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  1. Graves of 2 north west soldiers killed in the great war rededicated a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/graves-of-2-north-west-soldiers-killed-in-the-great-war-rededicated-a-century-later
  2. I'm looking for some wise advice from those more experienced than I with insurance and subsidence claims. Our house (circa 1890 semi-detached) is on a small slope and had some evidence of small "historical" movements when we bought it 20 years ago. Very little has changed since, and a structural engineer didn't mention subsidence in an inspection 4 years ago. However, it seems the neighbour's house has developed cracks near the party wall in the last few years, and they seem to suspect OUR house is to blame as we are further down the (small) incline. They say they have inspection reports from the last 6 months, but we haven't seen anything yet. To complicate matters slightly, we are changing from our current landlord's insurance policy to a homeowner's policy in a couple weeks, as we will be moving into the house ourselves. We are worried about 1) raising the issue of subsidence on our current landlord's policy, as this might make our new (already agreed and paid for) homeowner's insurance invalid. 2) waiting until we move in to raise the topic, as our new insurance might balk at a subsidence claim if we make it shortly after the policy starts. 3) being stuck in a no-man's zone between the two policies, with neither willing to cover...if indeed there is subsidence. 4)the neighbours will take some sort of legal action and find a structural engineer that will pin all blame on us. Both our policies are with the same company, which will hopefully help. We don't even know if there is subsidence of course, but it does seem possible. Any advice from those who know more about how insurance companies would treat such things would be most appreciated. What is the best course of action? 1) Raise the issue immediately? 2) Raise it later? 3) Do our own inspection first and only then contact the company? (this will likely push us into the new policy period) Thanks in advance for any information or advice!
  3. I had a 12 month residential Broadband account with Talk Talk several years ago. After the term was up I moved house. Two years later my bank account went overdrawn for the first time ever, triggering a 1/3 strikes warning letter and overdraft charge from my bank. (I do not have an OD agreement). On investigation I discovered Talk Talk had resumed talking money out of my account to the tune of £250. I immediately stopped the direct debit, and have since been deluged with harassing letters and emails from a debt collection agency. What can I do about this? thanks DS
  4. I have just received claim form for a CC debt of about £4,400 from 2009 and they have claimed interest for 6 months + upto the date of judgement, but no mention of going forward. I don't mind paying them original amount in instalments but I am worried that if I accept the claim as it is then they may ask the judge for 8% interest until the debt clears, which may mean the payments I make will just pay off interest. Someone has told me that if I defend the case by asking them to prove the debt then they are likely to concentrate on proving the debt and not ask for interest going forward. But if I accept debt at the first stage then they are most likely to ask the judge to add 8% interest. Is this correct assumption? But I know that if I defend then I will be slapped about a £1,000 in further legal costs. What could be the best course of action in this case? Is there an argument against paying interest of 8%, which I may be able to use? I will be grateful for your comments.
  5. hi all i took a contract out in sep 2016, couldnt use it, called to send back but they said i'd had it over 2 weeks so no. i never paid anything and forgot about it as they didnt take my compliant serious. they in november 2017 i they put a default on my file. just wondering if i have any recourse to get it took off or anything? Thanks in advance
  6. Two World War 1 soldiers have finally been identified a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/two-world-war-1-soldiers-have-finally-been-identified-a-century-later
  7. Hi all, Im totally new to this forum and wanted some advice from you all. I've done the necessary searches for a case similar to mine but couldn't find anything. Here goes: Contravention happened on Bright Road in Purley, Surrey. There are 2 red route bays there that you can park in. One has the times of 7am-7pm and the other is 10am-4pm. I was unsure as to which was which and stopped in the 10-4 one at 09:55, got out of the car to check the board with the times on (as it faces the pavement as opposed to the road) and got back in my car to drive around the block a couple of times to make up the 5 mins. Received a PCN on September 2015. Wrote a letter requesting CCTV footage for the time period between 09:55 & 10:00. I heard nothing back from them until September 2016 (12 months later) requesting £190 as the time had apsed to pay the original £65. I immediately wrote a letter informing them that since I received no reply, I assumed this PCN was null and void. The responded saying that they had sent out CCTV footage and I had failed to pay. I wrote another letter explaining that I hadn't received any correspondence to which they then sent CCTV footage (signed for Royal Mail) They then raised this with the County Court. I've filled out a TE9 and received a letter today from the courts saying that the 'Order for the Charge has been Cancelled'. The CCTV footage is only for the minute of 09:55 where I drove into the bay and semi-parked to check the times. They haven't given me any more footage after 09:55 to show that I had in fact driven off. My questions are: Can they send a reminder out to pay a PCN exactly 12 months later? Can they select what parts of the CCTV footage they can send me? Im currently on maternity leave and really cant afford to pay £200 for a fine. Can I fight this and on what grounds? Many Thanks in Advance
