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Found 3 results

  1. I had a 12 month residential Broadband account with Talk Talk several years ago. After the term was up I moved house. Two years later my bank account went overdrawn for the first time ever, triggering a 1/3 strikes warning letter and overdraft charge from my bank. (I do not have an OD agreement). On investigation I discovered Talk Talk had resumed talking money out of my account to the tune of £250. I immediately stopped the direct debit, and have since been deluged with harassing letters and emails from a debt collection agency. What can I do about this? thanks DS
  2. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could possibly help me with an issue I'm having with Harlands. I joined the xcercise4less Gym last year in around June 2014, ending my membership around August 2014 (not sure on exact dates at the moment however I'm sure I can retrieve these. After getting into financial difficulties I cancelled my DD with xcercise4less in around August meaning they could not collect my monthly membership fee. I fully accept that in hindsight, this was not the right thing to do and I should have given the 30 days notice as per the contract. After cancelling the DD i received a letter from Harlands advising that I owed them a £25 administration fee for the DD cancellation plus the monthly membership fee for xcercise4less which I think was around £19.99. Following some online research I noticed a lot of complaints about Harlands and their so called administration fees. I did eventually contact Harlands and paid the £19.99 and advised I would pay the fee the following week. I also sent a letter to my gym confirming my membership cancellation, that I'd paid the outstanding £19.99 to Harlands and that I should no longer be liable for any payments to xcercise4less. The following week I attempted to call Harlands on three occasions to make the payment. All times I was kept on hold for a ridiculous amount of time (I have screenshots of the call attempts I made). After the last call I emailed them to advise that I would no longer be wasting my money to call them and they could contact me to collect the fee. I also advised that I would only be paying £25 and no added charges as I had attempted to call them. I received 2 automated replies from them stating something along the lines of call the following number to speak with us (despite me clearly advising them I wouldn't be ringing again). I have since received another letter from them advising that I owe them £44.99 (19.99 for my apparent missed installation for December plus 25 administration fees). They've advised that in order to cancel my membership I need to pay £64.98 (the above plus a further 19.99 to cancel) which is absolutely ridiculous. Can they do this? I'm starting to get quite worried and anxious about it all! Any help would be much appreciated. Regards, Sarah.
  3. Hi, I'm hoping that someone can help me here. I have just been sorting through my Direct Debits and have realised that I have been paying a DD monthly to Dom and Gen for 4 years and I actually have no idea what for. I realise that I must have agreed to some kind of warranty cover with them initially, but I also know that I have no warranties on any of my appliances that are currently active so I have no need for this cover. I am utterly confused and crestfallen because I am absolutely meticulous about keeping records of all correspondence on these things, and have folders full of this type of info but I have no letter at all from Dom and Gen that suggest that the cover is ongoing or that an automatic renewal of the cover will be happening. In addition to this, the cover started at £6.34 per month in March 2009 and has increased in amount every year since then, they are now taking £9.30 from me! I have now cancelled the DD with my bank, but I really can't understand how it is OK for this to have happened. I am usually so careful with these things, but I tend to rely on correspondence that I get about these things to trigger my action, and I haven't received any. I read elsewhere on this site that companies MUST inform you of any change in the amount that your direct debit is, and this has definitely NOT happened, as it would have alerted me to the fact that the DD was active for no reason that I was aware of. I am really upset and feel badly taken advantage of. I know I should have noticed the DD was there, but I have a large number of DDs set up for various reasons and I must have just stopped questioning it because it's a relatively small amount and has been taken for so long. I'm really kicking myself, but surely there should have been some contact or correspondence from them? I'm going to write a letter to my bank and to D&G now, but any advice or support would be appreciated greatly. Thanks!
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