanks Mike
  3. AnnC

    Untaxed Vehicle

    My husband had a problem taxing his vehicle as he couldn't find the log book. He eventually found it and taxed the vehicle but 3 days before he got the tax, apparently his vehicle was photographed at 2 a.m. in the morning and an enforcement letter was eventually sent out which we received after we had taxed the vehicle. The vehicle was on our drive not on the street, the DVLA claimed it was photographed around the corner from our house. This is not possible as all the houses on that strip of road have dropped kerbs and there is no way he could have parked there. We queried the notice and received a photograph of the back of his van, again claiming it was parked on the road nearby but giving a GPS code of 4 addresses down to ours. We have had problems with this neighbour who doesn't like our van parked on the street so naturally we are suspicious. Apart from the fact who would be out at 2.01 a.m. in the morning photographing our vehicle (any ideas?), is there anyway we can challenge this notice as they have given two wrong addresses. Many thanks.
  4. After owning the same car for over 20years I found myself needing to replace it. I purchased a car last year (August 17) which was £0 tax. All the relevant paperwork was sent off and i received the new keeper registration document. What I didn't realise is that i needed to register my car online. In November 17 my vehicle was clamped for being untaxed. I was totally shocked and couldn't understand why this was as i did not have to pay tax on it. My mistake. I paid the fine of £100 to get it unclamped after registering the car. I thought that was it. However, I have now received a letter to say that must pay out an out of court settlement of £30.00 to stop DVLA taking me to court! I dont understand how that can be if i have paid the fine and corrected my mistake. I was not told that i would be charged an additional £30 2 months later! Surely, this money making and cannot be legal Does anyone else experienced this? please advise. Do I pay the £30 fine
  5. I got a letter from the dvla that says they have photographic evidence of my car on the road (6/9/2017) and if I did not pay an out of court settlement of £361 by 29/9/2017 they would send it to court to get it. I haven’t taxed it since March and I have taken a few months off work to do some home projects, but I got busted the other day going into town, as above. They say that even if I tax it then the penalty of £361 still stands and I have to pay it to them. Can they do this? Also I just went online to get it taxed and it says that I have not paid since Nov 2016, I am sure I taxed it in Spetember 2016 and it ran out in Feb/beginning March 2017… Thanks
  6. Hi, On 27/4/18 I was stopped by a Police traffic car as the car I had just bought and was driving was untaxed. I had no idea the rules had changed, it was insured in my name and the police officer let me continue on the basis that I taxed the car imeadiately, which I did. I've received a letter dated 19/9/16 from DVLA saying that I was stopped in an untaxed car and have to pay an out of court settlement of £376 by 6/10/16. The letter has the wrong registration number (similar, but wrong) and an incorrect spelling of my surname. Do any of these details mean could avoid paying/stop the offence/payment? It seems a long time from the offence to the commencement of their action. Also feels harsh that the police officer said just to get it taxed. Thanks for any help locostmike
  7. This may be a common thread apologies if the information is elsewhere. I've just found a reminder to renew road tax which was due to expire November 30 2015. In my defence since there is no longer a paper road tax disc displayed on my windscreen I had no way of knowing this. I tried to apply for the tax online but since it expired in December and it is now January 10th it wouldn't let me. I eventually managed to pay online for the road tax but it was showing from 1st Jan 2016. In addition the website still shows my car as being untaxed! My question is when should I expect to receive a fine and how much will it be. I've heard £80! Should I expect a court summons? Is there a way of appealing the fine, I was sent no reminders by the dvla.
  8. Hi my father past away on June 3rd my brother in-law was still driving his car so I contacted DVLA to inform them. they sent me back the tax that was left over and unregistered it. 2 weeks later he was still driving it so I contacted them again they said they had past it on to nsl to be towed or clamped, when I phoned nsl they had no idea what I was talking about, so I wrote a complaint to DVLA online. I received a reply saying they would deal with it when they were in the area. 2 weeks later he was still driving it so I wrote another complaint I also told them when they were driving to wales from Winchester "about 350 mile trip there and back" and what route they were taking for the 3rd time since reporting it, and still he was driving it a week later. I have also reported this to the police twice in person twice by phone, i have reported it to a traffic warden and to a council official who again informed the police. I also took photos of the car parked in a disabled bay using my deceased fathers disabled blue badge and passed that information to the right people and still today over 2 months later he is still driving it. I would really like to know when are the authorities put there to protect us concerned for the public safety on our roads. You can not even look up this car any longer as apparently it does not exist.
  9. Hi so, I will try to be succinct! We all know the law changed, but I didn't quite get it. I bought a car second hand, it came with a tax disk, I thought I was fine for a few months. Obviously I wasn't, I understand that, and am happy to pay a REASONABLE amount because of this. I was caught on camera on 21st December near Oxford. I was caught on my home street in London on 13th January. I was clamped on 14th of January, costing me £100 to get out. I taxed my car that same day. On 15th January I get two letters, both dated 14th January - obviously these would not be received until after I got clamped. One letter referred to being caught on camera in December, charging me £117. The second letter referred to being caught on 13th January, asking me to pay £145. On phoning the DVLA, I was told I am supposed to pay BOTH fines. PLUS the £100 for the clamping. DO the maths if you want but it's a lot of money, for one (accidental) offence. I wrote a nice long, detailed letter of appeal, asking for a reasonable reduction and consolidation of these "out of court settlements). I have just received a letter telling me that none of my reasons were valid, and I still have to pay everything. Shall I fight it? It seems a crazy system, even if I swallow the fee for the clamping, having to pay twice for the same offence. And the fact that they seem to have KEPT THE DECEMBER OFFENCE BACK UNTIL THEY CAUGHT ME AGAIN, SENDING LETTERS FOR BOTH THE OFFENCES ON THE SAME DAY seems either very sneaky, to get maximum money from me, or at least very bad admin. If I do fight it, where will the court case be held? Locally to me or in Swansea? Anyone know? If I do fight it, how much might I have to pay if I lose? If I do fight it, anyone know my chances? Should I just pay because offences are offences? Thanks all, looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Jon
  10. Hi there need some advice desperately, I have a vehicle which the tax disc has been expired and no mot. The vehicle was clamped late last night friday evening. Notices have been left with usual information, CRIMINAL OFFENCE TO REMOVE. They also give a contact number to call if you want it removed and amounts to pay for 24 hours and more, the problem is they closed over the weekend and state on the page if clamped outside of office hours please contact the pound. Well the number given for the pound is the same for office hours between monday to friday. So whats the use of that its the weekend and I could now go and have it mot and do my taxed, but can't get them to remove clamp. I feel that they do this late on fridays after hours as they know they closed the weekend to get more cash. I feel like removing it myself and taking the car to have an mot and get it taxed. Any help would be appreciated should I go ahead and remove it and what would the consequences be of that, or leave it and pay extra to the clampers and take off work monday and loose pay to sort it out. Thanks in advance for any help.
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