  8. World War 1 soldier who was killed in the Battle of the Somme finally laid to rest a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/world-war-1-soldier-who-was-killed-in-the-battle-of-the-somme-finally-laid-to-rest-a-century-later
  9. Hi, I am writing on behalf of my husband. Will try to cut everything short and get to the basics, but if you feel you need more information to help you form an argument then I believe that I have quite a few things in our favour. The main point is, last year my husband paid off his student loan in FULL of approx. £5000 we thought all is clear, fine and well. Ironically a week or so later we received a letter from our University in RED writing saying that we owe money. Of course it said if you have already paid then ignore. We assuming that us paying the student loan was the same thing as paying the tuition fee as it usually covers it. It was almost as if the University received some kind of "tip-off" from the Student Loans company (SLC) that "we've got 'em" and for them to get in touch with us (for years my husband was abroad so he never used to receive their letters.) this letter stated "due to a course taken in 2015" which was way out since he studied 2005-2008. they have already made mistakes on their letters which I have copies of. I have been back and forth now between SLC and the University, as at first I was told that the SLC had "clawed back" the £1,225 tuition fee that they should not have paid on our behalf in the first place. Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) are now chasing us because SLC have taken back the money from them. All too confusing. Now that story has changed. SLC say they NEVER paid the tuition fee for the final year of study 2007/08 because my husband's loan application was not accepted and withdrawn as he failed to provided the necessary evidence. they only gave him a loan for the 2nd year which included the coverage of the tuition fee for that year. My argument then is that why was he allowed/able to graduate? We had friends that had to leave the course or could not continue at that time if they had not paid the fee. Period. we should not be made responsible to pay this after almost 10 years when they have made an error somewhere on their side/system. And since we have cleared the loan side of things. Did that make any sense? I hope so. Please any advice, suggestion, questions or feedback is much appreciated. Thanks in advanced, Kind regards
  10. Hi Just looking for some advice on this one please. We flew to Hong Kong stopping over in Dubai for 2 hours before connecting onwards to HK. Our flight was delayed in landing due to fog. We landed at 9.26 and our flight was due to leave at 9:55 When we landed, there was emirates staff fast tracking people flying to Auckland and Melbourne through the gates. Upon research today, both these flights were scheduled to leave at 10:10 We proceeded to the gate to find the gate closed and deserted and thought the plane had left. Upon further research, the plane took off at 11:01 We went to customer support and there was 8 in our party. 2 had travelled business and we were economy. We were told economy was full but there was space in business but would cost us £1200 to upgrade. This was on a flight at 7:10 that evening. We said no as we were all travelling together and some couldnt afford it we ended up all flying out on the 3:15 am flight. This resulted in us arriving in Hong Kong, 27 hours late. We also had prepaid for our hotel and missed out on 4 rooms at £180 per night for the rooms. My questions are 1. Do we have any for of monetary claim for the late arrival 2. Should Emirates have out is in business class anyway, irrelevant of us having to pay as we were the first ones chasing the space. 3. Can we claim for the lost hotel cost that we had already incurred. Many thanks
  11. I left a rental property in January '15. Subsequently, I had a CCJ issued in April 15 (to the previous address so not defended) for£1600 (HBOS). Bailiffs attended the previous address in Dec '15. I have contacted Northampton to find out who issued the CCJ but not heard back yet. For how long is the warrant live? I'm seeing 1 year in some places? Is it normal for warrants to be re-issued to new addresses (in this case 2 years later)? The CCJ is only coming up to 3 years. There's no real point in Bailiffs attending as I have no property (everything I own can be packed into two bags) I am slightly concerned about my partner's belongings being dragged into this. Would I be able to have the CCJ set aside based on service address, admit liability and pay the outstanding amount? Would that CCJ then be removed from my credit file or would I just have to let it ride? As yet, I've had no recent contact with bailiffs in the matter described, I want to get ahead of the game.
  12. Grave of brave Sussex born WW1 sailor finally rededicated almost a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/grave-of-brave-sussex-born-ww1-sailor-finally-rededicated-almost-a-century-later
  13. Hi all Nearly 6 months ago my Father in Law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The Palliative Care team at his Hospital immediately requested that the council fit a level access shower in his council flat. 4 months later, his wife had heard nothing so rang the Council up. Was told that the adjudication Panel had rejected the request! The next day his daughter phoned to plead with them to reconsider. They immediately phoned back to say they had granted the application. No reason was given for the refusal or the reconsideration. She was phoned in August to say they would start work on shower on the following Monday. They never turned up. No reason was given. He passed away mid-September. The shower was never fitted. For the last few months of his life he refused to leave the flat because he was worried that he smelled. This despite his wife washing him frequently using cloths and bowls of soapy water. I have registered a formal complaint and I'm awaiting the response. I have had a phone call from the Director of Adult Social Care who apologised but refused to provide any explanation. He told me to register a formal complaint if I felt his apology wasn't sufficient. I have made FOI request for the minutes of the Panel meetings. However, I am now considering legal action to seek financial compensation for his wife. Would she have a case and if so, how would I go about it?
  14. In 2012 my father received a demand letter from a company called Mackenzie Hall saying that they were collecting a debt acquired from the Lending Stream. He had no recollection of any kind of contact with either company or even a need to use this form of borrowing. He was 77 years old at the time and not in the best of health and housebound unless others took him out. MH were dealt with through correspondence asking for copies of agreements and proof of any transactions which they could not do so. They could only provide so called figures of the original amount, payments made and interest applied. I also contacted the police in case any fraud had been committed obtaining a crime number. I checked all his bank records and no transactions matching or resembled any of this or any of the companies involved. I provided all of this to MH and that the next step would be to involve the police further and my father’s local MP. He received nothing again after that last letter over 4 years ago. This week he called me at work in a right state saying that he has received another letter from a company called Asset Collections and Investigations Ltd referring to a fixed sum loan of £575 from the Lending Stream dated 03/08/2012. Which has now been assigned to them with effect from 22 August 2016 with all its rights, title, interest and benefits in and to the assigned documents and the debt. Quoting a client ref number, balance of £1672.00 their ref number and a PIN number Paragraph about debt has been registered with various agencies. To avoid further collection activity and potential legal action, please contact us no later then noon 02/09/2016. We will be happy to discuss an affordable repayment plan. We would also like to discuss the possibility of a reduced settlement payment to clear your account. Collections Department I would appreciate your advice as to next steps as I really concerned that this could tip my father over the edge, if they start sending letters like MH did. Best regards KDA2016
  15. Hello writing on behalf of my mother she is 61 and took a phone contract out for me years ago and defaulted in 2010. I was about 14 at the time and ran up a bill and my mum was a single parent and couldn't afford to pay it. The debt was originally from orange and has now been removed from her credit report but Lowell have now taken it over 6 years later and added a CCJ to her credit report. They have said it will be left on her profile for another 6 years? Is this correct as i have been reading that the debt is cleared of after 6 years. The debt was originally £100 and now it's £500 is there anyway around this or will we just have to pay it? Thanks
  16. Hi My poor little car had a poorly radiator so I bought another car, transferred my insurance in Nov 2016 and set about repairing the first one. The first clue I had that something was a bit amiss came late November when i tried to buy some temporary cover for that car was rejection as they declined insurance saying the car was Cat A/B. I have had this car 5 years.It has never been dented let alone had a serious crash so I thought they just did not fancy insuring a 2.5 L car on a temporary basis. The second was a keen buyer who wanted to check a few things out and never got back to me. I had no problem getting monthly cover from my main insurer who have covered it since Mar 2013 but it was pricey at £60 odd a 28 day period. So, i tried to advertise the car on Gumtree and they rejected it on the basis of HPI saying the car had been scrapped. A quick call (O.K. no call to Swansea is quick,35 menu options later) to DVLA got me a man who said that there was a problem with my car and I needed to fill in a form to find out what was on the record for my vehicle,no. He could not tell me on the phone, yes he could see the car had a valid MOT but I had to fill in the form to find out what the problem was (reply to my submission could take 6 weeks ) Then I could present my side of the story. So I returned in frustration to HPI to try and speed up the process. HPI told me my car had had a Certificate of Destruction issued against it May 2015. Bit of a shock, so I phoned DVLA who could see this car that had,according to them been crushed in May 2015 had been MOTd Oct 2015 and Oct 2016 and been insured continuously. I eventually got an email from DVLA ordering my car off the road and basically asking me to prove I still had the car and that it was the genuine article. So I had to provide photos of the Car with its registration plate, Photos of the VIN number and a pencil rubbing of the VIN number.I had previously sent in my intact V5c form stating they had scrapped the wrong car off. 2 loads of insurance later I have a letter from DVLA without the slightest hint of an apology admitting that my car is not the one turned into a steel door stop and demanding that I pay an enormous sum of money for back road fund license. Car is now taxed from the beginning of this year. Back in March 2015 I set up a Direct Debit scheme for the Road Fund License, they stopped taking it when they decided my car was scrap (usual practice so they say),I did not notice,you tend to look for things you do not remember buying on a bank statement not payments you expect. Equally they did not send out a "Oy, your road tax is due,pay up you bug**R" note March 2016, No Tax Disc to remind you these days,I always bought a new disc when they sent the letter out. O.K. So I should pay up,money is due,despite the fact none of the above was caused by me. Road fund must be paid but what about my costs and effort, I am looking at another 28 days insurance. I should have have been able to declare this car sold late November so no liability for road tax from then but I have had to pay for January despite being ordered off the road for half that. 3 and a half months Road Tax is about £90, phone calls ,letters and time.They want the full amount.I have listed the car on ebay to just get rid but do not expect it to achieve the price I had negotiated before the sale fell through. Is there any scheme that compensates me for the considerable losses on my part,for my expenses keeping the car legal and making it sale-able.
  17. Hi there, First post here but long been an observer. Had an account with Lending Stream which due to financial difficulty defaulted in April 2011. Motormile finance purchased the debt from Lending Stream in 2013, and I entered dialogue with Motormile as soon as I received correspondence from them. I requested a full statement of account and a copy of the default notice, as no default notice was received from Lending Stream. After hearing nothing back for over 2 months, I chased Motormile who reluctantly admitted they were unable to obtain this information from Lending Stream. The balance (including a high proportion of default fees, late payment fees etc) was £782, Motormile offered to settle for £250. I agreed this on the condition that the default notice would be removed, as they were unable to show a statement of account or a default notice had been sent, and Barry from Motormile called me a couple of days later to confirm he'd spoken with Lending Stream and they'd removed the default. I paid in full via card £250 over the phone after receiving email confirmation from Motormile the default was being removed (see below). "Email: Good Afternoon Mr *, I can confirm that we have previous received confirmation from Lending Stream that they would update your credit file for the data they have shared. I understand from our early conversation that this has now been updated accordingly. Should you have any further concerns regarding this, please contact me again. As requested, I shall arrange for our collections department to contact you to settle the account. Regards, Barry Customer Relations Manager Motormile Finance UK Ltd (MMF)" After being declined for credit, I checked my credit file in June 2015 to find that the default had been reappeared on the credit file, this time from Motormile Finance. I queried this with Motormile immediately. I was promised a response to my complaint within 14 days. Over a month passed (chased every week), blaming Lending Stream. Once I pointed out on multiple occasions that the default was from Motormile and not lending stream I received a response saying my compaint was being investigated and I would receive a response within 28 days. Sure enough, a month later, I received this response: "Dear Mr *. Thank you for your recent correspondence. We understand your concerns to be that: · We have requested the removal of the default from your credit file previously, however this has recently re-appeared. · You have applied for a mortgage and the default applied by MMF is having a detrimental effect to your application. We have investigated your complaint thoroughly and have provided a response to each concern individually below: We have requested the removal of the default from your credit file previously, however this has recently re-appeared. We have reviewed all correspondence on your account and have found that you have previously discussed your credit file with us in December 2013. We would firstly like to make you aware that MMF did not record any data with the credit reference agencies at this period and as such, never agreed to remove any information on your credit file. Your correspondence with us in December 2013 was in regards to data that was shared on your credit file by Lending Stream. In December 2013, we explained that as MMF has purchased the account, we are legally obligated to take over any information on your credit file. We are obligated to do this to provide an accurate reflection on a consumers credit history. The default that was originally applied by Lending Stream should have been removed in August 2013 and updated to show that the account had been sold. As a resolution to your concerns in December 2013, Lending Stream confirmed to us that they had updated your credit file accordingly. You have applied for a mortgage and the default applied by MMF is having a detrimental effect to your application. We are sorry to hear that you feel this default is affecting your chances to obtain a mortgage. We are obligated to report factual and up to date information on your credit file to provide an accurate reflection of your credit history. Lending Stream have confirmed to us that a notice of default was sent your postal address (*) on 11 April 2011 and the account defaulted on 25 April 2011. We have provided you with a copy of this documentation for your records. As you were provided with a notice of default, we are unable to remove the information as the data is factually correct. We hope this response has brought the matter to an acceptable resolution and the action taken is to your satisfaction. However, this is our final response, if you remain unhappy with the response I have attached a link to the leaflet about the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Should you choose to contact them, you will need to do so within six months from the date of this email, enclosing a copy of the final response, which they will need for their investigation. If you would like a copy of this response by post including the leaflet please let me know by return email. FOS Leaflet: - Kind Regards, Pat Lee Customer Relations Officer Motormile Finance UK Ltd (MMF)" The default reappeared in February 2015. Originally this showed as a fresh default on this date, dropping off in February 2021, but they have updated this to the actual date of the debt, dropping off in April 2017. Removal of this default was essentially a term of me settling the debt (I refused to pay without this being part of the agreement), at at no point was there an indication it could reappear. On discussing this with Barry I was assured that this couldn't reappear, completely contradictory to the claim in the response stating I was made aware of motormile legally obliged to taking over my credit data. Motormile had 2 months to supply details of the default notice and statement of account back in 2013, so now sending me a copy of the default notice after complaining in 2015, which was never received, seems ridiculous to me. I issued a data access request last week of which I am awaiting an acknowledgement of receipt. Where do I stand here? Do I have grounds to have this removed? Motorfile seem firm on their stance, if I have a case would be happy to proceed with the court or FCO complaint, whichever I am more likely to obtain the outcome of removal. I have applied for a mortgage on a dream home, most likely to come back as a decline next week solely due to this default. Any advice would be much appreciated Many thanks for your time - Lewis
  18. My vodafone account number is ........ Having returned the new iPhone 6 within 3 days of taking out the contract to cancel, over 5 months later I have yet to receive a refund for the £201 I am owed have today received a final demand letter threatening to involve a debt collection company. I have visited the store on 7 occasions, and spent countless hours on the phone and on online chat attempting to get this resolved. On 17 occasions; yes I have counted, a member of staff from either the store/phone/online have promised they will call me back. On literally NO occasions this has happened. I am at my wits end. I will be turning up at head office during my day off next week if this is not resolved soonest!! I have used the web form with the cat reference code so hoping 'lee' or whoever will finally take an interest in this. My vodafone reference number for the web form is #11420834
  19. Hi - am in more than a slight panic!! (I have posted this problem elsewhere then remembered how helpful this forum was in the past.) A week ago I received 5 years worth of Business Rates demands - 2002/3, 2003/4, 2004/5, 2005/6 & 2006/7. There was no letter just the outstanding amounts. I had had during that time, a running battle with the Council about these rates due to my feeling the amount was unfair due to part of the property being unused, I didn't pay the landlord rent for it and I didn't receive any income for it (it was also pretty derelict and not fit for use). As a result the Valuation Office sent a nice woman out who agreed it should be split and the empty part be the responsibility of the landlord. His wife then hit the roof when the Council sent them a bill and it was rejoined (due to her bullying tactics no doubt!). The debate then went back and forth to the Council and was never settled properly (each time I got sent a new bill, I contacted them, challenged it and it stalled - I did make payments however). I left the property in late 2007. Eventually I packed up my business to care for my elderly disabled parent (which I am still doing). In 2009 (I think!) I was sent similar - just the bills, no letter. I had met a guy who said not a problem he would sort it out as it was his line of work. He duly got involved and I heard no more. Until a week ago when the same 5 bills appeared And then this morning I received a threatening letter stating a Liability Order had been issued on 19th May 2003 for £2927. And if I do not pay by this Wednesday, they will send in the bailiffs! I would NEVER ignore any court summons etc. and I was still at the property at the time. When I looked closer at the bills, the 2002/3 bill to which this LO presumably was for, the amount owed was £1131.40. The date of this bill was 1/4/2003. There was a small charge of £50 costs but it does not say what for and anyway it predates the LO anyway . No further costs on any of the subsequent bills. There are no names of contactable people on any of the correspondence. So what do I do????
  20. A relative has approached me to ask for help with their ESA claim as they are still only in receipt of ESA at the assessment rate after 15 months. From the information I have it appears that they were claiming as a sole claimant in their own right initially. Then she advised that she was in a relationship and the claim was adjusted to reflect and became a joint claim. During this time, in order for her to maintain her own N.I Contributions she was to attend a medical appointment with ATOS. However, the first appointment conflicted with a family court hearing and they sent out a new date. The second medical appointment actually fell on a Bank Holiday and I took her there myself and the doors were locked and no one was answering the telephones. The DWP made no effort of apologiy and a further appointment alledgedly was sent out, albeit was never received. The relationship ended and she made a new claim in her own right in May 2014 From a timescale point of view, this relative has been on E.S.A. Assessment rate ever since and DWP have made no effort to arrange a new medical appointment for her. She has Mental Health issues and is unable to budget due to her capacity. This is causing severe distress and I am seeking your advice as to what legalities are available as ATOS are no longer involved. How can we get this situation moving?
  21. Hi CAGgers, Since having left BG early 2015, I seem to have had a charge added toy account. Prior to moving I confirmed that my account was up to date (bar about £20 usage for the 2 weeks before I left). After leaving, I was initially bombarded with calls from foreign call centres chasing a new debt for £140. Despite disputing this and reminding them that there's an open dispute from a few years earlier I was blatantly ignored. In short: Every call I made to BG was logged (transcribed against a date and time with persons name etc...). At some point in 2013, it was noted that I was quoted one set of unit rates, but when I checked my bills a year or so later, I was getting a whole other set of rates (about 70% more expensive). The actual call dating the unit quotes, reference number and persons name is logged... As at the time I was a user of theirs, and had some debt, the relied on that to pursue the debt rather than address the issue at hand. The temporary outcome for the price dispute came to a £50 refund (which is about £200 short of what I was missing). I contacted BG's CEO thanks to ceoemail's website and got a fairly friendly person to approach the situation. Despite trying he still insisted that £140 was outstanding. I contacted him again after discussing this after leaving, (sept 2015, also logged with the rest), I literally get no replied further from them... As it stands, They've put a nasty marker on my new squeaky clean credit record which I managed to get back to health and no matter what I do i.e. call them, contact the CRA's, nobody is budging. What's the best way to approach this? I was hoping that my clear and concise logging of each and every call, email and letter would clear the way for an easy transition but things still seem a bit grim. It was suggested that i send the CEO a daily email to literally bother them into resolving the situation, but I feel that this could amount to harassment. Any ideas as to how to dig my way out of their hole? Cheers, A
  22. I am shocked to find I received 2 speeding tickets this morning (16-02-16). 1) Dated 02-10-15 doing 36 mph in a 30 mile road 2) Dated 11-12-15 doing 35 mph in a 30 mile road. Since its 16 February 2016 the first ticket is over 4 months old. Obviously I have no recollection dating back that far. The "speeds" are so minor over the limit and I would welcome any advice on whether it it possible to challenge these tickets fairly. Amazingly the only memory I have of this particular road is being stuck in between lorries in traffic jams where a 10 min drive would take you up to an hour - seems rather strange and weird, unless a gap appeared and I moved??? On the letter its says pay £100 fine and then talks about a speeding course does it mean do one or the other or are you supposed to do both. Never had a speeding ticket before so quite shocked. Any advice welcome. Thanks
  23. I had been with Natwest for 22 years and had a black account with the Gold Advantage Charge card. I was advised to become a company as I would be delivering a service through several agencies. Unfortunately, due to exceptional circumstances and include a bad personal relationship left me in debt and I am about £8 -9k in mortgage arrears on a house I rent out and a personal overdraft that was £12k. In 6 months that OD was cleared and both business and personal accounts were in the black. The difficulty in meeting the mortgage department for an arrangement to be put in place was mainly because this period was over the summer, they would meet with me after 5pm and if I called at 4.45 they would not deal with me. I sent in 2 income/expenditure spreadsheets but they clearly didnt see them but I managed to set up a DD for the mortgage online and I met the deadline. That evening all three of my accounts were closed. I called the callcentre and they said they didnt have me on record. I tried to log a complaint and they were too busy on the Friday but promised they would be in touch the next day. They never did. As a prelude they stopped my access to online banking even though there was no way of spending money or transferring out into other accounts so it made knowing where I was financially and who had paid me and hadnt. The worst thing is that I couldnt operate, I need supplies, sundries and I was without any money to buy food or even some milk. I told Natwest this but they told me all my funds were transferred into the mortgage. It took a further 3 months to work out what had happened and the cause was not offered to me by the bank whose level of investigation was looking at the screen in front of them whilst on the phone. They hadnt cancelled the previous direct debit so every month the original arrangement would draw funds then the older previously arranged dd would be rejected. This was recorded as a default. I tried to make it clear to them there was an arrangement in place, it utilised a payment system set up and approved by the bank and it was their job to find out where the money was disappearing to every month for three months instead they left it to me. I complained about being oushed further into hardship by continued charges I had no way of keeping track of as the online facility had been taken away four months before they closed me down, failed to log 6 out of 8 attempts to complain and didnt care that I had not a penny for two weeks. They tried to issue a repossesion order and I wrote in to the lawyer to say that was illegal as the account was under dispute. In the meantime, I asked for SAR to get all the account information and after three months all I have is mortgage account copies. The lawyers are now calling me and I am sure its about instructing me to pay the arrears within the week or they would issue a repossession order on the house. They cancelled the direct debit that existed so I was conscious to keep puttting funds in every month but trying to function without a bank account lost me more money and irretrievably lost more clients. I am expecting a lump sum of money that will clear the arrears but the knock on effect meant that I was late paying my suppliers and one has taken a county court judgement out against me and bankruptcy is where I am at if I dont have some means of a reprieve. Yes, they said that if i didnt have an arrangement in place my account woud be closed and they talked about recovery. Sounded to me it was going to get better! The arrears werent as much as my overdraft which i cleared in less than 6 months and they had said the the charge card was a different legal entity and when I called the credit card company customer services before they closed my accounts they said that there wasnt any money owed and that it would be fully operational once the mortgage arrangement was in place. That wasn't true and I also lost my 36,000 reward points as I had no online access and frankly more serious things to worry about. i cant really afford a litigation lawyer at the moment and have little faith in the FSA from what I am reading. The banks replies to my complaints are to issues that weren't raised and they have not taken notice of my plea to allow me access to funds I had to eat and drink. I was not notified clearly that every account would be closed down and as far as I am concerned there was an arrangement in place that obviously isnt integrated into the RBS network as they couldn't see that the money had been taken from the holding account and HSBC provided a fast pay reference number. You cannot open another bank account if you have mortgage arrears is what every other bank told me but once I called the Business Debtline they advised me to walk into a bank and ask to open an account. Why didnt the other banks suggest this to me? A week after submitting an application form for a Cashminder account with the coop was i able to restart rebuiding what Natwest pulled down.
  24. hi, i've got a couple of things on buy now pay later with very. in the past i've paid them off before the interest kicks in and the others should be no different, though i do have a big one at £500 due next month. i received a letter today advising the apr will be going upto 49.9% and will apply to purchases not yet due for payment. is it contractually fair that they can increase the apr on something i bought 11 months ago when the apr was lower? thanks, kris
  25. Hi all, I was freelancing last year, opened up my ltd company very early January 2014, and the first accounts will be due in September, along with the tax money. However, for personal reasons I'd like to hold onto that money a month longer. Can the payment be legally delayed for any reasons? Thanks, JB
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